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Posts posted by Bud

  1. Quote

    Supreme Court condemned for law violation

    Posted on July 24, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 121

    LAWYERS’ bodies and civil society organizations have united  in condemning  the Supreme Court, headed by controversial Judge José Ayú Prado, for violating  the judicial career law in the naming of officials who will work in the accusatory penal system that begins operating September 2 in several provinces.

    Members of the Citizen’s Alliance for Justice, the Judicial Council, the State Commission for Justice and the National Bar Association agreed to denounce the court for not applying the law in making the appointments to implement the system.

    It is due to be introduced in   the provinces of Panama, West Panama, Colón, the Darién, and in indigenous regions.

    “They violated law in setting deadlines for these positions, which should have been done in April,” said Carlos Lee, president of the Judicial Council.

    Magaly Castillo, of the Citizen’s Alliance, said that there is not time to properly examine the records of those who will be appointed.

    Supreme Court Chief Justice Prado did not respond to requests for comment from La Prensa,

    The Accusatory penal system was created by Law 63 of August 28, 2008 and grew out of a previous agreement signed within the State Pact for Justice 2005. Its intrioduction in expected to speed up Panama’s notoriously slow justice system.

    The adversarial model is a system that seeks, through a legal process, to respond in a short time to the alleged crimes reports La Prensa

    The prosecutor, the defense and the victim have equal opportunities to be heard and decisions are handled by a judge.

    The previous government showed little interest in implementing it on the grounds of lack of resources postponed its entry into force.

    In August 2009, Law 48, shortly before the entry into force of the new system, the Assembly decided to postpone it for two years, starting its implementation on September 2, 2011 in Cocle and Veraguas.

    In 2012, it started in Herrera and Los Santos; in 2014 in Chiriqui and Bocas del Toro; and finally in 2016 it will be implemented in Panama, Panama West, Colon, Darien and the indigenous regions.

    Lack of resources is still the main stumbling block. The Public Ministry asked $5 million to implement the new system in the First Judicial District. The judiciary, in turn asked  for  $20 million which is  pending.


  2. Quote

    Jailed Odebrecht boss blows whistle on Martinelli bribe deal

    Posted on July 24, 2016 in Panama

    Martinelli and Odebrecht
    Post Views: 217

    Marcelo Odebrecht, the former president of  Brazilian company Norberto Odebrecht who is serving a 19-year sentence for corruption, has blown the whistle on his bribery deals  with former Panama President Ricardo Martinelli.

    The information was reported Sunday, July 24, by the Brazilian newspaper O´Globo. Odebrecht is cooperating with prosecutors investigating  the company’s bribery deals around the word. Martinelli is not the only president tto have been named.  

    According to the report, Odebrecht offered the information to prosecutors in an attempt to reduce his sentence.

    The former company president said that bribes was negotiated directly with Martinelli in exchange for contracts, including the construction of the Metro and electrical project.s. He  has promised more details of his direct deals with Martinelli during his next interrogation.

    Odebrecht has received contracts in Panama worth more than $9 billion. It was recently awarded the contract to build the second line of the Metro for $1.8 billion and a $90 million contract from The Panama City mayor’s office for a street reconstruction project.

    Thee have been numerous objections to the continued awarding of contracts to the Brazilian company since its whistle-blowing president was jailed.


  3. Quote

    Pay accord sends teachers back to school

    Posted on July 24, 2016 in Panama

    Teachers to return to classrooms
    Post Views: 91

    THE GOVERNMENT BOWED to the demands of striking teachers on the weekend and agreed to the previously promised salary adjustment of $300 from the first half of July 2017 instead of introducing it in two stages spread over two years.

    In addition, on August 15 the State will pay wages owed to teachers appointed for this school year.

    A general assembly of teachers decided to end the strike that started a week ago and authorized the 17 union leadership to sign the agreement with the government on Sunday, July 24.

    “It is quite positive agreement,” said Diogenes Sanchez, coordinator of the National Union of Educators of Panama (UNEP), after holding a meeting with his colleagues who arrived in the early hours at the Republic of Venezuela. School


  4. I am posting one last article on this subject, primarily for closure. Others are free to continue this topic if they wish.

    And thanks to Roger B for the clarification.


    Venezuela aims $100 million at Panama for food

    Posted on July 23, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 174

    The Venezuelan government has announced that it is  negotiating with Panamanian companies interested in selling food and commodities that can go into the country duty free.

