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Posts posted by Bud

  1. Quote

    Soho Mall step nearer to sale

    Posted on August 19, 2016 in Panama, Panama

    Mall employees concerned oer their future
    Post Views: 106

    SOHO MALL, the flagship of the Waked family has received a license  from The US Treasury Department to facilitate its sale.

    The mall is owned by Abdul Waked, whose companies were placed on the Clinton List due to his alleged connections to drug traffickers.

    The license will allow Soho Mall to have access to American financial services until January 2017.

    Any sale of the mall must be approved by the US government.

    The Treasury Department prohibits its citizens and companies from engaging in transactions with entities on the Clinton List.

    The mall has been placed under the supervision of a trustee who will supervise the sale. The trustee is a representative of the mall’s creditors.

    A similar formula was used for the Felix B. Maduro department stores, another company owned by Waked reports La Prensa.


  2. Quote

    “Immoral” University bonus challenged

    Posted on August 19, 2016 in Panama

    Comptroller Federico Humbert
    Post Views: 86

    THE OUTGOING Rector of the University of Panama who stands to get an extra $80,000 retirement bonus from a deal  he stick handled through just six days before the election for his replacement, may never get his hands on the jackpot.

    Panama’s Comptroller  Federico Humbert has added his voice to the widespread chorus condemning what is perceived as an immoral act. He said  he will do everything possible to reject a proposed bonus for professors retiring from the University of Panama (UP) at the age of 75.

    “We will do everything in our power to suspend such payments,” said Humbert on Friday, August 19. He said that he is already preparing a legal challenge to the bonus to be presented to the Supreme Court.

    The agreement was published Wednesday in the Government Gazette, which increased the maximum bonus from six to 15 months of a person’s salary and decreased the number of years to be served before a beneficiary became eligible..

    “It is wrong, it is illegal, it is immoral and it was done without shame by a group to reward themselves,” said the comptroller.

    Humbert said he can challenge the payment as being against the economic well-being of the state. He said the payment will prevent the UP from hiring new staff because it has not been accounted for in next year’s budget.


  3. This kinda says to me that the economy is booming and the outlook remains positive. The flip side of this includes the parking problems and traffic congestion, along with negative implications for the environment.



    Panama vehicle sales continue climb

    Posted on August 19, 2016 in Panama, Panama

    Post Views: 106

    DRIVERS hoping for relief from the daily traffic snarl, won’t be getting help from   the car dealer industry  as retail sales continue to climb.

    The latest report from the Comptroller General ahows that of the Republic reveals that during the first half of 2016 vehicle sales grew 7.3% in Panama compared to the same period last year.

    Between January and June 33,164 vehicles were sold.

    The figures of the report are based on data supplied by the Panama  Association of Automobile Dealers of (ADAP).

    The greatest growth in the sector came from  the sale of pickups, which increased 35.3% (5 111 units).Mini-bus sales also recorded an increase of 37.1% (872 units sold).


  4. Quote

    Ex-Labor Minister still behind bars

    Posted on August 19, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 55

    FORMER LABOR Minister   Alma Cortés remains behind bars after her third day of interrogation, by Sixth Anti- corruption prosecutor, Aurelio Vasquez.

    The questioning was carried out at the headquarters of the National Police in Ancon, where she has been held in  preventive detention  since the night of August 11.

    The investigation was moved to Ancon because flag waving  CD Party demonstrators disrupted  traffic  and, with their ghetto blasters upset residents and businesses on Via Espana.

    At Ancon , the “supporters”, have shrunk to a handful. Some reports described them as “hired help.”

    Cortes is under investigation   for the alleged crime of unjust enrichment, after an audit by the Comptroller General determined that she  cannot justify income of  $2.5 million in the period she  served as minister (2009- 2014).

    The investigation began  on  August 11 and  resumed Thursday.

    On August 12 he was taken to the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (Imelcf) for evaluation.

    Cortés’s lawyer, Carlos Carrillo, said the prosecutor already has the results.

    Carrillo said his client “has laid  charges against the comptroller auditors” and already requested a change of injunction.

    “Preventive detention is applied when there is no other precautionary measure. The fact that he ordered the preventive detention without pursuing  this avenue is already questionable,” he said.


  5. Quote

    Migrants banned from Albrook terminal

    Posted on August 19, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 169

    THE ALBROOK  Bus Terminal has closed its doors to migrants arriving  from Darien because their increasing presence is upsetting regular users.

