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Keith Woolford

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Posts posted by Keith Woolford

  1. Panama Viejo is an interesting and relaxing place to spend some time when in Panama City.

    Located on the east side of the Capital on Via Cincuentenario, and visible from the Corredor Sur on the way to Tocumen .


    Telemetro published this story today. http://www.telemetro.com/nacionales/Ruinas-vestigios-historia-Panama-Viejo_0_944005592.html

    Panamá Viejo or the Old City of Panama

    Ruins and vestiges narrate the story of the 497 years of Panama Viejo


    In the middle of the Capital and displaced in a field of 26 hectares are the ruins of some of the most important buildings of the colonial era, as well as the archaeological remains of the pre-Columbian and colonial periods that includes the city of Panama Viejo, that this Monday commemorates 497 years of foundation.

    Founded by Pedro Arias Dávila on august 15, 1519, Panama Viejo became the main residence of the elite in the Mainland, as well as the headquarters of the representatives of the Crown and of the administrative apparatus of the local church, the two great pillars of the colonial society. The site is located within the modern city of Panama, between the mouths of the rivers Algarrobo and down, in front of the coasts of the Pacific Ocean in the section more narrow isthmus.

    In its origins the first city of the Isthmus was built for the expeditions of conquest that were going to South America, but its strategic role as the axis of one of the most important commercial routes of the time placed the city in a privileged position and marked since then its target as territory at the service of the international transit. The city was destroyed by the pirate Henry Morgan in 1671, which led to the relocation of the activities of the city to the Old Town.

    On 5 July 2003 UNESCO included the Archaeological Site of Panamá Viejo in the World Heritage List as an extension of the Historic District of Panama.


    An excellent way to learn more about the history of the first city of Panama, is through a guided tour of the Historic Monuments of Old Panama, where the old and finished structures still standing are those who tell of original shape everything that happened in the place.


    The museum

    Also has a visitor center where people can get to know the Museum with archaeological pieces found in the site, that correspond to the prehispanic periods and Hispanic of our national history. During the visit we appreciate objects that speak of the daily life of the first settlers of this territory, as well as the cultural life, commercial, religious and social of those who lived in the colonial period.

    In the museum you can see a permanent exhibition entitled "From the village to the Urbe" that exposes the heritage values of the archaeological site of Panama Viejo, from its most ancient human occupation, more than a thousand years ago, until the colonial era. Similarly in the ground floor of the building are temporary exhibitions that through variety of resources and supports museographic tell stories that are part of the evolution of the world.

    Approximately two hours is what it takes to make the journey through the Site Museum and the Archaeological Park, however visitors can enjoy the place the time you like, as long as it is within the time of operation. For the comfort of visitors the site administration account with an internal transport for the cost of a balboa.

    To plan your visit to the Monumental Complex of Historical Panama Viejo you must know that the schedule to the public is from Tuesday to Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    Admission rates for nationals



    Conjunto Monumental

    Museo y Conjunto Monumental













    Estudiantes universitarios con carné




    Estudiantes hasta los 8 años




    Estudiantes mayores de 8 años




    Admission Rates for Extranjeros









    Estudiantes universitarios con carné


    In order to enjoy the visit The Board recommends using comfortable clothes, shoes or slippers to walk on land and limestone, hat, in addition to water or hydrating beverages, overgarment or umbrella and antimosquito repellent.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Chiriqui and Veraguas Unite to Conserve Ecosystems

    The regional directors of the Ministry of the Environment of the provinces of Chiriqui and Veraguas formalized inter-agency coordination platform along with other governmental entities, in order to coordinate technical, scientific and administrative actions for the sustainable use of resources and conservation of ecosystems, and facilitating the management of human activities.


    During the activity, the regional directors Yilka Aguirre and Rogelio Rodriguez of Chiriqui and Veraguas respectively pointed to the need for audit of the marine protected areas of the provinces among which are the Marine National Park Gulf of Chiriqui, Wildlife Refuge of the Barqueta, the Mangroves of David, The Coiba National Park and the Wetland of International Importance Gulf of Montijo.

    Both stressed the importance of institutions such as the National Service (SENAN Naval Air), the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) and the authority of the Aquatic Resources of Panama (ARAP) every time that for the audit of the MiAmbiente protected areas is a difficult task due to its extension and the little staff with that account, however the support of the institutions will have a better response capacity and presence in them.

