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Posts posted by Bud

  1. Quote

    WORLD VIEW Zika: Tragedy or Opportunity?

    Posted on June 25, 2016 in World View

    A baby born with microcephaly in New York
    Post Views: 28

    By Mónica Roa

    THE ZIKA virus presents a rare global opportunity to effect a meaningful improvement in women’s power to control their reproductive capacity. Countries, especially those in Latin America, must ensure all women have access to sex education, contraceptives, abortion services and the care needed for safe motherhood.

    Monica Roa

    Mónica Roa

    Zika, a word we had never heard before, became part of our vocabulary early this year. Transmitted by a mosquito, the virus causes a birth defect – microcephaly – and has been linked to Guillain-Barré syndrome, and most likely some other neurological problems.

    Its arrival brought into play words many people usually try to avoid: abortion, contraception, and sex education. But when a crisis such as this brings to light the centrality of the reproductive function in human society, no one can ignore the much-needed debates. A similar situation occurred in the 1960s when rubella became a public health scare in the United States. Abortion and even contraceptives were taboo if not illegal in some states then.

    It is important people understand that upholding women’s reproductive rights is essential to respond to the Zika emergency, but also that those rights are essential to women and, by extension, to society as a whole. But it is only in these epidemics when people who oppose reproductive rights in the abstract find a particular angle where they are comfortable with their legalization. A window of opportunity appears for social change on behalf of women’s right to control their reproductive capacity.

    The good news is that international organizations support reform. Never before has the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights been so straightforward about a state’s obligations on these issues. Prince Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein stated that “laws and policies that restrict (women’s) access to these services must be urgently reviewed in line with human rights obligations in order to ensure the right to health for all in practice.” The World Health Organization also calls for granting women access to a comprehensive range of contraceptive options, and non-directive counseling about their options, so that they can make fully informed choices, including abortion to the full extent of the law. And for those women who decide to carry the pregnancy to term, it calls for appropriate care and support for them and their newborn children. Even the Pope changed the church´s longstanding opposition on contraceptives by suggesting Catholics could use them to prevent the consequences of Zika.

    Reforms are desperately needed and a case in point is Latin America, where 56 per cent of pregnancies are unplanned. This speaks to non-existent or poor-quality information about reproductive choices, unequal access to contraceptives, high rates of sexual violence with no adequate health response to survivors, cultural barriers to negotiate the use of contraceptives with male partners and, of course, laws that criminally condemn abortion. Zika is blatantly revealing the failure of reproductive rights policies throughout the region. Reproductive rights, as a human right for women, a key to global development, and as central to managing public health crises, have simply not been a priority for Latin American governments.

    The reproductive rights gap also runs along socioeconomic lines. As it has always been the case, women with resources are granted access to reproductive services with full respect for their confidentiality, regardless of whether those services are legal. On the other hand, women living in the most vulnerable circumstances – for example, those who don´t have access to running water and are thus more exposed to the virus – are the ones who cannot even count on enjoying rights legally recognized.

    At this critical moment, states should take the opportunity to ensure all women their rights and access to the services they need to control their reproductive capacity, from sex education, to access to contraceptives, to abortion services, to safe motherhood. Any response to Zika should always take a women’s rights approach and incorporate an understanding of how gender interacts with other forms of discrimination, such as those based on race, class, migration status, and disability.

    Unfortunately, most don’t seem to be seizing the opportunity. Efforts continue to focus on eliminating a mosquito we have failed to eradicate in the context of dengue and chikungunya in the past. Women who have decided to carry the pregnancy to term are dealing with the lack of services to provide their babies with the special care they need, and those who want to interrupt the pregnancy face obstacles, stigma and the threat of prosecution. Women in vulnerable communities, those with the key to keeping the situation under control, could not be more fearful, uninformed, and alone.

    Something must be done and the time to act is now.


    Mónica Roa a native of Colombia  is the former Vice President Strategy & External Relations at Women’s Link Worldwide. She is a lawyer and advocate for sexual and reproductive rights of women, and is recognized for her work on the decriminalization of abortion in Latin America, she holds a law degree from Universidad de los Andes in Bogota, and a Master in Laws as a Global Public Service Scholar from NYU.


