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Keith Woolford

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Posts posted by Keith Woolford

  1. 26 Jaguar Deaths in 2016 as Population Continues to Diminish

    Un estudio del Instituto Smithsonian revela que se han matado a 26 jaguares hasta septiembre de este año

    A study conducted by researchers from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) reveals that the number of jaguars that have been killed in Panama continues to increase. Up to September of this year, the death of 26 of these felines were reported.
    The results of this research were shared in the Twentieth Congress of the Mesoamerican Society for Biology and Conservation, held recently in Belize.
    Despite the fact that this figure is already alarming, Ricardo Moreno, associate researcher at STRI and director of the Foundation Yaguará Panama, and his colleagues expressed in the presentation of the study that they have reason to believe that the number may be higher, since for 2015 were 23 jaguars killed.
    The researchers analyzed various reports of deaths in the quepudieron identify that the cases were in "retaliation by the predation of cattle, sheep and dogs".
    In addition, the results indicate that these acts were committed by a wide range of people, of tourist guides to farmers.
    With this work, the scientists were looking to answer the following question: To what extent the forests, which still remain, can support the diversity of wildlife?
    Los investigadores reunieron informes de las muertes de jaguares entre una amplia gama de personas, desde guías turísticos a ganaderos
    The researchers gathered reports of the deaths of jaguars between a wide range of people, from tourist guides to farmers
    taken from Facebook/the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

    For this study, the STRI reported that inventories have been carried out with cameras-trap from 2005 to 2014, in 15 national parks and forest fragments in both sides of the Panama Canal.
    The recent findings of geologists and paleontologists to this institute detail that the land bridge, which connects the country with North and South America, was interrupted by the construction of the Canal and that coupled with deforestation, hamper the flow of animals and their genes.
    In addition to these felines, STRI notes that the tapir and the peccary of white lips are also at risk. Their presence is considered as an indicator of tropical healthy environments. These species, precise the Institute, "have disappeared in important areas of the Panamanian section of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor".
    "The peccaries are one of the main species in the diet of the jaguar, and when hunters peccaries, often also kill jaguars," notes the information disclosed by the STRI.
    The researchers conclude that the jaguar conservation requires the dedication of the governments, and the citizenship and oenegés reiterated that although education is key to understanding the situation of the countries, because time is running out.
    "Education takes years and the jaguars and peccaries have no years", read the statement.
  2. No criticism of the product or business was intended.

    Testimonials which are written in the first person just do not come across as valid testimonials if they're not attributed to anyone.

    This announcement, like many others, would be far more effective if there was a personal signatory.

    • Downvote 3
  3. File under 'who the heck didn't know that wasn't going to happen?'

    Costa Rican fishermen skip hearing

    The Court of Appeals of Chiriqui has declared four Costa Rican fishermen who were charged with drug trafficking to be in absentia after they failed to appear at a hearing Tuesday in David. 

    The fishermen were released from custody by a judge Monday. Drug Prosecutor Carlos González had appealed that decision, saying the suspects were a flight risk. The men were found aboard a boat that had 500 kilos of cocaine hidden in a secret compartment in the hull.

    The fishermen could not be located Tuesday.


  4. 13 hours ago, DeDeW said:

    Hi we live in the Boquete area part-time and would love to purchase a midsize used recent model SUV.  Which one(s) the best for driving around in the David/Boquete area? Also needed for hauling stuff and for hauling 4-5 people comfortably... Should we purchase in Panama or in the US and ship it over? Any warnings/ideas/kudos/issues, etc. we should know about?

    Any suggestions or tips are greatly appreciated! Thank you! D & L

    Quality of life here can be directly proportional to vehicle investment.

    Let me know if I can help you with a car purchase.  keithwoolford@gmail.com

  5. This administration is overly criticized for anything it does or doesn't do, imo. When the CD party lost the 2014 election Martinelli said "Now I'm going to **** with them like they ****** with me", and he's doing it. The former President sits in Miami all day firing torpedoes through his Twitter account and media empire here.

  6. This testimonial is in Spanish. The story is that this Costa Rican traveler, who was enroute from New York, got stuck in Panama last week because of volcanic activity in CR but was afforded excellent service by COPA Airlines.


    Gracias Copa Airlines!

