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Keith Woolford

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Posts posted by Keith Woolford

  1. 56 Cubans Returned from Costa Rica and sent to Panama City


    En las últimas semanas, cientos de migrantes han llegado al país por diversas vías pese al anuncio del bloqueo de las fronteras hecho por el Gobierno.

    A total of 56 Cubans who the Government of Costa Rica returned to Panama, have been transferred to the capital city.

    Sietnel Candañedo, member of the Pastoral Caritas of Chiriqui, explained that this shift is due to the fact that the migrants do not have money or a place to stay.

    He also noted that the islanders need "urgent" assistance in the form of implements for personal hygiene, canned food, water, beverages, disposable covered and milk for children.

    In the group there are eight children and a woman who is eight months pregnant.

    Last May, for three weeks and in 22 scheduled flights, 3,161 Cubans who purport to reach United States as their final destination, were flown to Mexico. They had been stranded in Panama, as the governments of Costa Rica and Nicaragua did not allow their progression toward the North.




  2. President Varela seeks Refuge from a Rain of Stones after Signing of Agreement at Barro Blanco


    President Juan Carlos Varela and leaders of the Ngäbe Buglé region sign the Barro Blanco agreement, a group of indigenous dissidents began to throw stones against the authorities of the government.

    The President of the Republic and the Vice-President and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Isabel Saint Malo, had to be seek refuge in the Llano Tugrí Collegiate. The Cacica Silvia Carreras also sought protection in the same school.

    According to a statement from the Secretariat of Communication from the State, the President and the Vice President regretted and rejected the isolated acts of violence that have been raised in the context of the act of the signing of the agreement by a radical minority group, but held that dialogue has triumphed to resolve the differences.

    Indígenas golpeados tras ataques con piedra.

    Indigenous people were beaten after the attacks with stones, according to social networks, and four agents of the National Police (PN) were injured.



  3. Well the agreement is signed, but it did get a little ugly.


    Agreement signed on Barro Blanco project

    A government commission and authorities of the Comarca Ngäbe Bugle today signed an agreement on the Barro Blanco hydroelectric project in Chiriquí.

    The event was attended by President Juan Carlos Varela.

    The agreement covers four areas: social, environmental, cultural and economic development, and includes proposals to address and remedy the issues caused by the project.

    The project is almost finished. It had been delayed due to the concerns of indigenous residents that it would negatively impact communities along the river feeding the project.

    A few hours prior to the event, officials held a dialogue with residents who opposed the agreement. That meeting turned violent, and there were reports of four police officers being injured.


  4. 26 Cases of Sexual Abuse of Minors in Chiriqui



    Some 26 cases of sexual abuse of minors have been detected up to the month of August (2016) in the province of Chiriqui by the Ministry of Social Development (Mides), which have been committed by close relatives, and/or friends within the social environment where they live, assure the authorities.

    Anayansi Diaz, regional director of the Ministry of Social Development, assures that there is concern about the incidence of cases of sexual abuse of minors, since everything indicates that this year is going to exceed the 31 cases that were recorded in the last year (2015) in the province of Chiriqui.

    Diaz said that many of the cases are detected in the educational centers, where the attitude of children acts as an alert to the educators who report to the Ministry who can detect these cases of sexual abuse.

    Mavis Castilo, psychologist in the center for guidance and Comprehensive Care of the Ministry of Social Development, notes that there are not only cases of abuse of men to minors, but that have been detected in some cases of women who have been sexually abused children, which is worrying.

    Notes that the past year, of the 31 cases of abuses that were detected, all were reported to the authorities of the Public Ministry and brought to the attention of the National Secretariat for Children and Adolescents, it is the institution that has to ensure the safety of children and girls.

    However, out of a total of 31 cases, 17 children were referred to family placement (*special centers located in the province of Chiriqui), in order to safeguard their integrity.

    The psychologist says that this year (2016) van 26 cases, which is working with the team in the care of children, it is appropriate to give legal advice and assistance to the child.


    17 minors have been referred to family placement to ensure their safety while investigations are carried out.


    * Casa Hogar Trisker on the Via Boquete is one of these sites



  5. Indigenous Person Killed near Bajo Boquete Bar

    A citizen with the name Joel Alexis Santos, 22 years of age, with indigenous features, was found dead on the banks of the Caldera river in the middle of a weedy area next to a bar, on Sunday morning, in the district of Boquete, in the province of Chiriqui, with stab wounds.


    The finding was, according to the first reports, when other people who apparently hours before the fact had accompanied him drinking liquor, found the body thrown about 80 meters from the bar area known as La Gallera in the sector of Bajo Boquete.

    The body bore at least some two wounds with a sharp object and was found face up, it is presumed that he was under the effects of alcohol, the motive of theft has not been dismissed.

