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Everything posted by JudyS

  1. Maybe they could turn it into a parking garage with elevators to lift the cars to various levels. I saw one of those in San Antonio, TX.
  2. http://www.speedtest.net/ To reboot your cable modem, you also have to remove the battery so it goes completely dead. Then put the battery back in and plug in the power cord.
  3. Dottie, what scientific studies are you talking about? Can you give some links to these? I would like to know if these studies are real or junk science, peer reviewed and reproducible or just opinions. Some evidence please. By the way, Dr. Mercola is a major profiteer in the health care field, identifying maladies then selling his own products to cure them.
  4. There is a great wildlife sanctuary and turtle rescue organization in Punta Burica. http://www.tigresalvaje.com/
  5. JudyS

    Stinging SilkMouth Caterpillar

    OMG! Why would anybody even think of touching that?
  6. Well said Bonnie! You just can't argue with people who think their personal opinions are better than scientific evidence, especially if they negate the validity of the evidence.
  7. I have received flu vaccines and had no ill effect. I have also had the flu in years when I didn't get the vaccine , a disease I never want to get again. It's terrible. So far the scientific studies (you all know what those are, the ones with provable evidence) have debunked all the misinformation and alarms from the anti-vaxxers, who are even telling people not to vaccinate their dogs and cats. I wonder how they will feel when they watch their pets die of distemper.
  8. They are probably sending Pence out of the country in case Trump starts a nuclear war with North Korea. The U.S. needs a designated survivor.
  9. Gago does not sell to the public. I think that sign means they buy vegetables from farmers, not that they sell them. Casa de Jamon is a retail store. They do not sell vegetables. It is confusing. Check out the Chinese grocery store in Alto Dorado across the street. They have greatly improved their stock, including adding hydroponic lettuce and other vegetables.
  10. Supermarkets in the U.S. all have bins for recycling your plastic bags. I've never seen such bins here. Now our one recycling center has disappeared, and who knows when and if it will re-open. When REAL Boquete was operating next to Ana's Sweets, school kids were being taught about recycling. It was a good start, now probably a dead project. Twin Wolf is right, creating responsible consumers is the way to go. I'm always happy when a cruise ship passenger, who observes the ship dumping waste into the ocean, reports it and the ship gets fined. Not much of an impact, but better than nothing. Getting 7 billion people to care is a big job.
  11. Price Smart sells many types of plastic bags, including boxes of the type used to pack groceries. The Chinese grocery stores all sell them too, of various sizes and colors.
  12. Nobody gets vitamins from a doctor by prescription. How could we possibly comply with the requirement to show that, when it doesn't exist?
  13. Since when did Baru become an "active volcano"? Head for the hills everyone! (Other hills, not ours). I think Baru is considered to be dormant, a volcano I with possibilities.
  14. That is as big a mystery as why they confiscate an empty water bottle. No other airport anywhere does that as far as I know. I will be on the alert for passengers packing scotch tape and report them immediately. We must be safe!
  15. Oh darn - I read that as "live clams" and got all set to have some steamers.
  16. They ought to tie fireworks to the people who did this. I didn't watch the video, couldn't do it.
  17. Margie is my neighbor. She is definitely a local person, a recently arrived expat with a lot of energy for various projects, including this one. Don't let the cynics get you down Margie.
  18. More feedback: The way these icons are set up, if you don't want anything to do with them, they are easy to ignore. If you want to keep them, let those who think they're useful click on them. The rest of us can ignore them. They are not obtrusive, just sitting quietly over there on the right side of the page.
  19. I guess I don't get it. Where is the conflict? I see a difference of opinion about a one-way street, which was resolved with photos. How was Jim on Keith's case? What were "several members complaining about"? It looks like there was some sarcasm from both parties.
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