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Everything posted by BD

  1. Oh, John, I do. It is the only game in town. And you know what? I get consistent service from Naturgy. It is consistently lousy. Up and down all the time. Last weekend my UPS for the computer was screaming that the incoming voltage was 132. ☹️ Seriously, it seems to me that there is no redundancy in the power distribution here. Nothing but tributaries. One link damaged and everything downstream goes down. Since there is no pruning of trees that are close to power lines, well you get what is obviously going to happen.
  2. Politics is alive and well all around the world. He who has the money has the power. He who has the power has the money. Oh well, back to my batido.
  3. Seems kinda anti rule of law for something that was supposedly violating the building codes to now be acceptable. What has changed, other than a new mayor?
  4. i don’t have an answer to your specific question, but am curious why you seek an international driver permit (IDP). I have traveled a lot and rented vehicles in many places. Not once has my home country driver license and passport not been successful in those rental transactions. I do understand about identity purposes of an IDP. So would you say why you seek an IDP? If not, that is okay. If in the US you get an IDP at AAA. You may want to read https://www.aaa.com/vacation/idpf.html. Also https://m.driving-tests.org/beginner-drivers/international-driving-permit/ has some valuable information.
  5. Not able to sleep tonight so went poking around the social media. Saw this post here about a hose repair job and got a smile 😊 because I see people helping people. Thanks for being nice.
  6. Not being critical but I think you meant to say that the explosion rendered the building uninhabitable.
  7. Wrong. It doesn’t show anywhere. Top, bottom, left, right, center, in between, upside down, or inside out. Are you saying I now have to go purchase a desktop computer to see something? Those TV guys are either a joke or incompetent. Get real.
  8. Is this a joke post? Can’t find anything relevant on that website. Nothing about any channel, much less the liaison channel mentioned.
  9. Pardon my ignorance, but not sure what "full spectrum" means. Are you saying the Cableonda equipment is out of bandwidth and can't support more users?
  10. Wow Keith. You sure are hard over on being positive about Panama government and the infrastructure. I never read anything you write that is even in the slightest negative about Panama. There are times when criticism is justified, in my opinion.
  11. No protests by Panamanians about how this is being handled? Why not open borders and let everyone in, including drug lords, human traffickers, sick and pregnant people, criminals and so forth?
  12. Interesting topic here that I wouldn’t have thought about much. As I boogey around I do see an occasional motorcycle, but mostly the bigger ones on the Interamerican road. Not many motorbikes, motorscooters, or smaller ones for scooting around in metropolitan areas. Yes some, but not many. My thought has been that it is because driving of anything in Panama is dangerous. To many people speeding. And the narrow roads with many in poor condition, not well maintained or bad design. Not to mention driving while intoxicated. I don’t own any vehicle here, but if I got something I would want a lot steel around me, not open air. Walking is healthier anyway. Buses cheap. Taxi is so so.
  13. Didja notice that none of the photos have a full front facial view of the bride? In fact the other women in the pictures at the wedding were absent a full front facial view. Also the bride’s name was not provided, with the only identifying information in the articles being that she is from Paso Canoas. It appears to me that her identity is being hidden, probably to deter problems regarding her safety at her home. Am I looney with this logic?
  14. Where do the indigenous shop for groceries and produce? I see them sometimes but only in small numbers in Romero and maybe Super Xtra. Never yet in El Rey (but then I don't go there often myself).
  15. Curious why you recommend that people contact you for such a business matter???? Are you wanting to be the beneficiary of my account? No way Jose.
  16. Not to forget, TIP - this is Panama. Things are not always logical or consistent. It could have been that the yellow paint was cheaper than the white paint that day, or perhaps that was all they had in inventory. Yes, I know I am being critical, but that has been my experiences so far while here.
  17. Not sure where to post this. Have you seen the new pictures at the top of this web sight! Don’t know when they were posted cause I just got back from some travel. Wow, gosh oh my golly. That Larry guy is one heck of a photographer, don’t ya think. I wonder if he could make me look good?
  18. I'm shocked that anyone would suggest that a politician or legislative body as a whole would do anything underhanded, such as passing tax laws for alternative purposes. Shame on you. (Written tongue in check, for those who don't get sarcasm.)
  19. Didja consider the possibility of both rather than or?
  20. From what I hear he is non-responsive to anything a gringo has to say because they can’t vote for him. He also claims that he is not responsible for this paving and plumbing mess.
  21. So it is adios señor — lo siento — if someone lives in Valle Escondido and happens to have a heart attack today?Talk about good planning!
  22. Good point. But even had they done that it didn’t work and they need a new plan. You may be right, but should they remain passive and go down the tubes?
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