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Everything posted by Bud

  1. Roger B, Your postings are fantastic. We have not been aware of these celebrations and festivities, but will target them next year. You add so much value to CL. Thank you for your postings, and on so many different subjects.
  2. Disclaimer: I am NOT a lawyer and am not giving legal advice here. It is my understanding and experience that anyone is free to petition the government. The sensitivity comes when the public action (such as posting political signs in one's yard, etc.) is political in nature, in which one is attempting to influence elections or governmental processes (as opposed to actions) within Panama. We have lots of experience with locals and expats signing petitions about some of our hobby activities. There are literally hundreds of expats who have signed various petitions without difficulty.
  3. http://www.centralamericadata.com/en/article/main/Electronic_Invoicing_in_Panama
  4. Like Dave and Erin, I first met Ralph a long time ago. And then Marcelyn got to meet him about three years ago. It is so sad to read of his passing. Yes, he did love his hummingbirds. Ralph was a gentle gentleman. We will miss him. Condolences to his family.
  5. Posting this on CL because we have some Boqueteño friends into drones and quadra-copters, etc. Here is the link to the article: http://www.centralamericadata.com/en/article/main/Panama_Regulations_on_Use_of_Drones P.S., As an aside, here I am half-owner of this website, and I had difficulty figuring out which forum to post this in. Simplify things, simplify things!!! It shouldn't be this difficult.
  6. Having heard rumblings (bochinche) several times in the past about "plans" to build a cable car from Boquete to Volcan Barú, we thought it would be nice to see and experience what a cable car tourist attraction was all about. Marcelyn and I had the pleasure of riding a cable car on the island of Madeira (part of an archipelago northwest of Africa). What an experience. And so now we wonder why we can't have the same in our home area of Boquete. If any of you have a few million spare bucks that you want to put to work, we could easily envision a two or three year payback on an investment of about $10MM. Our ride in Madeira lasted about 20 minutes, and cost 15 Euros per person. (There was no jubilado discount.) The ride lasts about 20 minutes. Each car carries a maximum of six persons, and dispatches from the station approximately one every 90 seconds. Hours of operation are 9:00am to 5:30pm. Assuming a 70% loading factor and 300 operational days per year (allowing for bad weather and downtime for maintenance), you can easily do the math for the ROI -- two to three years max. The views from a Barú Teleferique would likely (on a good day) include both the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Could it get any better than that? And think about the business opportunities for restaurants, souvenir stands, coffee/chocolate shops, etc., at both the base and mountain top stations, not to mention the jobs. We are just curious how people feel about this possibility. And so we are starting this topic and soliciting feedback, either positive or negative as the case may be.
  7. Marcelyn and I got our shots stateside, so we can't speak from firsthand experience, but we have been told that flu shots are available at the CSS clinics, specifically including the Boquete facility (across the street from the Bomberos). Our Houston doctor warned us that 2016 was going to be a particularly bad year, flu-wise, and just about "ordered" us to get the shots. I typically do not get flu shots but did this year. Marcelyn always gets a flu shot. We were told by the flu shot lady that the "formula" (recipe, strain, batch??, not sure what the right word is here) for 2016 was well prepared.
  8. Be careful, John. You are on thin ice here. I am a Texan (by birth, not necessarily by mindset).
  9. Wow, Dottie. What an ordeal. Hopefully you will soon have this behind you, but I can tell from what you write and having met you in person that you will prevail. I know how dependent we are on reliable internet service. That is why we have redundant service; even good service is not perfect service. I recall one time last year when both primary and secondary internet had gone south. My blood pressure must've been off the scale before it got resolved.
  10. Reference: http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/panama-h1n1-health-alert P.S., In looking at my calendar, June 1st was a Wednesday. Hmmmm? They really should proof their copy before posting.
  11. Another interesting article about food. This one reads: Here is the link to the article: http://www.centralamericadata.com/en/article/main/Panama_to_Import_Less_Rice_In_2016
  12. This article and picture caused me to reflect on an incident I was a witness to many decades ago. As I was exiting a filling station (in California, as I was being re-stationed from San Diego to Key West), I saw in the rear view mirror the filing station explode and go up in flames after a big boom that shook my VW doodle bug. I later read that apparently someone had stopped to fill up while smoking a cigarette. I do not recall how many people were killed. Fortunately for me it was [immediately, but still after] departing the area. Just a matter of good timing or I wouldn't be here to write this. I really can envision how dangerous this Remedios truck incident was, or imagine how dangerous it could have been.
  13. I don't know why I find this interesting. I like chicken, and apparently many others do as well. Non-vegetarians have fish, beef, chicken/poultry, and pork to choose from, but (my opinion here) domestic beef leaves something missing for the palette. Hmmmm.... Imports increasing and exports declining. The poultry farmers seem to be aware of this trend. Wonder how they will respond? Not sure I buy into the 40 kilo per capita chicken consumption statistic that is asserted. Just posting here as "food for thought". http://www.centralamericadata.com/en/article/main/Panama_Imports_More_and_More_Chicken
  14. Thanks to Keith, RogerB and others for their postings on this subject. The topic of highway safety is something that affects all of us. We prefer to drive rather than fly when going to PC because it is cheaper and we also have a large cargo area in our SUV for our stops at Riba Smith, etc. The downsides are the time to drive and the risk of accident while traveling. We have a dashcam to record our travels, but that has zero impact on reducing risk; it only documents what transpires. We frequently see drivers taking risks. Maybe I should post some of the dashcam clips of those near "accidents"? Marcelyn periodically forwards information to me on highway incidents. Generally speaking, it is not good news because it is about bad things that have happened. We have been programmed to believe that bad things is "news"; good things is not "news". It is good to keep this subject in the foreground, however -- for our own safety. Below are two more links about "accidents". One distressing thing is that we are not even halfway through the year and 186 people have died so far this year because of accidents/crashes. That is more than one per day. Ouch. When do things start improving?
  15. Perhaps this article may be of interest, and at least somewhat related: http://www.centralamericadata.com/en/article/main/An_Opportunity_for_Generation_Energy_From_Garbage
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