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Posts posted by Bud

  1. Quote

    OFF THE CUFF: Detention follows political charade

    Posted on August 12, 2016 in Off The Cuff, Panama

    Alma Cortes detained
    Post Views: 140

    THE CRIMINAL interrogation of  an ex-cabinet minister  suspected of $2.5 million illegal enrichment  during the Ricardo Martinelli administration led to  a political rally  that blocked traffic, and had the organizers warned for noise  above permitted levels and drew complaints from  neighboring businesses.

    Alma Lorena Cortés, the former Minister of Labor and Workforce Development was facing questioning by Sixth anti-corruption prosecutor Aurelio Vásquez on Thursday August 11.  Cortés   is  the Martinelli confidant  that he   had attempted to parachute in as the leader  of the CD political party he founded. The move backfired and caused  a split in the party with deputies rebelling  against the diktat from Panama’s former president.

    The unjust enrichment investigation began , after an audit by the Comptroller General determined that Cortés cannot justify a net worth of $ 2.5 million.



    Cortés, , arrived  at the Avesa, building  on Via Espana where anti-corruption prosecutors’ offices are located at 9.20 am She was met as  expected by  CD faithful led by Martinelli spin doctor Eduardo Camacho and the former First Lady, Marta  Martinelli  brandishing  megaphones, and banners, and with ghetto blasters turned up high volume rallying  music from Martinelli’s election campaign.

    Before her arrival, the Cortes  lawyer, Carlos Carrillo, told the waiting media: there was no case to answer and the Comptroller had it all wrong

    The CD demonstrator chanted  “persecution” and “revenge” and Shortly before noon, blocked three lanes of traffic.

    The combination of  loud music and the closed road caught the attention of Bella Vista corregidora, Karina Ruda, who arrived e with a document from the Ministry of Health saying that the music exceeded the allowed decibel level.

    “Five tests were made, all went above permitted levels. You have the right to protest, but the issue is that they have to have an authorization from the mayor, “said Ruda.

    La  Prensa reports that the music  intensity was lowed for a while, but by mid-afternoon the police arrived. An officer drew the attention of the group to the uproar. He met with Camacho, who told him he had the right to protest, but  the police said that workers in the area had complained about the noise.

    After 12 hours of questioning the Public Ministry issued a  statement that prosecutor Vasquez had ordered preventive detention for the former Minister and the  investigation would continue the next day.


  2. Quote

    OFF THE CUFF: Playboy’s leash shortens

    Posted on August 12, 2016 in Panama

    Mizrachi flaunts his "release" on Twitter
    Post Views: 240

    TIME MAY BE  running out for Panama playboy-businessman Mayer Mizrachi, who, like his father, is on the run from Panama authorities.

    Mizrachi’s father skipped the country aboard the private jet of his brother-in-law, ex president Ricardo Martinelli  as investigators were looking at some of his offshore financial dealings  Mizrachi Junior  is facing trial in Panama for government work paid for but not done,

    Aaron Mizrachi, fled Panama on Martinelli jet

    “Royal”Aaron Mizrachi, fled Panama on Martinelli jet

    He was arrested in Colombia on  an Interpol warrant, and after several months in jail and a bizarre exit, that left the prison director facing charges, he applied for political asylum. After a series of rejections and appeals, he was notified on Wednesday, August 10   through his attorney was notified of the decision of the appeal presented by his  lawyers, which confirmed the refusal of the application for refugee status issued by the National Commission of Refuge (Conare) of Colombia on June 7.
    Mizrachi had until Friday to  submit  the Colombian offices of Immigration to demand the renewal of safe conduct to avoid missing  the extension of five working days that entity that awarded the previous week.

    Is he heading for a flight to Panama to face the music, or will  he dance to another tune, and send yet abother selfie to his Twiier account?


  3. Quote

    Ex- Minister questioned over $2.5 million enrichment

    Posted on August 11, 2016 in Panama

    Alma Cortés
    Post Views: 155

    FORMER FIRST LADY Marta Martinelli led a group of protesting CD members outside the offices of  offices of the Sixth Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’’s office on Thursday, August 11, when ex-Labor Minister Alma Cortés arrived  to be questioned on charges of unjustified enrichment.

