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Everything posted by Bud

  1. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/anti-sex-education-marchers-stall-bill-61
  2. I am concerned about the implications of this posting by AAC. It appears to me that the organization is loosing its objective. Am I the only one with this feeling? What is the mission of AAC? Does AAC now only provide service for Valle Escondido residents? Why the special program, when what is discussed in this posting is what AAC was supposed to be and do in the first place? I am NOT attacking. I am simply asking because I am confused.
  3. Totally concur with you. We stopped by eShop yesterday afternoon to tell them exactly what you said, but in person. They are nice people.
  4. I just received the following email from Karinthia Lamastus, who is the manager of eShop Boquete. I am posting her email with her permission. My interpretation of this message is that this action by Panamanian officials affected ALL carriers, such as eShop Boquete, MBE Boquete, Airbox Express, etc., etc., for the specified time frame.
  5. Good feedback, Keith. I had not thought about it, but your comment makes sense to me, i.e., main distribution trunks and then tributary feeds. Clearly the street that Dra Chely lives on would not be a main distribution trunk, but there have to be at least several dozen homes to be serviced there. When I think about showers, and toilets, and clothes washers going, even at a 20% to 30% duty cycle, that pipe won't be sufficient. I have to add that these workers are working very hard. Difficult situations, bad weather at times, and little appreciation. At least these pictures are a bit of recognition on our part. We hope the end result justifies all of this energy.
  6. And then yesterday, July 13th, Marcelyn and I had to go to Dra. Chely's vet office for a debrief on the blood lab work for Anouk. It was a long walk from where we could safely park to get to Dra Chely's home/office, and an opportunity to get up close with the workers as they were "closing in" on the sewer pipe installation. A few shots here. BTW, the gray stuff directly below the bend in the pipe is freshly poured concrete. I preface this paragraph with a disclaimer: I am NOT an engineer, I have zero experience with these kinds of projects, and I don't want to sound critical, BUT: the pipe, which I presume to be the sewer (waste) effluent pipe looks to be terribly small to me. From Keith's reply just above mine, it appears he knows quite a bit about these kinds of projects. Maybe Keith could comment on my observation about the pipe size. And finally for the curious, I do not seek out these projects. They (the workers and the trenches and the messes) are just everywhere. I can't avoid them. So I just document them as the mood strikes me.
  7. Here is the same scene a couple of days later.showing the trench fully closed up. Last picture that I will show of this site. Looks like a real mess to me. Glad I do not live on that street.
  8. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/battle-lines-drawn-sex-education
  9. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/flu-cases-falling-death-toll-reaches-52
  10. http://www.centralamericadata.com/en/article/main/Panama_Financing_for_Electricity_Distribution
  11. http://www.centralamericadata.com/en/article/main/Panama_Convention_Center_Tender_in_Boquete
  12. I wonder if this might have an impact on our electricity rates? http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/electricity-subsidies-150-million
  13. How do you like the expression on Martinelli's face? I don't know what word I would use to describe it -- possibly exasperation??? http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/martinelli-appeals-flatly-rejected
  14. Dottie, In case it might help, here is a scan of the form that we use at Banco Nacional for our foundation. One simple form, which you get at the bank. I do not know the answer to your second question. We are still in the exoneration period for not having to pay property taxes. FY2016 La Vision Foundation Tasa Unica 2010503.pdf
  15. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/media-watch-panama-must-move-sex-education
  16. An interesting statistic -- highlighted below in yellow -- that neither surprises me nor pleases me. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/bishops-move-stall-sex-education-bill
  17. This story is like an EverReady battery, it just keeps going and going and going. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/panama-bank-fingered-brazil-bribery-probe
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