    Through the platform the institutions coordinate and undertake actions to ensure compliance with the joint actions for the sustainable use of resources and conservation of ecosystems. In addition allows the optimization of resources and limited staff with whom have, thus increasing its capacity to respond to the illegalities and generating with its presence a reduction in the number of violations.

    The structure has its own www.plataformadecoordinacion.com web site as well as an application for mobile devices, called "vigilant of the Sea", which allows all the users in the provinces of Chiriqui and Veraguas make complaints about illegalities that affect the navigation, the environment and coastal and marine resources.


  3. The other day in the Treasurer's office I picked up one of these bilingual flyers which are a

    Welcome to Boquete from  Mayor Walker and includes some excellent advisories to the general public.

    Hopefully they are also being distributed in places where tourists and visitors are more likely to find them.

    Image (52).jpgImage (53).jpg





  4. Yesterday afternoon there was a fatal collision involving two cars and a sign post on the Via Boquete in front of Ristorante Terra near the highway overpass at the entrance to David.

    This is a dangerous area which requires caution as there are vehicles turning in both directions, often in the face of traffic which has just built up a head of steam coming down off the elevated bridge.





  5. Public Security Forces in the Spotlight

    Police Corruption under Scrutiny

    Three members of the National Police were dismissed by the Disciplinary Board of the entity as a result of 'Operation Imprisonment': a Captain, a Sergeant and a Chief.

    De acuerdo con estadísticas oficiales, se han tramitado mil 996 expedientes contra miembros de la Policía Nacional entre julio de 2014 y junio de 2015.

    So far in 2016, 32 members of the National Police (PN) have been removed from the entity by cases linked to corruption and disciplinary misdemeanors, according to statistics of the institution itself.

    Last Friday night, for example, three policemen were dismissed who are allegedly linked to the criminal network detected in the penitentiary system, which was devoted to alter criminal judgments, falsifying ballots of freedom and defrauding relatives of inmates, as confirmed by the director of the institution, Omar Pinzón.

    The case was submitted to the Disciplinary Board of the entity and involves a Captain, a Sergeant and a Chief.

    Figures from the direction of Professional Responsibility (DRP) realize that between July 2014 and June 2016, investigations against members of the National Police, for alleged irregularities, which has caused 175 dismissals of agents of different ranges.

    "We ourselves depuramos. These cases are judicializados. The members of the National Police have to be clear in its principles of integrity and how does not affect the image of the institution," said Olmedo Moreno of the DRP.


    are three members of the National Police (PN) that are allegedly linked to the criminal network dedicated to alter criminal judgments, falsify ballots of freedom and defraud to relatives of inmates, organization that was dismantled last Wednesday through Operation imprisonment.

    Last Friday, 12 August, at night, the three police officers were dismissed from the institution, assured official sources.

    But these are not the only cases linked with corruption and violation of rules in the heart of the entity. Statistics of the Directorate of Professional Responsibility (DRP) of the National Police, reveal that between July 2014 and June 2016, nearly 2,000 investigations against members of the police have been opened, which caused 175 dismissals. 12 of these cases are related to drug trafficking.

    In 2016 alone there have been 32 dismissals of police for allegedly committing irregular practices.

    Olmedo Moreno, director of DRP, explained that there are three ways to start an investigation within the entity. Ex officio, which occurs when they learn of any situation through the media or any information that they arrive at the office.

    Also open files in the event that any person brought the complaint in the own PN, and is also being investigated to its staff when they are the subject of complaints.

    As regards to the 12 cases related to drug trafficking, Moreno said here they worked in coordination with the public prosecutors office of drugs. For example,he  mentioned the case in which he was involved a subcomisionner of the PN in a shootout in the Martin Avenue Sosa, in the capital. That act occurred in October 2015.

    He also recalled the operation in which reversed a network of drug traffickers in Panama this, and where it was detected that four staff members of the National Police were involved: two Captains, a Sergeant and an official. The occurrence was recorded in March 2015. "We our debugging ourselves. These cases are judicialized. The members of the National Police have to be clear in its principles of integrity to not affect the image of the institution", added Moreno.

