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Traffic Accidents, and Death Toll [Ongoing]

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Darien crash lifts road death total to 373

Post Views: 134
A HEAD-ON  collision between a pickup and a truck on the Pan-American Highway in Darien on Sunday, November 27, killed one person and critically injured four.  The death of Elidio Ramírez, 62,  the pickup brought the total of transit deaths this year to 373.

The accident,  took place at 5 pm near the Pro Niños Foundation, in Metetí. The truck left the road and overturned in a ditch.

The injured were taken to the Metetí Health center before being transferred to the Chepo Regional Hospital where they remain in critical condition.



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Four dead nine injured in multiple crashes

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A POLICE SERGEANT  involved in a head on collision with an impaired woman driver was one four fatalities in early week accidents, bringing the total this year to 379

The accident occurred at 02:15  on Tuesday morning on  Boyd-Roosevelt highway sector of El Pedernal, in Chilibre. His car  rolled several times but the other driver fled and was stopped at the Don Bosco roundabout. The police officer died in hospital


One person was killed and at least  three injured on the road to the Vaca Monte, in the district of Arraiján when the  driver, 37, lost control  of the steering wheel and crashed. against a power line post. He was trapped and  died a few minutes later

The road was closed for three hours.

A few minutes later  an all-terrain car in which three people were traveling overturned. The vehicle r took several turns and spun off the road. Paramedics from the 911 system treated them and transferred them to the Emergency Room of the Nicolas A. Solano Hospital in La Chorrera.

So far this year, 59 people have lost their lives in traffic accidents in West Panama.

Police chase
 The driver  was killed dead and three  passengers injured  after a police chase  of four suspects seen trying to rob  another person. It ended  on Avenida B.  when the fleeing  car crashed  into a shop.

A man died late on Tuesday afternoon at Camino Real de Betania, when the car he was driving crashed into a lamppost.

According to the Traffic Police, the driver, after colliding, got out , but suffered a heart attack  The accident occurred around 4:00 in the afternoon.



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  • Admin_01 changed the title to Roadway Carnage, Traffic Accidents, and Death Toll [An Ongoing Saga As Occurring]
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Two dead, seven hurt in highway incidents

TWO PEOPLE were killed and seven injured when a bus collided with a sedan in Bocas Del Toro on Saturday, December 9.

The bus was on its way from David to Changuinola David when the accident happened on the Almirante-Chiriquí Grande highway, in the  Nuevo Paraíso, Almirante district, of Bocas del Toro.

The dead victims were in the sedan and the seven injured were passengers in the bus They are reported to be out of danger.

Later in the day an 87-year old woman was hit and killed by a speeding car on the Pan-American Highway in Capira. She died instantly and her  body was thrown 65 meters reports El Siglo

The deaths bring the highway death toll this year to over 380, and with the upcoming holiday season will likely pass the 400 mark. Seve  people have died on Panama roads this week.



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Two dead, 5 injured as road carnage  nears  400

Post Views: 211
TWO PEOPLE died  and five were  severely injured when the driver of a pickup truck lost control  and slammed into a tree in the Las Cruces district of Los Santos on Thursday, December 14, bringing road deaths this year to 388  With an anticipated seasonal spike in accidents  brought on by drinking and attempted speeding  on overcrowded roads, the toll is forecast to pass the  400 mark.


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Minor  driving bus kills 3 injures 7

Post Views: 294
A 30-year-old woman and two brothers aged two and five were killed and seven passengers injured, including the mother of the boys. when  a busito, driven by  an underaged driver  plunged into  a ditch on Sunday, Dec.17, at midnight,

The victims were all members of the community of Miguel de la Borda where the bus was heading when the driver lost control.

The injured were transferred to the emergency room of the hospital, Manuel Amador Guerrero. where several remain in critical condition.

A few hours earlier a  man was killed in Las Perlas de Volcana few meters from an overhead pedestrian walkway on Avenida José Agustín Arango.

The four deaths bring the total on Panama roads this year to 397.



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Someone's dashcam caught this spectacular rollover this afternoon near Arraijan.

Cause #1  -  Excessive speed, couldn't control the vehicle when he encountered...

Cause #2  -  An idiot pulling off the shoulder and entering the passing lane without accelerating first.


Edited by Keith Woolford
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20 hours ago, Keith Woolford said:

Someone's dashcam caught this spectacular rollover this afternoon near Arraijan.

Cause #1  -  Excessive speed, couldn't control the vehicle when he encountered...