  2. Quote

    Martinelli offered $8 million for deputies to jump ship

    Posted on June 24, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 131

    AS DEPUTIES in the National Assembly build alliances and struggle to decide who they will support to be elected as president of legislative body, one has issued a statement that during the previous administration, then president Ricardo Martinelli had offered eight million dollars to deputies to switch parties.

    “During the past period, there were attempts by who at the time ran the State of offering millions of dollars $(8 million) in order to become a turncoat and is  against my principles. I did not and I have never taken millions offered me, “said the PRD  legislator. Iracema de Dale

    The document was posted to deny that De Dale supported the reelection of her fellow party member Ruben De Leon, as president of the National Assembly.

    The authenticity of the statement was confirmed by the deputy to the press and it is being distributed through social networks and some fellow party PRD deputies of the legislator reports La Prensa.


  3. Quote

    Embezzlement runaway seeks political asylum

    Posted on June 24, 2016 in Panama

    Mizrachi at the time of his arrest
    Post Views: 119

    MAYER MIZRACHI  Matalon, wanted   by the First Anticorruption Prosecutor for alleged  embezzlement,  from the Government Innovation Authority  (AIG), has no intention of returning to Panama to face justice.

    Detained in Bogota, Colombia, on December 29, Mizrachi won his release on Wednesday, June 22 at a time when deportation to Panama was pending, for overstaying the 90  days he could legally stay in the neighboring country.

    On Thursday, June 24 Mizrachi applied through his lawyer Alexander Vernot for political asylum. He claims to be politically persecuted by President Juan Carlos Varela and invokes Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that “in case of persecution, everyone has the right to seek asylum and to enjoy life in any country.”

    “The current government of the Republic of Panama has partnered and saddled the  Mayer family relationship with the president Ricardo Martinelli [with whom he  has no relationship of any kind]; because his father, Aron Ronny Mizrachi, had a relationship with Mrs. Analida Martinelli, sister of ths former President of Panama, for several years, “says Vernot in the note to the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    “Mayer has reported that in Panama there are no legal guarantees at this time, neither shall they respect his  rights , as indeed has happened with many other cases under the current government  of people associated with the previous government of Martinelli,” adds Vernot .

    This week, the Second Superior Court ordered the lifting of the arrest warrant and extradition issued against Mayer. Earlier, in January, the same court favored his release on bail of $ 100k with an injunction that prevented him from leaving the country. He left for the US.

    Migration Colombia filed a criminal complaint against the Colombian National Penitentiary and Prison, for not having delivered Mayer Mizrachi after his release from La Picota prison, on Wednesday.

    He is under investigation for allegedly receiving money from the state without providing the contracted service: the installation of a software (Criptext) to encrypt messages in the cell of personnel security sectors. AIG paid $ 211 850 for the service.  Innovative Venture, the company of Mizrachi.

    Also charged, and left holding the can are the former head of AIG, Eduardo Jaen, and former officials Adonay Ortega, Eduardo Briceño and Edgar Rodriguez.

    The preliminary hearing is scheduled for August 26.

    Mizrachi’s father Aaron who was also facing investigation in cases, fled Panama on Martinelli’s private jet in August last year.


  4. Quote

    Flu deaths reach 31

    Posted on June 24, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 36

    THE (H1N1) INFLUENZA  virus has claimed another two lives bringing the total of fatalities to 31, while fueling a massive vaccination program . The cause of an additional case has yet to be confirmed by Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies (ICGES)

    Dr. Nestor Sosa) speaking at a press conference said that “since April 21,   1,371341 doses of influenza vaccines have been administered.

    From June 1  1,546  patients have been hospitalized with  Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) Of this figure, 1,158 patients were discharged and 388 remain under medical care in various public and private hospitals .

    The Ministry of Education (Meduca) began implementing the vaccine program for preschool children attending state schools on Thursday June 23.

    Some schools have abandoned classes, with teachers saying that students have not been vaccinated.