    The government says  that it has $100 million available to buy more than 1,000 tons of food products, “… including canned tuna, tomato sauce, mayonnaise, pasta, wheat flour, rice, lentils, black beans, margarine, oatmeal, coffee, powdered milk and canned meat. “

    Personal hygiene products to be requested include shaving razors, sanitary towels, soap, toilet paper, toothpaste, shampoo and deodorant.

    Deputy Minister of Domestic Trade in Venezuela, Urbáez Renier said that “… ‘As soon as we have analyzed the profile of companies that are financially solvent, have acceptable prices and can guarantee shipping logistics, we will be signing the contract and making a down payment,” the official said noting that they hope that as soon as the purchase order is finalized, the products will reach the Venezuelan territory within a period not exceeding three weeks and will enter exempt from tariffs in that country.”

    “… Urbáez explained that so far more than six Panamanian companies have expressed interest in participating in this first round of negotiations for direct purchases and they expect to finalize contracts this week ” reports CentralAmericaData


  5. Marcelyn and I were pleasantly surprised earlier this week to find three new street lamps installed on the street into/out of El Santuario (where we live). Holes were dug on day 1, then in the morning of day 2 the concrete poles were installed but without hardware, and finally in the afternoon of day 2 the lamps and wires were installed.

    We are pleased at this unannounced improvement, but wish they had gone just one or two lamps more so as to completely light the road into/out of El Santuario.

    Here is a picture of one of the lamps, this one being located just below the castle.

    2016-07-19 14.43.58.jpg

  6. Quote

    Teachers’ strike prompts cabinet meeting

    Posted on July 22, 2016 in Panama

    Teachers defy government and weather
    Post Views: 77

    FACED with his  first major worker confrontation since he took office President Juan Carlos Varela called an emergency cabinet meeting for Friday July 23 to  analyze  its position on the teachers strike which  has been  extended to  five days.

    Varela said that the indefinite strike is completely “unnecessary” and has accused union leaders of not being honest with their members about the government’s proposals

    Usually meetings are Tuesdays, but , it was scheduled to meet Friday to discuss the 2017 budget.

    However, it l instead used the meeting to analyze the teacher strike.

    The strike was originally slated for 72 hours, but was extended to indefinite status when the two sides were unable to reach an agreement.

    A number of groups have asked that the strike be resolved, including the Chamber of Commerce and the Association of Business Executives reports  La Prensa.


  7. Quote

    H1N1 death toll climbs to 60

    Posted on July 22, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 48

    THE DEATH TOLL from the A(H1N1) influenza virus in Panama, thought to have been on the wane, has risen to 60 said the  Ministry of Health (MoH) on Friday July 22.

    The deaths occurred in public and private hospital facilities.

    The MoH reiterated that more than 90% of deaths have occurred in people with risk factors and other associated complications,  many of them died after a prolonged period of hospitalization in intensive care units

    The total cumulative cases of severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) that have required hospitalization is 3, 061 patients, of whom 2, 783 were already discharged.

    Meanwhile, 278 patients remain hospitalized.

    The MoH said that that since April 22, over three  million doses of influenza vaccine have been administered  in all health regions. On Thursday 360,000 doses were distributed  to all health regions.

    The Ministry  called on all people who have not yet been vaccinated to attend ahealth center or nearest polyclinic, because with the rainy season and temperature changes there is increased susceptibility to the disease and complications.


  8. On 7/22/2016 at 10:30 PM, Roger B said:

    Ok People.  Calm down.  I was out for a time and I am back to help you with some issues.   


    The LEY No. 6 del 16 de junio de 1987 is a law passed to give some benefits to Pensionados, Jubilados and third and fourth age people in the Republic of Panama.


    Article 1:

    Panamanians and foreign residents in the territory of Panama with ages of 55 years old or more, if they are females: or 60 years old or more, if they are males and all Jubilados and Pensionados for any reason will enjoy of the benefits of this law.  

    It is not textual but I translate the idea.   This mean that even if you are not "formally" a Jubilado or Pensionado but you have the legal age stated for women and men you are entitled to the discounts established in the law.   You will only need to show your Cedula were your age is clearly stated and that is enough as a prove of your third age condition.

    In this same article I dont see any mention of discount for purchases of groceries, goods, clothing, etc.  Most of the discounts are mostly for transportation, medical services, medicines, hotels, meals at restaurants, professional services, banking interests, taxes, utilities.



    You dont need a Pensionado or Jubilado card to ask for a discount.  If you have the legal age stated in the law you only have to show your cedula where the information of your age is clearly shown.




    I understand and agree with what you write here. Thank you.

