Changes for safety reasons
As a dog owner, one of the "duties as needed" that comes my way is Yard Poop Cleaner. Doesn't take a lot of time and requires minimum training. These were the selling points to me.
So here I am at my job last week when I walked right by a brown leaf...or so I thought. Circled back and took a closer look. No way! This was a cane toad in my backyard. The second instance of finding one of these critters on our property. I rushed to the kitchen. Searching for a weapon, I grabbed my spray bottle of bleach and returned to the toad area. Sprayed this creature several times as he jumped away from "my mighty weapon". Of course Anouk was trying to help my efforts with her jumping and barking.
I could see my bleach wasn't working, so with my almost OK arm (earlier broken in a skiing accident), I lifted a sizable potted plant in container and dropped it onto the toad.
Now the rest of the story. After various suggestions and long consideration, the contractor is here today beginning the installation of wire mesh along the bottom section of our fence line. Hopefully this will keep out toads and any snakes that wander our way.
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