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Posts posted by Bud

  1. Quote

    Waked owned bank heading for sale

    Posted on July 2, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 76

    THE WAKED group Balboa Bank & Trust is heading for the selling block after the Friday’ July 1 decision of The Superintendency of Banks to order its reorganization

    The reorganization will be effective from July 4 at 2:30 p.m., said the entity.

    “The reorganization of the bank seeks to fulfill three basic objectives: protect the best interests of depositors, minimize any loss of value of the bank that is to the detriment of depositors and reduce any adverse impact on the banking system,” said the agency.

    According to the superintendency, the decision to reorganize the bank will allow alternatives to “seek to give greater security to depositors and creditors of Balboa Bank & Trust Corp.” It will also allow them quicker access to their funds.

    “This can be done by selling to a new operator,” it added.

    Ariel Antonio Sanmartin Mendez was appointed as the reorganizer, which includes developing a plan that will detail the different phases and stages that must be met with the best selected alternative.

    “This will be a transparent process, so that depositors, creditors and other interested parties can be secure in how it is being handled,” the superintendency said.

    Control of the bank’s administrative and operational functions were taken over by the superintendency in May, when the bank was placed on a sanctions list by the U.S. Treasury Department. That move was made because of its ties to the Waked family, who faced allegations that they laundered money for drug traffickers.

    The actions by the Treasury Department meant the bank could not interact with any U.S. entities, which hampered its ability to continue to operate. If the bank is sold, it could resume normal operations.


  2. Quote

    A (H1N1) Flu death toll reaches 39

    Posted on July 1, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 36

    THE DEATH toll in Panama’s A (H1N1) influenza outbreak has risen to 39 reports the Ministry of Health (MoH).

    The Ministry released the information on Thursday July 1.

    It also reported that  6.728 million doses of vaccine against influenza have been administered.


  3. On 6/3/2016 at 4:15 AM, Bud said:


    Marcelyn and I had the pleasure of riding a cable car on the island of Madeira (part of an archipelago northwest of Africa). What an experience. And so now we wonder why we can't have the same in our home area of Boquete.


    I thought for the sake of completeness, I might add the brochure for the Teleferico do Funcal, which is located in Madeira.

    Funchal Teleferico brochure.pdf

  4. Quote

    Record transit price for Canal crossing

    Posted on June 30, 2016 in Panama

    Inaugural ship's price record broken
    Post Views: 179

    A  CONTAINER SHIP flying the Hong Kong flag will pay the highest everPanama Canal  transit fee  when it passes through the new locks on Friday July 2.

    “MOL Benefactor” will pay $829 468,   breaking the record set by the ship “Cosco Shipping Panama”  which inaugurated the new locks and  paid $ 575,545

    “This vessel 337 meters long (long) and 48 meters wide will  transit through the new locks in a north direction, ie entering  through the locks of Cocolí in the Pacific, Friday July 1, to Clear Water locks on the Atlantic, “says a statement from the  Panama Canal Authority (ACP).

    To date nine ships have passed through the new locks, including the inaugural transit.

    The liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), ship  Lycaste Peace, of the  Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK) Line, became on Monday the first LPG transit of the Canal.

    174 ships have registered for transit through the newly opened locks, of which 166 remain to move.


  5. Quote

    Prison boss fired over Mizrachi release

    Posted on June 30, 2016 in Panama

    Mizrachi's Twtter image
    Post Views: 131

    WHILE Mayer Mizrachi, facing embezzlement charges in Panama,  continues to thumb his nose at Panamanian authorities and flaunts on Twitter  his version of events  of hi srelease from jail, the director in charge of the Picota detention center has been  fired.

    Jorge Ramirez, director of the Penitentiary and Prison Institute of Colombia (INPEC), Ramirez told Colombian radio station La FM that Fabio Becerra had explicit orders to surrender Mizrachi, as ordered by Colombian law, to Migration, for that entity to complete its deportation process, and did not.

    The afternoon of Thursday, June 30, the Colombian newspaper El Tiempo noted that “the Inpec decided to fire  the official because  the Panamanian businessman was not handed over to the Colombia immigration authorities “.

