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Anouk After One Year



When I was a young girl my mother would tell me that the older you get the faster time flies. I would laugh because I was too young to understand. Boy, do I now know what she meant. And I agree........time does seem to go faster as you get older.

Anouk has been with us "and been our dog" for one year this month. Took her to the Animalis spay/neuter clinic, visit to Dra. Chely for check-up and shots, and of course a bath and trim. Then there was the dog obedience training. She has "settled in" and become our favorite (and only) dog. Even the neighbor cats (all seven of them) who arrive at our kitchen door for breakfast, lunch, and dinner plus snacks are her friends.

With Anouk's long hair I need to brush her frequently. Takes a lot of my time and she really enjoys it. Probably more than sleeping in her new house.

It's been a good, maybe even great year!

My big scare yesterday was when I found a cane toad (wow, a big one) in our yard. I know these   are poisonous. My question is what should I do to protect Anouk. I will take her to the vet of course, but how can I give first-aid immediately if she gets into a disagreement with this creature? All available information I found was several years old and I want current instructions.

Need help, please.


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Just FYI .   Activated charcoal will permanently stain material.  We use it in the E.R. for poisoning and patients sometimes would spit it out everywhere. .  Some of my  uniforms and as well the divider curtains had permanent grey spots on them as a result .  

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If I recall correctly, there's no way a toad could enter your property via the fence. So he must have come in through the bars on a gate. Buy some fine mesh screen (metal or plastic) and affix it to the bottom of the gates. I just use twist ties.

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Thanks Alison.

Bonnie, I'll try your idea with the mesh screen.    P.S. The toad was so big,  I'm wondering if he opened the gate himself! (Just being silly).

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