    The National Police who initially came to the place to attend gave notice to the authorities of Criminology and the Legal Status of Boquete, which made the lifting of the body to be sent to the judicial morgue in David and carry out the examination of autopsy to determine the true causes of death of indigenous citizen.

    The population has denounced this area for years as in this area there is a great amount of bars where fights start daily, mainly by indigenous, as well as some thefts to these people, taking advantage that are maintained on a daily basis under the effects of alcohol.

    With the death of this citizen is raised to 25 victims of homicide in Chiriqui province in the year 2016.


  6. On 8/19/2016 at 9:31 PM, JudyS said:

    I wonder how she found a live-in caregiver.

    It would be extremely difficult to find or retain a qualified, bilingual, live-in caregiver at that rate of compensation, although there are probably plenty of folks out there who, needing a roof over their head, would claim to be qualified.

  7. Panama also invested $2,000,000 in the production of this film.


    Panama to spend $50,000 to promote 'Hands Of Stone'

    'Hands of Stone' se encuentra es su 'recta final' rumbo al estreno en la gran pantalla.

    The Panama Tourism Authority announced that it will invest 50 thousand dollars on the premiere of the film Hands of Stone, the film which portrays the life of Roberto 'Hands of Stone' Durán.

    The investment will be made at the the red carpet event with banners that will be placed on the SVA Theater in the City of New York, the location of the premiere, as well as in the Redbury, where the official party after the premiere will take place.

    "Two ladies dressed with the typical costume of Panama shall accompany the legendary boxer when he makes his red carpet entry, where all the actors who share scenes in this film will also appear.

    The film will be screened in Panama in 40 cinemas on 26tth of August", reads a statement from the Ministry.

    "The sponsorship agreement also incorporates the use of the logo that identifies the destination brand of Panama (Butterfly), which will also be printed on the invitations to be distributed in New York, and in each one of the photographs of the actors and special guests. As well, communications on social networks will carry the #VisitPanamá hashtag, giving followers the opportunity to know the tourist destinations of our country," adds the note.


    The red carpet of this film will be on Monday, August 22nd.


  8. Photos like the one above of the nation's Comptroller, Federico Humbert, inspire confidence that he's a guy who is on the side of the straight deal.

    On the part of Panama's citizens, he always appears to be serious and genuinely offended when dealing with financial misdeeds.

    I've noticed he also shows up at government construction projects to inspect and get a better understanding of what he's controlling.


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  9. Many car sales here are made to first time buyers, which to me is indicative of an emerging middle class.

    Someone asked me the other day where old cars end up. The answer is that unfortunately, most remain in circulation until they grind to a halt before becoming a flower pot in a backyard or part of some mechanic's collection of unfixables.

    Stronger standards of Revisado inspections will eventually come into force to weed out the worst of the 'not roadworthy'.

  10. This October 2015 press release from the Ministry of Health somewhat explains the functions of the MINSA-CAPSI Health Centre in Caimito, Los Anastacios.



    This Thursday the 9th of October, the Ministry of Health opened the second MINSA-CAPSI of the province of Chiriqui. On this occasion the district of Dolega, will benefit from a better attention, with the commissioning of this modern health facility.

    The Minister of Health, Dr. Francisco Javier Terrientes on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Panama fulfills the promise to bring health to all Panamanians with equity and quality.

    With an investment of $ 2,710,198.00 this MINSA-CAPSI unit will benefit a population of 49,227 belonging to Dolega, Dos Rios, Los Anastacios, Potrerillos, Potrerillos Abajo, Rovira, Tinajas and Los Algarrobos.

    Dr. Francisco Javier Terrientes, said, "These facilities are built with the highest degree of complexity, seeking to develop new models of health care facilities in Panama; they are yours and for your use" said the Minister of Health.

    The MINSA-CAPSI of Dolega, will be offering the services of general medicine, external consultation, Odontology, Nursing, Weight Control, Injectables, Vaccination, Psychology, Nutrition, and Social Work.

    In regards to the service of diagnosis and treatment there is a Pharmacy, Clinical Laboratory, Imaging Center;  and in the area of Emergency services Observation, Shock and Trauma, Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation , Nebulization and Ambulance.

    Other areas that form part of the administrative structure of the MINSA-CAPSI Dolega are: Medical Records, Administration, sterilization, Virtual Library, a conference room for 80 persons, Public Health and Health Promotion.

    A modern health facility that has a construction area of 5,681.46 m2 is a work which was carried out by the company Hispano Construction Panamanian (HPC), meeting the highest standards of quality in modern facilities of health.

    The MINSA-CAPSI centers are a creation of the Ministry of Health (MINSA) based on the needs of each segment of the health sector to innovate medical services, with the purpose of bringing fairness to all Panamanians thus improving the quality of life for the interior population.


