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Posts posted by Bud

  1. Quote

    MEDIA WATCH: Flouting the rule of law

    Posted on July 19, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 57

    Hoyporhoy La Prensa July 19

    THE ELECTORAL jurisdiction has proven to be an effective tool to perpetrate crimes. Martinelli was first, then some of his party members followed him and now we see ex-vicepresidente Virzi using the same tool to obstruct and prolong legal proceedings against him.

    So this jurisdiction has been prostituted, becoming a refuge for these politicians, through parliamentary immunity as has been used by the deputies.

    If political parties do not want to garner even more dislike and nausea from society such sickening impunity they must modify the use of electoral courts as a legal instrument to evade justice.

    While political parties argue that the charter was not created for that purpose, leaving arms crossed and  continuing to allow its abhorrent use is to become complicit in the abuse.

    If they want to do things well and project a better image, they must take the initiative as soon as possible and put  an end to this unfortunate issue. Otherwise, we will see once again how politicians mock the rule of law.


  2. We had to make an unplanned (and undesired!) run to David very late afternoon yesterday. That area was clear at the 6:30 pm time frame.

    Marcelyn and I did experience a road blockage by the medical people, last year sometime I think it was. The Interamerican Highway was a real mess by the hospitals located close to PriceSmart. There were police all over, including a SWAT vehicle. There was no violence or anger -- just plenty of people walking slowly in the roadway, most holding hands or signs, etc. We got the impression that they block only one direction at a time (maybe that is the law?), but with all the protest people, the "Looky Lou's", the press, the police, the innocent "victims" in their vehicles, etc., the other lane is essentially nearly blocked as well.

    Our experience was that Panamanians tend to take these things in stride; just part of the culture -- something to talk about after the fact. [Hyper] gringos have to grin and bear it.

  3. Quote

    Criminal hearing requested for 39 in food scandal

    Posted on July 18, 2016 in Panama

    Rafael Guardia Jaen
    Post Views: 57

    THE CRIMINAL case against a high  profile group of former officials and insider  businessmen during the Ricardo Martinelli administration (2009 -2014) may soon be heading to court after an anti- corruption  prosecutor requested a hearingfor 39 people.

    The group consists of , including 23 former officials and 16 entrepreneurs ,accused of  for corruption related to the purchase of food through the National Assistance Program (PAN).

    The alleged offenses took place between 2012 and 2014.

    Prosecutor Ruth Morcillo has also asked for a provisional dismissal of charges against 23 others who were investigated in this process.

    Among the defendants are former PAN Director Rafael Guardia Jaén and Adolfo De Obarrio, the former  private secretary of  ex-president Ricardo Martinelli-

    De Obarrio who has been described as the “messenger boy” between Martinelli and successive heads pf PAN remains a fugitive from justice.

    He gained additional  notoriety for his $700,000 wedding when he was earning $5,000 a month before deductions. Martinelli and his wife Marta then , the First Lady were among the guests at the extravaganza. De Obarrio  fled Panama with his wife on Christmas Day last year.

    Among the business owners who were investigated are Roberto Carretero, Juan Carlos Marciaga and Carlos Araúz, who collectively received $16 million in contracts for food bags. Prosecutors say these contracts were greatly inflated with prices up to10 times the market rate  which caused economic injury to the state.


  4. Bonnie, next time if the TV is too loud we will try your suggestion and ask them to lower the volume. Thanks.

    BTW, from the post by Pederhaney, one might could say that "Smokin Mamma's" was smoking for a different reason. Guns, no less. Yikes. The wild west rides on. I have no idea how I would react if I found myself in that kind of a situation. Maybe I should think it through in advance.

  5. Quote

    Martinelli “royal” relative named in FBI probe

    Posted on July 17, 2016 in Panama

    "Royal"Aaron Mizrachi, fled Panama on Martinelli jet
    Post Views: 91

    AARON MIZRACHI, brother-in-law  of former President Ricardo Martinelli and linked by prosecutors to multiple cases of alleged corruption in the previous  government, was called “royalty” in the circle where allegedly a plot was executed to distribute commissions for a contract between Panama and the Social Security Fund for the purchase of SAP software.