    “The Social Security (CSS) and the Ministry of Health will continue to provide vaccination daily, Monday through Friday, through quotas and give priority to the vulnerable population,” said Sosa who mentioned the acquisition of one million extra doses of vaccines.

    The vulnerable groups are considered as children under five years of age, adults over 60, health workers and people with chronic illnesses.

    Health authorities who describe the outbreak as an “alert” and not an epidemic, recommend avoiding crowds, frequent hand washing, avoiding kissing and hand shaking. In case of flu symptoms visit the nearest health center or hospital.


  5. John, your daughter and son appear to me to be well informed, educated, articulate, and caring people. They both write very well.

    I was particularly interested in the generational voting differences that you posted. I see similar patterns occurring in the US.

    To me, there is no 100% clear right or wrong decision here. It is a matter being decided on other than facts. For one thing, I no longer know whose "facts" I can trust. When I was a little kid I knew who I could trust (and that included the local cop who walked his beat in our neighborhood), but I digress here. Everyone now seems to have their own agenda, which more often than not is either hidden or at best disguised in subtle ways. The spin doctors are alive and gainfully employed!

  6. Quote

    Mayor’s “don’t” list for Expansion opening

    Posted on June 23, 2016 in Panama

    The vessel that will perform the first official transit of the new locks
    Post Views: 195

     PANAMA’S   SUNDAY  biking festival on the Cinta Coatera will be suspended on  June 26 says The mayor’s office in a decree governing behavior during the opening of the Panama Canal expansion project.

    The announcement also says, without giving times, that the  Bridge of the Americas will be closed ‘occasionally’ on the big day.

    Some of the other measures contained in the mayoral decree  include the prohibition of the sale, supply or consumption of alcoholic beverages  carrying weapons or sharp objects no hawkers or peddlers, no coolers metal or glass containers.

    Violations will be punished with fines from $50 -$2,000 or equivalent detention.

    The measures apply only to the areas surrounding the Panama Canal where official events will be held.


  7. Quote

    29 H1N1 flu deaths confirmed

    Posted on June 23, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 63

    HEALTH OFFICIALS   confirmed on Wednesday, June 22 that the death toll related  A-H1N1 flu virus has risen to 29.

    To date 1,422  have been hospitalized, of which 406 patients remain under care.

    Since April 22, 205,000 doses of influenza vaccine have been given to citizens in the country.

    “There is a large percentage of the population which has been vaccinated” saidGeneral Health Director Itza Barahona de Mosca

    The official called for the population not  yet vaccinated to be patient and reiterated that a million additional doses have been purchased.


  8. I'm fairly sure that no script writers could ever come up with this ongoing, seemingly never ending, debacle. (editorial comment on my part)



    ‘’Non absconding” Mizrachi on the run

    Posted on June 23, 2016 in Panama

    Mizrachi's Twtter image
    Post Views: 168

    MAYER MIZRACHI Matalo, is now listed by Colombian authorities as a fugitive  after escaping from La Picota Jail in Bogota, Colombia, , says Panama’s Foreign Ministry.

    After a Panama court revoked the order to extradite Mizrachi, he faced deportation to Panama for overstaying his visa in Colombia.

    During an appearance before Panama’s Supreme Court while seeking to get the  extradition order revoked, Mizrachi’s lawyer told the court that there was no risk of his client absconding.

    Before he could be deported, Mizrachi apparently bribed an official of the National Institute for Penitentiaries and Prisons (Inpec). The Panamanian Foreign Ministry confirmed that Colombian authorities have opened an investigation into the incident and have charged one person.

    On Wednesday, Mizrachi was flaunting his escape on Twitter, while Colombian authorities were issuing alert notices to neighboring countries.

    Mizrachi who is facing trial in Panama on embezzlement  charges, is now considered a fugitive, Panama’s foreign the ministry said on Wednesday night soon after they received notice of his extradition order being revoked.

    His father is also on the run. He fled Panama in August last year aboard Martinelli’s private jet, while being investigated for his involvement in offshore accounts used to funnel money to Israel for the purchase of spying equipment alleged to have been used by Martinelli for illegal surveillance of 150 rival politicians, journalists, judges and businessmen.