    The Inpec director said he does not know why, but that is already is being investigated, as well as a possible bribe.

    “He was given a very clear order to coordinate with immigration. I have already ordered an administrative investigation and a criminal investigation, for possibly accepting a bribe in the case.

    Immigration officials filed a complaint into the matter last week. Mizrachi was slated to be deported to Panama to face criminal charges related to a contract he received from the government’s innovation agency to encrypt communications by security officials.


  6. On April 9, 2016 at 2:49 AM, Bud said:

    Here is an interesting article about the generation of electricity at the Penonomé wind turbine electricity generation farm: http://www.centralamericadata.com/en/article/home/Panama_Wind_Power_Blows_Strong. According to that article, that wind turbine generation farm produced 21.7% of the national requirement. That number seems unrealistic to me, but what do I know?

    I have highlighted the relevant words above and below that I now refer to. Note that I questioned the 21.7% energy production by wind turbines. The below article provides different numbers that seem more realistic to my way of thinking.

    Hmm, 21.7% versus 7%. A bit more difference than rounding error.

    I am not quoting the entire article because it is boring at best. However, the link to the full article is provided for those with such interest.


    Panama: Electricity Market Figures in May 2016

    In May, the national installed capacity amounted to 3,012 MW, made up of 26% hydro power using reservoir technology, 31% run of the river hydro, 34% thermal, 7% wind, and the rest is photovoltaic.

    Wednesday, June 29, 2016


  7. P.S., I should have put this in the originating post. But it will work here as well.

    When Marcelyn and I go to PC we normally go by POV. (for the uninitiated, that is military talk for privately owned vehicle). It is cheaper than flying and also gives us the storage space for hauling stuff back from places like Riba Smith. Earlier this week we again made that trek, this time in the PC to Boquete direction. I have to say that the improvements in the highway just west of Santiago are really serving all of us very well. There used to be a 50 kilometer strip that was placing our kidneys at risk, not to mention the shocks and suspension on our Fortuner. This week we saw only about 6.5 KM (I measured it) of the old concrete roadway that remains. The new highway is now really high quality roadway. Granted it is not completed, and there are some detours and one-way at a time strips in the construction areas, but what an improvement.

    BTW, we typically do not drive in PC because of the traffic issues other than our RS run; we have a driver/friend who we depend on.

    As a side note, we typically stop at the McDonalds in Santiago, which is about the halfway mark (okay folks, I know it is not exactly halfway, but it is close enough for our purposes). That is a good place to stretch legs, grab a quick lunch, potty call, etc., and then continue onward. This week we found McDonalds to be closed for renovation. There are many other options in Santiago, so it wasn't a crisis. Santiago is really growing. Lots of construction, traffic problems, especially in two areas where cars queue for turning to head southward, etc.

  8. I had to stop and think about where to post this. I suspect there won't be many Boqueteños who avail themselves of this rather "over the top" experience, but for a special occasion such as an anniversary or birthday, it would be rather unique and something to talk about.

    Just curious why they didn't include any contact information???


    Uber helicopter flights with dinner

    Posted on June 29, 2016 in Panama, Panama

    Post Views: 283

    WHILE THE CONTROVERSY over its car service in Panama has yet to be laid to rest, the  Uber  company  has announced that this weekend it will launch a helicopter service in the country.

    Thw package  comes  complete with transportation to the helicopter pad and a high end dinner.

    The cost of a one hour flight is $300 per couple. For now, the flights will only be on Saturday.

    The cost includes transportation to the Marcos A. Gelabert Airport in  Albrook and dinner in a restaurant owned by chef Carlos “Chombolín” Alba, winner of Best Chef in The Good Fork awards.

    Reservations for the flights can only be made Thursday until 4:00 p.m.

    In the middle of June month, Uber began providing helicopter service in Sao Paulo between airports, hotels and convention centers.

    Uber authorized spokespeople confirmed that the service in Panama will be provided this weekend reported La Prensa.