    Benjamin Solis, the terminal’s  director of operations said, that check points  have been set up to prevent access for buses carrying migrants on the Darien-Panama route.
    He said  that a meeting with staff of the Joint Task Force concluded that the presence of foreigners from Haiti, Cuba and the African continent generated “insecurity” and “discomfort” among regular users of the terminal.

    The Government decided to set up a temporary station for migrants in parking facilities at the  Cold Chain, in Ancon.

    José Donderis, director of the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) said that migrants  are moved to an area where they are kept about 30 minutes to bathe,and  change, and are offered food and water.

    Later, they are transferred to another bus to take them to Paso Canoas, on the boarder  between Panama and Costa Rica, so they can continue their journey and reach their final destination, the United States.

    He said that in the framework of the strategy of having a “controlled flow” of migrants, connections with the business sector were  made for a money exchange  in Darien so that they  are not forced to reach the  Albrook area.

    Transport companies, from  Chiriqui and Darien, will  establish a flat rate of $50 for the circuit from border to border, with a stopover in Clayton.

    “We understand the situation, and that is why we have acted responsibly, providing humanitarian assistance and ensuring the safety of Panamanians,” said Donderis.
    Javier Carrillo, director general of the National Immigration Service, said that currently there are about 2,000 migrants located on the Panamanian isthmus and three shelters have been set up in Darien, where they take general data, including fingerprints photos and iris scans.

    Migrants entering “illegally” because they have no travel documents, have to leave the country within 72 hours, or be deported.


  6. Quote

    Opponents seek to stifle sex education talk

    Posted on August 17, 2016 in Panama

    Sex education opponents
    Post Views: 59

    MEMBERS  of  a  group opposed to the teaching of sexual education  in public schools have threatened the government with mass action   and a demand for the ousting of the Education Minister if the  National Assembly does not  suspend the discussion of Bill 61, a law on  sexual education.

    In addition,Platform for children asked that guidelines for sex education being developed by the Ministry of Education be halted.

    Abdiel Sandoya, one of the spokesmen for the platform, said that they will give the government a deadline of five days to meet their demands or they will take action, such as calling for  mass protests. They will also demand the resignation of Education Minister Marcela Paredes de Vasquez.

    Juan Francisco de la Guàrdia, of the Panamanian Alliance for Life and Family, said that the group would be presenting an alternative draft bill to the assembly. He said that this would focus on teaching sexual education “through training in principles and values, and not through the delivery of contraceptive pills.”

    The Assembly recently returned the law to first debate so that it could be discussed by the Health Commission.


  7. Quote

    Rowdy protestors change probe venue

    Posted on August 17, 2016 in Panama

    Frustrated flag wavers
    Post Views: 80

     WHILE FLAG waving  CD protestors  demonstrated on Via Espana  in favor of a party member facing investigation of alleged $2.5 million illegal enrichment, the Sixth Anti-Corruption Prosecutor went  to the National Police headquarters  in Ancón to continue  his  investigationof  former Minister of Labor Alma Cortés

    Cortés has been held at the police headquarters for the last six days on the orders of Aurelio Vasquez,

    The latest interview,  was originally scheduled for Friday,  last week but was delayed until Aug 17  so that Cortés could undergo a medical evaluation.

    At an initial 12 hour interview l at the office of the prosecutor on Vía España, demonstrations by CD supporters outside of the office caused a number of complaints from nearby residents and store owners due to the noise. That prompted the latest  interview to take place at the police headquartersand deprived protestors of the opportunity of hearing  Cortés repeat the CD  mantra ” revenge political persecution”  used for all former administrators facing corruption charges.

    Carlos Carrillo, the lawyer for the former minister, said he is seeking her release.

    As reports circulate that some of the flag bearers  were hired help, PRD officials plan to file a complaint over the use of the party’s flags at the protests in favor of Cortés.

    They said that the flags were carried by people who were not members of the party reports La Prensa


  8. Quote

    Making smartphones snitchphones

    Posted on August 17, 2016 in Panama

    Beware, there's a snitch phone near you.
    Post Views: 98

    PANAMA’S  transit authority (ATTT) has  launched  a technological snitch line  to report traffic  violations. Other government  departments are  planning to follow suit.

    The  initial application, called “Citizen Inspector,” allows people with smart phones to report incidents such as vehicles illegally parked in spaces for people with disabilities.

    The entity said that the complaints can be accompanied by videos or photographs.

