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Everything posted by Bud

  1. Recently the papayas that Marcelyn and I have gotten in town at various tiendas and fruit stands have had no (as in zero) seeds. What is this all about? Are these genetically modified, grafted variants, or what?
  2. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/ex-minister-questioned-2-5-million-enrichment
  3. I have had exactly the same experience as Penny. I could not renew early, where early means in the month (or months) prior to my birth month. Panamanian driver licenses expire on the last day of your birth month, which is unlike many US states in which licenses expire on your birth day (that specifically includes Texas). I have also found an early renewal of car tags (placas) not possible. For those who frequently travel for long periods outside of Panama, the above issues need to be carefully orchestrated. Placas are less of a problem because you can arrange for a trusted friend to renew your plates. But the driver license renewal has to be you in person at Sertracen during your birth month. I don't know what happens if one renews either license or tags late -- presumably penalties.
  4. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/hospital-problems-solved-director
  5. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/dismwmwbered
  6. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/strike-looms-crisis-stricken-santo-tomas
  7. http://www.centralamericadata.com/en/article/main/Panama_Cruise_Port_in_Amador_Announced
  8. Deborah, Thanks for the clarification. My feeble mind simply did not consider that the Boquete water project was no longer out to bid. Duh on my part.
  9. An interesting sidebar piece of information. Now I am curious: if the national level government is funding sanitation projects in various parts of Panama, but specifically Chiriqui is mentioned nowhere on the list, then who is funding the project here in Boquete? The answer may be in the earlier postings in this thread, but, if so, that information escapes me. http://www.centralamericadata.com/en/article/main/Tender_Sanitation_Units_for_7_million
  10. Marcelyn and I had gone to Volcán yesterday to try out the Burricos Mexican Grill (see our separate post in the restaurants forum). We then visited with Dottie Atwater, but left her home early because of pending rain. As we began the return journey from Volcán back to Boquete, the rains started. We opted not to return via the Ruta Sur and Potrerillos because of the heavy rains, at times bordering on biblical levels. We stayed on the main road going south, traveling through Concepción and Bugaba, etc. I continue to be amazed at the risks some drivers take in poor driving conditions. Here we are going at ~20 KPH in a long line of cars due to the heavy rains and many curves in the road with poor visibility, and several fools were passing us (trying to, that is). There had to be at least three near-death experiences yesterday. Ouch! Our re-routing via the Interamerican Hwy turned out to be a mistake as well because we got tied into the celebration thing that Keith mentioned above. There were busloads of people, road blockages, streets blocked from cars (those parked, illegally, as well as congestion from way too many cars), people, ropes across the roads and streets, etc. At the time we got tied into this mess, we didn't know if it was a protest, a riot, a celebration, or the final apocalypse. Called our friend Penny to see if she had any word about problems in the area. That was the reason she posted the message at the top of this thread. By gyrating through many neighborhoods and residential streets, we were eventually able to make it to the Interamerican Hwy, and then a moderately uneventful return to Boquete through David. Took more than two hours to get home from Volcán. What a trip. What a day. But we will go back to Burricos.
  11. Over the past several months, a couple of people have mentioned Burricos Mexican Grill (that is the official name) in Volcán. One of those references is from Hil's blog at: http://www.chiriqui.life/blogs/entry/151-water-buffalo/#comment-254. We put that restaurant on our "to do" list because we do like Mexican food. (I'm from Texas; need I say more?) We finally made it to Burricos yesterday. What a pleasant surprise. We agree with the recommendations from others. It is worth the trip. We also stopped by to visit with Dottie Atwater, who runs the spay/neuter clinics there in Volcán. The food was great, served quickly (and the correct items). Not the same as Tex-Mex, but good vittles. Burricos is located in the northern part of Volcán. When you are at the "Y" in the road (Cerro Punto going off the right), just keep going straight. Probably about a KM or a bit less to the right. Burricos is in the same building as Hotel Don Tavo. Some of the pictures provided below show the outside, as well as all of the contact information. Our wait person was Karent, and she immediately had us pegged as Boqueteños. She tried out her English with us, but things worked better in Spanish. Here are some pictures taken while at Burricos.
  12. Construction, serious construction, has now begun at this site. We had to make a run to PriceSmart yesterday. On the way back home, we stopped along the road by the El Frances area to take some pictures of major equipment moving in to clear the land. Club Residencial El Frances has begun the construction phase.
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