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Keith Woolford

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Posts posted by Keith Woolford

  1. Chiriqui Rice Producers Complain about Lack of Government Support

    The producers of Alanje, David and Baru fear that rice production will be lost by lack of government support.

    Baja producción de arroz.

    The President of the Association of Rice Producers of Chiriqui (APACH), Gabriel Araúz, said they are confronting a problem for a long time by the lack of support from the government and which has worsened because of the "debts against" the facilities of the Molinos en Guarumal y la Casa del Arrocero en David by the National Bank of Panama (BNP).

    He said that some producers have had to sell their lacreages to other entrepreneurs whose lands are now used for housing because rice activity was not cost effective, and they do not see any interest of the government in supporting it.

    The past year has planted 17,000 hectares of rice and for this year 2016, van planted 11,000 hectares, which represents a deficit of 6,000 hectares of rice.

    He said that in the face of this situation he does not discard that there may be more protests, because "the you want this activity to the food security of the country, has to continue fighting to get good achievements and that the government understands that the food is what first".

    The President Juan Carlo Varela said last week that they were already supporting the rice producer with the allowance of $7.50 and that he could not get involved with the legal aspect that maintain the partnership with the National Bank of Panama.


  2. Cleanup in Downtown Boquete

    A great day of cleaning in the corregimiento of Bajo Boquete in conjunction with the Beautification staff and the Corregiduría of Bajo Boquete.

    The Corregidora of Bajo Boquete, Ana Contreras, thanked Coffee Ruíz, the Sabrosón Restaurant, Restaurant Mi Jardin, and the Restaurant Rocio for their collaboration with staff that made yesterday 's clean-up day possible.


  3. This was bound to happen sooner or later. Most likely there are others who die there and are never found or reported.

    Family of Migrants Found Dead in the Darien; Drowned in a River

    El incidente se registró en el río Tuqueza.

    A family of migrants were found dead the morning of Thursday 1 September in Darien.

    According to information from the National Service Border (Senafront), the discovery was made by fishermen in the area of Tuqueza.

    The family was composed of a child of about four years and a couple of adults (man and woman), who were found drowned in the river.

    "Units of the First Eastern Brigade, received information of fishermen from the population of Tuqueza, province of Darien, who stated that they had visualized a body of a child under four years of age approximately, floating on the banks of the river Tuqueza. Our units next to the spokesperson of the area went to the place in question and gave with the finding of the infante, that by their traits are presumed to be extracontinental (MIGRANT)," says a statement of the institution.

    Meters later were found the bodies of the couple.

    Authorities presume that a head of water, product of the recent rains in the sector, was responsible for the death of these migrants.

    None of the bodies found had documents of identity.



  4. This article from TVN deals with the remarks which have offended many Panamanians.

    Proposal to Impose Sanctions on Foreigners who Disrespect Panama


    The proposal was made after the mockeries that were made by a Venezuelan comedian about Panama, before his appearance in the country, that was canceled.

    With concern the National College of Lawyers (CNA) sees the constant insults to the national dignity by foreign citizens and has requested  the National Immigration Service to impose sanctions on those who disrespect the country.

    This proposal arises from a new incident with a Venezuelan comedian who made a "mockery" of Panama, the country that he was coming to appear.

    Juan Carlos Arauz, vice president of the CNA said in a telephone interview in AM News that a letter had been sent to the above mentioned entity to protect the lives, honor and property of nationals.

    The words of the jurist echo the large amount of Panamanians who have expressed their rejection by the offensive words to the Panamanian nationality, by the Venezuelan comedian George Harris.

    Harris would be presented in the country next 16 September, but canceled his show, arguing threats.

    The bad jokes about Panama

    The situation arose after Harris do "jokes" of Panamanians, during a presentation in Miami.

    Mocked, since according to him, Panama does not have a typical dish, also made a mockery of the program that was called "Melting Pot", precisely to regularize foreigners.

    He mentioned that Panamanians are "slow" and that gringos come to Panama for a quiet place to smoke marijuana, among other comments, which were very badly taken by Panamanians, that through social networks sent messages of rejection to Harris.

    Compared to Panama with the streets of Maturín, a city of Venezuela and also laughed at the fact that Panama is called the little Miami of Central America.

    Hundreds of messages flooded the social networks and led to cancel his show before the firestorm of criticism.

    The ANC demands respect

    This fact led to the actions of the CNA. In the letter sent to the Director of Immigration Javier Carrillo, the CNA respectfully requested to use his good offices in order to that based on the Decree-Law of 3 February 2008, is prevented from the entry to Panama to Venezuelan citizen and comedian.

