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Keith Woolford

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Everything posted by Keith Woolford

  1. The Truth is that any involvement I had with boquete.ning is my business and the person(s) I had it with, not yours, or that of anyone else. The Truth is that I have not discussed any of the controversies or personalities involved with .ning publicly, nor will I. The Truth is that it's difficult to believe that this is the only subject some people can find to deal with at a time when there are far more serious issues facing their communities.
  2. I like my Bocelli with a lady. This is española Marta Sánchez. http://youtu.be/cFQ5p9-OMCs
  3. http://select-pedia.com/tutos/2015/07/how-to-clear-the-cache-on-kodi-genesis-and-iptv-stalker-stops-buffering/ not saying this is your problem but it might be worth checking out
  4. Yes, i'm aware it's an interface and I'm not sure what box IPTV is using, but it does contain a processor with a memory cache. To the best of my knowledge, the IPTV platform is KODI which I recently installed on a Fire TV box. I am not very familiar with it yet, but have noticed apps with tools which mention 'clearing the cache'. Here's what Google turned up.
  5. You're not alone, Bonnie Barbie's also been canned
  6. No problem, it was a response to a statement by Alison and had a red flag. Perhaps she removed the statement and the response went with it.
  7. What if you're the victim of a 'bum rep'? My post disappeared.
  8. Thanks Alison. We will be continuing with communications to high ranking officials and media.
  9. Alison, was there any confirmation or denial by Officials of the release back into the community of the juvenile offenders who were involved in the Potrerillos crimes?
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