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Keith Woolford

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Posts posted by Keith Woolford

  1. If I'm not mistaken, the $3.5 million figure in the article references the budget for repairs to schools in Boquete and Gualaca, and has nothing to do with the Ruta Sur project.

    The local Diputada, Athenas Athanasiadis, has been pushing for the completion of the highway.

    She can be contacted on her Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=5259335&fref=ts or on Twitter @AthAthanasiadis

  2. Things worked out OK in this case for young, buff John but I don't know whether his moves would be recommended for an old guy like me.

    http://<iframe src="https://bmplayer-a.akamaihd.net/shareable/embedssl.html?dc=ctvnews_web&cid=745069&col=379&w=480&h=270&pl=0&plh=0&adSite=ctv.ctvnews&adZone=home&omniAcct=ctvgmnews,ctvgmglobal&section=CTVNews&site=ctvnews&shareUrl=&v7=canada&v8=story&v9=&v10=" width="480" height="270" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" ></iframe>

    CTVNews.ca Staff
    Published Sunday, November 8, 2015 12:38PM EST

    John Oughtred and Rebecca King-Jones only met three weeks ago. But the couple has already flown to Panama together, rented a romantic vacation home, and fought off an armed intruder.

    The pair from Victoria, B.C., was spending a relaxing morning on the picturesque island of Bastimentos, Panama, when a masked stranger burst into their rental home.

    "As I turned the corner, there was a guy standing there and he was completely suited up," King-Jones told CTV Vancouver. "He had a mask, a bandana over his face, hat on, gloves, and he was pointing a gun at me."

    With little time to think, Oughtred sprang to action.

    He charged at the intruder and wrestled the gun out of the stranger's grip.

    "My focus was the gun and getting that away from in between the two of us," Oughtred said.

    Then, with the weapon out of the man's hands, Oughtred lifted the intruder up and hurled him off the balcony.

    "I just proceeded to pick him up over my shoulder and I ran about another 10 feet carrying him, and then just basically shot him down about 20 to 25 feet off the balcony," Oughtred said.

    Panama Couple

    John Oughtred and Rebecca King-Jones was spending a relaxing morning in Panama when a masked stranger burst into their rental home.


    Panama Gun

    The gun allegedly carried by the masked home invader is seen on the ground.


    Panama armed intruder

    John Oughtred says he threw a masked and armed intruder about 20 feet off this balcony.

    Local authorities arrived and apprehended the man, who, they said, was actually wanted for a string of robberies in the area.

    "All we know is that he was taken into custody and that they had sort of mentioned that he (had) some big cuts to his face," King-Jones said.

    After the violent encounter, the couple decided to cut their holiday short and head home to Canada, arriving back Saturday night.

    But despite trip's abrupt ending, they say they still think highly of Panama.

    "It's a beautiful country and the people are pleasant and super welcoming," King-Jones said. "I don't want to create a negative buzz from this story."

    With files from CTV Vancouver

    • Upvote 1
  3. SINAPROC says 70% of the affected areas should have service by 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning.  @Sinaproc_Panama: Se espera  reestablecer el suministro de agua a las 7:00 am en un 70% de los corregimientos de Las Lomas, David y San Carlos

    Bottled water to be distributed by local governments on the President's tab.  @Sinaproc_Panama: La entrega de agua embotellada sera dada para distribuir con los gobiernos locales @JC_Varela emitio la orden de brindar todo el apoyo.#FTC

    Nine trucks tanking around fresh water.  @Sinaproc_Panama: Tenemos 9 cisternas trabajando que han distribuido 57,088 litros de agua tomando en cuenta hospitales,comunidades de escasos recursos #FTC

    The Ministry of Education announced that classes are suspended tomorrow in those districts.   @chiriquinotici1: Oficialmente no hay clases mañana en colegios privados y publicos en David Las Lomas y Pedregal. https://t.co/O9OtiISuAz

    Apparently, today's repairs were unexpected. To the best of my knowledge, the cause for the original shutdown was to perform work at the big plant in Los Algarrobos.

  4. A coupling on an intake pipe in the Rio David which feeds various David neighbourhoods flew apart and an under-equipped (highly skilled?) crew from IDAAN has been working on getting it back together all day.

    Embedded image permalink

    They finally got some real help.

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    Meantime tank trucks with potable water were circulating all day in the affected neighbourhoods.

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  5. Community Websites - Information, Communication or Amusement?

    Lately I've been wondering what it is exactly that the majority of people are looking for when they read or join a community website such as chiriqui.life or boquete.ning.

    • Folks will ask for information, but don't seem to want to search for it.
    • People will Chat back and forth in Discussion Forums, but not in provided Chat Rooms.
    • Discussions related to current events usually get far less views than humorous ones.
    • Is an inclination by some folks to perpetuate rumor and ignore fact sensationalist amusement?




    • Upvote 1
  6. FYI:

    I withdrew quietly from the boquete.ning equation on October 3rd.

    With more serious issues at hand, it just wasn't appropriate at that time to create another distraction by announcing it publicly.

    My participation has been minimal since that time, primarily just answering requests for information along with Alison, Judy Sacco, Ken & Becky and a few other long-timers who have always had a genuine interest in helping others.

    Obviously, I had hoped my participation in .ning would provide a positive link between the new ownership and the community but it didn't work out.

    Life goes on.

