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Everything posted by WryAwry

  1. It is reported that Marion Clamp has been released from Hospital -- may we presume upon her own recognizance?!? Let the real healing begin!! It is the good in this World that awaits you, Marion. Persevere! Love, Dav
  2. .... and the continuance of joy into eternity to Diane and Elizabeth, celebrating their nuptials! May you each remain one another's treasure. Fondly, Dav
  3. Good golly, Miss Judy! Did you just call me a smart ass?!?!? I never said I was smart! Dav
  4. This seems wholly unresolved. Whatever the issue is -- and I haven't even glanced at the link -- I'll be happy to mediate between the principals for a one-time fee of $9.99 Balboas. Each. Cash. Making the Mariana Trench out of a pothole, wryawry
  5. As always, sincere gratitude to Mr. Don Ray Williams, not only for his continuing efforts on behalf of US expats -- indeed on behalf of every citizen in Chiriqui Province -- but also for his continuing, unselfish support of Marion and her daughter Deborah, and for keeping those of us so far away apprised of Marion's slow but steady improvement. Thank you, DeeArrDub!
  6. I wonder if the Coriolis effect would cause that toilet to swirl counter-clockwise if it were South of the equator.
  7. Ning will focus on spotlighting its narrow definition of what is good, the innovative concept of closing the door on its own shallow definition of what is not, and stifling the unique. Enclosing the beauty of our town with an inchoate understanding of the good it has to offer; three or four people, select businesses, random places, confined human nature and not much more. Ning will strive to be all that both its members hope it to be and Ning will work hard to inculcate impressionable members to make Boquete a contained and carefully controlled place to live.
  8. Time to schedule a lube-job on your rocking chairs, old timers? (P-p-pp-t-t-tt-TING! [hits spitoon]) I made it almost two years, until the hounds of circumstance began baying at my heels ... just another turned page in the oft-edited history book of life. You may all commence nodding knowingly and smiling sadly and sagely. But you'd better keep on the lookout for those wily, sinister Canadians! Guard the women, wryawry
  9. Some have been known to canter into banter ... ... better than a gallop into codswallop! File under "desperately seeking poetic credential", wryawry
  10. Sorry, Tee-Dub, simply a manifestation of multiple personality disorder over there ...
  11. While I would never join any organization that would have me as a member, I'm still pleased to partner with the perpetually pooh-poohed people of CL ....
  12. Personally, I'm beginning to re-think my position on Bucketty*thing. I'm enjoying following the fans of the new style and content. Both of them. wryawry
  13. I sure wish they hadn't banned me! Reading about all the sweetness and light -- the comprehensive community involvement -- the kinder and gentler beneficence ... I really feel as though I am missing-out on exactly the thing I need to lull me into sedation about 14 seconds after catching-up on all the cutting-edge, pertinent news-s-s-ss-sss-sss-zzzzzz...
  14. Bud, maybe CL should be considering administrative assistance. Perhaps Ambreen is available? Dav
  15. I'd like to sign-on as facilitator and general factotum for all these innocent, questing individuals. Remotely, of course. Only $9.99 Balboas per month, payable one year in advance. In a holy spirit, wryawry
  16. It's like a ... like a ... dotLife Membership! (... mind yer p' s an' q' s!)
  17. From what I have observed, that fellow spells his first name backwards.
  18. New tee shirts available: "I am breened." Only $9.99 Balboas! (All proceeds support the wryawry retirement fund.)
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