    The role of the GIA

    Last April, the United States Department of State, in a report, pointed out that the institutions of security and justice of Panama remain susceptible to corruption and drug trafficking.

    In addition, left in evidence the difficulties that has the public force for prosecuting the crimes of money laundering, as well as the complex financial crimes. That same month, the president of the Republic, Juan Carlos Varela, announced the formation of the Inter-agency Group against Corruption (GIA), which according to the Executive Decree No. 209, which created it, has as its mission to promote actions against the acts of corruption and organized crime to the internal of the agencies of the public forces. The GIA is under the umbrella of the National Security Council, and is coordinated by Bolívar Medina Dominguez, who was appointed in July last.

    In accordance with which explained the minister of Public Security, Alexis Bethancourt Yau, the GIA played an important role in the dismantling of the network of alleged corruption that operated in the prison system.

    The Minister added that the GIA received the information of what was happening in the country's prisons, and with its human resources supported the Public Ministry and the direction of judicial information.

    The former National Police Oswaldo Fernandez (1991-1995) pointed out that it is good that the police take the units bad, that is quite low, in relation to the overall figure. There will always be one that breaks the rule. It is good that the entities have the procedures needed to pull these units and put them at the disposal of the competent authorities", he said.


  6. This is an excellent article, albeit long, dealing with the growth of business in Panama which is occurring as a result of the Canal expansion.

    From the Martes Financiero or Tuesday Financial edition of LaPrensa. 


    The Load is Multiplied


    freetranslation,com ..partial edit by me.

    During the ten years it took for the construction of the widening of the Panama Canal, a total of 431 companies participated in this megawork of engineering. Some provided inputs for the construction. Other services provided energy, dredging, bunkering, technical support or logistical solutions. Of that total, 267 companies appear as contractors to the Panama Canal Authority, and another 264 as subcontractors.

    The List, which includes both local companies and foreign, is a clear example of economic dynamism as they developed the work on enlargement in which 5 billion dollars would be invested.

    A study of the maritime chamber of Panama, entitled Economic Impact of the Maritime Sector of Panama, which dates back to the year 2014, reveals that this activity came to generate for the country 9,769,800,000 dollars, of which only the channel represented 53.8 per cent of the entire industry.

    The other 46.2% or its equivalent of $4.5 billion dollars is divided into 12 sectors. The first four:

    • port, with thousand 477.9 million (15.1%);
    • sale of fuel, with 891.6 million dollars (9.1%);
    • agencies and shipping lines, with $850 million (8.7%)
    • and fisheries, with 427.5 million (4.4%), among others. (See table: Segments by Panama Maritime activity).


    After the enlargement of the waterway that serves the world, a range of opportunities opened that many companies viewed during the building of the work. This process allowed them to prepare to meet the diverse needs of the activities linked to the maritime activities and logistics of the country.

    Rommel Troetsch, president of the maritime chamber of Panama, maintains that during the expansion of the waterway a movement was generated in the loading of containers such that some of the shipping agencies who came to this project decided to stay and maintain operations in the country not only to serve the local market, but for the region and even South America. "Panama has emerged as a maritime center of America, and in a business opportunity," stresses Troetsch.

    The Panama Canal records about 14 thousand transits of ships a year, which has been well used by several companies to provide these boats maintenance services, repair of radars or electronic equipment, to name just a few.

    This is not a new business in the country, but these companies displayed the possibility of strengthening its operations to contemplate the installation of its permanent operations center in the isthmus to address such a fleet of boats in Panama. Or at least agencies of representation.

    And due to the fact that the country is a hub air facilitates the arrival of crews of ships from other destinations, and from here they can address and disembark from ships. "This is a topic that is historically in Panama and in which it is increasingly consolidating as a center of change of crew".

    The Opportunities


    Members of the maritime sector and logistical coincide that in the country there are many opportunities to exploit. Specifically there are three segments in which must be special emphasis: in the center of the transshipment of cargo and in the sale of both fuel to vessels as of supplies to these vessels.

    Some of them maintain that there is a bet on the growth of the Center for the transshipment of cargo of Panama. For this it is necessary to increase port capacity, although this year saw a drop of 13 per cent for the transshipment of cargo during the first five months of 2016 compared with the same period of last year.

