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Keith Woolford

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Posts posted by Keith Woolford

  1. The lack of drugs is becoming more evident in the pharmacies of the country


    Country Facing Drug Shortage

    Son 50 medicamentos que no hay en el país por  falta de registro sanitario, según el Minsa

    La Prensa reporters visited a number of pharmacies in both Panama City and the interior, and confirmed the shortage of a number of medications, including ones for high blood pressure and anxiety.

    President of the Association of Representatives and Distributors of Pharmaceutical Products Lucas Verzbolovskis explained that the problem is due to delays within the Department of Pharmacy and Drugs of the Ministry of Health. That agency is currently revising 4,000 records for the issue or renewal of permits for drugs.

    Verzbolovskis said they have proposed to the government that permits be automatically extended when the drugs originate from the same factory and without any changes to the formula.

    In an interview, Director of Pharmacy and Drugs Jenny Vergara admitted that there are several aspects of the process that should be improved, but did not specifically mention the permitting process. She said that the problem is mainly due to a lack of personnel.

    Nephrologist Arturo Wong said the matter is delicate, since, as he explained, the lack of drugs jeopardizes people's health.





  2. This CBC report explores the non-effects of the Rio Olympics in the same City of God favela.


    On 27 de marzo de 2016 at 11:25 AM, Brundageba said:

    I agree with Keith.  The movie " City of God" brought light to the problems surrounding Rio de Janeiro.  Change has happened there.  It's not a forever horror story as Marko has described there in Medellin.    BUT, police, legislators, the public and businessmen of Panama  all need to share some responsibility to make that change happen in a country.  Many here think just changing a few laws concerning juvenile crime, or increasing the amount of jails is enough.  It's not enough.  It has to be a totally comprehensive plan.   Solid education and opportunity for all children is at the core. For the poor here, education is lacking in Panama.   Meanwhile, until this kid crime spree comes to a halt here, we need to have some understanding of how these juvenile gangs evolve and as well their mentality.  It is scary and certainly not pleasant  that's why Bud couldn't stomach watching the movie.  I can fully understand.  24/7 both my husband and I are on our guard.  We're not happy with living like that, but for now it is what it is.  We do what we can...everything we can within reason.


  3. Not surprisingly, Cuba has blamed the U.S. for the current migrant crisis in Latin America.



    Cuba blames US for surge in 'unsafe' migration

    Tens of thousands have left Cuba in the past two years, taking perilous routes to reach the US.

    Cuba has blamed the United States for encouraging illegal and unsafe immigration by tens of thousands of Cubans who have left the country in the past two years.

    Havana released a statement on Sunday saying Cubans leaving the country illegally were the "victims of the politicisation of the migration issue by the US government which stimulates illegal and unsafe immigration", Reuters news agency reported.

    The US policy of welcoming Cubans without visas contradicted normalisation efforts between Havana and Washington, the statement added.

    More than 46,500 Cubans arrived and were admitted to the US without visas during the first 10 months of the US government’s fiscal year 2016, according to the Pew Research CenterThat figure compares with more than 43,000 Cubans in 2015 and just over 24,000 in 2014.

    Special privileges 

    Unlike citizens of other countries, Cubans who make it to US borders have special entry privileges under the Cold War-era Cuban Adjustment Act, which gives Cuban citizens special welfare benefits and allows them to apply for permanent residency after 366 days in the country.

    Under the act, Cubans who set foot on US territory are treated as legal immigrants, while people from any other country are considered illegal.

    The large increase in the number of Cubans attempting to reach the US, particularly by overland routes through South and Central America, coincides with the restoration of diplomatic relations between Washington and Havana.

    There are fears among ordinary Cubans that diplomatic normalisation between Havana and Washington will mean they lose their privilieged entry status to the US.

    Regional governments have also responded to the increase in Cubans travelling overland to the US by closing down border routes.

    Nicaragua was the first country to close its borders in November to Cubans travelling overland to Mexico and on to the US. Though initially facilitating the transit of several thousand Cubans through its territory, Costa Rica also closed its borders in April as numbers grew.

    Nearly 1,300 Cubans are currently stranded in miserable conditions on the Colombia-Panama border after that route was closed.

    "We only know they are going to be deported, but we don't know how or in what form," William Gonzalez, a regional Colombian government ombudsman, said last week.

    Of the 1,297 Cubans who arrived in the Colombian border town of Turbo three months ago, around 300 are children aged 14 and under, as well as 11 pregnant women.

    "What worries us most at this moment is the health and welfare situation of the 300 children," he said, explaining that the Cubans have been living amid insects and rodents in a makeshift shelter with inadequate sanitary facilities.

    'Without any pressure or force'

    Havana released its statement criticising the US on Sunday to coincide with the arrival of 14 Cubans deported by Colombia.