    The interview began shortly after 9 a.m.

    Prosecutor Aurelio Vásquez initiated the investigation based on an audit which concluded that the economic assets of the former minister (2009-2014) had increased by $2.5 million when she was in office, an amount that could not be justified.

    The audit was presented by Comptroller Federico Humbert to prosecutors in June.

    “What the comptroller has said has been taken out of context,” said Carlos Carrillo, the attorney for Cortés.

    Several CD members, including, demonstrated outside the prosecutor’s office as a sign of support for Cortés.

    Martinelli said that members of the CD are being unfairly targeted by the current government, the same argument she used at the Supreme Court when her husband, Ricardo Martinelli failed to appear to face charges.


  4. Quote

    Call for University embezzlement probe

    Posted on August 11, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 64

     UNIVERSITY OF PANAMA (UP) Rector Gustavo Garcia de Paredes who has maintained an autocratic rule over the institution since 1994 is not going to be allowed to go quietly into the night when his final term ends.

    Gustavo Garcia de Paredes

    Gustavo Garcia de Paredes

    A   watchdog group, The Movement foe Decency, within the university  has called for an investigation into the alleged embezzlement of funds during his administration.

    José Garrido, the coordinator of the group, accused the outgoing rector of creating a number of structural problems in the school as he prepares to leave and has called on Attorney General Kenia Porcell to open an investigation.

    He also called on incoming Rector Eduardo Flores to make immediate internal changes to prevent any further economic damage. He said the change in leadership is a chance to make positive and necessary changes.

    Among the irregularities cited by the group are the sale of lands belonging to the school for below-market value and problems with contracts issued by the school.


  5. Quote

    Court nixes bribery case dismissal

    Posted on August 11, 2016 in Panama

    Eduardo Jaen
    Post Views: 98

    A MOTION for dismissal of a bribery investigation   into the former head of the National Authority for Government Innovation (AIG) Eduardo Jaen has been rejected.

    The investigation of Eduard Jaen by the 6th Anti-corruption prosecutor, is related to the alleged payment of bribes for the installation in the Social Security Fund (CSS) of a computer program by  the German multinational SAP during the previous administration.

    Judge Alina Hubiedo denied the appeal filed by the defense of Jaen, whom the prosecution orered arrested on  April 11.

    Among the evidence allegedly linking Jaen to the illicit deal is a note of Multibank, which mentioned an account of Jaen which received “large sums of money” from the company Great Falls Investment Corp., a company through which alleged bribes were handled.

    Other high profile Martinelli era administration figures are also under investigation by the FBI and local investigators.


  6. Quote

    13 arrests in “tainted” prison system

    Posted on August 11, 2016 in Panama

    Milton Henriquez and Kenia Porcell
    Post Views: 132

    THE  THIRD major corruption network within  a year in  Panama’s justice and custom’s systems has been disrupted .

    The latest was   in the prison system which Interior Minister Milton Henriquez, described as “tainted and corrupt,”

    He was speaking on Wednesday, August 10   after announcing the dismantling of a network in the country’s prisons, used to alter the  court judgments of falsifying release tickets and manipulate the transfer of prisoners.

    Henriquez, along with Attorney General, Kenia Porcell; and the assistant AG , Marcelino Aguilar; detailed searches and operations that led to the arrest of 13 people allegedly linked to the network: four civilians, four staff, three former officials of the Ministry of Government and two prisoners.

    Porcell said the band was engaged in collecting money for illegal acts and to swindle the families of prisoners.

    Aguilar  said there will y be more arrests, as the  techniques granting conditional freedoms to detainees are investigated.

    “Operation Confinement”  was executed by the Public Ministry, the Directorate of Judicial Investigation (DIJ) and the Directorate General of the Prison System of the Ministry of Government (MINGOB).

    The network entered the database of the Directorate General of Prisons to alter and reduce   sentences of prisoners.

    Arrests were made in s La Joya, and La Joyita prisons, the Women’s Rehabilitation Center Orillac Cecilia Chiari, Nueva Esperanza prison in Colon and in some homes and offices of people allegedly linked to the network.

    Porcell said the gang could have been operating  for several years.

    The main motive was to collect money for falsifying probations and the transfer of detainees to other prisons.

