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Keith Woolford

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Everything posted by Keith Woolford

  1. thanks for the update Deborah. Please forward best wishes for a speedy exit and a quick recovery. Hope this wasn't caused by the excitement of joining chiriqui.life
  2. Riot Police were called in yesterday to clear the highway. At least 22 drivers were arrested for refusing to move vehicles.
  3. The hijacking of announcements is the reason why I use the Classified section and requested that no responses be permitted to advertisements placed there.
  4. We stopped at Retrogusto on Sunday and had a look at the posted menu. The food and service may be terrific there but unfortunately $35 pp is way out of my league. We continue to think the Fish House consistently provides very tasty fare at good prices. They will give a discount if asked.
  5. https://twitter.com/chiriquinotici1/status/699377624527867904 Transportistas de Carga en Chiriqui cierran la interamericana en el cruce de Gualaca; sólo pasan autos pequeños. pic.twitter.com/gjoXrvnIUS
  6. Although I applaud and support the work of a Rescue and Adoption group, I'm not sure I want to support what amounts to be expensive elective surgery. It's my choice of course, not to contribute if I feel there are higher priorities in the community. Also, I don't understand the "darlings" connotation.
  7. Not that I understand it, but here's your answer. http://boquete.ning.com/forum/topics/the-truth-regarding-cl-post?xg_source=activity
  8. A good article about the perceived impact of expat retirees in Cuenca, Ecuador. Parallels to Boquete. http://www.cuencahighlife.com/gringo-impact-cuenca-problem/
  9. Speaking of Valentine's Day, this photo essay was in today's LaPrensa http://www.prensa.com/fotogalerias/Flores-exportar-Cerro-Punta_5_4414858475.html#!photo=1
  10. If I am not mistaken this is some minor socialism at work. Those with means are paying a bit into a fund so that minimal users can be subsidized. https://www.presidencia.gob.pa/Noticias/Gabinete-aprueba-la-creacion-del-Fondo-Tarifario-de-Occidente-y-la-estabilizacion-de-tarifas-electricas
  11. We live in the only coffee producing part of the country, which is pretty small. After servicing the domestic market, how much could there really be available for export?
  12. There are 25 hectares burning somewhere up on Baru. Hard to see a lot of the volcano because of bajareque.
  13. Perhaps a link is perceived between News Boquete and CL because the News Boquete reports are posted here. Just guessing ..other people's actions or decisions are often difficult to understand. The new direction of .ning seems to be focused on providing information assembled in a more organized fashion. However, the info. is being provided by one individual only and any questioning of it's validity is discouraged. It's unfortunate that years of accumulated knowledge is unused. It would have have been my goal to try to re-reference existing information bu that didn't happen y es lo que es.
  14. Personally, I don't see how someone who doesn't want anything to do with an organization feels entitled to be so vociferously critical of it.
  15. Far more drama has surrounded the managing of BCP over the years than has been produced on the stage there.
  16. There are most likely other issues 'at play' here which we're not aware of. My point is that when we don't participate and leave the management of community organizations to others, we need to be prepared to accept their decisions. Using terms like 'idiot, ignorant, and cowardly" probably isn't the best way to bring about change, either.
  17. All of these things are easy to change by joining the BCP executive or turning out to their meetings. I don't but then again, I'm not bitching, either.
  18. I very seldom comment on Newsroom Panama but today I complained to the editor about the photo which accompanied this article. It's insensitive and counter productive to tourism in Panama to anyone who recognizes the subjects, the young women from Holland who perished here.
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