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Posts posted by Bud

  1. Going further back in history, I find the production costs for milk in Chiriqui Province for year 2012 to be $0.51/liter, whereas the milk producer was paid only $0.49/liter. Wouldn't free enterprise principles fix this unsustainable imbalance without governmental intervention? Am I missing the big picture here?

    For more background info, see: http://www.centralamericadata.com/en/article/home/Milk_Producers_Demand_Better_Prices


  2. A bit more research turns up an article from June 2015 (see below link) that says Panama produces only 46% of its milk. The remainder has to be imported. 

    One reason given for the shortfall is lack of good water. The cows have less water to drink.

    I also read that Panama implemented a milk production subsidy of $0.10 per liter of milk produced. That subsidy began in September 2015 and is scheduled to terminate in December 2016.

    For more details, visit http://www.centralamericadata.com/en/article/home/Will_Panama_Have_to_Import_More_Milk

    • Upvote 1
  3. My commentary here: my initial reaction when reading this article was "you gotta be kidding". But alas, it appears that they are serious. If I am reading this correctly, Panama produces approximately only 50% of the milk that it consumes. Wow.



    Milk Shortage in Panama

    The annual shortfall of milk in the country, where local production only reaches 200 million, has been estimated at 100 million liters.

    Friday, June 17, 2016

    Local producers of milk and meat argue that one of the main reasons is the fact that not all of the dairy herd is currently producing, because ".... during the recent dry season many cows were sold". However, there are more fundamental reasons that explain the shortfall in a country that consumes 300 million liters of milk every year.

    Prensa.com reports that "... Ranchers are warning there is a need to make timely decisions so that the livestock sector does not go back to recording losses economically or in terms of animals. Investment in irrigation, promoting sustainable livestock and supporting producers with agricultural loans which do not have high interest rates, are some of the measures demanded by local farmers to promote the sector."

    "... ' It is essential to invest in a quality irrigation system and also support livestock producers with loans that benefit rather than harm them," said Luis Martinez, producer of meat and milk from the Azuero region."


  4. Quote

    All night lines for flu vaccines

    Posted on June 19, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 74

    THOUSANDS of people lined up at health centers  across the country  to receive vaccinations against the  H1N1 influenza virus which has already claimed the lives of 23 people.

    People  in some regions like Chorrera arriving at 2 am  Sunday June 19,  were surprised to find a  line ahead of them which had been forming since 11.30 pm on  Saturday

    At other  centers which had vaccines for 500 people ,  by  6.30 am Sunday lines appeared endless say media reports, and few of the people in line appeared to be  in the recommended  priority groups, children under 5 or adults over 60 years of age, orthose  suffering from chronic illness.

    In  Ministry of Health centers in Mayor Diaz, San Isidro and Pueblo Nuevo, where children, youths and adults lined up National Police officers stood watching

    Educational and health authorities have reiterated that classes have not been suspended following the epidemiological alert issued due to the increasing number of severe acute respiratory infections. With hundreds of people hospitalized.

    Between Saturday and Sunday about 6,000 shots were applied in the vaccination centers in the Parque  Omar, district of San Francisco.

    President Juan Carlos Varela said that on Monday June 20 another batch of 700,000 shots will arrive.  The vaccination  is recommended by the World Health Organization and acquired through the Vaccine Fund of the Pan American Health Organization, according to the Panama Government


  5. Quote

    Martinelli key ally a corruption target

    Posted on June 19, 2016 in Panama

    Alma Cortes lied
    Post Views: 89

    THE WOMAN, that ex-president Ricardo Martinelli   tried to parachute in as leader of his CD Party, and whose rule was rejected, is the latest high profile member of his cabinet to face major corruption allegations

    Alma Cortes  is  facing  investigation for  possible unjustified  enrichment of $2.5 million following an audit by the Comptroller.

    Federico Humbert sent the result to the Public Ministry (MP) on June 7 for “for the steps it deems appropriate”.

    According to the audit, Cortes canceled a $144,000, apartment mortgage  and a beach house in San Carlos, for $ 255,000, during the period included in  the audit,July 1, 2009 to May 31, 2015.