    They charged money to reduce penalties for inmates by penetrating the prison database..

    Porcell said there were reports of relatives who were scammed by paying up to $70,000 for the parole of an inmate.

    “This is an organized network that trafficked in human rights ” said Porcell.

    Aguilar said that the  detainees are 10 women and 3 men. Those arrested included a bank employee  whose personal account contained  $ 80,000. Among former arrested were some who had resigned and others were dismissed from the penitentiary system.


    According to the prosecutor, investigations are now in a second phase and more arrests will be made in the coming hours, depending on the interrogations of  those already detained.

    Aguilar added that an audit of authorized  probations will  be done because they believe that the network has operated for many years.

    The investigation  began in December 2015 following a complaint to the Director General of the Prison System, of irregularities that occurred between October and November 2015.

    Minister Henriquez added that a comprehensive assessment of all procedures and protocols is underway to identify and correct any weaknesses of the processes that could compromise the management of the prison system.

    Porcell recalled that this is the third operation in which officials of the Public Ministry dismantled corruption networks  in the public sector involved. those discovered in the judiciary and the National Customs Authority.

    In November  2015, the Deputy Attorney General arrested 16 people, including officials of the judiciary and individuals allegedly linked to a network that earned money in exchange for granting freedoms to people with processes in the Second Superior Criminal  Court Criminal and criminal courts circuit.

    In  April an organization operating in the National Customs Authority  was dismantled and, according to the investigation, it was dedicated to bringing  goods into the country through  Tocumen airport without due registration in exchange for sums of money.

    At least 23 officials of the institution, seven individuals and one former official were arrested.


  7. 8 minutes ago, Penny said:

    Rather than a link I'll just state what  I know. You can renew in your birthday month before the actual birthday day. But you can't renew in a prior month.

    I have had exactly the same experience as Penny. I could not renew early, where early means in the month (or months) prior to my birth month. Panamanian driver licenses expire on the last day of your birth month, which is unlike many US states in which licenses expire on your birth day (that specifically includes Texas).

    I have also found an early renewal of car tags (placas) not possible.

    For those who frequently travel for long periods outside of Panama, the above issues need to be carefully orchestrated. Placas are less of a problem because you can arrange for a trusted friend to renew your plates. But the driver license renewal has to be you in person at Sertracen during your birth month.

    I don't know what happens if one renews either license or tags late -- presumably penalties.

  8. Quote

    Money laundering suspects airport sales plunge 40%

    Posted on August 10, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 185

    SALES of the Waked family owned Wisa Group , at Tocumen International Airport plunged 40% in June and July  , after the company was included in the Clinton list by US authorities on suspicion of being part of a money laundering network,according to the the airport’s administration,

    Wisa is one of the two  biggest operators of duty free shops  in Latin America.

    Wisa and , Motta Internacional won in 2007 the concession to operate the duty free stores . They paid a total of 173 million for the use of 500,000 square meters of Tocumen terminal 1.
    Joseph Fidanque III, manager of Tocumen, SA, declined to give specific figures on Wisa in sales, but said the airport has received $100,000 less for the operation of the company that manages stores under the label La Riviera, Burberry, Brooks Brothers and Columbia at the airport.

    “Looking at the numbers in recent months, I can say that the impact of the drop in sales of Wisa has been offset by an increase in transactions from other stores,” said Fidanque III.
    With Wisa  included in the Clinton List, local banks cut credit cards services for the  group  a situation that has affected sales, taking into account that travelers handle little cash. Wisa cannot buy more goods from US suppliers, which are exposed to sanctions by the authorities of that country, if they have  transactions with companies in the Clinton List.
    In addition to the decline in sales, Wisa has returned two shops acquired in Tocumen last year.
    “These places are going to bid again,” said Fidanque III, who reiterated that there is no cause at this time to withdraw the Wisa concession which expires in December…

    Tocumen is currently  working on a plan to advance the bidding for the duty free Terminal 1, in the unlikely event that Wisa will be un able  to continue operating.
    The tender was set for early  2017, but now it is estimated that the specification will be published in August and September. Some five companies have already expressed interst in bidding.