    This was revealed last week by the businessman  Heraclio Bustamante, in a preliminary statement to the Sixth Anticorruption Prosecutor.

    “The other person of  which I am aware was  Carlos Bissot  who referred to The ‘Royalty.’ When I asked who was  royalty , He told me Aaron Ronny Mizrachi, ” said Bustamente.

    The prosecutor Aurelio Vasquez has imposed an injunction on Bustamente preventing  him  from leaving the country and ordering hi,  to report to the prosecution  every Friday.Before mentioning Mizrachi he  had given  the prosecutor details of the role played in the plot  by his company True Marketing .

    According to the trader, commissions to Advanced Consulting were transferred through True Marketing by the  ex-administrador of the National Authority for Government Innovation Eduardo Jaen, who received 1% of the commission. The other 1% was for Carlos Bissot, the other partner of Advanced Consulting.

    Mizrachi  who is named  in several other cases of alleged corruption, is outside the country.

    He fled Panama  in August 2015 aboard Martinelli’s private jet.

    Meanwhile, the alleged involvement of Mizrachi in this case was revealed  in a  statement by FBI agent Andrew Robinson, , who participated in the investigation in the US and to whom Vicente Garcia, former vice president of SAP, (now in a US  jail) admitted  he had  created a scheme to pay kickbacks and so get contracts in Panama.

    Robinson, according to the Thirteenth Criminal Court which denied an appeal by Mizrachi, said that he met with Garcia in a hotel in Panama and the then vice president of SAP said Mizrachi was the brother-in-law  of President Ricardo Martinelli and could get the multinational millionaire contracts with the state.

    The FBI agent said  tha tAdvanced Consulting, the SAP distributor in Panama would pay, Mizrachi 10% of the contract and Jaen 1%, which would be funneled  by Bissot through True Marketing.


  6. There were six in our group that attended the flamenco event at Hotel Oasis last night. It was a huge success. Originally Bob and Carol Schmucker were to join Marcelyn and me. But then Bob's brother and sister-in-law came to visit, and so our group went from four to six. There was nothing to fault last night. Anayansi and her staff did their usual stellar support. The food and service were great. And then the performances of music and dance had everyone in a wonderful mood.

    Here are some pictures that I took. I had only my old iPhone, and the lighting was not the best, but at least you can get an idea of what transpired.

    Marcelyn and had I attended the first flamenco event at the Oasis a while back, and it suffered through a two hour power outage. Last night had no disasters. I think I heard Anayansi say that they had brought in an emergency generator just in case of a repeat. But none of that happened. A good time was had by all. We recommend that you participate in any future events like this one. Anayansi, her staff, and the performers did a stellar job last night. Thank you to all.

    Oh, and one of the unexpected highlights was a lengthy conversation with JR, the construction materials supply outlet owner from Santa Lucia. Fascinating chap, one who never meets a stranger. You will recognize him (blue shirt and huge smile) in the first of the below photos.

    I'm hoping others will post some of their pictures and provide reviews of the event.


    2016-07-16 19.45.44.jpg

    Our group, plus JR. From left to right: Marcelyn, Carol, JR, Bob, Jim, and Sue. (I was taking the picture.)








    2016-07-16 20.14.53.jpg

    Here is our entire party, plus Calixto: Bud, Marcelyn, Calixto, Carol, Bob, Sue, and Jim.







    2016-07-16 19.14.07.jpg

    Calixto does such a good job of taking care of all of the customers.











    The remainder of the pictures are of the performances by the musicians and the dancers.

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    • Upvote 1
  7. This article is somewhat redundant to Keith's posting above, but what the hey -- different words and some more graphics to drive home (pardon the pun, I just couldn't resist) the fact that scofflaws will be pursued.



    Candid cameras in clamp down on corridor baddies

    Posted on July 16, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 119

     A CAMERA aided crack down on erring motorists  will begin on the North and South corridors on Monday, July 18.

    Try this and your fine will appear in the mail.

    Try this and your fine will appear in the mail.