  9. I'm being somewhat flip here, but I get the impression that Boquete didn't get much of the $810,000,000.00 that has been invested so far. Soliciting feedback as to whether I am being too critical. I do admit that there are many areas in Panama that are in much worse shape than here in Chiriqui highlands area. But just look at the Jaramillo Abajo road (if you can call it that), as one example. I have heard promises for road improvements for many years, going all the way back to 2006.

    Am I glad that MOP is doing what they are doing? Absolutely yes. I would just like to see a slightly bigger share of the improvements here in our area.



    MOP invests $810 million

    Posted on June 29, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 219

    PANAMA’S Ministry  of Public Works (MOP) has invested $810 million in various projects in the last two years says Minister  Ramon Arosemena

    He made the statement during a press conference touting  the accomplishments of the government, which has been labeled a tortoise because of perceived slow progress in fulfilling election promises,

    The investment of the ministry included the construction of 907 kilometers of roads, including almost 200 kilometers in Veraguas and about 175 kilometers in the Darién.

    He also noted the tendering of dredging projects in Bocas del Toro to prevent flooding.


  10. Quote

    Falling oil price saves electricity increase

    Posted on June 29, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 145

    THE FALL IN  oil prices means that there will be no increase in the price of electricity  in Panamain the second half of the year.

    “All customers will keep the same rate and those who consume up to 300 kilowatt hours per month will continue with a subsidy,” said the administrator of the National Authority of Public Services (ASEP), Roberto Meana on Wednesday June 29.

    The price of oil topped $48 a barrel on Tuesday  as investors took advantage of a two-day drop in price after the vote in the United Kingdom to leave the European Union.

    In January, the price of oil recorded its lowest price in recent years, trading at $33.15 a barrel. During the following months the raw material has fluctuated upward, reaching $50 a barrel.

    The drop in oil prices benefits all customers, because they will not increase in the electricity tariff, but also to the state, as the cost of its subsidies also drops.


  11. Quote

    Prosecutor seeks answers on $20 million tourism ad deal

    Posted on June 27, 2016 in Panama, Panama

    Gustavo Him
    Post Views: 168

    PANAMA ADMINISTRATION Prosecutor Rigoberto González has asked for explanations from Tourism Authority Manager Gustavo Him about the $20 million hiring of an advertising company to promote the country abroad.

    In a note sent June 10, the prosecutor asked Him, among other things, to explain whether a competitive bid was carried out and what criteria were used.

    In April, the National Tourism Council announced that it had authorized Him to initiate the process of selecting the advertising agency that would be responsible for the international campaign.

    In his response, Him said the authority “has not begun any procurement procedure,” and that it will not start until the council provides additional instructions.

    He said the contract will be awarded to a foreign firm, as the goal is attracting visitors from other countries.


  12. Quote

    End of a political honeymoon

    Posted on June 27, 2016 in Panama

    The Opinion of La Prensa's Vic
    Post Views: 220

    POLITICAL  HONEYMOONS   tend to be short lived once elections are over and promises have to be replaced by performance.

    The “Panama Spring” following the election of Juan Carlos Varela was a time of hope that the threads of corruption that carried through successive administrations were about to be snapped.

    As one after another of the high rollers in the Martinelli administration were brought under the spotlights and their blatant theft from the public coffers exposed, there was hope  that change had really arrived.

    But now,  the rose colored spectacles of Panama voters are misting over as they view the tortoise like deliberations of the administration, and its turning of a deaf ear to calls from the civil groups that helped bring it to power.

    The justice system is still widely believed to be riddled with corruption starting with the Supreme Court (CSJ), and trickling down to the lower echelons. The belief that the leading players in the years of infamy from 2009 to 2014, including the Great White Shark will ever pay the price for their sins is disappearing faster than a coima in the hand of a traffic cop.

