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Everything posted by Penny

  1. I'm playing "watchie-man" at Chiriqui Storage in Dolega and sleeping in our 5th wheel RV on the property. Reminded me of the hillbilly saying "Don't come a-knockin' when the trailer be a-rockin'".
  2. Also, as the handicap foundation expands its outreach, it is offering services to more and more handicapped people (or families with a handicapped child). Many of the handicap families receive the Buenos Vecinos food packages. A normal monthly allotment is packed into 4 plastic bags which contain rice, enriched rice, oil, beans, sardines, sugar, powdered milk, and other dry food supplies.
  3. Lots of folks would like somebody from ACODECO in David to come and speak at the Tuesday meeting about their services. I've been told there's an English speaking employee. Anybody have his name and contact info? Otherwise, the name/contact info for the boss and I will arrange for a translator. Thanks mucho. Email me at pjbarrett@aol.com
  4. Tuesday, November 7 at the BCP Tuesday Talks – Attorneys Lourdes Miranda and Juan Contreras will explain the benefits of the new property tax law that is about to be approved. They will show the new tax rates, with samples of calculation of property taxes of the current law vs. the new tax law. Also, information about the property tax moratorium included in such law will be presented.
  5. I was coming home from the Frontera about 5 PM yesterday and saw this accident. Neither the police or the ambulance had yet arrived but there were about a half dozen by-standers. It didn't look to me like anyone could survive the upside down SUV.
  6. On November 7, two local prominent attorneys, Juan Contreras and Lourdes Miranda, will speak at the BCP Tuesday meeting. They will explain all of the ramifications of the new law as well as compare different scenarios under the old and new laws.
  7. To replace a cedula it costs $10 at the Tribunal Electoral (behind Sugar and Spice). To replace a lost or stolen pensionado carnet costs $100 and must be done at Immigration in David in the Chiriqui Mall.
  8. Found them yesterday at Price Smart. Thanks to all.
  9. Anybody know where you can buy dried prunes in the area?
  10. I just had a mammogram at Mae Lewis. Happy to report they don't squeeze you like a wringer washer as in the old days. I got a film and report but my experience is that most x-rays can be transferred to DVD if you bring the blank DVD and are willing to wait a while longer. It does take a day or two to get the written report.
  11. You can bring your book, CD, DVD, etc donations to the book table in the lobby of the BCP every Tuesday market day from 9 - 12.
  12. Judy, don't do it. About six years ago the local CPA's were all telling people they had to do it and report zero income. Then it was learned that if you have zero income you don't have to file. The catch 22 is that once you file the first time, you can never stop filing or you pay a fine of $100/year for not filing. There is no way to get out of the system. 2nd falsehood is that you can't do it yourself. I made the mistake of filing initially and now have to do it every year. With the help of a friend who is better in Spanish than I am, I file on-line every year. The program is called "Renta" and the first couple of months it's out every year it has bugs. You just have to be patient and learn how to do it. However, my best advice is DO NOT FILE !!!!
  13. It's a bitch getting old and forgetting past conversations. I thought only the lonely old geezers in town did that.
  14. We've reduced the price of these 4 tires to $50. They are better than the tires I have on my car. This is the best bargain around.
  15. Is the new bridge going to be one lane or two lanes? Personally, I prefer the quaintness of a one lane bridge.
  16. The bridge was finally clear when I crossed at 5:30 last night. Coming home from David it took me almost two hours to get to my home in Jaramillo Arriba. First I needed to stop at my friend's house just behind Plaza Los Establos and that road was blocked. Then the road approaching the bridge was blocked by the big breakdown. So I decided to go around to the little back road that runs in front of the dessert restaurant and then comes out just on the downtown side of the bridge. Well, that road was under construction and closed also. So, I felt I had to go all the way around the Alto Lino loop and, guess what. That road was closed but thankfully there was an available detour around the closure. This is getting really more difficult by the day.
  17. The BCP would love to donate the use of its facilities to local charities however it's not financially reasonable. The rent and maintenance for the BCP facility are very high. The $1 admission fee to the weekly Tuesday talks barely covers the cost of weekly bathroom supplies. People seem to think that BCP owns it's own facility and this is not true. The monthly expenses are horrendous.
  18. Their prices are way too high with the exception of the menu del dia lunch which (I think) was $3.50. They were selling up-scale steaks but not too many folks want to pay $25 for a steak dinner.
  19. It seems to me that we haven't had a home invasion or a robbery against a gringo in a long time. Am I perceiving this wrong? I don't really see how the Caldera checkpoint would reduce crime but maybe I'm wrong.
  20. I saw this car just as they were hauling it away. Basically no front end left. I don't see how anybody could have lived through it. My employee says a couple of teenagers.
  21. I was given a lot of these for use in a neutralizer and am willing to share them with anyone who can use them. Email pjbarrett@aol.com
  22. Has anyone actually found (and used) the new location of the recycling center which is supposed to be next to the Boquete Bible Fellowship Church down the road across from the Library? I've looked for it and can't see any sign where it might be. My recycling containers overfloweth.
  23. Don't know how you could forget the huger 1st & 3rd Sunday markets at Chiriqui Storage in Dolega. This market is larger than the 3 other markets combined. From 10-1 on the first and third Sunday of every month.
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