    Troetsch notes that it is necessary to revise this business model to make it more efficient and to attract more cargo. It is even a topic being evaluated with the local authorities. The shipping agencies seek savings and the country should continue to promote trans-shipment for which the country will grow it's maritime services.

    The second objective to join is the service of the sale of bunker to boats. It is estimated that the annual sales of fuel to these ships is 900 million dollars. The country serves only between 13% to 15% of all vessels transiting the Canal. There is a potential market.

    And the sale of supplies to vessels, such as food, beverages, refrigerated products, dry, consumption of lubricants, fuel, ship repairs, change of crew, review the equipment or maintenance. A study of the maritime chamber of Panama of four years ago revealed the sale of 32 million dollars in supplies to these vessels.

    Currently built are auxiliary maritime services docks. All these products for the boats are ferried between the mainland and the point where the vessels are anchored. To bring these supplies to the boat in anchor requires this type of infrastructure.

    "A dock is key so that I can load the food, the crew, supplies and bring them to the ship that are in the anchor waiting transit", added the president of the maritime chamber of Panama. It adds that the country lacks a better organization between the Government and private enterprise, and make the studies to sell more maritime services correlated with the load, the boat and the crew.

    The Captain Carlos Garcia, general manager of Panama Pilot Services Corp., considers that after the enlargement of the waterway there is a greater dynamism in the logistics sector, but pointed out that their growth depends on the efficiency, productivity and quality of the service that is offered to the ships.

    "Panama has to compete with Jamaica, Cartagena, Limon and Moin, in Costa Rica. It should be better prices and quality of service," adds Garcia.

    Panama Pilot Services is a company of pilotage of ships with 20 years of service in the bay of Manzanillo. The manager explains that the Panamanian ports are preferably for the transshipment of cargo: 80% in transit and the 20% remains in the country. Each year pass through the channel a total of 348 million tons of cargo, under the system of universal tonnage of vessels of the Panama Canal. That is expected to be replicated after the widening of the waterway.

    García anticipates that the challenge for auxiliary enterprises will grow and therefore the ports were conditioned in its part logistics to respond ships neopanamax. Some of the attentions mostly sued lie in the supply of fuel and food or the maintenance of the ships. "You must expand the entire logistics system, but this depends on the efficiency and productivity in the quality of the services provided".

    The operation is simple for Panama Pilot Services. Expert in pilotage and in services of boats, if you increase the volume of ships will the income. "We need to increase the labor force, either practical or for floating path".

    The fact that these ships pass through the channel does not mean that stop in our waters, and it is there where other countries in the region compete to see how "we steal the mandate, as is said in good Panama," says Surse Pierpoint, general manager of the Colon Free Zone (FTA) and member of the Cabinet Logistics Panama.

    Pierpoint says that unlike the panamax ships, with a capacity for 5 thousand TEU, which are gradually disappearing, maritime waters are now beginning to colmars

    "The challenge for us is to keep a lot of competitiveness to meet these boats. Because for us in the Colon Free Zone is key that the boat stop and lower the load. Because the costs of operating are increasing and we cannot remain outside the jurisdiction in costs," warns.

    While Pierpoint qualifies as "difficult" business opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises in the free zone after the expansion of the Canal. Lack of a network of factories suppliers in Asia, not to say China, and a good structure to be able to be projected with this advantage in the region.

    For a small company in the FTA that invoice less of 10 million dollars per year is difficult to grow product of the rise in the cost of products in Asia, the behavior of the Chinese economy and a fall in demand in Latin America for the cooling of the demand. "It is an uncertain situation and uncertain at the moment. From the point of view of cost there are highly qualified people looking for work, Bodegas very cheap, so that the entrepreneur who sees opportunities is the one that sells handkerchiefs when others are crying."



    Maxindustrias supplemented the Panama Canal of the slings of steel cables to load lifting maneuvers. Press/Eric Batista
    Some of the companies that participated as suppliers of products for the Panama Canal in its enlargement put to the test the quality of its product offering and logistics capacity.

    One of these companies is Maxindustrias, which provided services and solutions to the channel for maneuvers of lifting the load and made-to-measure solutions according to the need of the customer, recalls Fernando Lara, commercial director of This Panamanian company.

