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Everything posted by Marcelyn

  1. Yeah! I agree with the CCIAP. Certainly hope they push their opinion re no increase in electricity rates.
  2. It saddens me to read/hear sordid descriptions, predominantly on other social media, of what happened to this women before and after her death. Where do these know it all people get their information of all the minute details of who did what and when, how many people involved, etc. etc.? Have to question if these people were present and are they witnesses to this horrible situation or is this just an opportunity to spread gossip?
  3. That may be the problem or reason for this increase? It seems to me the reliability of electrical service needs to occur before this organization even considers raising their rates. Right now the reasoning is just pay me more money for bad service!
  4. Yes, we believe that education is the beginning solution to all problems. More power to this man!
  5. Gotta wonder why so many accidents end with the vehicle up side down on the roof. How does this happen?
  6. until

    Sounds like good food and a good time.
  7. SIGUE (Go) Yesterday we were driving Avenue Boquete out of town when at the bottom of the hill stood a construction employee. He was moving a barrel location to block our lane entrance, so we stopped. Then we noticed he was holding and directing our attention to his large sign showing SIGUE. Of course we started moving forward and that’s when his orange gloved hand started waving and pointed for us to turn around. We yelled in Spanish “Please turn your sign” and “don’t use the sign”. He didn’t understand what we were trying to tell him. Perhaps he couldn’t hear or maybe he couldn’t read the information on the sign that he was displaying. A few worry minutes as other drivers coming behind us were attempting to stop quickly in the mud and gravel, others swerving to avoid a collision, some pulling around our car. Bud made a sharp twist of the steering wheel, up over the curb and we got out of that confusing situation. Yikes—-His sign said one thing and his hands said the opposite!
  8. Someone else notice the two policemen yesterday on the BCP parking lot during the Tuesday Market? They seemed to be checking various vehicles. Didn’t notice “parking tickets” on any cars on the lot or on street near the Market location. Anyone know what was going on?
  9. Looking for Boquete laundry service to wash and iron mans shirts. Recommendations?
  10. until

    Brian, Marcelyn here. DAC Transport, Inc. did have a colorful pamplet (maybe too few for BCP audience) for handout at today’s meeting. I did manage to secure their Panama City phone number: 263-7155. Take care of yourself. No more physical injuries. ?
  11. “So I guess all of us just need to suck it up”. I suspect everyone will not like or agree with this solution. Just saying — the BCP meeting today was presented by a transport company shipping goods to (and many questions) regarding how to ship household goods out of Panama. An interesting eye-opener happening.
  12. Boquete a tourist destination? Many gringos? Was downtown at Mailbox to get our mail this past week and wondered “where is everybody”. I always see and enjoy chatting with friends on these occasions, but not this time. Saw one couple (probably from a local hostel) and everyone else locals near the bus stop at the park. Very different.
  13. Can’t verify that President Varela bought the Panamonte Inn, but I’ve heard this story many times from different people. FYI: Wouldn’t blame him — what a beautiful location with great history! One of our favorite places in Boquete.
  14. Yeah! After five (5) hours of no electricity the lights are back on in our neighborhood.
  15. Thanks, Penny. I like learning the result for a project. Happy for this happy ending.
  16. Did you attend the recent Rodeo at the Fairgrounds? The interest in Rodeo happenings in many parts of the world peaked my interest about horses. Ever hear of “The Pony Express”? This organization operated for less than two (2) years, made 400 runs, but became a legend in American history. During the 1800’s The Pony Express was a communication system that moved information (today’s internet, television, etc.) but was powered by horses. Now we witness these animals in a rodeo setting in Chiriqui where we see barrel racing, calf roping and other such activities. The method of the horse has changed during the last 100 years but I believe they are still used as a communication tool, just a different method for sharing information.
  17. Wonder if this decrease in foreign investments means no more new hotels in Panama City?
  18. Note to Bonnie and a couple of other people: Thanks for your effort to get the facts and work toward a solution for this project. Personally I’m weary of the complaints and not willing to do anything or take action to help resolve the situation.
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