    Colombia said last week that stranded Cubans requesting voluntary deportation would be granted safe passage to their home countries or to the last country they were in before entering Colombia.

    For many of them that is Cuba or Ecuador.

    "We wanted to handle this," Colombian Foreign Minister Maria Angela Holguin said of the stranded Cubans.

    The US Coast Guard on Saturday reported that since October, at least 5,786 Cubans have been intercepted at sea trying to reach the southeastern US coast.



  4. The original post concerning these gatherings 

    On 7/29/2016 at 6:22 PM, Dave and Leiann Scee said:

    If you are interested in playing, learning or just jamming come hang with us. Folk, blues, classic rock?

    BCP Tuesday August 2nd at 3:30 until 5:30 or 6:00

    Still working out the bugs and seeing if there is an interest so bring your stringed instrument, any stringed instrument, or harmonica, or tambourine or.......and let's do some strummin' and jammin'!






  5. Here's a report of a big haul close to home out on Punta Burica. 1200 packages of cocaine, each of which weighs 2 kilos.


    Funcionarios del Ministerio Público y del Senan se encontraron con la presunta sustancia ilícita.

    The Panamanian authorities informed this Saturday 6 August on the confiscation of 1, 200 packages of alleged drug known as cocaine in Punta Burica, to the west of the province of Chiriqui.

    In the operation is also seized a boat and two outboard motors. So far there are no detainees.

    The action was developed by staff of the Office of the special prosecutor for drug-related crimes of the third judicial district of Chiriqui and Bocas del Toro, in conjunction with the Naval Air National Service.

    The Office of the Prosecutor announced that will continue with the investigations into this case.


  6. Apparently the President doesn't think much of the 'cash fare' idea either, and I seem to recall that Uber would never have received approval to operate without his blessing.


    President Varela: it is an error of Uber to charge cash

    El presidente criticó la medida anunciada por la empresa.

    The President of the Republic, Juan Carlos Varela criticized the decision of Uber to charge in cash since he considers that in this way they will be competing directly with Taxi drivers to perform a similar service.

    "This is an error on the part of the company to open the measure because it supposedly [Uber] is a service that is given through an app, with credit card. (This) was not a direct competition to taxis but in the way they are acting, if I feel that the government is going to evaluate (the situation)," said the President in a meeting with journalists.

    "We need to see other settle for as regulates [the company]. We cannot go against the technology. We allow the operation of this system because young people use it a lot. It is part of a modern city as Panama. But if they enter into competition with operators of taxis cashing out and relaxing rules with which they operate, we will have to regulate that," he continued.

    In the morning today, taxi drivers of five piqueras protested in different parts of the capital city due to the company's decision to implement from this Friday, as a pilot test, the payment in cash.

    Meanwhile, Ulises Calvo, legal director of the The Land Transit and Transportation authority (ATTT), indicated ar5 a commercial decision to cash of Uber will be incorporated as another factor within the dossier that he is kept open to the company in ATTT. This legal process is the one that is still the company to determine if the service it provides is legal or not in Panama.



  7. The Alto Boquete site seems to be a second location.

    Yellow Pages lists a Funeraria Virgen de Guadalupe in David on Av. Obaldia with the same number.


    Nexdu lists the David location as being behind Hospital Obaldia in Varital.

    The conclusion appears that being close to a hospital makes business sense for these folks.



  8. 800 migrants stranded in Darien; President is directed to the area


    At least 800 migrants are stranded in the province of Darien, reported the President of the Republic, Juan Carlos Varela, who addressed this area of the country, this Friday, 5 August 2016.

    Migrantes en Capurganá (Colombia) se dispusieron a cruzar ilegalmente a Panamá el 4 de agosto de 2016.

    This migratory crisis is occurring despite the blockade of the border with Colombia that was ordered by the Government of Varela last May.

    The President of Panama stated that while it was authorized it is recognized that this is a very wide area.

    "I am not going to allow people dying in the jungle", said the President in announcing that this group of migrants - in the majority Haitians- will be offered appropriate humanitarian treatment.

    Varela said that the decision through the National Security Council is a "controlled flow", which will prevent mass migration. To do this, close to 400 officials of the National Border Service are in the area.

    The governor explained that the migrants will be detained for the verification of their documents, to give them the attention they deserve and then be allowed to follow their course.

    Varela added that the areas of attention will be defied in order not to affect the population of the Darien.

    "The border is closed (…)those that will achieve evade control points will be given humane treatment", he stressed.

    Varela also said that on Thursday 4 August he spoke with the president of Costa Rica, Luis Guillermo Solis, to give a responsible handling of this matter.

    He explained that the migration problem is not exclusive to Panama but at the global level. He recalled that Brazil opened the door to many Haitians but these, at the plight of the South American nation, have decided to migrate to the north. "We overcome the crisis of Cubans, now we face this… we are going to do it with a lot of responsibility", he added.