    The ATTT said that the implementation of the program is part of the use of new technology being used to modernize the institution

    Government Innovation Authority Director Irvin Halman explained that the “Citizen Inspector” application is designed to be used with other entities. Citizens frustrated by interminable  phone calls with will be  watching  for changes in response time.

    Halman said that people filing complaints will not have their identities revealed.


  9. Quote

    Drug kingpin jailed after10-year wait

    Posted on August 17, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 113

    TEN YEARS  after he was arrested in Brazil,  a Panama court has sentenced   Pablo Rayo Montano to nine years in prison for money laundering related to drug trafficking.

    According to prosecutors, the defendant was part of a criminal groups that trafficked drugs, weapons and laundered money in Panama, Colombia, the United States and Guatemala.

    Among his criminal activities was arms trafficking for Colombian guerrillas, a networked that was dismantled in 2002. He was also accused of smuggling millions of dollars from Colombia into Panama.

    The prosecution said the group led by Rayo Montaño arrived in Panama in 1996, and  fell after five of his brothers were arrested in Colombia.

    For his operations he  required front companies  without his name appearing.

    This created five cells. The first was dealing drugs and weapons to Colombian guerrillas and was dismantled in 2002 in an  operation called Estero. The second brought to Panama from Colombia millions in cash inside aircraft.

    The third cell trafficked drugs from Colombia in speedboats. The fourth sent money from Panama to Guatemala, and the fifth facade created companies in Panama to launder money. For this he had the cooperation of Panamanians and Colombians.

    It is estimated that his network also smuggled some 52 tons of drugs, namely cocaine and heroin, into the United States

    Rayo Montano was arrested in Brazil in 2006. He was originally held in the El Renacer prison, but transferred to La Joyita in 2010.


  10. Quote

    Erring deputies dodging justice

    Posted on August 16, 2016 in Panama

    Carlos Afu
    Post Views: 64

    THE SUPREME COURT’S  shelving of a case against a CD Deputy  for election irregularities has sectors of civil society have expressing  fears that pending criminal cases against deputies for the use of state funds for political purposes in the 2014 elections will go unpunished.

    The Supreme Court arcgived  a case against CD Deputy Carlos Afu without considering the fact that the Tribunal Electoral(TE)  had completed an administrative process in the matter.

    Asked about the decision of the court, TE Magistrate Eduardo Valdés Escoffery said that a full review of the case will be made.

    Former TE Magistrate Guillermo Marquez said “it is obvious that the court is refusing responsibility for investigations.”

    Annette Planells, of the Independent Movement (Movin), said that “surely these cases will remain unpunished.”

    In some of the cases, election results that were thrown out by the TE due to the use of state resources by candidates did not result in any criminal investigations against the candidates.

    In addition to Afu, other deputies similarly charged are Mariela Vega, Hector Aparicio, Miguel Fanovich, Noriel Salerno and Manuel Cohen.


  11. Assuming you are talking about soil testing for construction purposes, then the answer to your second question is "yes". Our property was tested for construction purposes prior to drawing up the plans and getting permits, etc. I do not recall who did the soil engineering testing and reporting.

  12. Quote

    New hotel adds 300 rooms in crowded market

    Posted on August 15, 2016 in Panama, Panama

    Post Views: 354

    AT A TIME when Panama’s hotel industry  gives signs of imploding, with occupancy rates barely over 40 percent, a Colombian group has thrown its hat into the crowded  ring with a more than $70 million investment.

    The Hotel Las Americas Golden Tower near the Patilla Hospital and the heart of the  city’s business center is now open for business.

    The opening is good news for laid off employees  from existing hotels as it will create 150 openings in  a constantly shrinking job market,

    At the same time it will put more pressure on existing hotels attempting to cope with shrinking tourism figures nd competition from illegal short teem apartment rentals.

    The30-story hotel  tower was designed by renowned Uruguayan architect Carlos Ott.
    For  Andrés Felipe Ordoñez president of  Yalarame Investment  the hotel’s owner “the venture is a unique project, which we hope will become an icon of the city.”

    Investment Talarame chose Panama as its first operation  outside Colombia. “We found here an opportunity to expand due to favorable market conditions, as Panama is  the fastest growing region in  Latin American.

    The hotel has 285 rooms and 15 suites, three restaurants, a meeting room and spa.

    Three of the first floors will be used for parking for new development.


