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Keith Woolford

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Everything posted by Keith Woolford

  1. The VP offers no proof of the hotel room expenses he referred to and I can tell you that every President over the last 15 years has been wheeled around in either a black Toyota LandCruiser or LandCruiser Prado. Is President Cortizo going to drive his own pickup truck or something?
  2. Google is your friend. http://www.lawandrealty.net/Contact_Us/page_2189563.html
  3. That is correct ..the Mayor met with the Police to express his priorities for enforcement which include illegal parking anywhere and speeding in Alto Boquete.
  4. The removal of the investigators is the result of some old faces from the Martinelli era returning to the top echelons of the Police. Scary.
  5. The other issue with minting coins is that the Panamanian government can introduce new money into the system at 30 cents on the dollar.
  6. Why aren't you taking up this issue with Rodny himself? I don't think anyone here can help you.
  7. If I'm not mistaken the source of the problem is contamination by the runoff of waste water from greenhouses in the area.
  8. from Facebook Richard Cianca COMUNICADO JUNTA ADMINISTRADORA DE AGUA EN JARAMILLO ARRIBA. Se le informa los Usuarios del sector de la Torre ( Jaramillo Arriba) hasta el sector de la Familia Camarera (via Palo Alto), No consumir agua durante 24 horas, y abrir sus grifos para que se limpie el sistema. Dicha medida obedece a que se ubicó una posible contaminación por agentes externos y se ha procedido a realizar las pruebas de laboratorio, ante dicha situación el MINSA ha recomendado suspender el suministro de agua por 24 horas, No consumir el agua almacenada en la tuberia y abrir los grifos para la limpieza. Por su parte la Junta de agua ha procedido a limpieza y aseguramiento de la calidad del agua, es decir en 24 horas se podrá consumir el vital liquido con toda tranquilidad. Agradecemos no alarmarse ni difundir información falsa. Todo se ha controlado a tiempo y se tomaron las medidas de sanidad y calidad. Atentamente Directiva JAAR JARAMILLO ARRIBA
  9. The webpage of the new Alcalde of Boquete, Joswar Alvarado, where advisories and notices are posted in Spanish is https://m.facebook.com/alcaldia.boquete.54?fref=nf
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