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Blog Entries posted by Marcelyn

  1. Marcelyn
    Not long ago an acquaintance (maybe I should call him a “real character”) came to visit us. He needed a haircut...did he ever! But he claimed he didn’t have time or the opportunity for this. Too many other activities like Jazz Festival, Tree Trek, food to try, practice his Spanish, etc.
    Then one day after his spending the day touring around the Boquete area, I noticed his hair was neatly trimmed. Where? was my question. Bert explained he had asked friendly Panamanians standing near Romero’s. They told about a favorite shop close to the Melo store and across the street from Dr. Gómez. Of course Bert had to try this place. Said it was the kind of business he liked to explore and make new friends. Called it educational and the right price.
    Later I discovered this is Lasso Barber Shop. Mr. Lasso is a gentle and very polite man. I think he has been part of the Boquete culture forever.
    Now Bert is continuing his world travel adventures in other places, making friends, and learning. He probably could need another haircut. Maybe tomorrow or perhaps next week or?
    What a great guy! That comment applies to both Bert and Sr Lasso. They are both winners.
  2. Marcelyn
    One of my favorite items that I brought to Panama from US is a large 1920s vintage Asian wall clock. I purchased it from a surplus store many years ago. “This clock hung in the office of the Hong Kong harbormaster” was the story told by the sales clerk. 
    This favorite item has hung on my kitchen wall here in Boquete for several years. Recently the clock stopped working. A friend told me about a repair shop in David, so yesterday off we went to David with my clock nestled in the back seat of our vehicle. 
    Found the repair place near the main park. Couldn’t be certain we understood the very rapid Spanish of the man behind the counter. And here is the good part....another customer in the store (young Asian fella about 18-20 years old) introduced himself as Ricky and offered translation help. We were in the watch repair store. The manager’s father, Erik Marquez, repairs clocks. His location is on the corner across the street from Global Bank and Canal Bank and a few blocks further.
    Our new found friend, Ricky, escorted us along the crowded sidewalks to Mr. Marquez’s store and stayed with us to help with translations.
    Sometime in its past history the clock mechanism was changed from wind-up to battery operation. Moisture and corrosion was the problem with my clock now. An hour later we left the clock shop with a working clock and big smiles on our faces. Cost was $15.00
    Another experience with very friendly and helpful Panamanians. They had no idea who we were, but both Ricky and Mr. Marquez were incredibly helpful and friendly.
  3. Marcelyn
    Big excitement this morning. Bud was attending his ROMEO meeting when I heard a warning bark from Anouk. Before passing through the front door, I grabbed a heavy walking stick. Expected but didn’t see anyone inside the yard and both gates were closed.
    Anouk started digging in the flowers next to the house. I used my walking stick to separate plants and spotted a two foot+ long coral snake (deadly type). Kept striking it with my big stick, but couldn’t get leverage in the soft ground.
    As the snake was slithering through the flowers, I dashed back into the house for a spray bottle of ammonia (cheap but effective defensive weapon). Using the spray I managed to guide or force the snake up against the hard surface side of the house so I could smash the critter.
    Even with Anouk’s help of barking and digging in the dirt, took me more than 15 minutes to kill this deadly thing. My concern is that snakes don’t usually live or travel alone. Reckon we should stay alert!
  4. Marcelyn
    Several weeks ago I purchased a purse from an indigenous lady at the BCP Market. Just the right size and color and I used it daily. Last week I was in a hurry, forced and broke the zipper.
    Tuesday I took the purse back to this family and asked if a replacement zipper could be installed. No problem and the lady would not accept any payment. I was so happy with the results and impressed with her “no charge” that I purchased a small purse as a gift for a friend.
    As I’ve thought more about this experience, I remember three friends in the US who would enjoy a hand-made purse from Panama, so next Tuesday, I’m going back to the indigenous lady’s booth at the Market and buy more purses as gifts for friends. 😊😊😊
  5. Marcelyn
    January is my birth month and 2019 is when I had to renew my Panamanian drivers license. Visited a lab here in Boquete for blood test. Then two days later, with blood result information in hand, went to doctor office for a physical exam and memory test. (At my age this exam has to be done by an internalist or gerontologist). Dra Díaz issued the “results” letter which I took to the licensing office the following day. (Glucose and blood pressure reading seem to be the primary criteria for consideration for license.) Also remembered to take copy of my cedula — instead of paying 10 cents for a copy at licensing office).