    A key target for the  Transportation  Authority (ATTT)  will be drivers whose PanaPass balance has expired  but continue driving  even with the mechanical arm down.

    Drivers who drop off or pick up  passengers on the corridors, including buses and pirates  will also be photographed and fined.



  8. After completing all of our errands in David at the end of last week, we decided to give Smokin Mamma's a try. It is across the street from Mae Lewis, and directly on the corner facing the InterAmerican Highway. It was trying to rain (a heavy sprinkle already coming down) when we arrived. There "appeared" to be much parking (diagonal, going into the building), but then when I parked I became somewhat concerned about the rear of the car sticking out into the street -- farther out than I was comfortable. Yes, I had pulled all the way forward to the extreme.

    We walked inside to aromas that were enticing. Only one table had a customer, and that was a single male who was about ready to leave. We picked a table close to the side street windows. The waitress was very prompt in attending to our needs. BTW, there is outdoor, covered seating and tables in the front of the building. And a large BBQ was street-side and smoking away on some items.

    Marcelyn and I ordered just one order of ribs, to be shared between us. (I don't eat much.) She ordered a glass of wine and I ordered a soda. We love onion rings, and so asked the waitress if they had onion rings (anillos de cebolla here in Panama, but aros de cebolla in Paraguay, e.g.), and the response was positive, so that was added to our order. Food service was quick and courteous (and correct!). The food was good. The only "complaint", not a big irritant, was that they had a wall mounted TV going and the volume was rather loud, but we just mentally blocked it out, and it was not so loud that we couldn't carry on a conversation.

    By the time we finished our evening meal, the rain had come and was beginning to subside. Additional customers started coming it, and the tables were filling up rather quickly, and the noise level went up dramatically. But we were leaving, so overall it was a good experience. We definitely will go back. The surprise at the end was the bill, which came in at $29.46 including a tip. Definitely on the high end for price to value.

    Thanks to Bonnie for bringing this restaurant to our attention. All these years going by it, and never saw it.

  9. Quote

    Assembly dithers as teen pregnancies climb

    Posted on July 16, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 47

    WHILE THE BATTLE lines are drawn in the debate over proposed sex education  in Panama schools, the central issue of the conflict – child pregnancies – continues to worsen as the National Assembly dithers

    When the debate over Bill 61, first began the Ministry of Health (MoH)  produced figures to show that over 32 pregnancies a day were recorded among  children  aged 10-19 years of age. That’s without counting deliveries in Social Security facilities (CSS)  or private hospitals.

    But, the latest MoH report shows that in a month the figure  has jumped  by 976  with the total for the year ending to June   at 5,856 up from 4,880 at the

    Rubiela Sánchez, a member of the Panama Coalition for Comprehensive Sexual Education, said that if the proposal is returned to first debate, the aim should be to improve it and seek consensus among the diverse members of civil society.

    She added that it is unfortunate that while the law is being discussed the issue of teen pregnancy continues to be ignored.

    Rossana Uribe, a member of the board of the Panamanian Association for Family Planning, said that the data are alarming, but as it  happens in poor circles, few people care.

    She said that attempts to introduce a sex education law have failed repeatedly because unfortunately the religious issue is involved, when in fact it is a public health issue.

    She added that it is unfortunate that while the law is being discussed the issue of teen pregnancy continues to be ignored.

    Roderick Burgos, a member of the Alliance for Life and the Family, said that the issue isn’t whether or not there is a need for a discussion about health issues, but rather the venue. He said public schools is not the appropriate forum for the discussion.


  10. 22 hours ago, Boquete Consulting Security said:

    So sad to see members here think that there is some kind of special treatment for Valle Escondido residents.

    ... Yadda-yadda-yadda. 

    But sir, special treatment for Valle Escondido residents is precisely what is being described. I now understand that.

    Based on Brandy's clarification and rereading Bob's announcement three times and your words four times, I now understand what service is going to be provided in VE. If I (as a non-VE resident) were to call AAC, I am very confident that you/someone on your behalf would NOT dispatch "a rapid response [in advance of of regular emergency services]" similar to what will now happen for VE residents.