    The research also reveals that she obtained a property for $360,000 and another apartment valued at $154,000.

    The audit also stresses Cortes altered property values and bank accounts in her affidavit of goods, in  July 2014, reports La Prensa.

    When Cortés entered the post of Minister of Labor (Mitradel), in July 2009, she had $22 521.06, in her bank accounts and after leaving office on May 31, 2015 they reflected a balance of  $860,107.82.

    The figures are contained in an audit the assets of the ex-minister by  the Office of the Comptroller General

    The review was initiated on 8 January 2015, based on an article published in La Estrella de Panama,   about  Alma Cortés. “buying and selling properties.”

    The official document, discloses that in the period July 1, 2014 to May 30, 2015, Cortes the ex-Minister obtained funds from known sources (salaries, travel expenses, subsistence allowance payments, loans and others) for $1,0 22 418.21, while monetary resources used (payments, expenses, assets acquired and bank balances) totaled $3,610, 348.09, showing  a nonjustified  capital increase so far of $2, 587 929.88

    Cortes gave her affidavit of assets on July 14, 2009, based on the dictates of Law 59 However, the audit of the Comptroller found that Cortez lied and altered the real value of her goods at various points in her affidavit.

    The former minister listed goods at $632,000 while audit estimated at about $150,000. For example, Cortes said that as minister she received $4,000 a month in expenses when they were $3,500.

    She said under oath that had a balance of $ 3,000 in one of bank account, but actually had an overdraft of $909.99.

    The audit also discovered that she had another account with $18,000 instead of the $35,000 she declared.

    As mentioned above, the audit estimated that Cortes received in the indicated period $1,022,418.81 from known sources.

    Her   salary as minister (2009-2014) totaled $ 343,000 and per diem $165 191,527. In addition she received $150,000 from the sale of her home in Castilla de Oro, San Miguelito.

    He also received a personal loan from HSBC for $269,000,  $11,661 Democratic Change party general secretary;  $2,000 for signing  fees in, Cortes, Molino and Associates; $2 336 per diem after attending the board of the National Institute of Vocational Training for Human Development (Inadeh); and $2000 salary as a professor at the University of Panama.

    According to the auditors Cortés spent in the specified period $3,610,348.09.

    The above figure is divided as: credit card payments $ 492 965; loan payments $322,169; expenses $995,710; purchase of goods $939,395 and balances in banks $860,107.

    According to the information gathered during the audit, the former minister made payments on bank loans of  $322,169.

    She also made payments pf $88, 182 to the loan acquired at the National Bank since 2006 for her residence in Castilla de Oro. Of this total she paid, $24,751 from her salary as minister and another $63,676 the canceled in March 2014, as the result of the sale of the property to her brother, Melvin Delgado, who worked in Mitradel with a $2,000 a month salary.

    She also made other payments of $2,967 to cancel the loan on her car which she  acquired in May 2007 at a cost of $30,000. In January 2013 she paid $15,134 of a chattel loan with Banco General.


  6. Quote

    PHOTOS: First Ship Passes Through Panama Canal’s New Locks

    June 9, 2016 by Mike Schuler


    The first trial run with a Post-Panamax cargo ship in the new sets of locks on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal, in Panama City, Panama June 9, 2016. REUTERS/Carlos Jasso T

    he first trial run with a Post-Panamax cargo ship in the new sets of locks on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal, in Panama City, Panama June 9, 2016. REUTERS/Carlos Jasso

    A post-panamax bulk carrier became the first ship to pass through the Panama Canal’s new locks on Thursday, kicking off a series of trial runs ahead of the expanded canal’s grand opening later this month. 

    The $5.3 billion expansion project involves the construction of a new set of locks on both the Atlantic and Pacific sides and multiple dredging projects to create a second lane of traffic along the canal. The new locks are much wider and deeper than the current locks.

    The first run was meant to simulate a southbound transit through the new Agua Clara locks on Atlantic side of the 255-meter-long, 43m wide MV Baroque, which was chartered by the Panama Canal Authority specifically for this purpose. 