    On his Twitter account, Mizrachi said that “there was no legal order in Colombia for my deportation” and denied bribing any officials. He said that the decision to halt the extradition process “did not include a transfer to another entity.”

    “I am grateful to the staff of La Picota for having acted fully for not giving me to another entity without legal order,” he wrote.


  9. Quote

    Gasoline dropping 7 cents a gallon

    Posted on June 23, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 99

    ON THE EVE of the Panama Canal expansion opening, the National Secretariat of Energy (SNE) has announced a 7 cents a gallon decrease in the price of both 91 and 95  octane gasoline while the price of diesel remains unchanged.

    A gallon of 95 octane gas will be  $2.73 and  91 octane will cost $2.63 a gallon

    The changes kick in   at 6am on Friday, June 24 and stay in  effect until July 8.


  10. Quote

    17,000 “no test” drivers scandal

    Posted on June 22, 2016 in Panama

    Open sesame for driving licenses
    Post Views: 173

    THOSE WHO COMPLAIN about driving standards in Panama with some 210 road  deaths so far this year,  will not be surprised to hear  that  a former transit official  is alleged  to have issued17,000 driver licenses without tests,

    The  ninth anti-corruption prosecutor has charged former transportation official Manuel Salgado with offenses against public administration in relation to alleged irregularities in the issuing of 17,000 driver licenses.

    The anomalies were recorded during the Ricardo Martinelli admibistration between 2010 and 2014.

    Salgado formerly worked for the transit agency ATTT, and the irregularities were detected by the new administration of the agency. They were informed of the irregularities by administrators with the company Sertracen, which issues licenses.

    The anti-corruption prosecutor’s office has been investigating the matter since October 2015.

    According to the investigators, Salgado allegedly issued directives to Sertracen exempting persons from licensing exams. He requested exemptions for as many as 17,000 people, among them licenses for public transport drivers.


  11. Quote

    More alleged crimes while under house arrest

    Posted on June 22, 2016 in Panama

    Virzi hiding behind new beard
    Post Views: 110

    EX-VICE- PRESIDENT Felipe Pipo Virzi was moved from preventive detention to house arrest because of his age and the court’s belief that he would not be continuing criminal activities. But he and his daughter are now under investigation for forgery and fraud in a real estate deal committed while he was allegedly under surveillance.

    Newly bearded Virzi, is already facing two other criminal cases, one for alleged money laundering related to bank accounts  of jailed ex- Supreme Court  Judge Alejandro Moncada Luna and another for embezzlement related to the failed irrigation project Tonosí, whose preliminary hearing is set for July .The Virzi controlled bank that was involved in many of his activities was shut down and its operations taken over by other investors. The Tonosi case involves the alleged distribution of bribery proceeds to members of the Ricardo Martinelli inner circle, some of whom, like Martinelli, have fled the country.

    In a June 8,  resolution t  The Fifteenth Criminal Circuit prosecutor ordered the investigation of  fourth circuit notary, Natividad Quiros Aguilar, and Elvira Maria Virzi, for the alleged crime of forgery linked to Pipo Virzi

    Quiros Aguilar and Virzi Elvira, daughter of the former vice president, after inconsistencies were found in the procedure for registration of a farm in Santiago, Veraguas province.

    According to the prosecution there is  a possible alteration of documents in which Felipe Virzi deeded land it was determined Agroganadera F. A. Virzi S.A., despite the existence of a demand for registration of the  land by Maria Torres Enelda in August 2015 in the Agrarian First Court of Veraguas.

    It is established that the transfer occurred when Virzi was under  house arrest issued by the Special Prosecutor against Organized Crime

    The notary Quiros declared that he went d to the house of Virzi to attest to the processing of some documents, including the deed by which the transfer was made of the farm. However, the record has  no reference to the presence of witnesses. reports La Prensa


  12. Quote

    Cable firms face class action lawsuit

    Posted on June 22, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 64

    PANAMA’S Consumer Protection Authority  (Acodeco) is  preparing a class action  lawsuit against the companies offering cable television service in the country.