    However, I suspect some people will misinterpret what you write. I will go into a bit more detail here hopefully to help avoid misunderstandings in the future.

    The jubilado discount as defined in the law specifies three conditions for the law to apply:

    1. a person must be qualified based on age, or a formal governmental designation as a jubilado
    2. a person must be a citizen or legal resident for the discount to apply
    3. only certain, specified goods or services are covered under the law

    Item 1 above is written the way it is because there is an age at which people are considered by law to be jubilados; that age is different for men (age 60) and for women (age 55). Note, however, that the government can (and does) designate certain persons to be a jubilado regardless of their age if they fit certain circumstances. Those circumstances come into play with the government programs that entice retirees to come to Panama and live as a "jubilado retiree". That is a significant and relevant designation for a large segment of the readers of this website because it is fundamental to the jubilado program under which those "jubilados" now legally reside full time in Panama. For instance, a 45 year old male and his wife can apply for "jubilado status" and go through the vetting process. If jubilado status is granted, then they do not get a cedula, but they get a carnet designating them as a jubilado, which also gives them the legal right to live in Panama, and to avoid tourist visas upon entrance into Panama, etc., and all of those other benefits. They can also open bank accounts, etc.

    The second item above is part of the requirement for the jubilado discount to apply because there are a lot of tourists who fit the age requirement, but are not legally resident here, and for them the jubilado discount does NOT apply. A tourist of tercera edad can request a jubilado discount at a restaurant, for example, but the restaurant is not obligated to give the discount unless that person is a legal resident of Panama. That means border hoppers who live here for extended periods, but do so without the legal authority to do so, as well as everyday tourists are NOT entitled to a jubilado discount; many may ask for and may get the jubilado discount, but that discount is not an obligation on the part of the business establishment.

    I don't need to elaborate on item three above. However, I do believe that part of the discussion (the bantering) in this thread is confusion about the items on which Hil was expecting a jubilado discount to apply. Hil's writing was clear that he was objecting to the outright refusal to even consider a carnet as a valid document, and it was not about the item. Do you see some of the confusion, misinterpretations, and misunderstandings going on in this thread? And Hil opts not to elaborate on the items of his interest, which is his right. His original posting was about the rejection of the carnet, not the discount.

    I recommend readers revisit another topic on this same subject at http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/2089-jubilado-discounts/?do=findComment&comment=6448 -- focusing especially on the bottom left of the second page. Print out the ACODECO pamphlet that is available in that posting, and carry it with you in your purse or car. There is a link at the very bottom of that posting, which is the ACODECO brochure in PDF format.


    • Upvote 1
  9. Is there a chance that the cost of our locally purchased food items will go up because of a draw down in the supply chain? Not complaining here, just curious. Our understanding of the situation in Venezuela is rather dire.



    Venezuela Takes $100 million to Panama to Buy Food

    The Venezuelan government has announced that it will be negotiating with Panamanian companies interested in selling food and commodities that can come into the country duty free.

    Thursday, July 21, 2016

    The government of Venezuela has announced that it has $100 million available to buy more than one thousand tons of food products, "... including canned tuna, tomato sauce, mayonnaise, pasta, wheat flour, rice, lentils, black beans, margarine, oatmeal, coffee, powdered milk and canned meat. "

    Personal hygiene products to be requested include shaving razors, sanitary towels, soap, toilet paper, toothpaste, shampoo and deodorant.

    Deputy Minister of Domestic Trade in Venezuela, Urbáez Renier said that "... 'As soon as we have analyzed the profile of companies that are financially solvent, have acceptable prices and can guarantee shipping logistics, we will be signing the contract and making a down payment," the official said noting that they hope that as soon as the purchase order is finalised, the products will reach the Venezuelan territory within a period not exceeding three weeks and will enter exempt from tariffs in that country."

    "... Urbáez explained that so far more than six Panamanian companies have expressed interest in participating in this first round of negotiations for direct purchases and they expect to finalise contracts this week. "


  10. Quote

    Panama: More Wind Power Generation

    In the first five months of the year wind generated electricity exceeded 600 million Kwh, almost three times more than in the same period in 2015.

    Thursday, July 21, 2016

    The national supply of electricity generated by wind power grew by 259% in the period January-May 2016 compared to the same period in 2015, according to figures from the Office of the Comptroller General of Colombia.

    See also: "Panama: Electricity Market Figures in May 2016"

    Electricity generation using solar power rose from 502,000 kwh in the first five months of 2015 to more than 19 million in the same period this year. 