    The trial runs will help Panama Canal workers prepare for the start of commercial operations on June 27 when the first vessels will begin using the new “neopanamax” locks on either ends of the canal. Unlike the existing locks, which use locomotives, the new locks require the use of two tugs positioned forward and aft to guide the ships through.

    For that reason, Panama Canal pilots and tugboat captains have been required to go through extensive training at the canal’s own simulator training center and a nearby scale model facility, but there’s nothing like practicing with the real thing. 

    Panama Canal Authority

    Panama Canal Authority

    Before heading through the new locks, the MV Baroque was boarded by Panama Canal pilots before entering designated canal waters.


    Panama Canal Authority

    Panama Canal Authority


    Headed for the new locks. Panama Canal Authority

    Headed for the new locks. Panama Canal Authority

    Like you will see in this video explaining the operation of the new locks, the MV Baroque was met by two tugs, one forward and one after, before entering the locks. 


    Panama Canal Authority

    Panama Canal Authority


    The first trial run with a Post-Panamax cargo ship in the new sets of locks on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal, in Panama City, Panama June 9, 2016. REUTERS/Carlos Jasso

    REUTERS/Carlos Jasso

    The lead tug here was the Cerro Santiago, one of many built by the Panama Canal Authority in anticipation of the new locks. 


    The first trial run with a Post-Panamax cargo ship in the new sets of locks on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal, in Panama City, Panama June 9, 2016. REUTERS/Carlos Jasso

    REUTERS/Carlos Jasso


    The first trial run with a Post-Panamax cargo ship in the new sets of locks on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal, in Panama City, Panama June 9, 2016. REUTERS/Carlos Jasso

    REUTERS/Carlos Jasso


    Workers pull the rope during the first trial run of a Post-Panamax cargo ship in the new sets of locks on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal, in Panama City, Panama June 9, 2016. REUTERS/Carlos Jasso

    Workers pull the rope during the first trial run of a Post-Panamax cargo ship in the new sets of locks on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal, in Panama City, Panama June 9, 2016. REUTERS/Carlos Jasso

    Panama Canal Authority

    Panama Canal Authority


    A tugboat drags a Post-Panamax cargo ship during the first trial run at the new sets of locks on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal, in Panama City, Panama June 9, 2016. REUTERS/Carlos Jasso

    REUTERS/Carlos Jasso


    A tugboat drags a Post-Panamax cargo ship during the first trial run at the new sets of locks on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal, in Panama City, Panama June 9, 2016. REUTERS/Carlos Jasso

    REUTERS/Carlos Jasso


    The first trial run with a Post-Panamax cargo ship in the new sets of locks on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal, in Panama City, Panama June 9, 2016. REUTERS/Carlos Jasso

    The first trial run with a Post-Panamax cargo ship in the new sets of locks on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal, in Panama City, Panama June 9, 2016. REUTERS/Carlos Jasso


    Panama Canal Authority


    Inauguration of the Third Set of Locks project is scheduled for June 26 with commercial operations scheduled to begin the next day. During the initial stage of operation, only four vessels per day will be allowed to use the new locks to allow workers the chance to get used to the new operation. 


    Panama Canal Authority

    Panama Canal Authority


    Panama Canal Authority

    Panama Canal Authority


    Panama Canal Authority

    Panama Canal Authority


  7. Quote

    Panama gets IMF thumbs up

    Posted on June 14, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 231

    THE GROWTH of Panama’s economy in the last decade has been the highest in Latin America and with the expanded canal the country’s future will continue to be vibrant  says the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

    In its most recent report on the Isthmus the IMF  said it expected that it will continue to have one of the highest rates in the region in the medium term, with low inflation, a stable financial system and a decreasing trade deficit.

    In the report, published as a result of a mission to Panama, the country’s projected growth was 6 percent for 2016 and in the medium-term.

    The projections of the IMF for this year are similar to those of the government, the World Bank and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.

    Growth in the first quarter of the year was 5.7 percent according to unofficial data from the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

    According to the IMF, in the medium term the economy will be driven by the start of operations of the expanded Panama Canal and low fuel prices, which will compensate for the slowdown of the global economy and the appreciation of the dollar, which hurts the country’s tourism sector.