    Here's another definition of CAPSI as provided by the Ministry of Health. http://www.minsa.gob.pa/cartera-salud/minsa-capsi


    These are facilities of the Ministry of Health providing the first level of attention with the highest degree of complexity that seeks to develop new models of facilities incorporating human resources and information and communication technology (ICT) to provide the population with an integrated care to the network of services to the regional and national level within the framework of the renewed strategy for Primary Health Care and according to the care model individual, family, community and environmental.

    The typology of both Health Centers is similar. It is a building of a single plant, composed of a central core formed by the main lobby, to which is appended to both sides the different departments of the services for which it is made up of: reception and administration, the medical records, the pharmacy, classroom and library, clinical laboratory, physiotherapy, imaging, and external consultations.

    There is also a new MINSA-CAPSI in Volcan.


  11. 6 hours ago, Dennis Philpot said:

    Just wanted to clarify, for anyone interested, that the above directions got me to a large building that houses lots of food vendor stalls and a large government office.  But it wasn't the Galleria Central.  I got directions from one of the vendors and the Galleria Central, a beautiful new mall just opened, is about a block away from the Chiriqui Hospital.  So I did find the new Vitamin Shoppe there which was my objective.  But this new mall is still only about 10% rented so not sure what new tenants might come or when they'll come.  Oh, and though this new Vitamin Shoppe is convenient, like the US parent it's expensive.  So Amazon remains the value choice if time is not an issue.


    Well, that's unfortunate, my apologies. So much for the TIP map link. 

  12. This article is from Panama America, which is owned by Ricardo Martinelli and is critical of the Varela government.

    Work on Vehicular Bridge of David Remains Paralyzed

    "Still pending is the compensation to two businesses that are located on one side and until those issues are settled with CUSA, the company responsible for the project, we will not be able to advance the work", Castillo said.


    The work of the roundabouts of access to the new bridge over the traffic on the PanAmerican highway in the city of David have been paralyzed for the last two years, confirmed José Aníbal Castillo, director of the Ministry of Public Works in Chiriqui.

    "Still pending is the compensation to two businesses that are located on one side and until those issues are settled with CUSA, the company responsible for the project, we will not be able to advance the work", Castillo said.

    However, he pointed out that the company CUSA is currently making some corrections under the bridge, until such time as it's possible to move forward with the work, which is part of the expansion of the David-Dolega-Boquete highway.

    They have also not connected the electricity for the operation of the lighting on the bridge, because changes have to be made in the public service facilities.


  13. Ministry of Health attends to Migrants in Albrook

    The Ministry of Health offered vaccinations and general health care at the Albrook bus terminal Tuesday morning to a group of migrants who are stranded there.

    Dozens of citizens from Cuba, Haiti and some African countries have been living in the terminal, which has raised concerns about their health and safety.

    Metropolitan Health Director Aureligio Rangel said that the concern is the possible spread of diseases caused by the situation.

    Many of them had already received medical attention when they arrived in Panama through the Darién from Colombia.

    Earlier, some 100 migrants left the bus station bound for Costa Rica. Their ultimate destination is the United States.



  14. These camps provide an alternative to having undocumented people running around the countryside, straining resources and possibly spreading illness or disease.

    In this directive Immigration insists that undocumented people who attempt to stay in the country will be deported.


  15. Panama Provides Humanitarian Aid and Shelter to Migrants

    Two new migrant shelters have been built by the government in the province of Darien.


    According to information released by the State Secretariat of Communication, the shelters were built in the communities of Nicanor and Peñitas.

    The shelters include medical and security facilities.

    "The government of Panama reaffirms its position to keep the border with Colombia closed to irregular migration flows that affect the region and a commitment to continue taking all health and safety measures necessary to ensure that these migrants do not pose a health or security risk for Panama," it said.

    As of Aug. 5, 800 migrants from Cuba, Haiti and Africa were stranded in the Darien.



  16. This report appeared in LaPrensa at 6:43 p.m.

    Investigation of the death of a retired German in Boquete

    According to preliminary reports, the foreigner died after falling from the second floor of a house.

    Authorities of the province of Chiriqui investigated this Monday, 15 August, the death of a 68 year old pensioner of 68 years of age, who fell from the second floor of a residence located in the area of Volcancito, Boquete.

    According to witnesses, the retiree was performing construction work. After the fall he was transferred to the Health Center of Boquete by the owner of the house. However, he arrived there without vital signs.

    The Personera of Boquete, Yisel Acosta, went to the place and made the release of the corpse.

    The German resided in the sector Nuevo Amanecer.

    El extranjero fue trasladado al Centro de Salud ya sin vida.


    wow, I was just in the restaurant this morning. RIP George.

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