    Thermal plants increased their generation by 25%, while electricity from hydraulic sources decreased by 15% compared to the same period in 2015, the result of drought during this period.

    See electricity generation statistics complied by the Comptroller General. (In Spanish)


  11. Quote

    Teachers vote to continue stoppage

    Posted on July 21, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 52

    STRIKING TEACHERS voted overwhelmingly to continue their work stoppage indefinitely at a mass meeting in Calidonia on Thursday July 21.

    The announcement came from  union leader Yadira Pino following a general assembly at the Republic of Venezuela School .

    While Pino said that the strike will continue, the leaders of 17 teacher unions returned to the dialogue with the government at the Ministry of Labor in the afternoon.

    Humberto Montero, a spokesman for the teachers, said they will continue with the strike until they reach a satisfactory agreement with the government.

    After the announcement, hundreds of educators gathered at the Republic of Venezuela School to demonstrate.

    Meanwhile teachers across the country marched in support of the strike. The main quibble at the moment appears to be about the timing of a $300 a month raise. Teachers want it now. The government has offered it in two annual instalments.


  12. Quote

    Panama Papers hacking report court bound

    Posted on July 21, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 51

    THE CASE FILE  of the alleged hacking of computer servers of Panama law  firm Mossack, Fonseca.  center of the Panama Papers  scandal, will  be delivered to the court next week says Ricaurte Gonzalez The senior prosecutor specializing in crimes against Intellectual Property and Security,

    “After the completion of diligence and ratification of the report of the experts of the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (IMELFC) we, will be sending the file to the prosecutor hearing the case,” said González .

    During the investigation, the prosecutor,  carried out three inspections to servers and computer equipment of  Mossack Fonseca.
    The law firm  filed a complaint of hacking in March but by late  April, the prosecution had failed to prove that there was a hack.


  13. Quote

    Waked Hometek chain closes doors

    Posted on July 21, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 101

    ANOTHER PILLAR of the Waked family business conglomerate has fallen with the announcement that the chain of Hometek stores, dedicated to the sale of audio and video products and  appliances, has closed its doors.

    The news was announced by the Consumer Protection Authority ACDECO on Thursday July 21.

    Hometek was included on the list of businesses connected to Abdul Waked and his nephew Nidal, included on the “Clinton list” for activities linked to money laundering and drug trafficking.

    The inclusion on the list prohibits any U.S. entities from engaging in business with Hometek.

    The authority informed consumers that any complaint against Hometek should be submitted to its offices.


  14. 2 hours ago, JohnF13 said:

    Since C.O. Took over my account from Mobilnet my service has been rock solid......Ooops, until earlier this month.  It crashed on a Saturday night, I thought they might be having tower issues so I didn't call till Tuesday.  At the start I called once a day then by Friday, after getting the same promise every time ( a supervisor will get back to you) I started calling twice a day.  Each time the attendant would tell me someone would call back, no-one did until Saturday afternoon.  A tech called from Panama City, took less than 2 minutes testing and then told me that he could not see my antenna so he would have to send a house call request.  Monday I got a call saying they would be there on the following day and yes, they did arrive.  After changing the receiver on the dish and the modem there was still a problem but they stayed around until it was working again.  So, a total of 10 days without C.O. service.  Bud, who do we call to initiate a refund request?  I think the only way they are going to speed up service calls is if people demand refunds.  In my case I knew the dish wasn't talking to the tower as I was getting "gateway not found" when I tried to use it.  A quick check by a tech on the first day would have confirmed that.

    The number I called was 390-7555. Then punch "1" a couple of times for "English" and "Residential". Note that Dottie provided a slightly different number.

    If they actually do file a "complaint" that ultimately could lead to a refund, you should be given a four-digit complaint registration number.

    Good luck.

  15. My backup Internet service is what used to be MobilNet wireless service. That service was taken over by CableOnda in 2015. For about three weeks of this month (basically the entire month) that backup service was out-of-commission. Multiple phone calls were making forward progress, but ever so slowly. My backup service was restored about 9:30AM this morning. Hurrah!!!!

    The problem turned out to be that the radio transmitter, which is located on the rear part of our security fence and pointing to Jaramillo, needed to have its software upgraded. That seemed strange to me, but the tech guy was confident that was the problem, and it turned out to be the solution.

    Anyway, I decided at lunch today to "test" the CableOnda customer service policies. I now am asking for a credit for three weeks of no-service on that account. The lady that took the call was optimistic, but did indicate it might take about two weeks for someone higher up in the management chain to make a decision.