    The increase of transits through the Panama Canal and investments in energy and logistics will help to maintain a “vibrant” growth, the agency said.

    The Canal expansion locks have already been successfully tested and the first mega vessel to officially transit the canal during the opening ceremonies, that will be broadcast around the world has already left Greece on its 14-day voyage to Panama.

    Over 21,000 people will attend the ceremony, including heads of state and foreign dignitaries,

    The Panama Canal Authority (ACP)  has distributed 20,000 tickets to local citizens. The celebrations will cost the Authority $3 million and the Foreign Affairs Ministry has chipped in with an additional $1 million.


  8. Quote

    OPINION; Flu vaccine priority

    Posted on June 18, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 99

    hoyporhoy La Prensa, June 18

    TODAY,CIVIC CALM, solidarity and altruism must prevail because of  the small number of A (H1N1) vaccines available. 

    Citizens and leaders must lead by example and allow infants of 5 years or less, adults age 60 and older, pregnant women and people with chronic conditions to receive priority for immunization.

    There is  no room for playing games and jumping the line,  or for hysteria. The health system, although a bit disorganized, has faced up  against the influenza season. In the coming days there will be more vaccines available to inoculate the rest of the population.

    A lesson learned for all Panamanians: better safe than sorry.


  9. Quote

    Tocumen duty free area up for grabs

    Posted on June 17, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 141

    THE DUTY FREE  shopping area at Tocumen International Airport , which has been operated  since 2007  by Waked International, S.A. (Wisa) and Motta International will be up for tender between August and September.

    The  concession expires on December 31, 2017, and the tender was  originally scheduled for the last quarter of the year. but is now planned for between August and September.

    Joseph Fidanque III, manager of Tocumen SA, said the inclusion of the Waked group in the Clinton List changed the plans of the airport

    Being included on this list, Wisa cannot perform transactions with US companies, a situation that has affected the operation of the company which can only receive cash transactions, and not accept credit cards.

    Fidanque III said the airport  board  does not have the ability  to remove the Wisa concession after it  was included in the Clinton List but warns that if the company violates its contract by not paying royalties to Tocumen, the authority will have to  take a decision.

    Nine years ago the Wisa and Motta groups together paid $ 173 million for the marketing of products at the airport

    La Riviera, Burberry, Brooks Brothers and Columbia are some of the Wisa Group stores in Tocumen which together provide 7% of commercial revenues of the airport.

    Fidanque III said  that the new tender will seek two operators, but exclude some brands and products and  make separate awards.

    Unlike the 2007 tender, Tocumen will  increase the percentage of monthly royalties to be paid by new operators, and decrease payment for the key rights.

    “We do not want to raise a lot of capital to avoid repeating what happened 9 years ago when the funds obtained from the bidding for the duty free were used for projects outside the airport,” said Fidanque III.

    The tender for the new Terminal 2 is scheduled for early next year.


  10. I have highlighted some text to point out the significant content.



    Flu deaths climb

    Posted on June 17, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 81

    THE NUMBER of deaths from the flu virus A (H1N1) rose to 23 0n Friday June 17, and 30 patients remain in intensive care.

    To date 824 people have been hospitalized of whom 375 have been released.

    While the education ministry has  asked schools to have more confidence in health authorities who are following WHO guidelines which  indicate there is no need to close education centers, another institution, José Antonio Remón Cantera College  in Paitilla  decided to close follow the example of over a dozen in  Chorrerea and Arraijan and close  its doors.

    Teachers met on the evening shift on Thursday June 16 to determine if conditions  on campus were suitable  to continue teaching classes.

    They took into account factors such as the state of the health infrastructure and the number of students who are vaccinated,

    Fernando Abrego, a member of the Association of Professors of the Republic of Panama (ASOPROF), said they decided not to receive students until next Friday.

    The evaluation found that in the whole school only two toilets were working.

    The student population attending Remon Cantera is 389 premedia level  (seventh, eighth and ninth grade) and 600 middle level (sophomores, juniors and seniors).