    Ariel González, Commercial Counselor of the industrial area, explains that the company met with staff of the Panama Canal to know their needs throughout the project, mainly of inputs for the hoisted. For example, you needed chains and belts of burden of high tonnage and in large quantities, but before the project the company could only manage these volumes in a period of one year. The logistics aspect was another challenge every time they needed to quote these inputs on the outside, but in sizes, colors and very specific capabilities. Once arrived the containers had to check very carefully every detail of the material: "If they were of a foot or two feet long," says Gonzalez.

    Pedro Castillo, head of industrial sales, adds that for the maneuvers that were carried out in the construction of the accuracy of these details was very important because it worked at times with a very narrow margin of error and ensured the safety of personnel in the work and equipment.

    The experience that won Maxindustrias as suppliers of the widening of the Panama Canal were now serves as a reference for addressing other markets. It has a presence throughout Central America, the Caribbean and part of South America.

    Another multiplier effect of the work is that companies that provide the boats with what is necessary for its operation, requested products used during the construction in excellent condition, as new.

    Gonzalez said that some of the companies present on the occasion of the works in the waterway to the that they supplemented products, remained in the country demanding their services. An opportunity that the company did not despise.

    In the same way that local companies offered their services to the channel when it became the enlargement of the waterway; they also made the same companies that came from abroad. An example of this is to either Energy Group, composed of a handful of companies. The company serves via Ship Management Panama, to manage boats with regard to crews or maintenance; Nolkata Management, a representative shipping company that offers services of agency, transit and water supply; Energy Company is responsible for the purchase and sale of fuel; and San Martin Group to manage boats from the group in Venezuela. Has a barge in Venezuela that supplies fuel to the power plant of the city of Maracaibo; and in Panama has two boats: one in the Atlantic and another in the Pacific.


    Pedro Suira and Johana Corner, spokesmen of the company, explained that the company opened operations in Panama five years ago, motivated by enlargement. The interest of the group in the country has emerged in its status as a strategic point for the transit of vessels. World Began with supply of bunker, and little by little founded the other companies.

    Now, with a channel already expanded, the company has the expectation that improve the traffic volume because it is expected the arrival of more ships and larger. "By now our strong is the fuel and you can sell more fuel. In greater quantity and equally with the auxiliary services we have how to provide water, lower rain water, such as delivering parts, and then we can offer more products on a larger scale in many more boats".

    Panama Marine Services, expert in maritime services, says that the scenario for the logistics sector with the expansion of the Canal brings new challenges of logistics to having to diversify in accordance with the requirements of the clients. "Our company has an estimate of higher growth of our market with the arrival of the ships neopanamax. In the first month of the extended Channel passed 55 boats. Our company is ready to continue to grow along with that market" say their spokespersons.

    To meet these new requirements the company made an investment in new infrastructure and equipment to be able to continue its existing and future customers those services and better quality products of world class in the shortest possible time.

    Reveal that in its new winery maintain a sustainable inventory for six months and thus cover the orders of their customers in regard to painting, Life rafts and chemicals. The maritime world in Panama is opening up a world of opportunities in various edges. It now takes advantage of this possibility or simply other take advantage.



  7. 18 hours ago, Pat said:

    I agree with you, Penny, about the cost of food. Realized that many items (milk, fresh fruits, eggs, beef) more expensive here than in the Northwest part of U.S.

    And the cost of utilities (electricity and water)......very expensive here in Boquete.

    Food prices have definitely been rising here but I still find they are relatively inexpensive in Chiriqui and respectfully have to disagree.

    Since the north-western U.S. was mentioned, here's a look at Seattle's August 2016 grocery pricing which confirms that the only food items which cost less than here would be whole milk, Coca-Cola, and perhaps apples because they are produced there. However, there are plenty of other fresh fruits and vegetables available locally here at a fraction of the price they would cost elsewhere.


    Cost of Living in Seattle, Washington. Updated Prices Aug 2016. 2016-08-13 17-49-06.png

    Water service and garbage collection where we live is under $100 a year, and electricity costs are less than $400 annual. We also have no heating, air-conditioning, or snow removal expense.

    • Upvote 2
  8. Illegal logging reported in La Amistad Park

    Una denuncia ciudadana alertó a la Polícia.