  13. Quote

    Panama-Colombia trade war escalates

    Posted on August 15, 2016 in Latin America, Panama

    90% of goods arriving in the Free Zone are for onward transmission, 10% go to the local market.
    Post Views: 141

    THE WAR OF  words and reciprocal taxation threats between Panama and its southern neighbor, Colombia, continues to warm up.

    The latest shot across Panama’s bows comes from Colombia’s  Ministry of Commerce of Colombia which has announced that companies from that country have invested almost $8 billion in Panama.

    Minister María Claudia Lacouture provided the  figure to the newspaper El Tiempo in an article about the current trade dispute between the two countries.

    “What we see is that Colombia has erected measures to stop illegal trade, and Panama is putting up measures that affect legal trade,” the minister said.

    Colombia has refused to abide by a World Trade Organization ruling that has determined its tariffs on textiles and footwear from Panama’s  Colón Free Zone violate its regulations. Colombia has argued that the tax is needed to combat smuggling and money laundering.

    Last week, Panama  Minister of Economy and Finance Dulcidio De La Guardia presented a proposal to  the National Assembly to expand the scope of the law that allows Panama to expand the discriminatory measures it can take against countries that discriminate against it.

    That could raise the tax on goods from Colombia to 40 percent..


  14. Quote

    Canal director faces bribery reports

    Posted on August 15, 2016 in Panama

    Lourdes Castillo
    Post Views: 222

    THE PUBLIC Ministry  has opened an investigation of a member of the board directors of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP), and a Panama businessmen,  for alleged bribery.

    Under the legal  spotlight are Lourdes Castillo appointed to the ACP board by ex-president Ricardo Mrtinelli, and Samuel Israel. They have admitted to being the signatory of companies that are being investigated by the Ministry but have denied categorically that payments made to the companies in which they appear as signatories were a product of bribes.


    One of the alleged “bribe” checks

    The bribes were allegedly paid through the company Pele System Inc. in exchange for a contract from the Panama Maritime Authority under the previous government to provide inspection services for vessels according to a La Prensa investigation,

    “They have found no evidence that this was a bribe,” said Castillo, who  and threatened to sue La Prensa. She was appointed to the ACO Board in 2013

    Meanwhile, Israel said that Pele System made the payments in exchange for professional services of his company for software installation.

    The third anti-corruption prosecutor has said they are the beneficiaries of three societies incorporated in the British Virgin Islands that received payments.

    Castillo appeared as a signatory of Cliverstone Advisory Ltd, a company that received $2.5 million

    Israel appeared as a signatory of the societies Liberty Release Co., which received $259,000 in payments, and First Administration Ltd., which allegedly received $333,000.

    The name of a prominent Panamenista deputy, has also surfaced during the investigation. He is  accused by Castillo of threatening to denounce her


  15. Quote

    Panamanian Slip Up Over Financial Transparency

    Regardless of who is right about the motives, the resignations from an international committee set up to review practices in Panama's financial industry, and the ensuing squabbling, has only aggravated the bad perception of these practices.

    Friday, August 12, 2016


    The presence of the Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz and the notorious Swiss criminologist Mark Pieth along with Panamanian and regional personalities, in a commission to review the practices of the local financial industry, had the obvious good intention of communicating to the world Panama's also good intentions of reversing the country's image as a tax haven.

    But confusion or lack of clarity on how the results of that review would be released, led to the resignation of Stiglitz and Pieth, who understand that this dissemination should be global and not restricted to the Presidency of Panama, where it will be decided what and how much of the report will transcend to the public domain.

    Beyond whether there was any confusion or not, whether it was clear that the report was only for the eyes of President Varela or would serve as an exemplary case for the global financial industry, the concrete result is a big fiasco in terms of image for Panama's financial center, already prejudiced by cases such as the so-called Panama Papers.

    In an article on Time.com entitled "Why we left the Panama Commission", Stiglitz emphasised that after the Committee of Experts was set up under great publicity, some communications among its members led him to understand that there would not be complete transparency in the dissemination of the Committee's final report, which led him, along with Pieth, to demand a clear definition from the Panamanian government regarding the global publication of the report, no matter what its findings and conclusions. When the answer came that the report would be delivered to President Varela, Stiglitz and Pieth resigned.

    Stiglitz also pointed out that the Panamanian members of the Committee were against recommending a registry of the latest beneficiaries of corporations who are customers in the Panamanian financial center, which would have jeopardized that center's current business model. The Nobel laureate emphasized that Panama has failed to ensure transparency.