    Part of my thinking in asking for the credit is that our primary Internet service (also CableOnda) went down several times during those three weeks. Since I was paying for redundant service and getting nothing, I am asking for some compensation.

    Panama is not known (at least to me it isn't) for being friendly with refunds and/or credits. I'll post here when I get the final answer on my credit request. Time will tell. At least there is a small ray of hope here.

  16. Quote

    striking teachers resume talks

    Posted on July 20, 2016 in Panama

    Teachers march in the rain
    Post Views: 49

    LEADERS of 17  striking teacher unions resumed their dialogue with the Government on Wednesday July 20  

    They met in the offices of the Ministry of Labor to attempt to resolve the issues that led to the 72-hour strike called by the unions on Monday when negotiations were deadlocked.

    On Tuesday, teachers marched from Republic of Venezuela School to the Office of the Comptroller General to make their point that they have the right to strike.

    The reaction of the unions was due to a request by Minister of Education Marcela de Paredes de Vasquez for the comptroller to monitor the strike.

    The ministry and the Confederation of Parents of the Republic of Panama have asked teachers to return to the classrooms.


  17. Jim,

    Thanks for your posting. It is good to get a first hand report from one of CL's members.

    I fondly recall good meals, good service, and reasonable prices when Craig was here doing his thing at Las Ruinas. Really would like for this new restaurant to prosper. But I have to say some of the prices did kinda scare me off, witness the report of a salad being $17.00. It is not a case of not being able to afford it, but as I get older the issues of good value for the cost seem to take on importance. I am glad to read your report. For the items you had, the price does seem reasonable.

    We did hear there are some start up problems, but that always happens, and shouldn't be held against an establishment.

    Will give Seasons a try in the near future for a first hand report on my part.

  18. On 7/15/2016 at 8:30 PM, Keith Woolford said:


    4. Prostitution, Child Pornography and the sex trade have gone in growth thanks to the internet. It is estimated that at least 30 per cent of everything that happens on the internet has to do with pornography. Now the guys are sexually by Celular, while the girls (many minors) compete with their intimate photos in the cellular his comrades and friends.



    FBI aiding in fight against Panama child pornography

    Posted on July 19, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 61

    FBI aiding in fight against Panama child pornography

    CHILD PORNOGRAPHY in Panama is on a major upswing  with 1,100 investigations  by the Public Ministry  during 2015  only in the capital city.

    In 2014, There were 405 cases

    “The Attorney General’s Office increased from two to five, prosecutors involved in investigating sexual crimes. They have also been trained by the FBI which  has provided new computer programs that allow tracking child pornography in the country” said First Circuit Sex Crimes Specialist Prosecutor Katya Melendez reports La Prensa.

    The prosecutor  said that in Panama are recorded with higher numbers of “grooming” situations are being recorded. That is when the sex offender creates a false profile through a social network to communicate with children and adolescents.

    Then they develop a relationship through the internet and convinces the child to send him pictures or videos where the is naked or performing sexual acts.

    The attacker uses that pornographic material to extort and demand personal encounters. If  the child does not accept  the adult often discloses photographs and videos of childrenon social networks.

    Melendez said  that the  practice of spreading pornographic material with minors, advertising, selling  or manufacture it, is punishable by up to 15 years in prison.

    It is a crime to transmit child pornography on Twitter  or Whatsapp.


  19. Quote

    Call center embezzlement suspect gets jail taste

    Posted on July 19, 2016 in Panama

    María Cristina González.
    Post Views: 90

    FORMER Immigration Director Maria Cristina Gonzalez  spent Monday  night July 18 behind bars after her first day of interrogation by anti-corruption prosecutors.

    After her Tuesday session of questioning she was ordered not to leave the country and to report to officials every Monday and Friday.

    Gonzalez  was interviewed about her alleged role in the operation of a call center run by the Ricardo Martinelli’s  Cambio Democratico (CD) party  during the last election. Prosecutors allege that the call center was funded with state money.

    Gonzalez spent Monday  night in the facilities of the Directorate of Judicial Investigation in Ancón,.

    She is facing charges of offenses against public administration (embezzlement)


  20. Quote

    Ex-Immigration boss grilled on illegal CD call center

    Posted on July 18, 2016 in Panama

    Maria Cristina Gonzalez
    Post Views: 193

    THE INTERROGATION of the former director of the National Immigration Service for her role in an illegal government funded CD call center during the last election, began on Monday July 18.

