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Keith Woolford

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Posts posted by Keith Woolford

  1. As well, the discovery and consequent destruction of some old U.S. military bunkers on the site has the knickers of some local historians in a twist.

    The developers, North Properties, have the same owners as Grupo Silaba, the KIA - Chevrolet - Mazda dealers in Panama.

    Bunker destroyed as part of development

    Sin tregua,  maquinaria pesada demolió un  búnker y lo que parecía un túnel con otros salones utilizados por militares norteamericanos para preservar el Canal.

    A bunker from World War II that used by the United States armed force on the banks of the Panama Canal was destroyed earlier this year as part of a controversial project that has caused alarm among environmentalists.

    Around 74 years of history were destroyed by heavy machinery beginning in March in a field located near the Miraflores locks. The site is being developed by the company North Properties.

    The bunker, constructed in 1942, is similar to one located in Quarry Heights which has been turned into an emergency crisis center.



  2. The event is actually a small festival.

    Volcan welcomes the second Parada de Flores

    the event will be held from 9 to 12 September in the province of Chiriqui

    Segunda Parada de las Flores. / Tomada de @AstridMilixa

    The Corregimiento of Volcan, Chiriqui opened it's doors today to national and foreign tourists for the second annual Parada de Flores that will be held from the 9th to the 12th of September.

    This year it's expected that more than ten thousand tourists will visit, and in addition to enjoying the climate, they will be able to appreciate the different floral arrangements and the parades with decorated carts.

    For this year will also be a contest of hats and horses, all decorated with floral details, the main attraction of this event.


    The article doesn't mention any timing for parades, but there will likely be more than one.

  3. 1 hour ago, Bud said:

    After the fight this person put up to avoid being returned to Panama, I'm surprised he was granted bail once he was dragged back, but then again..

    The kid's obviously got good lawyers and deep pockets.

  4. The report states that two armed and disguised robbers entered the Canasta Basica store beside the PanAmerican highway last night at closing time and relieved the manager of the day's receipts, about $10,000. 

    The Canasta Basica stores belong to the family of Diputada Athenas Athanadasias, who is currently seeking to strengthen legislation regarding the sentencing of juvenile criminals.


  5. Double murder in Potrerillos Abajo; subjects made several shots

    Javier Secundino Chavez of 34 years, and Kenneth Darius Knight Pitty, 27 years were killed in several gunshot wounds in the community of Palma Real in the corregimiento of Potrerillos Down, Dolega district, in the province of Chiriqui.

    The deceased were with another group of friends in a billiard hall when three subjects arrived at the site, ordered three beers and without saying anything began to fire several shots against the group where the deceased were located.

    Found at the scene was the dead body of Javier Secundino Chavez, while Kenneth Darius Knight Pitty was transferred to the hospital emergency room Rafael Hernandez in the city of David, where he died minutes later.

    The National Police arrived at the scene of the crime to cordon off the place, proceeding to notify the authorities of the Public Prosecutor who conducted the diligence of lifting of the corpse.

    One of the deceased maintained three warrants of arrest for the offenses of theft, fraud and crime against the life and personal integrity.



  6. Gordon, you're not the only one to notice. Back in February I made this observation. My thought was that someone new to the site who may not be familiar with the News service could get a mistaken impression.


    btw, I still find that the manner in which the Newslady's posts appear in the summary gives the impression that she is the individual or business promoting one thing or another.


    Lady posted a topic in News Boquete

  7. Aldeas SOS received a prestigious award in Spain today for the organization's contribution to the aid of vulnerable children.

    Fundada en 1949 por el austríaco Hermann Gmeiner, estableció métodos novedosos de “trabajar a largo plazo con los niños huérfanos o abandonados”.

    The international organization SOS Villages was awarded this Tuesday 6 September in Spain with the Princess of Asturias prize of Concord 2016, for the organization's contribution to the aid of vulnerable children, especially those affected by natural disasters or armed conflicts.

    For nearly seven decades and in 134 countries, Children's Villages has been dedicated to "the protection of children through early pioneers and which become even more validity at a time in which international conflicts are at special risk to the most vulnerable," explained the minutes of the jury.

    Founded in 1949 by the Austrian Hermann Gmeiner, established innovative methods of "working over the long term with orphans or abandoned children", to provide a family environment in which to develop until adulthood, indicated the Foundation Princess of Asturias.

    Currently, the organization account with some 570 villages that serve more than 58 thousand 880 children, as well as a network of thousand 880 centers among youth residences, schools and hospitals with the capacity to provide assistance to nearly half a million people.

    The Concord Prize is the eighth and last of the Princess of Asturias Awards, considered as the Nobel prize of Ibero-Americans.