    Panama is making great efforts to avoid being considered a tax haven where money laundering and tax evasion are available options. On this occasion it backfired on them. And among the chain of mistakes made, perhaps the biggest was the Committee choosing the high profile Joseph Stiglitz.


  16. My posting here is not intended to resolve or fix anything, but rather reflect on the different mindsets as reflected in this postings in this topic, which I find "interesting".

    This topic started out talking about rising food costs, but then kinda morphed into utilities as well. Roger B highlighted an important component regarding food costs, and that was regarding imported versus domestic food costs. Thanks, Roger, a valid point.

    In general, I see two major themes here regarding the cost of utilities. One theme is that the utilities cost too much (disregarding the quality and reliability of service type issues, etc.), and the other theme is that the costs here are so much lower than what they would be (or were, or are) in the "home country", referring for the most part to the USA.

    Going further, I will add that our water bill went up this year from $50.00/year to over $150.00/year. We live in the El Santuario area of Boquete, and water service here and the Alto Lino area in general is provided by Acuaducto de Alto Lino. Can we afford the rate increase? Yes. Is this a good deal when compared to stateside utility costs? Yes.

    However, there is an underlying problem here that will likely never be addressed, much less answered. What changed? There is no new equipment. There is no new accounting system. Nothing has changed, but the rate has more than tripled. What is happening with or to the additional funds that are rolling into Acuaducto de Alto Lino? Are all customers being treated equally? Has billing shifted to a usage based concept? If so, where are the water meters? When I ask questions, I get nothing. There are no open books, no new infrastructure, no nothing. Friends advise me to keep my thoughts to myself. That is troublesome, to my way of thinking.

    What I seek is transparency.

  17. Quote

    Migrant tensions return to Panama

    Posted on August 14, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 153

    TENSIONS are rising once again on the  Panama-Costa Rican border  as Costa Rica police are taking Cubans and Haitians to the crossing at Paso Canoas to return them to Panama.

    Cuban Ramiro Ramírez, who was one of those brought to the border crossing, said that the police transported them to the area and told them to return to Panama.

    “They persecute us until we crossed the border,” he said.

    The migrants are trying to reach the United States, and they are concerned about running out of money before they get there.

    Alejandro Caballero, who lives near the border, said that migrants began arriving in the area Friday, and some have managed to get into Costa Rica, but others have been returned

    A Costa Rican police source said that security has been increased at the border and no one will be allowed into the country without the proper paperwork.

    Many of the migrants arrive in Panama from Colombia including many Haitian arriving in Darien claiming to be refugees from war-torn African  countries.

    Panama authorities are trying to persuade other Central American countries to work on a regional solution.


  18. Quote

    Government to issue 6 million 50 cent pieces

    The Ministry of Economy and Finance has announced that it will begin to circulate six million new 50 cent coins starting Monday.

    The coins were produced by the Royal Canadian Mint.

    A 2015 law allows the government to produce $37.2 million in coins between 2016 and 2019.


  19. Quote

    Soho workers feel the pain

    Posted on August 13, 2016 in Panama, Your Man in Panama

    Post Views: 130

    WORKERS in stores  that are trying to function in Soho Mall are not predicting a “Happy New Year” for 2017.

    They held a peaceful demonstration on Friday August 12  to express their concerns  about their future in the establishment once owned by the Waked family.

    The mall, along with  the rest of the group’s business operations  is on the U.S. Treasury’s Clinton list because of alleged links to large scale money laundering.

    Like the worker’s and suppliers hit by the Donald Trump bankruptcies, those at the bottom end of the scale suffer the most pain.

    Inclusion on the list severely restricts the commercial viability of the mall because it prohibits financial transactions with any US entity, including customers and suppliers.

    On Friday employees carrying white balloons   gathered in front of the mall, on Calle 50.

    In July, the Waked family,  placed the mall  in a trust controlled by creditors. The family,  apparently  thought that would be enough to qualify for an operating license. However, the US has so far failed to issue that license.

    The mall has a temporary license that is good through January 2017. The hope of a brighter year ahead rest on the possibility of the creditors selling the enterprise to a well-heeled entrepreneur. Meanwhile many of the workers are knocking on doors elsewhere.


  20. Quote

    “Persecution” and health challenges

    Posted on August 13, 2016 in Panama, Your Man in Panama

    Cortes cries persecution as she heads back to a cell
    Post Views: 53

    WHILE FORMER  Labor Minister and interim CD leader Alma Cortés, mouthed “political persecution” the party mantra for  anyone  charged with corruption for acts committed  during the Martinelli  administration, her defense  hauled another familiar tactic out  of the legal  bag of tricks.