    According to the student census, conducted by teachers, there are only 67 students vaccinated: 20 in premedia and 47 others.

    The decision of educators was communicated to the principal, Luis Mosquera, and Professor Petra Serracín, director of the educational center region of Panama.

    The school  located in via Israel was founded in 1971.

    New supplies of vaccine were due in Panama on Friday night, and health clinics across the country will be open through the weekend with 500 staff on standby to administer  free shots.


  11. Quote

    US asked to track Martinelli ex-secretary

    Posted on June 17, 2016 in Panama

    Juan-Carlos-Marciaga-Adolfo-Obarrio_LPRIMarciaga and De Obarrio
    Post Views: 75

    THE UNITED STATES has been asked to help locate Adolfo Chichi De Obarrio, former private  secretary of ex- president Ricardo Martinelli, and businessman Juan-Carlos-Marciaga, following  charges related to alleged $1.5 million irregularities  in the Floor  and Roof program through the now defunct National Assistance  Program (PAN).

    Vielka Broce the Second Anti-Corruption prosecutor has made the move as De Obarrio is mentioned in the record as the person who delivered instructions for ceiling  contracts under the administration of the Ministry of Housing and Land Management (Miviot) in the last government.

    The De Obarrio linking  comes  from statements made by the former director of PAN, Rafael Jaen Guardia, who revealed that De Obarrio  gave instructions on who should get  the contracts.

    De Obarrio also faces a request for provisional arrest and a  red Interpol by  the Fifteenth Criminal Court , on December 9, 2015, for alleged embezzlement in the allocation of contracts for the purchase of dehydrated food costing  $44.9 million.

    The Second Anti-Corruption Prosecutor also asked open criminal case against De Obarrio associated with buying school bags for the Ministry of Education for $14.2 million.

    The prosecution has  ordered the investigation of businessman Juan Carlos Marciaga in the investigation into the floor and ceiling program.

    Research showed  that Marciaga registered  at least eight companies listed as suppliers of PAN  for the program: Orofil S.A .; Turmark Company, S.A .; Group HR & R, S.A .; Mister Rooster Corporation; Investment J.B.K., S.A .; International Econobásicos, S.A .; Panama Siulang Group Inc .; Red Holding International, S.A.

    In this case, the prosecution also ordered the investigation of the former head of Miviot, Yasmina Pimental, for whom the Fifteenth Court granted bail of $100,000 not be stopped.

    Another 14 people, including former officials of Miviot  and  PAN are facing trial related to program contracts.


  12. Quote

    Waked case draws US deputy AG to Panama

    Posted on June 16, 2016 in Panama

    Keneth White and Kenia Porcell
     Post Views: 114

    THE US DEPARTMENT of Justice Deputy Attorney General, Kenneth White, is visiting Panama, sources  in  the US embassy  have confirmed.


    White has  exchanged information with Panama’s attorney general Kenia Porcell in the case of  Nidal Waked, who was included in the Clinton List and has been held in Bogotá, Colombia, pending extradition since. May 4. reports La Prensa


    Waked faces charges for alleged offenses of conspiracy to commit money laundering and bank fraud. He was named along with 68 other companies and individuals in the Waked family conglomerate headquartered in Colon and headed by Nidal’s uncle Abdul


    In Panama, investigations into the Waked  case are in the hands of first drug prosecutor, Markel Mora, who has requested legal assistance from the US authorities.


  13. Quote

    671 with severe flu, death toll hits 22,

    Posted on June 15, 2016 in Panama

     Post Views: 181

    THE NUMBER  of deaths from A ( H1N1) influenza  has  jumped to 22  and 671 people are affected with severe respiratory symptoms said the Ministry of Health (MoH) on  Wednesday June 15.


    Two days earlier the government reported that 18 people had died. West Panama, Colon, David, Santiago, San Miguelito and Aguadulce are some of the areas where deaths occurred


    The new victims were reported in the provinces of Veraguas, Colon and Panama West. According to health authorities each of the patients had additional risk factors.


    The MoH has reiterated that the priority for vaccination are people who are in risk groups, ie, less than five years, over 60, pregnant women and people with chronic diseases.