  9. Quote

    Hospital crisis being solved – Director

    Posted on August 10, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 72

    THE MEDICAL Director of Santo Tomas Hospital (HST)  where doctors have threatened to strike because of a deepening administrative crisis, told a  hastily called press conference  that there were problems but they were being solved.

    Luis Carlos Bravo admitted Wednesday August 10 that that hospital is experiencing difficulty in acquiring supplies and medicines. However, he said that they have taken and will continue to take all necessary measures to cope with the situation.

    “There is no denying that things that there are difficulties in the procurement process,” said Bravo, but they  are taking immediate and long term steps to continue to provide care to patients.

    He said  that every 24 hours the  drug list is reviewed to identify those in short supply… Every day we source more inputs … we are not going back.”.

    Proof of this is that  the number of patients seen in the emergency room in the outpatient clinic or surgical wards has not decreased he said.

    “There is denying that problems exist, but they are being solved,” said Bravo, without specifying a time frame..

    Bravo’s  statements came  after thehospital’s   Association of Medical Specialists agreed unanimously on Tuesdat to give the authorities one week to find concrete solutions to the hospital  crisis in the country otherwise, they would go on a 48-hour strike.


  10. Quote

    Dismembered body believed an expat

    Posted on August 10, 2016 in Panama

    Landfill where the body was found
    Post Views: 389

    THE DISMEMBERED  body of a man found in garbage bags  in a Rio Hato landfill is believed to belong to a  used car dealer  who settled in Panama two years ago.
    Researchers seeking to confirm whether the victim is a man between54 and 56, who  settled in  in the district of Chame.

    Unconfirmed reports suggest that the victim was Victor Chrismatt, well known in the Coronado community, whose son fled the country on Thursday  August 4.

    After searching  in a house in Cocle and a rented room in Calidonia, investigators  believe the body  is Crismatt Victor Villami a Colombian,  and that the that the killing could  be “parricide reports TVN.

    Crismatt had a namesake son, born in 1990 in the United States  who  had bought a plane ticket   last Thursday, two days before the body was found in the landfill.

    The son had planned to fly to the United States, where he hadcriminal records: according to the sheriff’s office in Lee County, Florida.

    In an interview with TVN News, forensic psychiatrist Alejandro Perez said that in Panama murders of parents by thir children are rare , and that the motivation is usually disputed property.

    According to the Public Registry, Crismatt Villamil and his son owned a company  named “Crismatt and Sons Corp.”, created in 2014.

    Crismatt had also had a company in Coronado for the  resale of American cars


  11. Quote

    Case against Martinelli thrown out

    Posted on August 10, 2016 in Panama

    Martinelli off the hook in abuse of power case
    Post Views: 260

    PANAMA’S   Supreme Court has thrown out a complaint against ex-president Ricardo Martinelli for abuse of authority and other charges related to a visit in 2012 to Bahia Honda in Veraguas in which he allegedly threatened inhabitants to give up land to a businessman.

    The decision, written by Judge Abel Zamorano, said there was no evidence of a crime or the violation of the human rights of the complainants.

    It said that evidence presented in January 2015 by lawyer Donaldo Sousa, representing Aurelio Camaño Hernandez, failed to prove the case.

    Hernandez had claimed that in April 2012,  Martinelli, accompanied by police and other security officials, came to the area to intimidate residents into abandoning 70 hectares for Jean Pigozzi.

    The complaint also included the security officials who were with Martinelli. That part of the complaint is still being investigated reports La Prensa.

    Hernandez said he was threatened by those security officers.

    Residents says that Pigozzi, who received a special concession of 141.5 hectares in the area, has tried to obtain other property around it


  12. Quote

    Strike looms at crisis stricken Santo Tomas

    Posted on August 10, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 80

    DOCTORS at Panama’s busiest hospital  which is a key teaching center for medical students and doctors,  are poised to strike if the government  doesn’t come up with solutions to problems they face daily.

    The Association of Medical Specialists of Santo Tomás Hospital have given authorities a week to present solutions to a crisis that has been building for over two years.

    If this is not done, they plan to call a strike, said Association Vice President Marcel Penna Franco.

    The group outlined  measure in a letter delivered today to Health Minister Miguel Mayo.

    “We have been denouncing the lack of supplies and medicines in the hospital for two years,” Franco said. “But there has not been a solution.”