    Police have arrested one person for illegal logging in La Amistad Park in Chiriquí.

    The investigation was prompted by a complaint filed by a resident.

    The Ministry of the Environment is assisting with the investigation.

    The park is a UNESCO world heritage site due to the importance and diversity of its ecosystem. Logging is prohibited inside its border.


  9. Suggestions to be Made for Attending Migrants


    The International Organization for Migration will deliver to Panama recommendations to improve the humanitarian care that is being offered to migrants who arrive in the country.

    Datos de la Gran Terminal de Transporte de Albrook precisan que por día arriban a este lugar   entre 100 a 200 migrantes procedentes de Darién.


    The director of the National Immigration Service, Fernando Carrillo, warned that migrants who do not leave the country with in a period of 72 hours they will start the procedure for their deportation.

    Their statements are given in the middle of the arrival to the isthmus Panameño of migrants on their way to reach the United States, through the jungle of the province of Darien, to then make a trip by bus to the Great Transportation Terminal of Albrook, and then proceeding to Central America.

    The official also clarified that in spite of the fact that these people say they belong to nations of the African continent, they have been able to corroborate, using a data capture process that is performed on the border of Darien, which of them are of Haitian nationality.

    To these people "they take the general data, such as name and age, fingerprints are taken and in addition you take photos of the iris and the face," said Carrillo.

    "The information that we have is that they come by Darien, are Haitian, arrive by public transport to the terminal and there await money to buy their tickets and go to the border of David", he said.

    He added that something is true that "they are entering the country illegally" because they do not have travel documents, which forced them to leave the national territory in a term of 72 hours, or otherwise proceeded with deportation.

    Data from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) announced this Monday that nearly 1,300 migrants are stranded on the border between Colombia and Panama.

    In addition, he stated that the situation of these people is "extreme vulnerability",  for which a call has been made to the nations of America to "take immediate action to enable channels that will allow the people to migrate in a legal and safe manner".

    In this regard, Gonzalo Medina, program coordinator of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), noted that the reality of these people is that they are being forced to emigrate for economic reasons or violence.

    He noted that in support, Panama has established an extensive coordination with several state entities such as the National Immigration Service, the National Border Service and the Ministry of Health, among others.

    A report named global trends of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR, by its acronym in Spanish), which is published annually, detailed that 65.3 million people were displaced at the end of 2015, compared to the 59.5 million registered during 2014, being the first time that the figure exceeds the threshold of 60 million people.

    Medina commented that last week he made a visit to the province of Darien, and that he is currently preparing a report that will be delivered to the Panamanian authorities with some recommendations regarding the attention of foreigners.

    Medina reiterated that Panama has offered good conditions for persons who arrive in the country, "improving the humanitarian assistance", since it offers them to immigrants health care, shelter and food, among others. "It is a reality that migration there is growing," he said.

    For its part, Rosa Castillo, Director in charge of the Panamanian Red Cross, reported that there are currently staff of this institution in the Darien providing assistance, mainly of health.

    Castillo assured that the aid has been offered both to those who are in Darien and to those who are waiting in the Albrook Transportation Terminal.

    "Many of them come lacerated or with allergies in the body, dehydrated and fatigued, so that we have given everything that has been in our hands," said.

    He added that this is a large job that is monitored on a daily basis, in coordination with other entities.



  10. To the best of my knowledge, no refunds of premiums were issued as a result of the liquidation of Seguros Constitution, ordered by the Superintendency of Insurance.

    Agents were instructed to advocate for clients who had unsettled claims against the insurer.

    The details of the liquidation are here. http://superseguros.gob.pa/index.php?lang=es#liquidación-seguros-constitución

  11. Dennis, according to the Facebook page for Galeria Central this is the location.


    Calle F Sur (or South) on this map is often referred to as the "McDonalds or Super 99 road" and it runs from the PanAmerican Highway down to the Police HQ and Jail where one turns right to go to the Airport.

    Get on Calle F Sur and go down until you reach a large Church on the right hand side, the Iglesia del Carmen.

    Turn right there on to Avenida 1A Este (or East). Go a few blocks and you should see the new mall on the right.

    The big, new Mercado Publico would be on the left in the next block.