    The staff at the ATTT (Transito Y Transporte) office which is located in Chiriqui Mall (near PriceSmart) was polite and efficient. All instructions were in Spanish. I had to ask one female employee to repeat her information because I couldn’t be sure I had understood her very rapid Spanish!
    Passed all hearing and visual tests. Process was completed and license issued in less than 20 minutes from time we entered the building. With my jubilado discount, the cost was $16.00. 
    A happy experience.
  6. Marcelyn
    A new experience at Tocumen last week. My one bag was stopped by a determined Custom inspector who asked me three times what food I had. Tried to assure “no food,” but she directed me to the inspection station where I had to open my luggage. Took her about two minutes to locate my bottle of water and a handful of candy mints I had dropped into the side pocket.
    The interesting part of this experience was my 50 minute delay caused by the lady in front of me. She had three suitcases all wrapped in plastic. The inspector used scissors and removed the plastic covering and proceeded to remove various items from the woman’s bags. Two rolls of sausage (about five pounds each), several bottles of wine (I think six total), and various types of snack foods...looked like crackers and dips.
    The inspector kept all the food. Needless to say, the bags were now pretty empty and the owner didn’t look happy. We wondered if this woman was headed to a party or had just cleaned all remaining food from a festival gathering!
  7. Marcelyn
    Heard about this piece of life philosophy?
    A few weeks ago Bud and I were almost ready to travel to Panama City by car the next morning.
    First we had dinner with friends at a local restaurant in Boquete. Then we stopped by the Delta Station to fill up with diesel and have air pressure in the tires checked. To our big surprise the attendant found a nail in one of the tires. What to do! Maybe not a good idea to start the several hours drive to PC with a damaged tire. So off to the old Texaco station. When we arrived, there was one worker who was busy removing wheels and mounting five new tires for a truck. 
    We explained our situation and the worker said we could wait if we wanted, but he would be busy for at least another hour. Didn’t have much choice, so we decided to wait.
    Now it was after 7:00pm and dark. The worker couldn’t see to mount the new tires on the fella’s truck. Bud grabbed two flashlights from our vehicle and held them for the worker. Took him many minutes, but when finished, the worker said he was tired and it was late, but since Bud had helped by providing the light, he would look at our tire with the nail.
    Good News was the nail had a short stem and had not caused damage, thanks to heavy tread of the almost new tire. Pressure still OK. Worker removed the nail, replaced our tire and we headed for home.
    Now I know that Pay Forward philosophy works!
  8. Marcelyn
    Visited our secondary (back-up) bank yesterday. Surprised to learn this bank does not have beneficiaries for an account. However, the more important surprise came when we were told our book of blank checks were not valid and if we issued a check, the bank would not honor (cash) it.
    What to do? Order the current version of blank checks.
    P.S.  We talked to a gringo couple later in the day and explained our experience at the bank. Their story is when they returned to Panama after a long stay in the US, they wrote a check on “outdated blank check form” which the bank refused and then charged  no-funds fee against their account. Yes, they had money in their account, but their check was not honored.
    Their question to the bank personnel:  When were you going to tell us the bank had a new form for their checks?
    Just a suggestion.......checked with your bank recently?
  9. Marcelyn
    Did you attend the recent Rodeo at the Fairgrounds?
    The interest in Rodeo happenings in many parts of the world peaked my interest about horses.
    Ever hear of “The Pony Express”? This organization operated for less than two (2) years, made 400 runs, but became a legend in American history. During the 1800’s The Pony Express was a communication system that moved information (today’s internet, television, etc.) but was powered by horses.
    Now we witness these animals in a rodeo setting in Chiriqui where we see barrel racing, calf roping and other such activities. The method of the horse has changed during the last 100 years but I believe they are still used as a communication tool, just a different method for sharing information.
  10. Marcelyn
    Yesterday we wandered into Mercado Boquete (across the street from Romero grocery store). Why? Because I was seeking eggplant (berenjena) to make moussaka. Now I had searched for this purple vegetable in several different stores locally and in David. No luck.