    "Our authorities are instituted by constitutional duty to protect the lives, honor and property of Panamanians and honor involves precisely this. This is that Panama cannot be vilified and hit constantly", he said.

    Added Araúz that the reactions of the citizenship begin to generate discussions on networks, instead of reaching a direct channel where you can discuss. Therefore, the CNA submitted the request to the authorities instituted to ensure the regulation of entry of an individual who has "violated" the honor of Panamanians.

    The CNA appeals to you punishment because you cannot be eternally in the expectation of these events where are in breach of the regulations and nothing happens.

    Arauz indicated that the director of migration should at its discretion to prohibit entry to any individual who violates this way to the country and in this way create a culture of respect for Panama.

    "Everyone who wants to come can do so in the degree of peaceful coexistence with the Panamanians and respecting the regulations", sentenced.

    This guild, through the commission of migration, involving more than 60 professionals and experts in the subject, has made several recommendations and according Araúz, migration has "deposited on deaf ears".

    The application of the CNA was presented to Migration yesterday afternoon, so that it may take up to 30 days to give a reply to the letter.


  5. Although I applaud the idea of fund raising for charity, I can't imagine these two guys earning enough at clowning around in David to pay for the gas to get there. It seems to me that some kind of competition involving their culinary skills would be a lot more likely to raise cash.

    Another thought is that maybe the notice is just a gimmick to get signups for a newsletter.

  6. Fuel Prices to Increase Friday

    Fuel prices will rise Friday, reported the National Secretariat of Energy.

    The price of a liter of 95 octane, that currently is sold at 68.2 cents a liter, will rise to 72.1 cents a liter.

    Meanwhile, 91 octane will go from 66.3 centers per liter to 70 cents.

    Diesel prices will go from 55.2 cents a liter to 59.4 cents a liter.

    The new prices will apply until Sept. 16.

    This is the second price increase in a row after a number of consecutive price drops. The price is largely determined by the price of oil.



  7. National Forum on Gender Equality in Chiriqui held in Boquete

    The main objective of this activity was to provide an inter-institutional and citizen dialog, to assess the progress and challenges in the area of gender equality and equity in the public policies of Panama on territorial rural development, in order to systematize the results and presenting them in the regional symposium of the countries that make up the Central American Integration System- SICA.

    The program began with the opening words of the Licdo. Orlando Torres, Director of Rural Development and Chairman of the National Committee of the ECADERT.

    Among the participants who formed part of this forum was present a representation of the Municipality of Boquete, a group of members of the Panamanian Network of Rural Women- REPAMUR, the Director of the Office of the Institute for Women (INAMU), chapter of Chiriqui, representatives of the territories of cross-border Bocas del Toro and Chiriqui, member of the Council Territorial Development CDT in Veraguas, the head of the agency of Boquete, making approximately 65 people in this activity.

    Among the exhibitors who gathered was present Licda. Nadya White, Executive Secretary of the Central American Agricultural Council SICA, Licdo. Ruben Quiroz, planner of the Rural Development Division of the measure, Licda. Dalibeth Araúz, Director of the Office INAMU Chiriqui.

    On the other hand was the participation of Licda. Anayansi Perez and Carmen Abrego the Program of Rural Women in the Rural Development Division, in conjunction with the experiences of members of the Panamanian Network of Rural Women- REPAMUR of Panama Oeste, Chiriqui and Bocas del Toro, taking advantage of this opportunity to coordinate the IV Meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean of rural women who will take place from 15 to 19 October 2017 in this province.


  8. The Director of Transit for Chiriqui is considering making changes to traffic flow in the area.

    Calle F Sur, or Calle Miguel Angel Brenes would become one-way running from the PanAmerican Highway down to the Police station on Av. 4A.

    Calle E Sur, which runs behind Romero in San Mateo, would become one-way in the other direction.

    Calle C Sur, or the Via Rapida, will remain one-way from Av. 4A up to the Highway beside Cochez y Cia.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Panama, Colombia officials to meet next week

    El ministro de Comercio e Industrias, Augusto Arosemena asistió a la Comisión de Presupuesto de la Asamblea Nacional.

    Minister of Trade and Industry * Augusto Arosemena will meet next week with Colombian officials to try and resolve the trade dispute between the two countries.

    "Talks are still open to find a solution," Arosemena said.

    Colombia has placed tariffs on goods from Panama, including textiles and footwear from the Colón Free Zone. Panama has threatened to retaliate on goods from Colombia.

    Panama has petitioned the World Trade Organization, which has ruled in its favor on two occasions. 

    Arosemena has said that Panama will take steps to protect its rights.


    * Minister Arosemena is the son of ophthalmologist and friend Dr. Augusto Arosemena.