    Vaccination is free and available at health centers across the country which have extended hours to cope with the demand.


    An additional 300,000 units of vaccine obtained from France will be arriving in Panama on Friday, June 17, and clinics will be working through the weekend.


    On the other hand, after several conversations health authorities have determined that the closure of educational institutions in the country is not recommended.


    Students returned to school on Monday June 13 after the long break


    Nestor Sosa, a spokesman for the special commission created by the Government to address the issue of influenza, said the decision not to close the schools is supported by the Pan American Health Organizations and Global Health.


    Meanwhile teachers in numerous schools in Chepo, Arrijain and Chorrera have closed classes for up to two week citing concerns with inadequate or mal-functioning toilets and washing facilities in addition to health authority advice for people to avoid crowded places. They also say most students have not been vaccinated against A (H1N1).


    Reports are spreading of other teachers meeting to decide whether or not to carry on with classes.


  14. Quote

    Panama Papers suspect held in Geneva

    Posted on June 15, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 226

    AN EMPLOYEE  of the law firm Mossack Fonseca in Geneva, Switzerland,  is being investigated  over  the alleged leak of documents published by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) as the “Panama Papers.”” 

    According to information disclosed by the Swiss newspaper Le Temps, Geneva’s prosecutor is temporarily holding the person on  “suspicion” of “letting e out” a large volume of confidential data.

    The prosecutor told the Swiss newspaper that the proceedings are conducted following a complaint lodged by Mossack Fonseca.

    The prosecutor refused to give more information to Le Temps about the research being done  but the suspect has been , in provisional detention for several days.

    In addition, they were seized computer equipment has been seized to verify how  and what  information was obtained and its  fate.

    Le Temps, says the employee is  reportedly accused of “data theft” of “unauthorized access to a computer system” and “breach of trust”. However, the detainee denies all charges.

    On April 3, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) brought to light millions of documents of the firm Mossack Fonseca, highlighting the use of offshore structures by individuals and companies to hide assets and avoid paying taxes.


  15. I know this is late information, but I do like "closure" on things.


    Over 60% of Cuban migrants have reached Mexico

    Posted on May 18, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 123

    OVER  SIXTY PERCENT  of Cuban migrants  who were stranded in Panama trying to get to the United States have already traveled to Mexico says the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    They  had been housed in temporary shelters in the Darién and Chiriquí.

    According to the Foreign Ministry, 2,448 people have been flown  to Mexico, where they will presumably be transported to the U.S.

    The government arranged  low-cost airline tickets to Mexico until May 20.

    The immigrants had been stuck in Panama after Nicaragua and Costa Rica refused to let them enter their countries.


  16. 17 hours ago, Penny said:

    Well, it's been awhile since I hugged Bud but tell him he's owed one when he's back in town.

    I remember Bob Bartlett (no longer with us, RIP) telling about how he and his radio were a major means of communication during a crisis. Can't remember what crisis it was, . . . maybe the American invasion of Panama.

    I seem to recall that Bob's emergency communications services last were during the big flood of November 2008 (at least I think it was 2008, but it might have been 2007).

    I still miss my conversations with him, and Anita. I believe it is now a bit more than three years since Bob made his transition.

    P.S., Bud says he's 'on' for a hug when we next see each other.

  17. On June 15, 2016 at 11:50 AM, Dave and Leiann Scee said:

    Hi Bud, 

    KF7HDA here. Recently moved to Boquete and am interested in your Ham Club and bending your ear. Where will your next meeting be? Do you have an email or phone where you can be reached? 

    Thanks, Dave

    There is a monthly gathering of the known ham radio operators including XYLs (wives for the uninitiated). Hazel Bowling is the manager/scheduler for those meetings. These typically are the first Saturday of each month, starting at 8:30am. They are breakfast gatherings, recently at either Mike's Global Grill or the Boquete Sandwich place.

    For details, contact Hazel. She is a member here on CL, and her Display Name is "Hazel Bowling". Just send her a private message here on CL.