    The agency’s administrator Oscar Garcia Cardoze told La Prensa that the complaint seeks the annulment of unfair terms in contracts with  the companies.

    “The Acodeco does not regulate the relationship between the user and the company, ie no billing or service problems  quality but unfair terms of contracts,” said Garcia Cardoze.

    If you feel affected by any of these terms and wants to become a participant in the class action, scan your contract and send it to the institution.

    Acodeco also asks you to fill out a small form to  allow the institution to act on their behalf in court.

    The competition agency will receive complaints from consumers until June 30.

    Cardoze Garcia said that there is no cost to the consumer  to become a participant in the  class action lawsuit.

    In January 2016, in Panama there are four large companies that market jostle cable TV: Cable Onda, Claro Panama, Cable & Wireless Panama and Media Vision, S.A. (SKY). Since 1999 the Public Services Authority has issued and renewed 15 concessions to pay TV companies, four are not in operation and three  are in the installation period.


  13. Quote

    Mizrachi a fugitive after bribing guard

    Posted on June 22, 2016 in Panama

    Mizrachi at the time of his arrest
    Post Views: 51

    ON THE DAY he was to be released from detention in Colombia after a Panama Court had revoked his  extradition order, Mayer Mizrachi, the son of ex-president Ricardo Martinelli’s brother in law again became a fugitive.

    Colombia official authorities reported that Mizrachi bribed a guard of La Picota prison to allow him to escape. This, although on Wednesday  June 22 he  would be released and sent by the immigration authorities to Panama.

    A statement from  Panama’s Foreign Ministry, which had received a notice revoking an earlier extradition order said:  “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was told tonight by the Government of the Republic of Colombia that the Panamanian citizen Mayer Mizrachi escaped at  a time when the Colombian authorities arranged  deportation to Panama after his  detention and extradition request was overturned by the   Supreme Court of Panama, “said a  bulletin released by the Panamanian Foreign Ministry Wednesday night.

    In the hearing before the Supreme Court Silvio Guerra, defense attorney, argued that his client “did not intend to alter or suppress evidence or abscond.”

    The  Ministry note adds that the Colombian authorities launched an investigation for “ a possible act of high-level corruption, specifically bribery of an official of the National Institute of System Penitentiary and Prison  System in Colombia, who has already been dismissed by the authorities and charges have been brought before [the] prosecution by the fact “.

    The Foreign Ministry warns that Mizrachi is a fugitive from justice

    In Panama, Mizrachi is being investigated for  the commission of crimes against public administration to the detriment of the Authority Government Innovation (AIG), in the last government.

    The preliminary hearing for the case is scheduled for August 24.


  14. 20 hours ago, Bonnie said:

    I hate to rain on the parade, but this article from today's NYT is pretty sobering:


    Bonnie, I don't believe that you are raining on anyone's parade. I was just getting ready to post a link to the same NYT article when I saw your post. That article was certainly a different perspective from what the ACP (the authority here in Panama that runs the Canal) wants to project or operate from. It is another case of the glass half full / half empty conundrum.

    And then Keith's responding words and excerpt were well done. A good counterpoint.

    Only time will tell which version prevails. My guess is that there will be portions of both perspectives that come to fruition.

    Going only a bit further, I read about the gigantic ocean ships, both cargo and passenger, that are too wide, too deep, or too tall to go through the expanded canal, what is called New Panamax size; I haven't read (yet) of any that are too long. Many of these larger than New Panamax vessels already exist. There is a website that provides a good summary description of the terms used to categorize vessel sizes as used in the maritime industry: http://maritime-connector.com/wiki/ship-sizes/

    One thing is certain, history is being written this coming Sunday.

  15. Quote

    Drones clamp down for Canal expansion fete

    Posted on June 21, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 107

    THE USE OF drones will be restricted in the provinces of Panama, Panama West and Colón on June 25, 26 and 27 on orders of the Civil Aviation Authority.

    The prohibition is due to the ceremonies being held for the opening of the Panama Canal expansion.

    A number of prominent world leaders are expected to attend the events.