  10. We will close the *CHOLO DROME* said the MAYOR OF BOQUETE

    The Mayor of Boquete Emigdio Walker Vásquez announced this morning on Radio Chiriqui on the program of the Office of the Mayor of Boquete; he is looking together with the 6 Honorable Representatives of Boquete and in conjunction with the legal department, to close very soon the area of *Cholo Drome* or better known as the *Gallera in Boquete*.

    "We do not want more Ngabe aboriginals dead and we seek peace for our residents Boqueteños, and for tourism which is a factor in development for all, and also the Ngabe Boqueteños residing in the district of Boquete", stressed the mayor.

    Our Ngäbe brothers have been with us since the beginning of the district and move forward with them creating social reintegration program to ensure that the cultural and economic contribution more effective and attraction for our district with economic inputs for their families; pointed out the highest authority of the district Boqueteño.

    Public Relations Department


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  11. Chiriqui Achieves Goal and Reforests 600 hectares


    The stated goal for this year in the "Alliance for the 1 million hectares," and in this activity 54 hectares were planted in two farms of the Agricultural Sciences Faculty of the University of Panama, located in the district of Chiriqui in the district of David.

    During the activity Governor Méndez stressed the importance of preserving the environment, to ensure that "Alliance for the 1 million hectares" is one of the goals of the State so that future generations may enjoy a healthy environment.

    The day involved some 600 volunteers who planted approximately 3,800 native seedlings, of forest and timber species.

    These points are one of the 30 established for that purpose at the national level.

    The regional director of Mi Ambiente, Yilka Aguirre, reported that the Statistics Department of Forestry Mi Ambiente, indicated that so far this year in the regional 600 hectares have been reforested using various forest systems with its technicians, strategic partners, allies, non-governmental organizations and partners.

    This priority area is located mostly in the basins of the rivers: Chiriqui, Chiriqui Viejo and Chico.

    The program prioritizes the watersheds that have critical areas of soil erosion and deforestation, to enter in the rehabilitation of the current state conducive to medium and long term minimize degradation and therefore control the adverse effects caused by the presence of the phenomenon of El Niño and La Niña, and the negative impacts of climate change.



  12. It's always been my preference to hire a gardener who has his own equipment but that became inconvenient so I ended up buying an Italian knockoff of a Stihl one day.

    The machine has needed a few servicings but for the most part it's been fine for handling the small area we're dealing with. The gardener tells me to purchase Stihl 2-Cycle Oil only, and he mixes it rich. He has a repair guy who comes by moto. Sorry, no info. on him.

  13. Panama and Eight Other Countries call Meeting with the Government of the United States over Cuban Migrant Crisis

    Nine Latin American countries proposed this Monday to Washington a high-level meeting to review its policy that promotes the illegal emigration of Cubans toward North American territory.

    The foreign ministers of Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama and Peru delivered a letter to the Secretary of State, John Kerry, in which they expressed their concern at the Cuban Adjustment Act, which since 1966 favors with residence and work permits to Cubans who arrive in the United States.

    In the letter, delivered by the Ecuadorian embassy in Washington, the Foreign Ministers noted that considered "relevant to analyze and revise policies and regulations" Americans that lead to that Cubans give their lives trying to reach the United States.

    "These people in extreme vulnerability, are victims of mafias devoted to the smuggling of migrants, sexual exploitation, and the collective assaults.

    This situation has generated a crisis that affects our countries", added.

    The Foreign Ministers felt that the revision of the Law of adjustment and the policy "wet foot, dry foot", which allows Cubans to remain in the United States if depressed land, would be a "first step to stop the worsening of this complex situation and part of a definitive solution to ensure a regular and orderly migration in our region".

    "We would like to propose a high-level meeting to review this problem", since the policies of Washington stimulate the flow of messy, irregular and unsure of Cubans who, risking their lives, transit from Peru to Mexico to arrive at a U.S. border point, scored.

    The diplomatic rapprochement between Washington and Havana has led to an increase in the output stream of Cubans who fear that the Law of adjustment is repealed."There is a process of opening. Several countries in Latin America and the world have called at the end of the blockade against Cuba, is the moment to put an end to this immigration policy toward Cuba, which is discriminatory," added the Minister of Ecuador.

    Last July, Ecuador deported 121 undocumented Cubans who demanded in Quito a visa to Mexico to reach the United States.



  14. Doug, you're correct. The fact that the subject is becoming irrelevant may be the reason why it took so long to get a Court decision on the validity of the law.

    The Director's position isn't open at the moment.


    It seems to me that if Panama decided in 1997 by law that the Police Director could have a military background, that pretty much settled it.


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