    Even your own words contradict your caustic and elitist rebuttal: "...to provide a new level of security to the residents of Valle Escondido." No one from your group is going to send a "first aid kit, oxygen, and defibrillator" to my home, are they?

    I submit that the spin and negativity that you rile against are on your part, not mine or others who posted here. I was confused, and asked some questions. Brandy answered my questions in a straightforward manner without resorting to inflammatory labels. You may wish to consider the same approach in the future.

    Have a great day. :) 

    • Upvote 2
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  11. 20 hours ago, Brandy said:

    I am not tech savvy enough to know how to highlight portions of other posts, but I do think a response to Bud's questions is in order.

    Bud wrote: "What is the mission of AAC?"

    My response:  AAC provides a community-wide emergency Hotline service with a bilingual operator to receive and relay emergency calls from anyone, but particularly people who are not fluent in Spanish."   (Whether or not they are "subscribers".  Alto al Crimen provides services to everyone in the community.)

     Bud asked: "Does AAC now only provide service for Valle Escondido residents?"

    Again, I reply: "AAC provides a community-wide emergency Hotline service with a bilingual operator to receive and relay emergency calls from anyone, but particularly people who are not fluent in Spanish."

    Bud asked: "Why the special program, when what is discussed in this posting is what AAC was supposed to be and do in the first place?"

    My response:  I understand this to be a collaborative effort between Alto al Crimen and Boquete Consulting Security to facilitate response by the Bomberos, Policia, etc, by informing the security personnel on duty at the gate so they can be ready to  guide emergency responders to the appropriate unit, and to provide assistance as indicated.

    Alto al Crimen is an organization that provides services to anyone and everyone who picks up  the phone and calls.  From the family who has lived here for years to the couple who arrived last Tuesday, the services of AAC are available to EVERYONE.  The phone numbers (6477-6662  and 6917-0011) are public knowledge.  There is no annual subscription fee.  AAC relies on voluntary donations, but it provides services to donors and non-donors alike.  It is, in fact, the only bi-lingual emergency hotline service available to tourists.  I believe that a public bi-lingual emergency hotline is a valuable asset to this community.

    Thank you, Brandy, for addressing my concerns and answering my questions. Well done. I now understand better what is changing.

  12. We have been looking for the Alessi brand soup mix for quite a while. PriceSmart used to carry this brand of soup mix in "combo packs", but discontinued them, probably close to two years ago. And then we used El Rey as our source (but they only had the single envelopes, and at a higher unit cost, of course). El Rey apparently no longer carries them; we've been looking for months but no luck there. There are several different varieties of their soup mix envelopes. We have also looked several times at Riba Smith in PC. Any help (pointers) would be greatly appreciated.

    Here is a picture of what we are looking for:

    Alessi Soup.jpg

  13. Quote

    No audit for judge who released 25 drug trafficking suspects

    Posted on July 15, 2016 in Panama

    Ayu Prado
    Post Views: 67

    PANAMA’S Chief Justice José Ayú Prado has  not ordered an audit of  a judge under, investigation for ordering the release of 25 people charged with drug trafficking.

    Fourth Circuit Court Judge Yoideth Chirú is being   investigated by the Second Superior Court and Ayu Prado says his decision will not affect the hearing.

    He  said that he respects the judicial independence of all magistrates and judges, and that is why he is not getting involved in the case.

    He said that there needs to be a “presumption of innocence, the right to due process and the right to defense, among the many other fundamental guarantees referred to clearly in the constitution, international conventions and the law, reports La Prensa

    He also said  that he sent a letter about his decision to the Public Prosecutor’s Office as a form of transparency and accountability.

    He said he didn’t provide a copy to the media to avoid jeopardizing the presumption of innocence.


  14. This is good news for Panama, and especially for La Amistad Park in particular.

    I highlighted one sentence in this press release below, and note with high interest the date and location of the UNESCO meeting that made this decision. Unfolding world events now document a military coup attempt (still ongoing) in Turkey. The UNESCO decision was in Istanbul on Thursday and then 24 hours later a military coup in Istanbul and Ankara. The world truly is interconnected.