    He  said the shortages in the hospital that  serves more than 150,000 patients a year, impact numerous departments.


  13. Quote

    When judges flout the law

    Posted on August 9, 2016 in Panama

    Ayu Prado, Court's most traveled judge. led the appointment charge
    Post Views: 114

     OPINION: La Prensa Aug 9

    THE FULL SUPREME Court agreed on July 27, to the appointment  without compettion  of more  than 900 staff who will be part of the accusatory penal system (SPA).

    This means that the nine judges decided to violate the Judicial career Law 53 of 2015, and sabotage the independence of the new justice servers. The SPA grants broad powers to the judges to determine the fate of criminal cases, from foster arrangements with the victims, to rejecting  cases as violations of due process. As they have not implemented the institutions of the judiciary, new judges lack job stability. If every time they make a decision, these new officials should consider their continued employment, they will have wasted a golden  opportunity to improve the administration of justice in the country. With its chain of decisions, the most ill-advised, members of the Supreme Court have been irresponsible and unfair to justice. This historical error is unforgivable


  14. 7 hours ago, Roger B said:

    "All the flies usually stick to the skinny dog".   It is an old saying we have in Panama.   "Al perro mas flaco se le pegan las pulgas".  It could be used to explain why it is only centering in only on Panama.


    i really like your postings that include Panamanian "sayings" because they give insight into the local culture.

  15. Quote

    Panama: Cruise Port in Amador Announced

    At the end of the year-end a $30 million tender will be published to build a cruise ship port in an area measuring 30 hectares in Perico Island, on the Amador Causeway.

    Monday, August 8, 2016

    In addition to construction of the port, the tender specifications include the design and construction of commercial spaces to provide services for the terminal's operation, in an area of 11 hectares. The Maritime Port Authority estimates a total investment of $30 million, which is already included in the 2017 budget, and expects the construction process to take between 12 and 18 months.

    Prensa.com reports that "...The government's plan is to hold a tender for the design and construction of the project, with administration of the port being awarded in a seperate tender. In the AMP's budget for next year  3 million has been allocated to the plan.  Jorge Barakat, head of the AMP, explained that the State will receive royalties for the operation of the port as well as an additional fee that will serve to recoup the investment for the construction of the project. "

    "... In the tender for the management and operation of the port, a concession for 11.5 hectares of commercial area will be included. Barakat explained that 'Among the requirements we will ask of those interested in managing the project is that they have direct relationships with cruise operators, as we do not want to speculate with this award'. "


  16. On 8/8/2016 at 6:50 PM, Deborah said:


    It [the Boquete water project] is probably not listed in the above tender because it is no longer out for bid; it has been approved already.



    Thanks for the clarification. My feeble mind simply did not consider that the Boquete water project was no longer out to bid. Duh on my part.

  17. Quote

    Minister knocks invited experts

    Posted on August 8, 2016 in Panama

    Happier times, Varela welcomes Stiglitz and Pieth
    Post Views: 158

    PRESIDENCY MINISTER  Alvaro Aleman  claimed on Monday Aug.8, that  the two high profile international experts brought in serve on a committee to review the practices of Panama’s  financial industry “wanted to use their appointment for a personal agenda.”.

    He was referring to American Nobel Economics laurate Joseph Stiglitz and internationally renowned  Swiss law professor at Basel University Mark Pieth,who  both resigned on the weekend claiming “lack of transparency”