Cause #2  -  An idiot pulling off the shoulder and entering the passing lane without accelerating first.



7 hours ago, TwoSailors said:

Lots of insane drivers out there! 3 vehicles in this video were in the wrong!


I agree with you, TwoSailors. That dash-cam video clip was distressing, and we were not even there. 

We have a dash-cam in our car. This incident and Keith’s posting caused me to consider posting some of the insanity that we have seen, experienced, and recorded.

Speaking now as an owner/administrator of CL, we have received a few complaints about why we “allow” such “gore” to be posted on CL. It is our view that we all need to keep roadway safety in the foreground because it may help prevent a future incident. I now drive more slowly and attentively, given the routine carnage that goes on around us. Some drivers are simply willing to take risks (for some stupid reason).

Think about it — statistically speaking* in Panama slightly more than one person every day is killed on the roadways. The other leading cause of death in Panama (excluding natural causes) is violence, typically but not always involving drugs and/or gangs. It is my understanding that vehicular carnage is the highest cause of death and bodily injury, even higher than violence (again excluding natural causes).

*Reference statistics provided by Bryan Weller of the US Consulate in PC that were discussed on 29 November at their ACS outreach meeting in Boquete.  See:


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1 hour ago, Bud said:

Think about it — statistically* speaking in Panama there is slightly more than one person killed per day on the roadways. The other leading cause of death in Panama (excluding natural causes) is violence, typically but not always involving drugs and/or gangs. It is my understanding that vehicular carnage is the highest cause of death and bodily injury, even higher than violence (again excluding natural causes).

Top 10 worldwide causes of death:


2 hours ago, Bud said:

Speaking now as an owner/administrator of CL, we have received a few complaints about why we “allow” such “gore” to be posted on CL. It is our view that we all need to keep roadway safety in the foreground because it may help prevent a future incident. I now drive more slowly and attentively, given the routine carnage that goes on around us. Some drivers are simply willing to take risks (for some stupid reason).

Totally agree!

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One of the things that drives me nuts about driving in Panama is the number of vehicles without functioning brake lights. It's not a huge percentage, but it's enough that it is dangerous to assume that the vehicle in front of you has them, and you will be alerted to sudden braking. Tailgating, especially without good visibility beyond the vehicle in front, is not a risk worth taking, in my opinion. 

The annual vehicle inspection required by law is a farce, as we all know.

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In the last 6 months the ATTT or Transit Authority has launched an APP to be used on Android Smartphones.  With that App you can denounce any driver that is committing a traffic violation.  

Also I have also seen that some people has sent to the ATTT Twitter account photographs with all the details of people committing traffic violations and the agency has identified the vehicles by the license plates and have fine them severely according to the traffic violation committed.

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Capira Traffic Death Starts  5 km Traffic Jam

Post Views: 218
The death of a 35-year-old man, struck by a bus loaded with passengers on the Pan-American highway in Sajalices, in the Capira district,  caused a  five-kilometer traffic jam  of vehicles heading to Panama shortly before five a.m. on Friday, January 29. Two passengers were injured by flying glass.The road was closed for over an hour.

Grim Totals
The death brought the number of people killed in traffic accidents in Panama West during the year to 63. Nationally the figure hovers near 400.



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Head on crash kills one injures 24

Post Views: 224
ONE PERSON died and 24 were injured, several seriously, in the head-on collision in Chepo, on Sunday morning, December 31.

The Fire Department, reported on its  Twitter account, that the accident occurred near the community of Cañita on the road to Bayano.



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Year ends with accident record intact

Post Views: 220
Panama ended the year with a repeat of the daily accident rate of well over 100 spread across the country including at last one fatality and scores of injuries

image.pngA speeding  Jeep narrowly escaped landing in the sea after it crashed and overturned on the Corridor Sur while heading towards Costa Del Este, say traffic authorities, who posted photos on Twitter.

Meanwhile, the driver of a bus heading into  Panama city from Howard in Panama Pacifico lost control and crashed into trees. There were no immediate reports f injuries.








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Two dead, two injured in taxi crash

Post Views: 223
A  speeding taxi carrying three  students plunged into  a ravine killing the driver and one of the passengers on Monday, January 8.

The accident happened  in the Chilibre area, in Northern Panama.

The driver and his  injured passengers were taken to Santo Tomas Hospital (HST)where he and one of the students died. The others are reported in serious condition

Witnesses said the taxi was speeding, when the driver lost control and crashed into  a power line post.



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