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Everything posted by JudyS

  1. Thanks for that. Now I won't worry when my cat nibbles on the spider plant.
  2. Thanks Penny. I did wonder if that was a can of worms that shouldn't be opened. You confirmed it.
  3. I have learned recently that if you have a Panamanian corporation and have nothing in it but your house, no bank account or financial activity, you still have to file a Panamanian income tax form. Apparently you can't do it yourself. It has to be done by a Panamanian CPA. Does anybody know about this? The person who told me discovered this requirement when they were working on the documents needed to sell their house. Does anybody know a Panamanian CPA? It cannot be done by an attorney (unless the attorney is also a CPA).
  4. I did contact Jose, and he said the same thing. Thanks.
  5. Mistake - they are on the left side as you're going up the hill. Or the other right as Keith said.
  6. Check the group of condos on the right side of Volcancito road as you are going up the hill. Some of these are for rent.
  7. A friend who is moving here thinks she must have her residency (pensionado, or other) to bring in her cats. Don't people come here with pets prior to getting their residency? I know I did, but that was so long ago, things might have changed. Has anybody moved here recently with pets and without their residency visa? I don't remember being asked for anything but a passport and the papers required for the cats.
  8. My Citibank United Mileage Visa does not charge a foreign exchange fee for charges made in Panama. It did do that when I was in Africa, a fee to convert rands to dollars. But it doesn't charge a fee when dollars are used (as in Panama).
  9. Bonnie, I still have the original News mailing, and it did have an icon where the picture should have been. I did not see the picture on FB.
  10. I did not see the dog on FB, since I don't use that. I'm pretty sure I did see it originally on News Boquete which now shows only a square where the picture should be. Oh well, it's a mystery. Doggone! - did nobody see my post that the dog escaped and disappeared?
  11. The dog escaped from the yard. Hopefully he's on his way home.
  12. I don't read the ones I have no interest in.
  13. I wrote to the poster using the address on the News Boquete post. Hopefully the picture will get re-posted here.
  14. There was a picture on the News Boquete posting I received. I went back to copy and past it here, but it's not showing up. It was a little brown dog, looked like an adult, not a puppy. Perhaps the poster could post it again.
  15. Is this a current picture of the new bridge? It doesn't look any higher above the river than the two that washed away. Is the photo just deceptive?
  16. From the title of the post I thought this was going to address the months that Boquete streets have been covered with mud. Oh well, recycling is a good clean-up project too. I think the recycling consciousness of Boquete is already raised, starting as early as when the recycle center was next to Ana's Sweets and school kids were being educated about it. The problem isn't lack of consciousness. It's lack of a place to put all the stuff we save from the trash. Yes, please tell us what transpired at the first meeting.
  17. Does Florida have oil refineries, chemical plants, and a large number of toxic superfund sites, now damaged and spreading toxins everywhere the water was? I don't think the media has even begun to uncover the extent of the damage. Plays up? Hardly.
  18. This was so moving, I had to share it. Scroll down to Photos. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/animalia/wp/2017/08/31/how-the-chaos-of-hurricane-katrina-helped-save-pets-from-flooding-in-texas/?utm_term=.3cd7d65c7bfc
  19. Google Translate says cajons are drawers. You are selling drawers?
  20. Did you suggest this to the mayor? That would be a start.
  21. They take whatever they have a buyer for. That changes, so that's why they stop taking certain things, then start taking them again.
  22. Thank you for the excellent information Jo. One other thing to look at, if you can see the equipment, is if there is a calibration sticker on it. Check the dates. I once looked at one on a mammography machine a few years ago. It did have a sticker, but it was dated 1996 and done in Miami. They obviously got the machine used from Miami, but I wonder if they ever calibrated it themselves. I have always wondered what kind of quality control, if any, they do here on their equipment.
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