    Usualmente las redes sociales se usan como un medio para denunciar y criticar, es uno de los instrumentos más poderosos para hacerlo y para ser escuchados exactamente por quienes necesitamos.
    Pero estos espacios también deben fomentar prácticas diferentes, en las que hablemos de las cosas buenas y resaltemos cosas positivas y que vale la pena que la gente sepa.
    Yo fui una de las personas a las que recientemente la ceniza le impidió llegar a Costa Rica, venía desde New York, viajé con Copa haciendo escala por Panamá, venía absolutamente agotada, con ganas de llegar a mi casa, a mi cama y abrazar a mi perro. La gente no se imagina lo que implica darle cobertura a un Fashion Week, si mi equipo y yo dormimos cuatro horas por día... fue mucho. En fin, veníamos agotados y al llegar a Panamá nos enteramos de las noticias de las explosiones del volcán, retrasaron el vuelo y mientras tanto el cansancio fue tanto que no pude evitar dormirme en la alfombra del Gate... tengo que decir que contrario a lo que podrían creer, no me cuesta nada ni me da vergüenza acomodarme en cualquier lado y dormir. En fin... Llegó la noche y declararon el vuelo cancelado y mientras otros amigos que estaban en otros lugares en la misma situación que yo, sin poder llegar a Costa Rica, hubo una diferencia que marcó el trato que se nos dio a cada uno. En la mayoría de los casos las aerolíneas mandaron a la gente a "buscar vida", a solucionar adonde dormir y a regresar uno o dos días después con la esperanza de poder salir. En cambio a todos los que íbamos en los diversos vuelos de Copa hacia Costa Rica, nos facilitaron hospedaje, transporte, alimentación... y el mejor de los tratos independientemente de si viajabamos en clase ejecutiva o no. Copa se hizo responsable hasta del más mínimo detalle y le dio a sus usuarios, sin tener responsabilidad por lo que estaba sucediendo, la mejor experiencia posible dadas las circunstancias.

    Una aerolínea así... es digna de ser aplaudida y recomendada. Y es bueno saber que para ciertas marcas el cliente sigue siendo la prioridad.

    Image may contain: one or more people
    • Upvote 1
  7. Report: 188 Pregnancies in Girls under 15 by Adults in 2014.

    A report from the National Institute of Statistics has revealed that, during 2014, a total of 188 girls under 15 years of age became pregnant by adults


    "En Panamá 188 hombres adultos embarazaron a niñas menores de 14 años en el 2014"

    The report, entitled "Live births of the Republic," found that seven of the fathers were over 40, and 24 were over 30.

    In half the cases, the identity of the father was not known.

    The figures quoted only include live births and not abortions.

    The Penal Code sets a prison sentence of up to 10 years for having sex with children under 14.


  8. The seemingly over punitive action by the U.S. Treasury Department against this family and their holdings has led to quiet speculation that links to the funding of terrorism are suspected by Washington.

  9. Some great photos here published today by the CBC.

    Costa Rica's majestic Turrialba volcano erupted early Monday morning, lighting up the night sky and spewing smoke and ash as high 4,000 metres.

    The eruption took place at 2:53 a.m. local time and peaked with incandescent rocks being thrown from the volcano's massive crater. A second blast occurred later that morning at 11:32 a.m., sending ash and smoke some 4,000 metres into the air, according to Costa Rica's volcano and seismology body OVSICORI.

    The volcano had been experiencing steady tremors coupled with light gas and ash emission since Saturday with a minor eruption on Sunday, according to the Costa Rica Star News.

    Early riser

    Ash rises over Turrialba volcano as seen from San Gerardo de Irazu, Costa Rica early Monday morning.


    (Juan Carlos/Reuters)

    Blanket of ash

    Two 15-minute eruptions from Turrialba, left homes, streets, cars and vegetation covered in volcanic ash.


    (Juan Carlos Ulate/Reuters)

    Flights cancelled

    A man looks on as ash from the Turrialba volcano falls on the city of San Jose. Authorities temporarily closed Costa Rica's international airport following the explosions, affecting 120 flights and 3,000 passengers.


    (Juan Carlos Ulate/Reuters)

    After the storm

    A dog covered in volcanic ash plays with its owner after the eruption.


    (Juan Carlos Ulate/Reuters)

    Dusty boots

    A farmer kicks ash from the Turrialba volcano off the grass in his pasture in San Gerardo de Irazu.


