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Everything posted by BD

  1. I've been laying low lately because some people didn't like my posts about Don Ray. Now I see this and I have to say that who wrote this doesn't check grammar, and must not live here. Look at "Anyone ... ARE ...". Look at how Chiriqui is spelled. Look at how Boquetena (actually it should be Boqueteña) is spelled.
  2. Don Ray is complaining on Chiriqui Chatter about being banned on this website. He was asked why, and he replied that it is something that probably only he would understand. I agree with Don Ray on that point. I don't understand what the problem is here. And so here is what I posted on Chiriqui Chatter this morning. "So you had to ask three times for CL to close your account. Sounds like slow response on the part of CL. However, I’m reminded of something my Dad taught me a very long time ago: Be careful of what you ask for because you just might get it. You asked three times for closure of your account on CL and you got it closed. What’s the problem here? Why is this even being discussed?" xoxo Below the dashed line is DR's full posting to answer a question by Alan Ross to say why he requested that his CL account be closed. I've bolded what are the most important sentences to my line of thinking in his long answer to a short question. My experiences in life tell me when there is a short question followed by a long answer then the guy answering is making excuses over covering up the real truth. Again I agree with DR: this only makes sense to him. When I looked at DR's profile here just now, it doesn't say banned. It says "Closed (Member Request)." And so I close, repeating my earlier question: What's the real problem here? ------ Don Ray November 24, 2015 at 2:05 pm Alan, I requested to have my membership removed and my profile removed. The reason probably only makes sense to me. Yesterday, the Embassy issued a Outreach notice. I posted it after correcting a mistake the Embassy had made in their email. I then posted my normal link to my Embassy post on FB and Chiriqui Life. Shortly thereafter, I received a notice from Chiriqui Life telling me that my post had been removed. When I went to Chiriqui Life, I saw that Bud had posted the Embassy’s email with errors still in the post. I replied that I always posted a link to my site and didn’t paste the message, because the Embassy often made mistakes and when that occurred, I only had to change he post in CC. That message on CL received a comment from Bud stating he had it handled. I then replied that he might want to correct the URLs in his post because they were wrong, He obviously changed the URLs and then replied with a cute remark saying something like “They are working spiffy here” and something about my needing help. Since he had made the change on his site, anyone coming that had not seen the erroneous post would think I did need help, because the new URLs worked. That convinced me to make the request to have my membership removed along with posts and profile. He chose to handle it differently. As I said, this probably only makes sense to me.
  3. until

    I wanted to hear the talk today at BPC theatre and so went there. Horrible mess in the parking lot. Some turkey with a white truck seems to think he owned the place and bloced the exit. What a mess. I saw Pennys comment about the rude people in the auditorium, but it does not get close to the safety and health issues related to this turkey. I hear one guy in the parking lot suggest we should just have it towed away. I kind of agree. People could only back out of the parking lot, which caused a real problem for everyone, plus those who are not good at backing up in tight situations.The parking guy Frank was doing the best he could with this mess. Here's the pic taken with my phone. You can see another car behind the truck starting its backup but then another car came in shortly after this photo was taken and things got dicey.
  4. In general, I would agree that bantering can be both entertaining and an indicator of a "vibrant and successful forum". However, bantering to excess, or about a losing situation can be a sign of bad judgment, teasing, and possibly even ridicule. Just my thoughts.
  5. Interesting twist in this odyssey known as Boquete.Ning. I was on Ning earlier today and saw an interesting posting by the head guy at Planet Telecom - Dave something or other. I suspect that Ning will both banish him to the hinterlands and also delete his posting. He can then proudly wear one of Fran's logos (or are they called icons). Oh well, enough for my ignorance. So as to capture for perpetuity what Dave wrote on Ning this morning. I did a screen capture. Wouldn't it be nice if all of Ning's sponsors jump ship! I'm wondering why they are still there. Here is Dave's post:
  6. I don't understand why there are so many people complaining about getting dumped from Ning. You should thank them for eliminating pestilence from your lives. From what I see, Ning is is a classic dinosaur who doesn't know it is heading for extinction. I no longer go there to read the content. Please folks, move onward and upward, not backwards.
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