    The cozy relationship between the CSJ and the National Assembly continues with the seemingly implicit agreement that if you don’t bother us, we won’t bother you, and “impunity” is writ large on the blindfold of the Goddess of Justice”

    Lower down the scale a credit union employee who let $5,000 stick to his fingers was sent to the La Joya hell hole for six years. The 99 (and counting) thieves would have to outlive Methuselah to serve time, matched to their rapacity.

    Meanwhile the fog   of overseas corruption hangs over the administration and the assembly who, like illicit lovers, close the blinds and bolt the door when an investigator approaches

    Now Varela, is being severely challenged by Panamanians following a  Dichter & Neira survey commissioned by TVN Noticias.

    In May 2015  Varela, who took office in July 2014,  had a 66% approval rating  By April this year it was 46%.

    He’s not been alone in receiving significant declines in performance assessments.

    Some 50% of participants considered the government’s record “bad” and 46% gave it a pass..

    Maybe the Canal expansion extravaganza with its self-praising speeches will restore some of the shine but spending the $4 million plus   price tag on fulfilling promises on health care and education might have done more

    The honeymoon’s over and the separation is only two years away.


  13. Quote

    Embezzlement suspect’s hearing stands

    Posted on June 27, 2016 in Panama

    Mizrachi at the time of his arrest in Colombia
    Post Views: 114

    IN SPITE of his Twitter grandstanding, suspected Panama embezzler Mayer Mizrachi remains  a fugitive and is presumed to be in hiding in Colombia.

    Meanwhile the whereabouts of his father Aaron Mizrachi are also unknown. He fled Panama in August last year on ex-president Ricardo Martinelli’s  private jet as  investigators moved  on his links to purchasing spy equipment for use by Martinelli against political opponents.

    Prosecutors have asked for a hearing to be held Aug. 26 for, the younger  Mizrachiwho faces corruption charges for irregularities in a contract a company he owned signed with the government innovation agency during the previous administration. The work he was contracted to perform was never done and he skipped the country

    Mizrachi was detained in Colombia Dec. 29 and faced an extradition process, but a Panama court ordered the extradition to be halted. Mizrachi was slated to be deported to Panama, but he allegedly bribed a prison official to release him. He is now considered to be a fugitive, though he has denied any wrongdoing through his Twitter account.

    The Public Ministry said that while the extradition order was cancelled, the case against Mizrachi remains open, which is why it scheduled the preliminary hearing.

    Irvin Halman, the current director of he innovation agency who filed the complaint, said that the extradition issues are “exclusive from the prosecution of the case.”

    In addition to Mizrachi, a number of other people are charged in the case, including a former officials who handed out a contract to Mizrachi.


  14. Quote

    Canal settles in to neopanamax transits

    Posted on June 27, 2016 in Panama

    Peace Lycaste measures 36.6 meters wide (manga) and 230 meters long (length).
    Photo : Taken from Twitter
    Post Views: 229

    WITH THE SPEECHES,  bands, flag waving and fireworks for the official opening of the Panama Canal Expansion already receding into history, The Canal Authority (ACP) got down on Monday, June 27, to the business of moving the first two of 168 neopanamax ships that have booked passage through the canal.

    The first ship to transit the locks on Monday was the Lycaste Peace, under a  Panamanian flag. It entered the  Agua Clara  lock at 6:00 a.m. and left t at 8:30 a.m.

    The Butterfly ship carrying oil under the Bahamas flag, entered Agua Clara at 8:15 a.m. Ilya Espino de Marotta, executive vice president of the ACP revealed on Sunday that there are already 168 reservations in the next three fiscal years to transit the new locks.

    Ilya Espino Marotta, ACP executive vice president said that the Canal will have among its new customers ships carrying liquefied gas, which previously did not pass through the waterway.

    Only two neopanamax  vessels were schedule for Monday, but other vessels were transiting the  original locks.


  15. Quote

    Venezuela, Panama team up in Mossack Fonseca probe

    Posted on June 27, 2016 in Panama

    Luisa-Ortega_LPRIMA20160626_0246_34-620xLuisa Ortega
     Post Views: 94

    PROSECUTORS in Venezuela and Panama have teamed up  to investigate the law firm Mossack Fonseca, center of the Panama Papers scandal  says Venezuelan Prosecutor General Luisa Ortega.