    Maria Cristina Gonzalez was driven from her home in upscale  Brisas del Golf to the office of  the second Anticorruption Prosecutor in the  Avesa building on Via Espana. to be inquired into in the case of call center.

    Gonzalez is accused of allegedly committing crimes against public administration, specifically influence peddling, embezzlement and fraud.

    On July 13 the Second Superior Court denied an application by Gonzalez not to be arrested for this case.

    The case broke in the midst of the 2014  election campaign when Giancarlo Teran said that while he was working in the call center it was funded by the National Assembly . It was  supposedly run by the former head of Migration and the ex-vice minister  Internal Trade, and current spin doctor for former president Ricardo Martinelli and the CD party,  Luis Eduardo Camacho.   Former tourism manager and CD dirty tricks Svengali Salomon Shamah was also linked to the illegal center operating from a building on Avenida Balboa.


  21. Quote

    Trial stalling move “mockery of justice”

    Posted on July 19, 2016 in Panama

    Virzi and his lawyer, last minute
    Post Views: 88

    A MOVE BY  a former vice president  to stall his court appearance in a corruption trial by running for office in a political group has been labeled a mockery by Panama civil society organizations.

    Felipe ‘Pipo’ Virzi was scheduled  face a Monday July 18,  hearing for  embezzlement, over a failed irrigation project in Tonosí. It is the second time that the hearing had to be  postponed.

    At the last minute Virzi was nominated  as a candidate for the fifth undersecretary of the National Executive Committee (CEN) of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) which  led to the suspension on Monday, July 18 , for the second time of the preliminary hearing  of 33 people for embezzlement against the State, through the failed Tonosí irrigation project in Los Santos.

    The Judge, Jose Angel Carrera said Guillermina McDonald, legal representative of Virzi, appeared to his office on Friday July 15 at 4:58 pm -a two minutes before the  5 pm  closing time (5:00 pm) – to notify him  that her client was running as  a candidate in the internal elections of the PRD and so enjoyed electoral protection.

    Carrera opened the hearing at 9:31 am on Monday and said that because of   the application of one of the accused for an elected office he could not give the audience as it was necessary to ask the Electoral Tribunal (TE) to lift the  immunity of Virzi.

    The judge said that the notification of the defense Virzi completely surprised him because everything was planned for the Monday hearing.

    “Every time a hearing is suspended state money is thrown overboard, as the authorities must make a great effort of personnel and logistics ao these processes are developed properly,” said the judge.

    At the same time   he called on the lawyers to adhere to the principles of procedural fairness to all parties.

    The judge rescheduled the hearing to between  November 14-18.

    The Third Anti-Corruption Prosecutor, Zuleika Moore, had requested the call to trial of Virzi and his partner, Ricky Ricardo Calvo trader; the former ministers of Agricultural Development Emilio Kieswetter and Oscar Osorio; former candidate for deputy of the Democratic Change (CD), Porfirio Ellis, and managers of the contractor Hidalgo & Hidalgo (H & H), Marco Albán Crespo and Victor Rios, among others. Almost every defendant is under  precautionary measure. Osorio and H & H executives are the only ones in preventive detention.

    Ana Belfon, lawyer for Osorio, asked the judge Carrera to apply a less severe preventive measure for her  client, as he had been  detained for s yesr , and does not represent a flight risk and has complied with the process.

    Ricardo Ricky Calvo, is a fugitive in this process and there is red Interpol alert for his arrest

    In addition, Elvira, the daughter of Virzi, ran for the PRD fourth undersecretary. Both Virzi and his daughter are accused of irregularities in the registration of property in Santiago, Veraguas province.

    In a statement made public on Monday PRD official, Perez Herrera said that the PRD cannot prohibit any person participating in an internal election, provided it complies with the requirements of the statute of the collective.

    Meanwhile, Annette Planells of Movin described the decision to suspend the hearing as absurd because the request for judgment against Virzi by the prosecution was made in January 2016, prior to his application as a PRD candidate.

    Planells claimed that this action undermines the reason why the electoral jurisdiction was created, and which aims to avoid political persecution of the candidate.

    Magaly Castillo, Citizens Alliance for Justice, said that the electoral criminal jurisdiction is the form used by politicians investigated for corruption to mock justice.

    She wondered, how a case like Tonosi irrigation under investigation since August 2014, could protect  a politician with electoral jurisdiction because he  decided to participate in an internal struggle of his party. “This is too much impudence and I hope that the judges of the Electoral Tribunal act quickly, to lifting the immunity and take decisions against this practice that is affecting the administration of justice,” she said.


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