    La Amistad Park escapes Unesco “endangered” listing

    Posted on July 15, 2016 in Latin America, Panama

    Post Views: 44

    LA AMISTAD International Park located between Costa Rica and Panama has escaped, at least for now, being listed on the UNESCO  list of endangered sites.

    The Unesco World Heritage Committee reached the decision on Thursday, July 14 at a meeting in Istanbul, Turkey,

    Cabana, Los Quetzales near La Amistad National Park

    Cabana, Los Quetzales near La Amistad National Park

    The park has been threatened by unregulated development.Ddelegations from both Panama and Costa Rica testified that advances have been made in protecting the park.

    Unesco set a date of 2018 for both countries to show continued progress in protecting the park.

    In addition, the Unesco committee congratulated Panama and Costa Rica for their efforts in complying with their recommendations about protecting the park.


  15. Reflecting a bit here.

    When I recently started this topic, there was no second thought as to where to post here on CL -- at that time this topic clearly belonged in the Panama in General forum. Now that I have had time to read the additional postings and to noodle this subject, it appears more appropriate for it to be in the Culture forum. These mindsets and actions on the part of the Panamanians working for change as well as those protesting said change are actually part of the Panamanian (perhaps Latin, in a more general sense) culture.

    I am not wanting to change anything; I just like to understand. I think this topic is bringing to the fore yet another aspect of Panamanian culture that was previously not clear to me.

    I won't ask the admin (my other persona) to move this topic, but am curious if others see and understand what is going through my mind.

  16. Quote

    Strong US dollar puts Panama tourism on downturn

    Posted on July 14, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 148

    IN SPITE OF trouble spots around the world and threats from terrorist groups, tourism worldwide continues to climb, but not in Panama.

    The country, now over endowed with hotels  has seen a 2.8 percent decline in visitors for the first five months of the year compared to the same period of 2015.

    Between January and May, Panama  received 1.1 million visitors, a decrease of around 33,000 as compared to the previous year.

    Tour operators and others in the tourism industry are calling on the government to make a greater investment in promoting the country. They say they are competing with neighboring countries, such as Colombia, that spend much more on international advertising.

    The government has pledged to spend $20 million over the next two years, which may seem high to Panama budgets but pales in comparison to other destinations

    The goal is to promote Panama in U.S. and European markets, in particular where there is the availability of direct flights to Panama.

    Officials also plan to spend less in markets in Latin America because the strong U.S. dollar makes it more expensive for people from those countries to visit Panama.

    The weak Canadian dollar and fading sterling  is also reducing demand.


  17. Quote

    Sexual education- Panama’s great divide

    Posted on July 14, 2016 in Panama

    Reps of groups who support Bill 61, and organized marchers opposed
    Post Views: 65

    THOUSANDS of anti-sex education protesters who  marched on the presidential palace  in an event organized by the Catholic Church and episcopal groups, aimed at  a bill seeking to introduces a measure of sex education in Panama schools  have won the latest round of the battle.

    Although some 46 civic groups had met earlier in the day, Wednesday July 13 supporting Bill 61, and pointed out the need for Church and State to be separated, the ruling bloc of the Panamenista Party, whose leader, President Juan Carlos Varela is an active church supporter, was listening to the marchers.

    The bloc  reported on Thursday, that it will  file a motion for the controversial bill on sexual and reproductive health education to be  returned to first debate to  the Health Commission of the National Assembly, stalling an attempt that has been debated endlessly since the closing years of the last century.

    There  are over  32 child and teenage pregnacies  in Panama every day according to Ministry of Health figures which do not include those delivered   in private hospitals and social security, and  there is a major increase in sexualy transmitted diseases’s  including HIVamong teens.


  18. I am concerned about the implications of this posting by AAC. It appears to me that the organization is loosing its objective. Am I the only one with this feeling? What is the mission of AAC? Does AAC now only provide service for Valle Escondido residents? Why the special program, when what is discussed in this posting is what AAC was supposed to be and do in the first place?

    I am NOT attacking. I am simply asking because I am confused.

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