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Everything posted by Moderator_02

  1. Moderator preface: Steven Walker has continued to provide emails to the CL staff, and with his request and permission more information about their situation is being published. What follows are extracts with date-time stamps from various emails in both directions between Steven and the CL staff. This morning, Marcelyn and I talked with Gareth by telephone. It was a conversation that started out a bit cool (perhaps based more on stress?), but only because Gareth had no idea who we were. Once he understood who we are and what we are doing, he was warm and engaging. Here is what we learned from that approximately five minute conversation. The Walker family operates and maintains an animal rescue facility that is located on the "flattop mountain with the waterfalls". If you ever travel on the InterAmerican Highway from David to Santiago you will see that flat mountaintop on your left. It is unmistakable. They have eight (8) monkeys. The monkeys need almost continuous oversight. The monkeys can be alone for about one to two hours, but then need someone to help oversee their socialization because that is how monkeys live -- very tribal. The monkeys eat fruits and vegetables. They especially need lactose free soy milk. Etc. Access to the rescue facility is only by way of four-wheel drive vehicle, using an exit off of the InterAmerican Highway going toward the north. This animal rescue facility is an expensive undertaking, which is currently underwritten from the Walker family resources. Gareth did NOT request donations, but when we brought up the subject he paused for a moment and said that donations of food, support services (and even money) would definitely be appreciated. The oversight is apparently a very time intensive procedure. We then asked how anyone who wishes to help should contact him. Gareth is the son, and his cell number is 6275-7085, and his email is garethw@fastmail.fm. If anyone reading this wishes to help with the monkey rescue facility, please contact Gareth by telephone or email. And to repeat, Steven Walker is the father, and his email is rooikop@fastmail.fm. If anyone has additional information about this situation, we sincerely request that you post updates here for everyone to see. Marcelyn and Bud Owners and Administrators of Chiriqui.Life
  2. http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Tensa-relacion-ACP-practicos_21_4707489211.html
  3. REQUEST FOR URGENT ASSISTANCE Moderator stepping in here on behalf of a "stranded" CL member. There have been some PMs (private messages) between Rooikop and the staff here at CL. I have that member's request and permission to publish the following information. Rooikop's real name is Steven Walker. From the above quoted reply, you can discern that Rooikop (and wife/friend/partner) are not able to return to Boquete, having been stopped now for five days from returning from their border hopping excursion to Costa Rica. Rooikop indicates that they are now headed for Nicaragua. If you wish more information about Rooikop, check his profile here on CL, which includes information about property that he owns in the Boquete area. Someone named Gareth is in this area and assisting Rooikop -- specifically taking care of Rooikop's animals, thought to include monkeys. Gareth may need assistance, but what assistance might be needed is unclear to the staff here at CL. Gareth's cell is 6275-7085. Rooikop's email address is rooikop@fastmail.fm or you may contact him via PM here on CL at @Rooikop. If anyone wishes to assist Rooikop and/or Gareth, you have the information here in this reply to follow through. In other words, a fellow Boqueteño is in need of some assistance, given the "Draconian" (his terminology) nature of what is happening to them. Please help if you can.
  4. until
    For more details about the visit to Boquete by US Ambassador John D. Feeley, see
  5. Moderator comment: Take note of the last sentence in this news article. http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Extranjeros-deben-legalizar-estatus_21_4706739282.html
  6. Moderator comment: The title of this news article is "Foreigners must legalize their status". http://impresa.prensa.com/panorama/Extranjeros-deben-legalizar-estatus_0_4705779553.html
  7. http://www.prensa.com/in_english/razones-Contraloria-refrendo-Ironman-Panama_21_4705239433.html
  8. Moderator comment: The title of this news article reads "39 Day Laborers Remain in Hospital After Bus Accident in Antón". http://www.prensa.com/judiciales/jornaleros-continuan-hospitales-accidente-Anton_0_4705029460.html
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