    (Juan Carlos Ulate/Reuters)

    View from the top

    A plume of steam and ash rises from the volcano. Turrialba experienced its largest eruption in 150 years nearly two years ago in October 2014. The volcano is over 3,300 metres high and located 22 kilometres northwest of the city of Turrialba.


    (Juan Carlos Ulate/Reuters)


  10. Dolega Residents oppose Mayor in Park Remodel

    The remodeling of the central park of Dolega, has a number of residents and members of community and social organizations in conflict  with the Mayor Rafael Rivera, considering that their concerns have not been taken into account.

    Ernesto Cubilla, of the Colibri environmentalist organization, stated that the municipality aims to build a park where the central square would disappear, something that they do not accept, because this is a place used by many groups for their outdoor activities.
    For Rosa Uribe, another of the spokespersons of the civil society of Dolega, they have already submitted the plans to build a new park, that makes it possible to respect their designs of yesteryear and that in addition it appropriate to the current times.
    For complainants, the idea of restructuring the park is not bad and they are not opposed, but it must be done in the face of population and without affecting the distinctive style of the village, in addition that the field is a historical heritage of the district.
    "We need that in addition to the park is to settle other serious problems on the sports fields, roads and other municipal infrastructure," said Delia Angulo, another of the residents of Dolega.
    In both, the mayor indicated that are seven individuals who were opposed on the grounds that the place is a colonial area, when at the town hall are certified by the National Institute of Culture (INAC) that the place is not the historical heritage of the district.
  11. Tourists Required to Pay $3 on Isla Colon

    Criticism of Municipal Tax on Tourists in Bocas del Toro

    The Mayor of Bocas del Toro ensures that funds are being used to improve the image of the island and for collecting the garbage

    The only thing that Eduardo Fernandez wanted to do was to reach his hotel and relax after spending 11 hours in two aircraft which brought him from Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Isla Colon, in the province of Bocas del Toro.
    Regularmente, las máquinas para revisar el equipaje de los viajeros están dañadas, por lo que la revisión se hace de forma  manual.
    Fernandez, who was attracted by the crystal clear waters of the Bocatoreñas beaches, was surprised by officials in the municipality of Bocas del Toro, that he was told he had to pay three dollars in order to leave the air terminal.
    He noted that at the time of planning the trip he was not advised that had to pay this tax. The mentioned charge is the environmental tax that the municipality began charging in 2013 with the aim of improving the collection of garbage, one of the great problems that today continues to affect the image of this tourist destination.
    From the outset, this tax has generated rejection on the part of businesses in the area, which claim they do not know what true use is being made of the funds, as the collection of waste has not improved.
    Gustavo Him, administrator of the Panama Tourism Authority (ATP), stated that addition to collecting the tax, the treatment received by tourists from officials of the municipality is not the most appropriate.
    "Last week I witnessed how a tourist's luggage was held until he canceled the three dollars", indicated Minister Him.
    The official criticized the poor state of the air terminal, which has no equipment to check the luggage of travelers.
    "The municipalities want that the ATP resolved everything related with tourism, but taxes such as this affect any promotion that we can do," he said.
    He said that the municipality must use decentralization funds to improve the collection of garbage and thus eliminate the charge to tourists, since in their view do not contribute to the local tourism.
    Ursula Kiener, manager of Air Panama Travel, Travel Agency of the airline Air Panama, which is the only one that keeps regular flights to Isla Colon, indicated that the municipal authorities wanted the tax to be included in the cost of the airfare, to which the company opposed.
    Kiener reiterated that the main problems of Colon Island are the poor disposal of trash and the poor state of the airport.
    The executive continued and denounced the bad state of other domestic terminals: "In Pedasi there is no water or light; in Isla Contadora there are no chairs and the airport of Albrook is falling to pieces from water leakage", explained.
    To be consulted on the matter, Martin Cirio Downer, mayor of the district of Bocas del Toro, explained that the funds generated by the payment made by tourists are used to improve the green areas of the island and in the collection of scrap.
    "We have clean-up days, as well as works of embellishment of the public areas of the main islands where visitors arrive", he added.
    He assured that he's open to the possibility of other alternatives to replace the three dollars tax.
    With regard to the treatment they receive visitors by municipal officials, he stated that in the coming months personnel will be given permanent training, a seminar to be conducted by a person who is being trained in Argentina in the field of tourist attention.
    According to Downer, the municipality receives 2 thousand dollars monthly by the charging of the municipal tax, and noted that the funds of the decentralization go 80 thousand dollars to create centers for the collection of waste. It is also intended to establish a system of monitoring through cameras to impose fines on people to Deposit trash in the streets.
    As part of the decentralization plan, the Municipality of Bocas del Toro received 500 thousand dollars of the distribution by the Central Government of the funds obtained from the property tax.
  12. Mayoral Conference on Citizen's Security
    A little more than 50 mayors from Chiriquí, other provinces of the country, and of Central America, will meet to participate in the Conference on Citizen Security that is being carried out in Chiriqui.