    The restriction is based on a law that empowers the authority to regulate the operation of drones reports La Prensa.


  16. I suspect the Panama Papers issue is going to go on for years and years, and result in some questionable changes.



    EU plans Panama Meeting on Mossack Fonseca

    Posted on June 21, 2016 in Panama, Panama

    Post Views: 63

    THE EUROPEAN Union is not intending  to sit on its hands over alleged irregularities related to the Panamanian law  firm Mossack Fonseca.

    Following the creation last week  of a  special commission  to investigate   possible cases of tax evasion that were revealed in “The Panama Papers” and leaked to the media, members are ,planning to meet with representatives of the Panama government as part of the investigation.

    German Burkhard Balz, a member of the European People’s Party, informed the newspaper Luxemburger Wort about the meeting.

    Balz said that they also plan to subpoena representatives of the firm to clarify the role played by several European officials.

    A 65-member commission was created last week to investigate possible cases of tax evasion that were outlined in the files of the law firm.

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced it was willing to “cooperate vigorously” with any investigation.

    Public Ministry officials declined to comment about the reports says La Prensa.


  17. Quote

    Corruption prosecutor adds to high profile workload


    Posted on June 21, 2016 in Panama

    Alma Cortes
     Post Views: 43

    SIXTH ANTI-CORRUPTION Prosecutor Aurelio Vásquez, will be in charge of investigating former Minister of Labor and Workforce Development Alma Cortes, who, according to an audit by the Comptroller General, could not justify  property and goods totaling  $2.5 million.


    The information was confirmed yesterday by sources of Public Prosecutions, which on June 7 received the report of the Comptroller.


    This investigation determined, among other things, that between 1 July 2009 and 31 May 2015, involved the audit period, Cortes bought an apartment valued at $ 144 thousand in the tower PH 1 Rokaz; other property in Tower 2 of the same building, which cost $ 154,000; a beach house in San Carlos, for $ 255,000; and another residence in Royal Country valued at $ 369,000.


    The audit also reveals that companies that obtained contracts with the My First Job, prompting the former minister during her  tenure, to deposit sums of money from companies she gave contracts to, in  a law firm where she was a partner.


    According to the investigation, that money would have been used by Cortés to pay for  properties.


    Alejandro Perez, a lawyer who assumed the defense of Ricardo Martinelli and is  also responsible for the Democratic Change party, said  Monday, June 21 that he will report  the Comptroller , Federico Humbert, for “divulging information that the law states  is restricted and confidential”.


    The case joins other high profile processes handled by Vasquez including alleged irregularities in the purchase of musical instruments with funds from the defunct National Assistance Program (PAN) during the last government.


    He also handles the alleged illegal SAP system purchase by , the Social Security Fund (CSS), in which it is alleged  former officials and businessmen received bribes.


    In addition, Vasquez is investigating the former governor of Cocle and entrepreneur Richard Fifer, and Rodrigo Esquivel, for allegedly withholding payment of employers’contribution of the CSS through three companies: Petaquilla, Panama Infrastructure Development and Gastronomy South Sea.


    He is also investigating the alleged web of corruption of officials of the judiciary.


  18. Quote

    The Increase in Bureaucracy in Panama

    Suffering from an attack of Burocratitis, perhaps passed on by its neighbor Costa Rica, Panama has added almost 10,000 people to the list of civil servants on the government payroll in the last year, which is an increase of 8% in state spending on wages.

    Monday, June 20, 2016

    The nominal increase in spending on wages of state employees was $17.8 million between April 2015 and April 2016, according to data from the Comptroller General of the Republic.  In terms of the number of officials, the growth rate in April 2016 compared to the same month in 2015 was 9,925 people or 4.8%.

