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Everything posted by Moderator_02

  1. http://www.newsroompanama.com/business/panama-4/expanded-canal-marks-1000th-transit
  2. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/world-bank-loan-aid-indigenous-people
  3. Moderator comment: the following news article was NOT posted when it first came out. The power outage was only in the PC and Colon areas, and although a major outage, it just seemed not that important to Chiriqui. However, the impact of that outage and the subsequent actions about correcting the situation are making this a more important story. You may recall times in the summer of 2016 (and prior years) when reduced use of air conditioning and/or enforced brownouts were implemented in Chiriqui. Thus, we are back-tracking a bit on news articles to provide the complete story. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/power-outage-closed-clinics-next-day
  4. In trying to get a more global and less emotional view of the migrant and visa situation in Panama, I did a bit of research. Here are two documents produced by the United Nations regarding Panama's status regarding immigration. See the last section in these tables, which are labeled "International migration", and reflect statistics as of 2011 and again as of 2013. The source URL links are also provided below each. Nothing jumps out to me as particularly troublesome, undesirable, or unacceptable. I do note "major concern" about irregular migration. http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/publications/pdf/policy/WPP2011/Country_Profiles/Panama_Policy.pdf http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/publications/pdf/policy/WPP2013/Country_Profiles/Panama_Policy.pdf
  5. For Roger, and others, I just want to be sure that no one was misunderstanding what TwoSailors wrote here. This was a kind of "tongue-in-cheek" and light-hearted joke. My concern about a misunderstanding is that there are numerous replies based on this posting, and experience tells me that sometimes there are cultural differences, and possibly language issues as well that can have unwanted and unexpected side effects. For Roger specifically, you have said nothing inappropriate. And the responses by others on this matter were not taking you to task. No apologies are needed on the part of anyone. And then maybe this "clarification" isn't even needed in the first place. However, Marcelyn and I have met you, and you truly are a gentleman, and we want no one to think otherwise.
  6. until

    For more information, see:
  7. For some background information about the Environment Minister's two decrees, see the below topic:
  8. Note in the above posting the reference to the Environment Minister having signed two decrees just prior to submitting her resignation. See the below link for more information about one of those two decrees:
  9. http://en.centralamericadata.com/en/article/home/Panama_Tax_Exemptions_for_Forestry
  10. Moderator preface: Some may view this article as advertising or marketing. It is a judgment call to post it here. The decision was made to post, given the general nature of what is written, plus some historical perspective. Competent professional advisors should be consulted prior to taking any action based on the below information. http://www.mondaq.com/x/576016/offshore+financial+centres/Guidelines+on+Panamas+Substantive+Law+on+Trusts
  11. http://gcaptain.com/panama-canal-sets-back-back-back-tonnage-records/
  12. The postings related to the Asemblea Nacional "donations scandal" have now been split out from the "Miscellaneous Corruption" topic because there are sufficient number of postings to warrant a separate topic.
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