  12. 10 Local Gang Members Captured this Morning

    At least 10 members of the gang "Aponte" were captured this Thursday, 11 August 2016 in the city of David, Province of Chiriquí.

    Autoridades buscan capturar miembros de la pandilla.

    These captures were achieved in an operation carried out this morning, ordered the Office of the prosecutor specializing in crimes of unlawful association (gang actions) of the Office of the Procurator General of the nation of the Public Ministry. In the action also participated agents of the National Police and the direction of judicial investigation.

    The Public Ministry reported that continue the operations in order to achieve the arrest of the rest of the persons investigated.

    Information in development...


    • Upvote 1
  13. 2nd Great National Day of Reforestation

    80,000 Trees to be Planted

    Saturday 27 August will be the "Second Great National Day of Reforestation" at more than 30 sites in all the provinces, with the purpose of reforesting a million hectares in 20 years.

    Plantarán 80 mil árboles

    The activity starts from 8:00 am and according to the Minister of the Environment, Mirei Endara, they expect to be planting 80 thousand trees in 80 hectares.

    For this year they are producing more than 2 million trees of different species to be reforested at the national level within the framework of the Alliance for a Million Hectares .

    This partnership is part of the national strategy for mitigating and adapting to climate change and the national plan for water security 2015-2050.


  14. Albrook Transportation Terminal, the new haven of African migrants

    Currently, on the border between Colombia and Panama There are a thousand 300 migrants, which have as their goal to reach out to the United States. In this regard, the chancellor Isabel de Saint Malo de Alvarado reported that the country has made a commitment to provide the assistance.

    Informes  de la administración de la Gran Terminal de  Transporte   de Albrook precisan que diariamente se están recibiendo entre 100 y 200 migrantes africanos  procedentes de la provincia de Darién y con destino hacia la frontera con Costa Rica.

    Chester Awares Derelus is a young Congolese, 23 years of age, who has been traveling for 95 days. He has crossed three continents and five countries, with the dream of getting to the United States.

    Thin, with black skin, braids in his hair and a look that appears to be exhaustion, Derelus waits patiently sitting on a chair in the south bay of the large AlbrookTransportation Terminal to which his brother, who lives in New York, United States, sent him a thousand dollars to be able to continue his trip and reunited with family.

    IHe departed from his country of origin, the Democratic Republic of the Congo,  in May of this year, as a result of the continued armed conflict in that nation.

    Reports from the Agency of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR, by its acronym in English), indicate that conflicts in that African nation have left 1.5 million internally displaced persons, while other tens of thousands have been forced to emigrate.

    Derelus, who speaks French, a little English and Spanish that can be understand recounts that his journey has been a long one.

    It started when he traveled in a boat to Spain and then to Brazil. From there the whole journey has been through the jungle, passing by Peru, Ecuador and Colombia, to get to Panama.

    He arrived to his first point in Panama which was Puerto Piña, in the province of Darien, during July. He was 26 days In that community until finally this Tuesday 9 August was able to reach the Great Albrook Transportation Terminal.

    Without giving further details, the Congolese ensures that all the way to Panama has cost 2 thousand 500 dollars.

    "Here we bathe, eat something and we hope that our families will send money to continue our way. This is a very difficult situation," says.

    He notes that from here, the path to follow is Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico and finally California, United States.


    There are thousands

    Between 100 and 200 migrants like Derelus arrive daily in this transport terminal, explained Benjamin Solis, chief of operations of the Albrook Transportation Terminal.

    Detailed that from about a year ago, this has been a habitual behavior in this area of transit.

    "This has been the case with the Cubans, Somalis, Haitians and now Africans", which obviously has brought some "inconvenience to users of the place," he said.

    Solis said that in view of this massive influx has had to enable a special area at the top of the bay south of the terminal, where they wait.

    In addition, has enabled a bath for your exclusive use and have done some coordination with the Panamanian Red Cross, the National Immigration Service and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to care for them.

    Yesterday, in the place had at least 50 men, women and children and even newborn; some slept, others eat or talking to each other. Several backpacks, cartridges, sheets and sleeping bags had in the place.

    In accordance with Solis, the average stay of migrants is between 24 and 72 hours. He added that "they are only waiting for them to send money through the agencies of sending money, in order to be able to continue its journey. It is what they say to us".