    Criminal lawyer  Carlos Carrillo asked for a medical evaluation for   the woman accused of illegal enrichment totaling $2.5 million.

    During 12 hours of questioning by anti-corruption prosecutor Aurelio Vasquez, she said she had no health problems. They surfaced when the anti-corruption prosecutor announced  that she would be remanded to a police cell on Thursday  August 11  with questioning to continue the next day.

    But, instead of an appointment at the prosecutor’s office she was whisked away the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences for a two-hour medical checkup which produced good news and bad news.  In reportedly good health, she arrived in handcuffs, “with a downcast face” according to media reports, and was sent back to her cell, until August 17.

    Meanwhile a Criminal Circuit Court rejected a bail request.

    The decision of the judicial authority was based on an audit revealing that the ex-Minister could not justify $ 2.5 million in assets acquired in the period 2009-2014.

    While Cortés, a legal advisor to ex-president  Ricardo Martinelli, has time to ponder her past and future, La Prensa reports that two other people  who, according to the Comptroller’s audit, could have helped Cortes acquire the $2.5 million will be facing  the Anticorruption Prosecutor. Both are accused of unjustified enrichment. Hopefully they are in good health and will not attract the CD noise circus that attempted to disrupt the first Cortes arraignment.


  21. Quote

    Colombia Ignores WTO Ruling, Maintains Tariffs on Panama Imports

    Officials Predict Footwear and Textile Prices to Spike

    August 1, 2016 at 4:21 pm

    Colombia violates WTO ruling and maintains tariffs on Panama footwear and textiles (Pexels)

    Colombia violates WTO ruling and maintains tariffs on Panama footwear and textiles (Pexels)

    EspañolColombian Finance Minister Mauricio Cardenas and the Minister of Commerce Maria Claudia Lacouture announced Sunday, July 31 they will be maintaining tariffs on footwear and textiles imported from Panama to Colombia.

    The decision reportedly goes against World Trade Organization (WTO) policy.

    According to a WTO ruling, Colombia should have eliminated tariffs imposed against Panamanian products in 2012 — a decision made with the aim of protecting Colombian producers from the low price of textiles and footwear from the Colón, Panama. Since then, Colombia has charged a tax of 10 percent plus a fine of US $5 for each imported container.

    According to the decree, the new measure will help combat money laundering and is therefore justified as protecting public morals.

    Shoes enter Colombia from China and sell between 30 and 50 cents, but they must first pass through Colón. Colombian producers of shoes reportedly consider the 35 percent maximum tax allowed by the WTO to be insufficient for protecting their products from the competition of imported products.

    President of the National Federation of Merchants of Colombia (Fenalco) Guillermo Botero Nieto said he thinks merchants are the most effected by the protectionist measure, as prices of footwear products and textiles will increase and thus discourage consumption.

    Colombian businessmen reportedly said they will respect the agreements reached with Panama and the WTO, but requested a solution that doesn’t continue to affect different sectors of the economy.


  22. Quote

    Health check returns suspect to cell

    Posted on August 12, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 113

    WHEN EX- MINISTER of Labor Alma Cortés was  ordered held in preventive detention, her lawyer objected   on health grounds,  a  seemingly  routine  move  in cases involving former high rollers facing corruption investigations.

    During her 12 hour interrogation by the Sixth Anti-corruption prosecutor, Aurelio Vásquez  on Thursday, August 11  Cortés was reportedly asked if she had any health problems. After replying that she had none she was sent to the DIJ cells. She is being investigated for  alleged unjust enrichment of $2.5 million while in office

    On the morning of Friday August 12 she was taken to the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (Imelcf) for a checkup.

    She returned  handcuffed  two hours later. She told waiting journalists, that her court case was motivated “by politics and revenge,  the mantra of ex-President Ricardo Martinelli and his CD Party in several dozen corruption  investigations, including his own and members of his family and  inner circle

    After further questioning the former minister was returned to the holding cell of the National Police (PN) in Ancon, to fulfill the preventive detention order

    Carlos Carrillo, a lawyer  for  Cortes  questioned the performance of  the prosecutor  who he said  refused to let his client receive medical attention and said  there were  two paramedics at the National Police headquarters who could address any concerns.


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