    "..In terms of the number of people, in a year the State's payroll bulged at 9,925 public employees, almost the same number of people working in the Panama Canal Authority (ACP), including all of its field and administrative personnel. Despite belonging 100% to the state, Canal employees are not included in the government payroll because this is an autonomous entity. "

    "... Requests from the private sector have always been for the state to be more efficient and not register remarkable growth, especially in each period of government. For example, in June 2009, when the Ricardo Martinelli administration came to power, there were 170,040 officials. Five years later there are 208,682 public employees, ie 38,642 more officials were reported. "

    Source: Prensa.com


  19. Quote

    Varela official facing corruption probe

    Posted on June 20, 2016 in Panama

    Edwin Cardenas
    Post Views: 48

    EDWIN CÁRDENAS, the former director of the Institute of Agricultural Marketing (IMA), is the first senior official in the current administration to be  investigated by anti-corruption prosecutors for offenses against public administration.

    The investigation is based on an audit by the comptroller on the Program for Food Solidarity, which was overseen by Cardenas from July 2014 to April 2015.

    Auditors found economic injury to the state of $6.5 million.

    Prosecutor Ruth Morcillo is also investigating two former  institute officials as well as several other individuals, three employees of the comptroller’s office and two former officials from the Ministry of Agricultural Development. The names of those defendants have not been released reports La Prensa.

    According to the audit, Cardenas failed to act with prudence and a lack of planning. This resulted in overpayments and a lack of proper processing of goods.

    Cárdenas resigned on April 1, 2015, after harsh criticism due to several cases of nepotism within the institute.

    Jorge Arango he Agricultural Minister tendered his resignation last week. It becomes effective July 5, and President Juan Carlos Varela has said that he will be offered a new position because of his abilities.

    The cleaning up of corruption, was one of the planks in Varela’s election campaign.


  20. Quote

    Flu death toll climbs to 27, with 1,177 sick

    Posted on June 20, 2016 in Alerts, Panama

    Post Views: 19

    FOUR MORE deaths attributed  by health authorities  to the H1N1 influenza virus, bringing the number of fatalities in Panama to 27.

    The news follows confirmation from officials that 175,355 people were vaccinated over the weekend  as health  clinics remained open across the country and 500 staff were on hand to administer shots to anxious people, some of whom had lined up through Saturdat night

    According to the officials, the total number of cases of acute respiratory infections has  increased to 1,177. Some  355 people remained hospitalized on Monday June 20.

    People considered to be vulnerable, including children under five and adults over 60, pregnant women and patients with chronic diseases are given priority in receiving vaccines.

    The government has announced  plans to purchase 1 million additional doses.


  21. Quote

    Martinelli strong arm facing enrichment probe

    Posted on June 20, 2016 in Panama

    Applicants in the First job program
    Post Views: 89

    MORE REVELATIONS are emerging about ex-president Ricardo Martinelli’s  “strong arm” former Minister of Labor Alma Cortes, and her alleged  ability to use the arm to push funds through the law firm Cortes, Cortes, Mulino & Associates.

    Alma Cortes was the person Martinelli tried to make leader of the CD Party earlier in the year when he threatened to eject all CD deputies who failed to sign an allegiance  declaration. The deputies rejected both of Martinelli’s moves.

    The firm that carries her name, apparently received money from companies that won contracts from the ministry while she was in office.

    This was revealed by an audit carried out by the comptroller into the finances of the former minister, which found $2.5 million in unjustified income reports La Prensa.

    The audit reveals, for example, that the company Servicios Múltiples Empresariales paid the firm $637,000, which was apparently used by Cortes to purchase real estate for nearly $600,000.

    That company received contracts in 2011 from the “My First Job” program in 2011.

    The audit, encompassing the period between July 1, 2009 and May 31, 2015, was ordered in June 2015 following an exposure  by  La Estrella about the assets and properties of the former minister.

    The audit found, that the company Fundehuma, which won contracts from the ministry in 2011, made payments at the same time to Cortes’ law firm. The signatories on the firm’s account were Cortes and Michell Herrera, who worked for the ministry.

    La Prensa reports that after due diligence at the law firm  when shown the documents  showing the figures of the audit, Cortes demanded to know the name of the auditor who was going to sign the report. She visited the auditor Miriam Vásquez   three times and , claimed she was being politically persecuted like former Security Minister José Raúl Mulino and  ex-vice security minister  Alejandro  Garuz, and threatened to sue the auditor,


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