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Everything posted by BD

  1. Been thinking about this post. First thought was that it was a good idea. On further reflection, if the business people aren’t willing to fight for themselves, then why should others do it for them? The business people should be pounding on the mayor’s desk every day to resolve this water and road mess.
  2. Looks like it was a good show. I don't live in Boquete and have to ride public transportation or taxis. With the rain it didn't seem worth the trouble to go but now I kinda wish I had. You got more Panamanians on stage. Move in the right direction.
  3. Sounds like a horrible PR issue for Copa. I am of the opinion that drunk wannabe passengers should not be allowed to board, period. Has nothing to do with the fact that this case was a Copa pilot. Have you ever had to sit next to someone who is drunk? Ain't pleasant.
  4. Duh. What do you expect when Panama gets known as being the 25th most expensive city in the world? Decline in tourism is a natural and direct result of being too expensive to visit here (or in my case to live here). Where to go now is my problem.
  5. This presentation sounds like a boondoggle to me. A way to give a paid holiday to some NYPD people. What would someone from NYC know about the security issues here in our area? Totally different situation and different needs, and different perspective about security. I prefer that my tax dollars be better spent on something that will likely do some good for someone, hopefully to include me as well since I am the one paying. For instance, fix the social security contact points. I live in Panama, not Costa Rica where they don’t care about the US citizens who happen to live in Panama.
  6. This seems to be going in a bad direction. I live closer to David than Boquete, but if I lived there I am pretty sure I wouldn't put up with all of these new rules and regulations. In one way I can understand, but it seems like the demands of the buyer have gone off the scale. Separating different colored papers into separate stacks. Get serious. I'll just put my recyclables in the garbage.
  7. Something strikes me super strange here. Does a neighbor get to decide whether I have a dog or dogs, or not? What is the real story? Is this legal in Panama?
  8. I’m confused. When did BCP change its name? What is the W in WBCP?
  9. When I read Keith's comment I thought that he was wrong. But then rereading their advertisement says that he is right. These guys are confusing the public and loosing out on a good deal. Why even have a chili cook-off if the public is not involved? I'm writing this event off to bad management. Why even advertise this?
  10. Wow, how lucky US citizens are! To have only four hours each week in which to conduct government business with the staff at the US Embassy. ? Pathetic is an understatement.
  11. until

    P.S., the website that Kevin referred to — www.iop,global — seemed far too technical and focused on digital money for my liking.
  12. until

    I was trying to wrap my aging brain around this topic for this coming Tuesday, but not succeeding. Was considering going to this talk but since I live near David it is a hassle for me to go there. Ended up doing some internet research. Yes, I know the internet has a lot of crap, but I am pretty good at filtering out crap. I found one Guardian article that kinda helped me to begin to see the bigger picture. Learned that there are two domains of this “internet of” thinking: Internet of Things, and Internet of People. This talk by Kevin is on the second concept. You might want to review the Guardian article that I uncovered before going to BCP next Tuesday: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/may/25/forget-internet-of-things-people I am still thinking about whether I jump on a bus to go to listen. Not knowing how savvy Kevin is on this topic is part of my concern. For Kevin, I don’t mean that as an insult. I just don’t think of the majority of people in Panama — both Panamanian and guests — as being super sophisticated. The description says he is a “Chapter Leader” for the people group so hopefully he sees the bigger picture and the issues involved. For me thie biggest concern is over loss of privacy.
  13. Wait a minute. Maybe the Cubans were coming here to help fix the roads in Boquete since the locals don't seem to be able to do that.?
  14. Your subject is very misleading. It infers that you have no electricity. However, upon reading your post, it is the payment office (in Boquete?) that is down. You may want to be more careful in the future in choosing your words. I just paid my UF bill through the internet about 10 minutes ago, without problem.
  15. What do you mean by registering? What does registering do for you? I’ve been to and used their services before without having registered. I’ve just paid a fee, which is very low by US standards, and been taken well care of. So what are you talking about?
  16. They have a problem of keeping facts together. Is this dinner thing from 5:00 to 8:00, or 5:30 to 8:00, or 5:00 to 8:30, or what?????
  17. until

    Dear Linda, This is a very nice follow through on your High Tea. I rarely (other than for Amigos Animales) see something after the fact that talks about what amount was raised or accomplished from all of these fund raising activities. Yours is refreshingly transparent and specific. Thank you for taking the time to let the community know of your successes and accomplishments. One would have thought that the police department would have already had a stove, but then this is a country needing many things. Glad you folk are making a difference for the people who help protect us.
  18. A 19% gain in banking in two months is huge. What is the real story here? Is Panamá setting itself up — or being set up — for another Panamá Papers incident? Say, Panama Papers, Round Two?
  19. until

    Forgot to mention that there are two reviews of Casa Mexicana on this website. http://www.chiriqui.life/blogs/entry/327-la-casa-mexicana-david/ http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/8656-la-casa-mexicana/
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