    “I sent a communication to the attorney general of Panama and we formed a joint team of prosecutors in Panama and Venezuela to investigate those cases,” said the official in an interview broadcast Sunday, June 26.


    Ortega said that the findings of her office “involve many people who are being investigated at this time,” one of whom has already been arrested.


    She  said that 23 properties have already  been seized.


    On April 15, Venezuelan authorities arrested businessman Josmel Velásquez, who is accused of financial crimes based on information that was leaked from the law firm.


    Velásquez is the brother of retired Army Captain Adrian Velásquez. He is linked to companies in the Seychelles, Panama and Venezuela.


    Panama has also has calls from Switzerland, Brazil, and other countries for help in their investigations sparked by the release of The Panama Papers.


  16. Quote

    Judge asks Interpol Red Alert for Martinelli

    Posted on June 27, 2016 in Panama

    diaz-620x264.jpgJudge Harry Diaz acting as prosecutor of Martnelli
     Post Views: 252

    SUPREME COURT  Judge Harry Diaz has called for an Interpol Red Alert for absconding  ex-president Ricardo Martinelli.


    On Friday June 24  as prosecutor,  he sent a note to the Judge of Guarantees Jerome Mejia-that he  intends to proceed with other extradition mechanisms for  Martinelli  in addition to those  currently before the Foreign Ministry and request a “red alert” to locate and arrest the president, with the help of Interpol.


    Martinelli left Panama on January 28, 2015 and has never personally appeared at hearings conducted by the Supreme Court for several complaints against him. His lawyers have said that he is domiciled in a luxury beachfront condo on Brickell Avenue, Miami, United States.


    The plenum of the Supreme Court ordered the preventive detention of Martinelli on December 21, after Mejia declared him “in absentia” for failing to appear at a hearing.



    Marinelli at Soldier Field Chicago

    On October 9, 2015, Diaz filed a notice of indictment against the Martinelli for the alleged commission of the crimes of inviolability of secrecy and the right to privacy and against public administration (embezzlement).


    At a Copa America match  in Chicago, Martinelli told reporters that the extradition request was “pure bullshit”.


  17. Quote

    Panama links to Argentina corruption

    Posted on June 26, 2016 in Panama

    Cristina Fernandez accompanied by Lazaro Baez, leaves the family mausoleum, after the funeral of the mother of former President Kirchner
    Post Views: 101

    WHILE readying to celebrate the inauguration of the new Panama Canal locks, the country’s   business reputation got another dose of  tar and feathers on Friday, June 24 for its role  in hiding in offshore businesses, proceeds of corruption by  Argentina officials and businessmen.

    The information provided by Argentine prosecutor, Guillermo Marijuán, and federal judge, Sebastian Casanello is related to the “Route of money K” the title given to research into how the presidents Nestor Kirchner (2003 -2007) and Cristina Fernandez (2007-2015) and business people close to them in this case Lazaro Baez and children have moved public money through a network of companies and firms and acquired properties.

    “We have received information with international assistance that has allowed us to know the existence of numerous accounts abroad and there may still be many people linked to the investigation , ” the prosecutor Marijuán told  media.

    In explaining how the money moved, Marijuán corroborated   that it led to Switzerland and from there to Argentina was readmitted through  the alleged sale of bonds. “We also have it accredited, that much of that money was spent on a particular property acquisition at the time”

    “Ultimately we have established that the sale of bonds for approximately 208 million pesos ($13.9 million dollars at current exchange rates) returned to Argentina, a clear maneuver of money (…) we have been able to clarify companies that have been formed, currencies that have been sent abroad, where the accounts were filed, and how that money was readmitted to Argentina and then transformed into properties and real estate. We’re talking about accounts that are on behalf of the four sons of Lazarus Baez “he explained.


    Foundation Kinsky  was used to funnel  proceeds of corruption among officials and businessmen  to Austral Building, and Epsur, S.A. The first received $ 20 million and the second $ 5 million. The movements of funds were made through an account in   J. Safra Bank, based in Switzerland.