    Colombia has deported to at least 5 thousand 800 irregular migrants in the past two months, the majority of Haiti and Cuba, according to official figures. http://www.prensa.com/sociedad/Llegan-migrantes-Panama-frontera-Colombia_0_4544545671.html




  9. There is a new Funeral Home in Alto Boquete, called the Funeraria Virgen de Guadalupe.

    It's located on the east side of the Via Boquete highway about a kilometer north of the Pro-Integration Foundation and new Policlinica.

    This building has been under construction for years, and the second floor is not totally closed in, but they're open for business.

    The sign says cremation services are offered.






  10. Quote

    Colombia detects new path migration to the United States from French Guyana

    Colombia, a country which is a step for irregular migrants to the United States, detected a new transit route of undocumented migrants from other continents who enter South America by French Guiana, authorities reported this Thursday.

    "In recent months, Migration, Colombia has shown a new extracontinental route for the smuggling of migrants, which would have as a point of entry to South America French Guyana," said the statement.

    The note details the access to Colombia a view to continue to Central America via Panama to finally reach the United States."The route, which might last for more than a month, oblige foreigners to enter illegally by the department of La Guajira," in the north of Colombia and the border with Venezuela, said the director general of that entity, Christian Krüger, cited in the text.

    From La Guajira, migrants take then "the trunk of the Caribbean to the city of Medellin", from where it is presumed depart to the municipality of Turbo, in the Urabá region of Colombia and bordering Panama, to address there a boat toward the neighboring country.

    Krüger toured the Wednesday the border with Venezuela in La Guajira, together with brigadier general Pablo Alfonso Bonilla, commander of the Army in the area, "with the purpose of detecting new routes for smuggling of migrants", according to the statement.

    Krüger and Bonilla "agreed to intensify the patrols in the border area as well as to train the members of the National Army in the detection of false documents," said the text.

    In the past 15 days, Migration, Colombia has detected more than 750 irregular migrants in different roads in the country, according to official figures.Colombia has expelled in 2016 to more than 6 thousand undocumented, almost 4 thousand of them detained in the communities of Turbo and Capurganá in the remote Urabá gulf, with presence of illegal traffic.

    "This whole phenomenon of smuggling of migrants in our country is in transit, i.e., are irregular migrants who do not have as their final destination Colombia, but because of our geographical location is a temporary forced step to reach the final destination of these people, which is generally North America," explained Krüger in early June.

    On 9 May last Panama decided to strengthen border controls to curb the flow of migrants, especially Cubans, trying to reach the United States through Central America.



  11. Acodeco to look for Bill Violations

    The Consumer Protection Authority (Acodeco) will begin operations next week to identify businesses that include tips in bills.

    That practice has been deemed to be illegal under a law signed Wednesday by President Juan Carlos Varela.

    Oscar García, manager of Acodeco, reported Thursday that the agency will wait until next week to do inspections so that retailers have time to reconfigure their equipment.

    He said businesses should not be taken by surprise because the law has been widely promoted and because representatives of restaurants and hotels participated in its discussion in first debate in the National Assembly.

    "For this reason, in principle, this should not be a surprise to anyone," he said.

    Violators face fines for non-compliance.


  12. Boquete Aspires to Become More Autonomous

    The authorities of the district of Boquete have declared to be willing to continue to manage the supply of drinking water, solid waste collection, the slaughterhouse, the market and any other service that the municipality can manage .

    El gobierno municipal se siente capaz de administrar sus servicios públicos y cuidar de sus recursos naturales. Solo piden descentralización.

    "Among Boqueteños there is a consensus that all public services should be municipal, and that the most that we could accept are the formation of joint ventures," said the mayor, Emigdio Walker Vásquez, who highlighted the successful execution of a $1,279,000 budget which is 28 per cent higher than in 2014.

    It was also reported that currently the municipality is looking for an appropriate place to build the new slaughterhouse, because a municipal center of conventions will be constructed in the area of the current one.

    The President of the Council, Marcial Suárez, indicated that during the present year 85% of the shortcomings of the rural aqueducts have been rectified, and that in the coming weeks reforestation of the river basins in the region will commence, coordinated with the Ministry of the Environment.

    "As Boqueteños we are aware of the need to preserve the environment, especially the rivers and ravines, so that we will be alert to prevent the construction of any new hydroelectric plants in our district," said Suarez, noting that the Caldera River was declared a natural heritage for future generations of Boqueteños.

    Labor binomial

    Vásquez and Suarez urged the National Council for Sustainable Development to accelerate the start of construction of the aqueduct, sanitary sewage and waste treatment plant of this corregimiento..

