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Keith Woolford

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Posts posted by Keith Woolford

  1. This report says that 458 homicides in Panama have been registered this year to date, representing a 22.5% decrease from the same period a year ago,

    In Chiriqui however, 42 homicides have been registered to date, reflecting an increase of 39% over last year.

    The Minister of Security says his goal is to reduce the current national homicide rate of 11.5 per 100,000 inhabitants to 10.0 in 2016, and 7.0 after the installation of a national security camera network.

    There is also a link to an article referring to the extension of the prohibition of firearm imports until June 2016

    Un informe del Ministerio de Seguridad revela que a la fecha se han registrado este año 458 homicidios en todo el país, 124 menos (22.5%) que durante el mismo periodo del año pasado.

    La información fue dada a conocer por el ministro de seguridad, Rodolfo Aguilera en un encuentro con medios de comunicación.

    El ministro precisó que en la actualidad Panamá tiene una tasa de 11.5 homicidios por cada 100 mil habitantes, inferior a la tasa de 14.9 que tenía el año pasado.

    Las mayores caídas porcentuales de homicidios se registraron este año en Cólon (53%), Darién (40.7%), Los Santos (40.1%), Panamá Oeste (17%) y Panamá (24.2%).

    Las provincias donde aumentaron los homicidios fueron Chiriquí, donde se registraron 42 asesinatos (39%) y Veraguas con 13 casos (61.9%), además de la Comarca Ngäbe-Buglé con cinco casos (62.4%).

    "Mi reto para el 2016 es reducir esta tasa a 10 y cuando se implemente el sistema de cámaras de video vigilancia, espero bajarla a siete, para garantizar la seguridad de la población", añadió.

    - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/judiciales/Homicidios-Panama-reducen-Chiriqui-crecen_0_4375812510.html#sthash.iXI1nT5K.dpuf
  2. It is illegal to sell dog or cat meat in the United States but 44 states allow its personal consumption.

    What this means is you can humanely kill and eat a dog or cat but you can't sell it at a restaurant or supermarket.

    Indian reservations are exempt from such restrictions.


  3. Global headlines.

    Australia Expandir Imagen Australia



















    COLOMBIA Expandir Imagen COLOMBIA








    NIGERIA Expandir Imagen NIGERIA












    LA INDIA Expandir Imagen LA INDIA




    VIETNAM Expandir Imagen VIETNAM
    - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Ricardo-Martinelli_21_4375272432.html#sthash.VhNnYadX.dpuf


  4. 2 hours ago, Carol said:

    Ok, so I was NOT enthusiastic about yet another Italian Restuarnt opening in our little pueblo.  I really never thought Mangos was very "gourmet" just the one of the only "upscale" places to eat.

    I had limited expectations for Retrogusto, and waited for their lunch offeringing to make an opinion.  I went today for a Christmas luncheon with 10 friends.  It was VERY good!  The fix price lunch was fabulous!  A choice of an appetizer, or soup, or salad.  3

    entrees which today was  a linguine offering, a whole fried fish Mediterranean, or a beef filet.  Followed by a pinapple and ice cream desert.  Everything was served HOT. And at the same time......did I say there where 10 of us for lunch?

    Great job and great food!

    i will go back for more of the same.

    Thanks Carol, I value your critique.

  5. If politicians were running the judiciary we would all be in trouble, and just because RM's whereabouts are known doesn't mean he can be picked up.

    In order to avoid the appearance of political persecution, every effort is being made to follow establish correct procedure in this case, for which there are no precedents.

    Every appeal has been heard, every opportunity to appear has been given. The very people he appointed to the Supreme Court are the ones who are indicting him.

    This is only the first of six cases pending, btw.


  6. 1 minute ago, Bonnie said:

    What is Wild Bill's status? Anybody know? Last I heard he was still in jail in David. There hasn't been a trial, has there? I also remember some talk about possibly extraditing him back to the States to answer for some criminal activity there. Like so many news stories, this received big play at the time but now has sunk out of sight.

    No trial yet. The wheels of justice move slowly here and neither side appears to be in a big rush to get this case over with.

    Assembling and preparing the forensic evidence alone could take years.

    Holbert knows he's done and when convicted will spend the rest pf his life in la casa grande at LaJoya. He would probably rather remain in David as long as possible where he plays the big fish in a small pond.

  7. Major crimes committed by violent youth offenders are not restricted to Panama or the third world, by any means.

    This report from CBC Edmonton indicates a 13-year old killer took an active part in two senseless murders and was on the way to a third site when apprehended.

    Here's a case that can be followed to see how he's dealt with.


  8. 2 hours ago, Bonnie said:

    You've got to be kidding me. One hundred and ten dollars per person??? Plus booze (except for the champagne toast)?

    No kidding is right. I saw where The Rock is $90 pp.


    Wondering if I am the only one one who feels the Newslady gets a subliminal bad rap when her name appears as the bearer of unpopular news instead of the party that's responsible for it, in this case Sabor.

    In the manner that her posts appear it could be perceived that the Newslady is promoting the experience.

  9. The men convicted of the crime will spend 36 years in prison

    Three men have been sentenced to 36 years in prison for the murder of journalist Ramón 'Monchi' Cano.

    The incident took place on April 1, 2014, outside the home of the victim in David, Chiriquí.

    Those convicted of the crime were Amilcar Quintero Villarreal, Ovidio Núñez Villarreal and José Gabriel Miranda Ledezma, who was the godson of the journalist. The men were trying to rob the victim.

    The defendants were sentenced to 24 years in prison for the murder and 12 years for the robbery.

    - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Ramon-MonchI-Cano_21_4369273036.html#sthash.irv1qBay.dpuf

  10. 1 hour ago, Dottie Atwater said:

    Now that I know the "story" behind this, the picture doesn't bother me. An email from someone who should know:

    "The photo was a ripoff from Lee's blog (with zero credit as to the source by ning). It was a birthday party for Mimi someone, acquaintances of Lee and Jennifer (before she left). http://www.boqueteguide.com/?p=12268


    With all due respect, and as much as I agree that the boquete.ning site has gone seriously sideways, is making statements or asking inflammatory questions like "Ning is racist?", which seem to be based solely on false assumptions, productive to anyone?

    • Upvote 3
  11. 5 hours ago, Dottie Atwater said:

    On the Home page, one of the revolving pictures is of a young Panamanian boy in a white coat bowing down to serve appetizers to a blond expat woman. Personally, I do not like a picture that seems to present a Panamanian as subservient. 

    If I'm not mistaken, the lady in the photo you refer to is Myrna Meza, a Panamanian and Lee Zelltzer's companion.

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