    The Administrator also stated that staff of migration has made assessments on the site and has made it clear that these people can be up to 72 hours in the country, without needing any document for this.

    In his view, this phenomenon has several side effects, among them that are generating an economic movement that "although perhaps it is not so significant, leave'.

    He said that these are passengers that are moved from border to border and that when arriving at the terminal buy cards, go to the restaurants, buy clothes, among other items.

    However, he cautioned that the arrival of these migrants without clinical controls or health can bring diseases.

    Solis concluded by saying that monthly are receiving about 3 thousand migrants, and to date there has been no situation of gravity.

    An issue of concern

    in fact, last Monday, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) issued a statement in which they showed "its deep concern" about the situation of "extreme vulnerability" in which there are close to a thousand 300 migrants stranded in the municipality of Turbo, near the Darién Gap, Colombia, on the border with Panama.

    James Cavallaro, president of the IACHR, stated that "the fact that migrants resort to irregular channels and to traffickers of migrants is explained by the lack or inadequacy of legal channels and insurance to migrate", which ensures the leaves vulnerable to abuse and extortion by criminal organizations, traffickers of migrants, as well as some policemen.

    In this regard, made an appeal to all States of America "to act immediately to enable channels that allow these people to migrate from a legal and safe manner".

    For its part, the Vice President and Chancellor of the Republic, Isabel de Saint Malo de Alvarado, reported that they are currently working on two fronts to address the problem.

    "We will comply with our obligations in the area of migrant populations and establish the corresponding shelters to give them a humane treatment and at the same time we are working with the levels of security to prevent irregular enter" the country.

    However, recognized that this last phase comprises a large "challenge" in which they are making the necessary efforts.


  15. Former Head of Constitution Insurance under House Arrest in the Dominican Republic

    Venezuelan businessman Omar Farias Luces has been placed under house arrest in the D.R. for his part in a scam to defraud Dominicans of their savings. He was arrested as he was boarding a private plane heading for the U.S.


    This crook siphoned off the best part of the Constitution Insurance company here in Panama, rendering it inoperable.

    When operations were suspended by the Superintendency of Insurance last year a lot of folks here lost out on their coverage and/or claims.


    La empresa fue intervenida en Panamá el año pasado.

  16. 59 minutes ago, Roger B said:


    "All the flies usually stick to the skinny dog".   It is an old saying we have in Panama.   "Al perro mas flaco se le pegan las pulgas".  It could be used to explain why it is only centering in only on Panama.

    "Hell hath no fury like" ..a nation scorned over a Canal expansion contract.

    I find it interesting that the Mossack Fonseca leaks, the Waked family scandal, and considerable negative press in the U.S. about the Canal expansion design all came within a few months of the inauguration of the new locks.

  17. Chiriqui: Tech Equipment for the SPA at a cost of $9.8 million

    The SPA is the Sistema Penal Accusatorio


    At a cost of 9.8 million dollars, the National Authority for governmental innovation (AIG) installed and configured the hardware and software for the digital recording of the 25 courtrooms and their integration to the technological platform of the adversarial criminal law system (SPA). El magistrado de la Corte Suprema de Justicia José Ayú Prado y el director de la AIG Irving Halman.

    The general manager of the AIG, Irving Halman, said that this is a technology that is going to be used in the courtroom that is required for the SPA. It is an integrated platform for all entities.

    The third judicial district is formed by three voices, since it covers Chiriqui, Bocas del Toro and the Comarca Ngäbe Buglé. He said that the 25 courtrooms have all the technology to provide a process of SPA with first class technology.

    Audio and video equipment to record the hearings was placed, as well as all the software that is used by an entity such as the National Police or the Prosecutor opens a case.

    He said that in this third judicial district, the SPA is now complete with the placement of this technological innovation.

    Personnel are trained, the license has been purchased and staff are making the developments for other areas, "the platform is secure, reliable and has the support and what they are going to make the public support for the platform in its new version," says.

    The presiding judge of the Supreme Court of Justice, José Ayú Prado, said that more than a year ago they have been counting on a convention with AIG (Innovation) for the technological platform in order to have a better dynamic.

    The installation assures a control of the management of the investigation, prosecution and execution of penalties, which in turn is replacing the written form.



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