    On 15 June, the president of the Republic, Juan Carlos Varela, gave the order to proceed to begin the construction of the sewage of Boquete, valued at 22.5 million dollars.

    Start Works

    "This work represents an important economic injection and sources of employment during its construction, but the most important thing is that will improve the quality of life of those who live, work and visit Bajo Boquete," said.

    He added that the plan of urban development and territorial organization proved to be a valuable tool for achieving a rational growth and preserve natural resources. Now, he seeks to integrate the districts of High Boquete, Palmira and boiler.


    For decades, various sectors of Panamanian society have recognized the need to decentralize politically and administratively to the Panamanian State. At the end of the administration of President Martin Torrijos, was sent to the National Assembly of Deputies a draft law in this regard, which was approved, but to date has not been put into effect.



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  13. Conservation Committee of Chiriqui River basin is Created

    The Ministry of the Environment, through the Directorate of Watershed Management, selected representatives of the users recently to the  Committee for the Conservation of the Chiriqui river basin.

    The director of the executive office, Noel Trejos, stressed the importance of having an advisory committee to help preserve this basin. According Trejos, the Committee shall have a voice and vote in the consultations.

    Mario Rodriguez, inhabitant of Gualaca, stressed the importance of their conservation for the region, for being one of the most plentiful and which gives water to many communities.

    Therefore, warned that will take care of not to grant new hydroelectric concessions on the basis of its flow, that may affect its channel and leave without water to populations.


  14. Two New Substations will Prevent more Blackouts in David


    After blackouts that affected users of David, in the month of June and the beginning of this, the manager of electrical operations of Gas Natural Fenosa, Alexis Vinda, announced the construction of a new 115 kilowatts transmission line from the armored station of San Cristobal, in this district, at a cost of $9.5 million. According to Vinda, it will expand and improve the distribution of energy in Chiriqui. The new substation will have a capacity of 30 megawatts and an additional 30 will be added in its phase II.


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  15. This is the Mayor's report of the meeting from his Facebook page.

    Clearing our doubts; but we will be vigilant say BOQUETEÑOS

    With the participation of a large number of members of the Community, an important meeting took place in the morning and part of the afternoon yesterday in the Rainbow Room at the Boquete Fairgrounds. In the same meeting, attendees were able to clear doubts of why tubing with diameters of 6 up to 10 inches are being used in the sanitary waste of the district.

    Among other of the concerns expressed by the Community to the representatives of the company APROCOSA and CONADES was the construction of the holding tanks for sewage treatment, sewage that will be generated by the district after the construction of the sanitary network.

    It also achieved in allaying publicly the fear and insecurity of the population due to the construction of the tubs of water reserve, that in the opinion of some inhabitants boqueteños, and according to background the Caldera River has left its traces over the last 40 years, and that has swept everything to your step at the time of the flooding in the quarry, Corregimiento de Los Naranjos.

    "We want you to come to invest in our district and we are not against the authorities but we want things to be transparent and of benefit to all, we have confidence in the ability of the engineers who carried out this project but as public servants are in the responsibility to respond to the concerns of the community and we know that the community is grateful to the Government and the President Varela and we want to continue investing millions in our district", said Licenciada María de Los ángeles González.

    Public Relations Department



  16. This is a press release from the Ministry of Public Security. The facility referred to is between Gualaca and Las Minas on the highway to the Chiriqui Grande and the Caribbean.

    Centre for At-Risk Youth in Los Planes, Gualaca

    Hundreds of youth in the Barrios Seguros program in Chiriqui and the rest of the country will benefit with the construction of the first training center for youth at social risk, announced the Deputy Minister of Public Security, Jonattan Del Rosario.

    The Deputy Minister toured the facilities of the Centre today, accompanied by the director of the National Institute of Vocational Training for Human Development (INADEH), Modaldo Tuñón, technical staff of the Ministry of Education (MEDUCA), the Ministry of Government (Mingob) and the Foundation Jesús Luz de Oportunidades which is making an inter-agency effort to strengthen the Barrios Seguros districts.

    Del Rosario noted that this Centre, located in Los Planes, district of Gualaca, will be a tool used to develop youth at social risk and in conflict with the law, giving them the opportunity of acquiring technical training with soft skills and spiritual accompaniment, which enables them to change their lives, go forward and contribute to national development.

    The Centre has an extension of 42 hectares and capacity for one thousand people, will be coordinated by the Ministry of Public Security, the National Secretariat for the Prevention of Crime in its initial stage and will have the support of the Meduca, Mingob, Inadeh, the Foundation Jesús Luz de Oportunidades, and the private sector.

    From its creation until the date the program Barrios Seguros has trained more than 2 thousand young people and 650 have been reinserted in the labor market, through the programs roofs of Hopes, Urban Renewal of Columbus, Ministry of Housing and Land Management and private sector companies.




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