    the committee was convened by the Panamanian Government in the wake of the Mossack Fonseca ,Panama Papers scandal.
    Aleman’s comments  were released  as part of the installation of the National Assembly  Budget Committee He said that the resignation of the  two experts was due to ”internal differences.”
    “They wanted us out of the parameters. They wanted to use their appointment to the commission for a personal agenda”  said Aleman indicating that the remaining members of the commission, largely Panamanian,  will continue to work to deliver a revised financial practices plan to the government
    The committee had been set on  April 29 , in a highly promoted ceremony headed by  President Juan Carlos Varela, shortly after an investigation led by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists on the practices of Panama law firm Mossack Fonseca, which created complex networks of offshore companies to help political leaders, athletes and entrepreneurs conceal their wealth. Both principals of the firm were advisers to the Panama government.
    The committee is now  Roberto Artavia, ex-rector of INCAE Business School; Gisela Alvarez de Porras, former Director General of Revenue and former Minister of Commerce and Industry; Alberto Aleman Zubieta, ex Panama Canal administrator; Domingo Latorraca, director of Deloitte, and Nicolas Ardito Barletta, former Panama president and head of the Centre for the Development of Competitiveness.
    Last week, Stiglitz and Pieth justified their  resignation because of  lack of independence and transparency to perform the task at hand.
    Aleman   denied that the executive exerted pressure on the international experts.
    “The government has not he meddled in the work of the commission,” he said
    Costa Rican Roberto Artavia, third international member of the committee, sent a statement to the President saying  Stiglitz and Pieth disagreed with the way of work since the first committee meeting on June 4-5  at Columbia University in New York .
    Alberto Zubieta, , said that, the two experts had a different vision from the rest of the squad. Zubieta, said that the preliminary report to the Presidency was 75% advanced.Pieth and Stiglitz claimed that the work was wider: “That  observations were applicable not only to Panama, but the whole world. And we we argued that it  refers only to Panama,” he said.


  18. Quote

    $30 million cruise port for Amador

    Posted on August 8, 2016 in Panama, Panama

    Post Views: 207

    THE PANAMA Maritime Authority has picked up the ball dropped by the previous administration and budgeted $30 million to develop a long awaited cruise ship port in Amador to boost the country’s tourism facilities.

    This is the second attempt to build a port in the last five years. The previous attempt was cancelled when the project was deemed financially undoable.

    Unlike the previous project, which was going to be located at the site of the Balboa Yacht Club, the new project is slated for Perico island.

    Authority Manager Jorge Barakat said the new location has as a depth of 7 to 12 meters and is sheltered from waves. It also providez views of Panama City making it a better site than the one at the yacht club, which was much shallower and would have needed constant dredging to allow the cruise ships to dock.

    If approved, the construction will take up to 18 months. The project will include an area for commercial establishments, reports La Prensa.

    The government is hoping to contract the project with a firm that has experience in developing and operating such facilities.

    Augusto Terracina, manager of Aventuras 2000, which manages the cruise port in Colón, said the project would be a benefit for the country, as the only way to attract more cruise ships to the country is to improve the infrastructure.


  19. Quote

    OPINION: Inepitude in drugs boondoggle

    Posted on August 8, 2016 in Panama

    Shortages developing
    Post Views: 116

    Hoyporhoy, La Prensa. Aug. 8

    THE DELAY in medical records and a tangled state procurement process have left people  without essential medicines.

    With a tax collection criterion sometimes suspiciously restrictive of competition, the Department of Pharmacy and Drugs of the Ministry of Health has about 4,000 cases awaiting its proper processing. Meanwhile, as acknowledged by the health authority, at least 50 important drugs are without their respective records, despite this  being a recurring and almost automatic process.

    The bureaucratic morass combined with the exaggerated ineptitude of officials lacking the excuse of lack of resources, the responsibility for  enforcing the law is passed to  imaginary third parties or to the Office of the Comptroller General.

    This is an important and vital matter of national security for all citizens. We can no longer accept justifications.

    The therapy applicable to this condition is very clear: either procedures are changed, or get staff that really knows how to implement them and understands that what is in their  hands is the health of Panamanians.


  20. Quote

    Buck passing as drugs run out

    Posted on August 8, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 169

    PANAMA pharmacies are fast running out of  drugs with the hot potato issue being blamed on everything from a computer virus to administrative inefficiencies and outdated laws.

    A La Prensa investigation .found that pharmacies in both Panama City and the interior, are reporting a shortage of a number of medications, including ones for high blood pressure and anxiety.

    The President of the Association of Representatives and Distributors of Pharmaceutical Products Lucas Verzbolovskis said that the problem is due to delays within the Department of Pharmacy and Drugs of the Ministry of Health (MoH) which  is currently revising 4,000 records for the issue or renewal of permits for drugs.

    Verzbolovskis said they have proposed to the government that permits be automatically extended when the drugs originate from the same factory and without any changes to The Director of Pharmacy and Drugs Jenny Vergara told La Prensa  that there are several aspects of the process that should be improved, but did not specifically mention the permitting process. She said that the problem is mainly due to a lack of personnel.