  18. Quote

    Facilitation of Sale of Felix B. Maduro Companies 

    The Office of Foreign Assets Control has granted a license, until December 14, 2016, to access the US financial system, and allow the sale of the companies to be managed.

    The license granted by the Office of Foreign Assets Control and the US Treasury Department (OFAC) is valid until December 14 this year and authorizes the companies Importadora Maduro, Maduro Internacional and Lindo & Maduro to make arrangements for them to be bought.

    If the transaction involves U.S. companies or citizens, it must be authorized by the OFAC, through another license.

    In early June, Abdul Waked transferred the assets of Importadora Maduro, Maduro Internacional, and Lindo & Maduro and a trust controlled by a five creditor banks, to ensure the sustainability of Felix B.Maduro. 

    See: "How to Keep Waked Businesses Running" and "Want to Buy La Riviera in Tocumen?"

    Prensa.com reports that "... The new board, as trustees, will be receive the offers to purchase the assets. The proceeds of the sale will be used to pay employee benefits, bank loans with collateral and debts with suppliers, in that order of priority. If anything is leftover, the money will be deposited in a restricted account, which Abdul Waked will be able to access, if he is eventually taken off the Clinton List. "


  19. On June 5, 2016 at 9:49 PM, Dottie Atwater said:

    But don't you have to pay the registered agent a yearly fee?

    Nope. Not unless he is actively involved in doing something in his capacity as the registered agent. Since I pay the Tasa Unica he does nothing and is paid nothing.

    It is my understanding that a registered agent is required. That does not bother me and seems reasonable. It is a matter between the registered agent and you whether he is paid any fee for holding that position.

    BTW, I also take care of the income tax filings through a CPA in David. A fee is paid for that service. It is my understanding that a CPA must file that report, but some expats tell me otherwise. If there is clarification on this point, I would appreciate it.

  20. Quote

    FBI fingers Martinelli relative

    Posted on June 14, 2016 in Panama

    Aaron Mizrachi, fled Panama on Martinelli jet
    Post Views: 148

    AN INTERPOL red alert  for Aaron Mizrachi,  brother-in-law of ex-President Ricardo Martinelli –  in connection with a corruption investigation focused on a software contract with the German company SAP  remains in place.

    Mizrachi fled the country aboard Martinelli’’s private jet in July 2015 as investigator’s were closing in on another  case related to the purchase of spy equipment for Martinelli’s surveillance program of political opponents, judges, journalists and businessmen.

    He left the Albrook airport the same day that judicial authorities revealed that a company linked to Mizrachi, Caribbean Holding Services, was used as a conduit to funnel payments to the Israeli NSO Group, which provided the surveillance equipment.

    In a resolution dated June 9, Judge Alina Hubiedo rejected a defense motion to prevent the arrest of Mizrachi.

    The red alert   for his capture was issued through Interpol in April. In the ruling, Hubiedo highlighted that the offence which is being investigated is serious “since it is an act against the public administration.”

    In the opinion, the judge referred to the testimony of Andrew Robinson, an FBI agent who participated in the investigation into the contract being conducted in the United States.

    That testimony showed that SAP Vice President Vicente García (now jailed in the US) agreed to pay bribes in exchange for state contracts.

    Robinson said that Mizrachi met with Garcia at a hotel in Panama to arrange for the payments.


    Mayer Mizrachi under arrest in Colombia

    In addition, Robinson explained that Mizrachi and Garcia exchanged e-mails in which they discussed the bribes. Mizrachi allegedly demanded a 10 percent payment to ensure SAP received the contract. That money was paid to a marketing company he owned.

    Mizrachi’s son, Mayer, has been  in detention in Colombia, awaiting extradition on other criminal charges also involving offences against the administration.He was allegedly paid for encrypting government software security programs, but never delivered. He was arrested in December after flying from the United States.


  21. Quote

    Health MInister resigns

    Posted on June 14, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 89

    IN THE MIDST of an influenza outbreak  in which the H1N1 virus has claimed 18 lives Panama’s Health Minister  Francisco Javier Terrientes,   has submitted his resignation to President Juan Carlos Varela.