    This award that recognizes the work of individuals or bodies in defense of human rights, peace or freedom, fell last year in the Hospitaller Order of San Juan de Dios, founded in the XVI century and dedicated to assisting migrants, homeless and addicts.

    With some 56 thousand dollars and a sculpture of Spanish Joan Miró, the awards recognize people or relevant institutions in areas ranging from scientific research to sports passing by the letters and international cooperation.

    The awards of this 36th edition will be delivered in October at a ceremony in Oviedo, the headquarters of the foundation known until two years ago as the Prince of Asturias and renamed in honor to the small Leonor de Bourbon, 10 years, new heir to the throne of Spain.


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  8. This is year 2 of a 5 year project. I would bet that the streets will be torn up for a long time.

    At the moment they are installing the main lines of a network.

    Once that's all done and the treatment plants have been constructed, each individual home and business will have to be connected.

  9. Pullmantur Cruises Increases Caribbean Operations and Announces Colon as Homeport


    The Administrator of the Panama Tourism Authority (ATP), Gustavo Him, highlighted the potential which is opened to the Caribbean city of Colon by  the increase in operations of Pullmantur Cruises.


    The ATP Tourism Authority supports the initiative of future actions of this kind for more ships, whereby a greater number of visitors will come to the Atlantic coast, he said.

    He recalled that since November last year approaches were made to the main lines of the largest cruise ships in the world, to connect from the port of Colon to Jamaica and other Caribbean countries.

    For the season 2017, the cruise line plans to make Panama it's main Homeport in the Caribbean, increasing by 30 per cent the number of passengers who will embark in Colon.

    Betting on the country of Panama and Latin America is 'the logical response to the evolution of a market that sees daily a stronger demand for a cruise as a holiday option', expressed Alejandro Páez, director of Pullmantur Cruises in the region.

    The economic impact of the 56 operations that the company will develop through two routes from Colon is estimated to be more than 18 million dollars, which includes the new Legendary Caribbean itinerary aboard the Monarch, its flagship. Beginning next November, guests of the Pullmantur will visit Jamaica, Grand Cayman, Costa Rica and Cartagena de Indias, while in May 2017 the company will add the Zenith, which will take travelers from Panama to Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao, with stopovers of more than 10 hours.

    Pullmantur Cruises has operated in the Isthmus regularly since 2010, and at the regional level this consolidates its presence in the entire Caribbean, by increasing its capacity by 40 per cent.


  10. There is a good possibility that Ruben Blades will be a Presidential candidate in the future.
    People who don't know him for his remarkable musical work may recognize him from his distinguished career as a character actor.


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  11. Wow, this ought to serve as fair warning to anyone who thinks it's a good idea to have unlicensed firearms in their possession. There doesn't seem to be much leniency available when a former Director of the National Police receives a 64 month prison sentence* for the offenses.

    Ex-Director National Police Receives Long Prison Sentence for Unlicensed Firearms

    The former director of the National Police (PN) and executive secretary of the National Security Council (CSN) Gustavo Perez, lost a legal battle with the justice. The Second Superior Court confirmed the sentence of Perez to 5 years and 4 months in prison for illegal possession of firearms.

    Gustavo Pérez, exdirector de la Policía Nacional.

    By a resolution of 7 July, the Second Court upheld the conviction to Perez, to resolve an appeal to the condemnation that previously had issued the Court Criminal . 3.2.1 Twelfth since 2 December 2015.

    Perez was convicted following that in a raid on his home on 12 January 2015, he found four firearms without permission: two revolver caliber 39, a 9 mm. weapon, and a minimax.

    The raid was made as part of the investigation that was initiated over the telephone wiretap case of the previous government from the CSN and that affected more than 150 people.

    The judge of the Second Court Adolfo Mejía, Rapporteur of fault, said that there is no doubt as to the criminal responsibility of Perez, because there is no documentation showing legal possession of weapons. That is to say, the weapons were not permitted.

    Mejia warned that the ballistics evidence showed that the weapons were suitable to be fired.

    Similarly, the judge gave validity to the attestation of copies to the Public Ministry to investigate a Perez for an offense against the public administration, due to the fact that one of the two 38-caliber revolvers that had in their house, were from the PN.

    The trial for illegal possession of arms was carried out on 21 October 2015 in the Court . 3.2.1 Twelfth Criminal, then that Perez had welcomed to an abbreviated process.

    The Judge Oscar Carrasquilla applied a penalty of 8 years in prison, of which he was rebate to 5 years and 4 months due to that Perez had welcomed the abbreviated process.

    Perez, who remains detained in El Renacer prison was called to trial in the Court 16th criminal by the case of the telephone punctures and is pending to carry out the hearing.


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