    Earlier the MInister of Health Miguel Mayo had blamed a computer virus for the problem leading to thousands of documents having to be processed by hand.

    “We had a problem in the Department of Pharmacy and Drugs a virus problem in the computer Processing dropped almost to zero and we had to work manually for two months. [This] aggravated the situation, but it  is already remedied,” Mayo said in a meeting with journalists, without giving further details about the incident.

    The minister said , the present shortage is also due to the current outdated  law governing approval of  medicines.

    “The law of medications is very good but you have to modernize it. When it became [the standard], there were drugs that had not been created so  were not included in how the approvals were granted,” he said.


  21. An interesting sidebar piece of information. Now I am curious: if the national level government is funding sanitation projects in various parts of Panama, but specifically Chiriqui is mentioned nowhere on the list, then who is funding the project here in Boquete? The answer may be in the earlier postings in this thread, but, if so, that information escapes me.


    Tender: Sanitation Units for $7 million

    The Ministry of the Presidency of Panama is inviting bids for the construction of 1,904 sanitation units in the provinces of Veraguas and Colon.

    Friday, August 5, 2016

    Panama Government Purchase 2016-0-03-0-03-LP-022299:

    "Construction of 1037 sanitation units  (includes 4 special units) in the districts of La Encantada, Nuevo Chagres, Salud, and Palmas Bellas and Piña, in the district of Chagres, province of Colon."

    The deadline for receipt of bids is August 30, 2016

    Reference value: $3.951.400

    See Tender

    Panama Government Purchase 2016-0-03-0-09-LP-022301:

    "Construction of 867 sanitation units (including 17 special units) in the districts of La Colorada, Edwin Fabrega and Canto del Llano, district of Santiago, province of Veraguas."

    The deadline for receipt of bids is August 30, 2016


  22. Marcelyn and I had gone to Volcán yesterday to try out the Burricos Mexican Grill (see our separate post in the restaurants forum). We then visited with Dottie Atwater, but left her home early because of pending rain.

    As we began the return journey from Volcán back to Boquete, the rains started. We opted not to return via the Ruta Sur and Potrerillos because of the heavy rains, at times bordering on biblical levels. We stayed on the main road going south, traveling through Concepción and Bugaba, etc. I continue to be amazed at the risks some drivers take in poor driving conditions. Here we are going at ~20 KPH in a long line of cars due to the heavy rains and many curves in the road with poor visibility, and several fools were passing us (trying to, that is). There had to be at least three near-death experiences yesterday. Ouch!

    Our re-routing via the Interamerican Hwy turned out to be a mistake as well because we got tied into the celebration thing that Keith mentioned above. There were busloads of people, road blockages, streets blocked from cars (those parked, illegally, as well as congestion from way too many cars), people, ropes across the roads and streets, etc.

    At the time we got tied into this mess, we didn't know if it was a protest, a riot, a celebration, or the final apocalypse. Called our friend Penny to see if she had any word about problems in the area. That was the reason she posted the message at the top of this thread.

    By gyrating through many neighborhoods and residential streets, we were eventually able to make it to the Interamerican Hwy, and then a moderately uneventful return to Boquete through David. Took more than two hours to get home from Volcán.

    What a trip. What a day. But we will go back to Burricos.

  23. Over the past several months, a couple of people have mentioned Burricos Mexican Grill (that is the official name) in Volcán. One of those references is from Hil's blog at: http://www.chiriqui.life/blogs/entry/151-water-buffalo/#comment-254. We put that restaurant on our "to do" list because we do like Mexican food. (I'm from Texas; need I say more?)

    We finally made it to Burricos yesterday. What a pleasant surprise. We agree with the recommendations from others. It is worth the trip. We also stopped by to visit with Dottie Atwater, who runs the spay/neuter clinics there in Volcán.

    The food was great, served quickly (and the correct items). Not the same as Tex-Mex, but good vittles.