    In The Mercado I encountered mostly Panamanians, some folks were shopping and several were just talking with friends. And then at the fourth stall there was this wonderful lady selling my sought after eggplant or berenjena. I think my pronunciation of berenjena was far from accurate, but this polite and helpful Panamanian saleslady understood. She even responded back in English. Bless her!
    So today I begin my cooking chores to prepare moussaka after my pleasant experience at The Mercado Boquete.
  11. Marcelyn
    A friend and I were enjoying a before dinner conversation last week when she inquired about who was listed as beneficiary on our bank account. I answered with certain names of people. And she said “are you sure, really sure?” Then she told me a scary tale. (This is a smart, clear thinking woman.) Recently when this couple visited their local bank and inquired about who was listed as beneficiary on their account, they were told two names of people they didn’t even know!
    So yesterday Bud and I went to our primary bank to check our account status. You guessed it. One listed beneficiary is deceased and another was someone that we don’t want near our financial matters. This bank charges $112 for a new beneficiary form but we agreed to pay — without a smile — because we wanted an immediate correction of this information. Decided not to delay this process while considering opening an account at a different bank. We also will be checking our secondary bank account in the next few days.
    How does this happen where names of people you don’t even know appear as benefactors on your personal bank account?
    Also learned that Bud is the “owner” of the account. Yes, I have check writing authority, but am not the owner, so settlement/change of ownership would eventually require probate thru Panamanian court system if there is no designated beneficiary.
    Note: My action item is every month check the paperwork data at the bank.
    Are you confident your bank account documentation is as you want it to be?
  12. Marcelyn
    Last week we were invited to a friend’s house to enjoy the view from their balcony and watch the hummingbirds. What a treat to see clouds racing across the sky and thinking this is the top of the world.
    Started wondering about these tiny birds with a lifespan of 3 to 5 years, measure about 3 inches in length, and have a heartbeat of 200 times a minute. I see them around our house getting nectar from colorful flowers using their long narrow bills and tongue. Their tongues are groved like the shape of a “W” with tiny hairs that help lap up nectar—-similar to a cat’s tongue.
    There are more than 300 species of hummingbirds and are found only in the Western Hemisphere from Alaska to Chile. Most live in the tropics. And yes, they migrate alone, not in a flock. Have no sense of smell, but can hear better than humans.
    Now that name hummingbird comes from flapping their wings so fast (720 to 5400 times per minute when hovering) that they make a humming noise.The average flying speed is 30 miles an hour but they can travel as fast as 60 miles an hour. They almost never stop moving. Legs are so small and weak they typically can’t walk at all and use their feet for perching.
    Hummers are the only birds that can fly up, down, sideways, backwards and forward like a helicopter. They can even fly upside down.
    And Now I Know.....a bit more about the birds of Chiriqui.
    Below are two stock photos of hummingbirds. We find them difficult to photograph.

  13. Marcelyn
    Dra. Chely is amazing.
    This was the day for Anouk’s check-up which included worming pills and rabies shot. Dra. Chely inspected Anouk’s ears and did a thorough exam of our dog’s teeth and mouth condition. All good news now, but Dra. Chely pointed to enamel lost because of bad diet fed by Anouk’s earlier owners. (Remember Anouk is a rescue dog.)
    Fur condition outstanding — shines. Dra. Chely asked what dog food we are feeding Anouk and gave immediate approval of our selection. Should mention she said “no treats” because Anouk is overweight and cautioned this is bad for her heart. Longer walks needed!
    Except for a weight problem (my fault because I am the “food lady”), Anouk’s heart, lungs, feet, etc., are in excellent condition. 
    Dra. Chely kissed our dog, gave her a hug and said to me “Anouk has a good home now”.
    Everyone happy and home we go.
  14. Marcelyn
    Gurrr........another day with electricity outage. Again, home laundry is not happening. So I discovered a nice full service laundry guy located behind Boquete police station. This place does a fast turn around of wash/dry and fold at a reasonable price. He only does wash and dry — no ironing, dry cleaning, etc.
    Happy clean day at our house.?
  15. Marcelyn
    Some people say that Boquete is the land of rainbows.
    I started to wonder:  Where do rainbows come from? Why different colors in a rainbow?