    P.S.  contrary to popular belief, I did not delete Jim&Nena, Fran, Gordon, Don Ray, or any other long term member from boquete.ning

    • Upvote 1
  7. Dave told me today he's cutting prices on these cars and some others that he has for sale on consignment.


    Reduced Prices on Good Pre-Owned Vehicles @ Cowboy Cars

    2012 KIA Soul EX, Automatic, 45k kms

    reduced to $11,500

    2007 Toyota Hilux SRV, Automatic, 3.0 Diesel, 4WD, 125k kms

    reduced to $17,500

    2010 Honda CRV Automatic, AWD, 55k kms

    reduced to $14,500

    2010 Hyundai Tucson 5-speed, 4WD, 90k kms

    reduced to $9,500

    2002 Toyota 4Runner 5-Speed, Diesel, 245k kms

    reduced to $7,800

    Cowboy Dave 6571-8627


    • Upvote 1
  8. Largely as a result of the remarks by the Minister of Security at the recent Tuesday morning meeting, a lot has been made of the UN treaty constraining the incarceration of minors in adult jails and prisons. This rationale seemed suspect to me from the inception since, as Keith points out, there are countries that are parties to the UN treaty, the United States and Canada included, that allow for the imprisonment of minors for certain specified offenses. I was impelled to do a little research, and this is what I found.                                                  


    Actually Bonnie, I don't believe that the United States is one of the signatories of this Convention.

  9. At least 1,300 members of the National Police, between these units of the Directorate of Judicial Investigation (DIJ), will be responsible for the security during the fiestas patrias in the district of David, with operations that covers both the residential and commercial areas.

    Commissioner Rene Herrera, of the Police Zone of Chiriqui, stated that has the mission of maintaining security during the journey of the parades where they will not allow the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, in addition to avoid any conflict in the public roads.

    Herrera said that there will be specialized units in antipandillas, canine and DIJ. In addition, joined the units of transit, which shall ensure that the vehicular traffic will be carried out with the best effectiveness.

    Currently in Chiriqui a plan dvelops for the reduction and neutralization of street gangs, including the social reintegration program Barrios Seguros.

    El despliegue de fuerza pública iniciará hoy 2 de noviembre. Archivo | La Estrella de Panamá


    • Upvote 1
  10. It's my belief as well that the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child does not bind a nation to additional legislation.

    For example, in Canada the Youth Criminal Justice Act allows for the sentencing of minors as adults in certain cases.


    Canada became a signatory to the Convention on 28 May 1990[18] and ratified in 1991.[19] Prior to ratifying the treaty, Canada's laws were either largely or entirely in conformity with the treaty. Youth criminal laws in Canada underwent major changes resulting in the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) which went into effect on 1 April 2003. The Act specifically references Canada's different commitments under the Convention.

    There is a good summary of Canada's youth offender act and it's amendments here. http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cj-jp/yj-jj/tools-outils/back-hist.html

    This is a small excerpt dealing with adult sentencing.

    In 2012, Parliament removed the presumptive offence scheme from the YCJA while retaining Crown applications for adult sentences for youth. Parliament also amended the adult sentencing provisions to include the following:

    • If a young person is 14 years of age or older and is charged with a serious violent offence, the prosecutor must consider applying to the court for an adult sentence. If the prosecutor decides not to apply for an adult sentence, the prosecutor must advise the court. A province may decide to change the age at which this obligation is triggered from 14 to 15 or 16.
    • A court can impose an adult sentence only if (a) the prosecution rebuts the presumption that the young person has diminished moral blameworthiness or culpability and (b) a youth sentence would not be of sufficient length to hold the young person accountable.
    • A young person under the age of 18 who receives an adult sentence is to be placed in a youth facility and may not be placed in an adult correctional facility. Once the young person turns 18, he or she may be placed in an adult facility.


  11. ..and if you think it's dangerous here.

    Yesterday the U.S. State Department issued an updated travel advisory for Honduras

    "Due to the fact that "the levels of violence and crime are critically high" in the central American country, and that criminals operate with a "high degree of impunity". 

    ...The US embassy in Tegucigalpa has registered 42 murders of American citizens since 2010, with 10 of them since January of this year, according to the new alert. 

    ...Although Honduras has one of the highest rates of homicide in the world, the United States recognizes that the index has fallen from 86.5 per 100 thousand inhabitants in 2011 to 66 per 100 thousand in 2014, and "the estimates published in July 2015 predict a lower rate" for this year.

    - See more en español at: http://www.prensa.com/mundo/Unidos-niveles-violencia-impunidad-Honduras_0_4335316617.html#sthash.seVACHEO.dpuf




  12.  Little words, just little words. lol


    The thing is that most 'real information' in Panama (stuff other than that specifically aimed at tourists or expats) is usually only found using Spanish language search terms  ..and the info's going to be in Spanish.

    Translating and editing is time consuming and this was a 14 page document.

    Probably the best approach in these circumstances would be to copy and paste the section that immediately interests you and run it through a translator.

    I still like free translation.com

  13. The 'Barrios Seguros' program... cont'd. The Minister asked the Assamblea for, and received, a 50% increase in the budget for 2016 for the program. Although it may not be as sophisticated as an equivalent in developed countries (with higher debt), it seems to be what Panama can afford. I think we have to remember that kids are born into the culture that surrounds them ..everywhere. If it's street gangs, they're either in, or in for a rough ride. There are a lot of films on the subject, this one has always stuck.


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