    Burricos is located in the northern part of Volcán. When you are at the "Y" in the road (Cerro Punto going off the right), just keep going straight. Probably about a KM or a bit less to the right. Burricos is in the same building as Hotel Don Tavo. Some of the pictures provided below show the outside, as well as all of the contact information. Our wait person was Karent, and she immediately had us pegged as Boqueteños. She tried out her English with us, but things worked better in Spanish.

    Here are some pictures taken while at Burricos.

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  24. Quote

    Panama human trafficking magnet

    Posted on August 7, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 124

    PANAMA’S capital   city has become  “a magnet”  for criminal networks involved in human trafficking for sexual exploitation and labor which has fired a major  crackdown by specialized judicial units. 

    The increased trafficking  activity has been  fueled by the availability of tourist facilities a thriving economy and the country’s location  as a  transit center   special prosecutor against Organized crime, Rafael Baloyes told La Prensa.
    These factors are used by    criminal networks that  lure victims and install their illegal activities here.

    With the increase in  prosecutions of the offense this year Public Ministry officials, in joint operations with the police have dismantled four criminal networks engaged in human trafficking, and have rescued 71 victims men and women, most of whom were sexually exploited.

    In 2015, 50 victims were rescued.A year earlier, in 2014, authorities investigated 11 cases,  four sex and seven  labor trafficking.

    Five people were sentenced for the crime in 2014 and three in 2013.

    A 2015  US State  Department of State report,  Trafficking in Persons, says, “the Government of Panama does not fully comply with the minimum standards for eliminating trafficking; however, it is making significant efforts to do so. ”

    T his year, four international networks engaged in trafficking for sexual exploitation and human trafficking have been dismantled and and another 10 investigations into possible groups involved in the crimecountry are underway.

    Prosecutor Baloyes, said that in three raids conducted last month in the P.H. Ever Island Bella Vista,  andthe Splendor and  Sophia  in Carrasquilla three gangs  with international connections dedicated to trafficking for sexual exploitation were dismantled and the perpetrators are behind bars awaiting trial.

    In, in an operation conducted in Costa Tower in Costa del Este, authorities captured the ringleaders of a network dedicated to human trafficking, mainly migrant African and Asian nationals  traveling to the United States.

    Most sexually exploited victims who are  between 20 and 35 years of age  come from Colombia, Venezuela and El Salvador.

    Baloyes said that the networks involved  were well structured. According to preliminary investigations, sexually exploited victims are contacted by recruiters who promise them job opportunities,like  domestic work and opportunities to study When they victims reach Panama,  their passports are taken away and they are  forced them prostitution.


    The prosecutor   said that organizations place ads on social networks and in the media.
    When the victim decides to travel, the recruiter prepares everything and the day of shipment gives money to reach their  destination.
    Upon arrival, they get a room and  receive care and food for several days.
    Later their passports are  taken and they  are told they must pay their passage money by prostituting  themselves. They are  promised a percentage of the profits.
    Attorney general, Kenya Porcell said that the leaders of the criminal networks are foreigners who appeared to handle legitimate business, but they were unmasked through intelligence operations and community support , which gave indications of irregular activities.
    Porcell revealed that  research is underway on a possible further 10 networks dedicated to  trafficking for sexual and labor exploitation.
    She  appealed to the cooperation of citizens,  to provide information, as anonymous reporting is  a key to discovering  and punishing  the criminals.


    Porcell warned that Panama will not tolerate sex tourism  and stressed that the surveillance of these activities has been strengthened . The investigation of these crimes requires a highly skilled staff and advanced technology to establish linking the suspects to the crime, she said.

    Prosecutor Baloyes said  that the victims have received psychological care and have been provided with temporary shelter, where they receive food and humanitarian assistance.
    They  remain in the shelter until they decide if they wish to return to their home country  or apply to  remain in Panama.
    A report prepared in 2015 by the US State  Department said that the Panamanian protection efforts remained inadequate and most victims identified did not receive services.
    The report notes that the Government did not allocate resources to assist trafficking victims .
    The report recommends Panama significantly increase the money for specialized services to victims, including the implementation of a fund dedicated to victim assistance and provide resources to civil society organizations to offer services.
    In addition, the State Department has asked the Panamanian government to intensify efforts of law enforcement in proactive investigation and prosecution of crimes,  involving Panamanian victims and  any public servant who is presumed to be complicit in such crimes.


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