    The outbreak, which has been called an “epidemiological alert”   has, until Monday, June 13, hospitalized 607, of whom 220 have already been discharged.

    West Panama, Colon, David, Santiago, San Miguelito and Aguadulce, are some of the areas where deaths have occurred.

    Health clinics have been working extra hours to provide free vaccination to  scores of thousands  of people.

    The announcement of Terrientes ’resignation came on Tuesday after the president  announced that the Health Committee for Coordination and Communication on Influenza confirmed that, a consignment of 300,000  influenza vaccines will arrive from France on Friday.

    During the weekend vaccinations will be available to  the entire population,  in premises of the Ministry of Health and Social Security.


  22. On 6/6/2016 at 2:08 PM, Penny said:

    ... patience is a virtue . . . especially in Panama but one has to wonder if it perpetuates the same old inefficient system and nothing will ever change because nobody complains. Something to ponder on an overcast Monday morning.

    I, too, have learned how deficient in my quota of patience that I was after living in Panama full time. Every time I think I finally "got it", I get another dose of "calm down now, Bubba".

    I believe you identify an important aspect of the Panamanian (perhaps more generally the Latin) culture that leads to the slow pace of change. I was raised to seek many goals, two of which are efficiency and effectiveness. Those two attributes are where I typically get another dose of indicators that I need more patience.

    On 6/6/2016 at 6:30 PM, Woody said:

    I pondered it for a minute.  It's SNAFU.  

    Shouldn't there be a comma between the N and the A in that acronym, or are punctuation marks excluded from acronyms? Baffling, totally baffling.

    Woody,  :o  you may have hit on one of the world's biggest dilemmas. Well, more properly the western societies' dilemmas, given that some [Eastern] languages do not have commas.  :o

  23. I had toyed previously with posting the following World Bank article (and document), but backed away because it seemed too remote from life in Chiriquí. Given the above posts, I am going to post it here. It is not specifically banking related, but it is part of the population changes that are going to be impacting our lives and the lives of future generations in the long term.

    To my way of thinking, the population trends are a destabilizing factor. I say that because there will be changing and increasingly larger demands for capital investments (schools, roadways, hospitals, housing, commercial outlets, etc.) as well as waning natural resources to support the population, along with shrinking green space for parks, recreation, etc.

    Remember that this report is about Central America, not just Panama. The term Central America normally includes seven countries:

    • Belize
    • Guatemala
    • El Salvador
    • Honduras
    • Nicaragua
    • Costa Rica
    • Panama

    However, in reviewing the full report (see the PDF attached below) it appears that the World Bank does not include Belize in its list of countries comprising Central America. On page xii and again on page 8 (and subsequent pages) the report specifically mentions six capital cities of Central America (less Belize), and so by inference the World Bank considers only those six countries to comprise Central America. This should be explicitly specified (my opinion here).

    An interesting quote from page viii of the document: "Central America is the second fastest urbanizing region in the world, second only to Africa."

    I question some of their numbers (see the highlighted text below). As the article says: challenges and opportunities.

    A really interesting report, with lots of food for thought.



    6C : Central America urbanization review – making cities work for Central America (Vol. 2) : final report (English)


    Central America is undergoing an important transition, with urban populations increasing at accelerated speeds, bringing pressing challenges as well as opportunities to boost sustained, inclusive and resilient growth. Today, 59 percent of Central America's population lives in urban areas, but it is expected that within the next generation 7 out of 10 people will live in cities, equivalent to adding 700,000 new urban residents every year. At current rates of urbanization, the region’s urban population will double in size by 2050, welcoming over 25 million new urban dwellers, calling for better infrastructure, higher coverage and quality of urban services and greater employment opportunities. As larger numbers of people concentrate in urban areas, Central American governments at the national and local levels face both opportunities and challenges to ensure the prosperity of their country's present and future generations.

    Here is the URL for the above World Bank article: http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/2016/06/26449092/6c-central-america-urbanization-review-making-cities-work-central-america-vol-2-final-report

    And finally, here is the full 181 page English language report in PDF format:
    World Bank Report - Project P152713.pdf


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