    The mayor of the district of David, Francisco Vigil, said that David has a very significant economic growth and consists of a plan of governance, of commitment in all the tasks, especially of security.

    He indicated that it is expected that with the support of the Ministry of Security, it is possible to check all the threats that arise in relation to the violence that occur and that is of concern to all the authorities .
    He said that local authorities have an important role to play in this matter of citizen security.
    He said that in this gathering will discuss all the themes for crime control in each municipal region of the country.
    In this conference - that concludes this Thursday 22 September - are present the mayor Rosa Serrano, El Salvador; and the mayor Jorge Muñoz, of the community of Miraflores in Peru.
  13. Activity

    • During the 19th century, the volcano erupted and emitted ash several times (1847, 1853, 1855, 1859, 1866), producing pyroclastic flows. The last major eruption was in 1866.[4]
    • Small signs of activity start in 1996.
    • In January 2001, the volcano reported increased activity, displaying strong fumarole activity at the central craters. The volcanic activities have increased since 2005.
    • On March 31, 2007, the volcano started to show some activity with ash eruptions.[5]
    • The National Park area opened for visitors was closed from 2009 to 2011.
    Turrialba in 2005
    • On January 8, 2010, a phreatic eruption occurred, creating a new opening near the crater on the southwest, and the temperature increased from 200 to 600 °C (392 to 1,112 °F). Two villages, La Central and El Retiro, were evacuated.[6]
    • On January, 2012 a new opening on the west of the crater was created after a phreatic eruption.
    • On April 12, 2012, a small eruption occurred.[7]
    • On May 21, 2013, at 08:52, a gas explosion widened several openings near the main crater that appeared in 2010 and 2012.[8]
    • In July 2013 researchers found that tremors around the area increased from about twenty earthquakes a day, to up to thirty per hour.[9]
    • On October 17, 2014, the quantity of tremors increased from around 50-100 a day, to 200 a day.[10]
    • On October 29, 2014, at around 10:10, a tremor started and kept constant, until a phreatic eruption occurred around 23:10 at the west opening that appeared in January 2012. This eruption sent a large amount of volcanic material to areas up to 40 km (25 mi) away. Many citizens reported ash falling on their properties and a strong odor of sulphur in the cantons of Vásquez de Coronado, Goicoechea, Moravia, Desamparados, Aserrí, Escazú, Santa Ana, Montes de Oca, Tibás, Alajuelita, Puriscal, San José in the province of San José, La Union in the province of Cartago and Santo Domingo and Heredia, in the province of Heredia.[11]

    March 2015

    • On March 12, 2015, eruptions at around 11:00 and 14:12 sent ashes through all the Central Valley, it is regarded as the most significant activity since 1996.[12] The Juan Suantamaría and Tobías Bolaños international airports were closed due to visibility being less than 100 meters.[13]
    • On March 13, 2015 an eruption occurred at 21:07.

    May 2015

    The three craters of the volcano, the oldest one is to right, the newest and most active is to the left.
    Turrialba emits a translucent plume of volcanic gases in this natural-colour satellite image.

    May 2016

    An eruption occurred on May 21, 2016. It was characterized by one resident as the largest since 2010. Ash fell as far away as the capital, San Jose, and at least 500 people went to hospitals complaining of breathing problems. Flights into San Jose were cancelled due to concerns about ash.[14]

    September 2016

    On September 19, at 02:54 an eruption lasting around fifteen minutes was the first event of many through the day that eventually covered the metropolitan area with ash. There were events at 11:30, 14:40, 15:34.

    The events continued through September 20 with an eruption at 06:20.

    Airports in the metropolitan area were closed


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