    Mr. Google tells me the sun makes rainbows when white sunlight passes through raindrops. These raindrops are little prisms that bend different colors in the white light and droplets will separate into colors.
    And now I know that violet will be the color on the bottom of a rainbow and red color on top. Have to go “rainbow hunting” to check those colors!
  16. Marcelyn
    Last month Bud broke a tooth. A chunk just fell away. He wasn’t eating anything hard or difficult to chew, but a big part of that tooth was missing. This was a major and unexpected happening plus scary. A new problem and no dental experience in Boquete. What a blow!
    Using the Health Care Resources for Chiriqui Province maintained by CL moderators Doug and Jo, I called Dra. Monica Sanjur. Told her Bud was in pain and requested an emergency appointment. (She is located in new building not far from the Library.)
    Dra. Sanjur inspected Bud’s tooth within a few minutes after we arrived at her office. Took an x-ray and there was discussion about a root canal. More inspection and Dra. Sanjur checking on the condition of the remaining part of the tooth. Decision was for a crown. All measurements taken by the dentist and technician then sent to Panama City for preparing of this device.
    End result is “feels great, no pain” “Dra. Sanjur did a wonderful job”.
    And Now I Know about dentistry in Boquete.
  17. Marcelyn
    A short time ago I ordered jeans from an internet source. Quality was not very good. They were cheap; about half the price of what I could find elsewhere. Yes, once upon a time my mother told me “you get what you pay for”. 
    The color was O.K. The real concern was the length of the pant legs. They were seven (7) inches too long. Now that would be a heck of a roll-up cuff! What to do. I had paid for them; spent money to ship them here, and they were cheap.
    Off I went to downtown Boquete looking for someone with a sewing machine. Found him in his shop on the NE corner across the street from Farmacia Revilla. I had marked the desired length correction with big safety pens so not much Spanish conversation was needed.
    I’m hoping for a happy outcome and will probably never learn who or what was the model used by the manufacturer to make these jeans. But at least I know about the man with a sewing machine in downtown Boquete.
    His name is Domingo.
  18. Marcelyn
    Yes, I agree with recent weather reports, it is cold. But Anouk, our Husky, is enjoying the local lower temperatures. Her sleeping habits have changed. For instance during the day she snoozes on our driveway amid gusty winds but apparently getting as much sun as possible, and only sleeps in her house at night.
    I laugh every time I notice her latest sleeping position of being on her back with legs poked upward. Must be comfortable for her because it seems to be one of her favorite sleeping positions. Too funny, but not very ladylike. ? 

  19. Marcelyn
    Took Anouk for her physical check-up with Dra. Chely this morning. Remember when we accepted this beautiful Husky about one plus years ago, this rescue dog had some health issues including raw ears devoid of hair because of flea infestation. So bad that Dra. Chely was fearful the hair would never grow back! With the application of medicine and a lot of work on our part Anouk now has clean and "hairy" ears. Per Dra. Chely's instructions we bathed Anouk's feet daily in white vinegar and water to get rid of fungus and of course there was a problem with poor fur (matty and bad smelling).
    This morning Anouk got an A+ in all areas including her clean teeth. We give her a raw bone (preferably tan bone, pig) once a week plus dry dog food with a small amount of canned wet food morning and night. "0nly egg white" per Dra. Chely "not the egg yolk" is included at breakfast. Anouk enjoys chewing on a Nyla bone on a regular basis. "Excellent mouth, no dog breath" per the vet.
    Will admit that Anouk could lose a few pounds. Guess that means more walks and my throwing the ball for her to chase more times.
    Reckon I better get busy....rain or sunshine ?.
    She really is a beautiful dog and a major addition to our family.

  20. Marcelyn
    As a dog owner, one of the "duties as needed" that comes my way is Yard Poop Cleaner. Doesn't take a lot of time and requires minimum training. These were the selling points to me.
    So here I am at my job last week when I walked right by a brown leaf...or so I thought. Circled back and took a closer look. No way! This was a cane toad in my backyard. The second instance of finding one of these critters on our property. I rushed to the kitchen. Searching for a weapon, I grabbed my spray bottle of bleach and returned to the toad area. Sprayed this creature several times as he jumped away from "my mighty weapon". Of course Anouk was trying to help my efforts with her jumping and barking.
    I could see my bleach wasn't working, so with my almost OK arm (earlier broken in a skiing accident), I lifted a sizable potted plant in container and dropped it onto the toad. 
    Now the rest of the story. After various suggestions and long consideration, the contractor is here today beginning the installation of wire mesh along the bottom section of our fence line. Hopefully this will keep out toads and any snakes that wander our way.
  21. Marcelyn
    When I was a young girl my mother would tell me that the older you get the faster time flies. I would laugh because I was too young to understand. Boy, do I now know what she meant. And I agree........time does seem to go faster as you get older.
    Anouk has been with us "and been our dog" for one year this month. Took her to the Animalis spay/neuter clinic, visit to Dra. Chely for check-up and shots, and of course a bath and trim. Then there was the dog obedience training. She has "settled in" and become our favorite (and only) dog. Even the neighbor cats (all seven of them) who arrive at our kitchen door for breakfast, lunch, and dinner plus snacks are her friends.
    With Anouk's long hair I need to brush her frequently. Takes a lot of my time and she really enjoys it. Probably more than sleeping in her new house.
    It's been a good, maybe even great year!
    My big scare yesterday was when I found a cane toad (wow, a big one) in our yard. I know these   are poisonous. My question is what should I do to protect Anouk. I will take her to the vet of course, but how can I give first-aid immediately if she gets into a disagreement with this creature? All available information I found was several years old and I want current instructions.
    Need help, please.
  22. Marcelyn
    Anouk and I are glad The Big Bang time during the recent holidays is finally over. Just noise. To me fireworks mean rockets shot skyward and the explosion of colored star designs high above the roof tops. Pretty to watch.....not just noise that frightens animals and interrupts conversations.
    Maybe next year we could have a fireworks display in a nearby field and invite everyone in the community.  I know Anouk would be happier. Me too.
  23. Marcelyn
    What did you do with Anouk and who is this dog?
    A scare this morning. We took our two year old Husky to The Dog Spot for a bath and almost didn't recognize the dog Roberto brought out to us from the back room. Darker fur and several inches smaller. Oh no--what happened? Then Roberto showed us the fur he had combed from Anouk. I think it would be sufficient to stuff a small pillow. And her last bath was less than a month ago.
    She looked great and I believe our car seemed to handle better with the less weight of all that fur.
    Anouk really is a beautiful dog.
    P. S.  Anouk is wearing her new dog tag. The one we purchased at Mr. Dog; the  "I was Rescued" tag with her name and telephone on the reverse.
  24. Marcelyn
    I stumbled into the kitchen this morning (early, at least for me) and immediately noticed a coffee tree in the finca next door was shaking. Must be an earthquake was my first thought. But then on a closer look none of the other coffee trees were moving. Just one tree was dancing violently from its top to its roots.
    Better check on this, so even before having my first cup of coffee, off I trotted across the patio toward that special tree.
    As I rounded the corner, there stood Anouk with a puzzled look on her face. Thought her brow was wrinkled. She was not quite sure what was going on. Not a sound except leaves rubbing together. As I moved closer to the mystery tree, I could see a small dark spot among the leaves toward the tree top. Then another dark coloring was moving in among the branches.
    Now I could spot two kittens in the tree. Having fun maybe. Then mamma cat came toward me. Seemed worried about those little ones. What was a protective mamma cat to do?
    I hurried back to the kitchen and prepared "a big cat breakfast". Sounded my usual food call and suddenly there were two kittens (looking a little rumpled) but very hungry waiting at the kitchen door.
    Guess "All's Well that Ends Well".
    Now where's my coffee?
  25. Marcelyn
    Finally found Anouk's portable castle at the Melo Pet Terronal store (on the InterAmerican Highway next door to Pio Pio, across from the Hyundai dealer) in David. Many units to chose from....from small to very large. Not cheap but more reasonable prices than other stores we have visited. Helpful staff and knowledgeable about their products. Clean store.
    Now for the surprise -- Anouk likes her house. She enters and stays inside on her own. I'm holding my breath to see what will happen when and if the cats decide to move into Anouk's new quarters. Might be a noisy encounter.
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