    Tyndall Limited Inc. has an account in Geneva, Switzerland that  received millions in funds from another company based in Panama Teegan Inc owned by Martin Baez.

    On Friday, Casanello called three of the sons of  Báez to give their statements on  money laundering.


  18. Editorial comment: I know some Boqueteños who wish President Varela and his administration would get busy with signing off on naturalization applications.  :)



    Varela catches up on signing chores

    Posted on June 26, 2016 in Panama

    The foreign ministers, Isabel de Saint Malo de Alvarado by Kamina Johnson Smith Panama and Jamaica signed an agreement for the establishment of a Joint Commission for Cooperation
    Post Views: 72

    WHILE THE DAY LONG  inauguration of the third set of locks of the Panama Canal dragged on,  President Juan Carlos Varela  and his Vice President took time out  to sign trade and diplomatic agreements with several countries that have been left hanging.

    He  met with representatives of Paraguay, South Korea and Jamaica to sign bilateral agreements.

    Varela and his counterpart from Paraguay, Horacio Cartes, resolved to strengthen the air connectivity between the two countries and increase the presence of Paraguayan businessmen in Panama for the purchase of merchandise from the Colón Free Zone.

    In addition, the two leaders agreed to strengthen agreements on security, trade and agriculture reports La Prensa

    Varela talked about energy and the position of Panama as a maritime and logistics hub with Korean Minister of Transport Kang Ho-In.

    In a meeting with Jamaican officials, he addressed issues relating to education, tourism and joint cooperation. Varela raised the possibility of Panamanian students traveling to Jamaica to study English and the possibility of strengthening tourism between the two nations.

    Similarly, both countries signed an agreement for the establishment of a joint commission for cooperation.

    This agreement seeks to promote cooperation between the two countries in areas of trade, tourism, environment, training and development of human resources, as well as technical and cultural cooperation.


  19. Quote

    Panama Canal expansion inaugurated

    Posted on June 26, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 130

    NINE YEARS  of work, with many hiccups and cost overruns on the way  ended with a $4 million extravaganza to mark the opening of the multi-billion dollar Panama Canal expansion on Sunday June 26.

    Canal cocoliCocoli_LPRVID20160626_0006_36

    The renamed  Chinese vessel Cosco Shipping Panama made  the inaugural transi of the third set of locks, starting at the Atlantic  end Agua Clara and ending at Cocoli over eight hours later,

    The event  was witnessed by over 20,000  and described by Canal Administrator Jorge Luis Quijano, as “the greatest work that has been done in a century on our soil”.

    canal 2

    The Canal Administrator recognized the work of the 40,000 workers who participated in the work, 90% of whom were Panamanians , and made a special mention of the eight  who died during the work. A one minute silence was held to honor themduring the opening ceremony.

    Finished his speech, Quijano picked her up to a girl and together triggered the lever that would open the floodgates for the Cosco Shipping crossed Panama -the lower house closest to the Atlantic-Ocean to the middle chamber.

    President Juan Carlos Varela, accompanied by his  Cabinet stressed the historical value of Colon  in the Canal route. “This was where it all started. Here began the Chagres route, the Camino de Cruces, then the interoceanic railway, the 1914 Canal and and now the expansion. More than 160 ships have made reservations to follow  the first  vessel which paid  $586,000 toll paid by the ship of the Chinese shipping company.

    The first booking  of a ship  carrying liquefied natural gas has also been finalized, a new segment of vessels that can transit the canal  thanks to the  enlargement.

    The opening ceremony was attended by 62 international delegations. While over 20,000 citizens attended the event to celebrate. Other groups gathered on Avenida Balboa to protest the extravaganza while areas of the country were without water, school  were in disrepair, and the health service in tatters.


  20. Congratulations to Panama!

    I thought most of the major news channels around the world would have covered this historic inauguration. Most did give prominent coverage, given my cursory review, with CNN International being an exception.

    I had to search the CNN International website and finally found it (click here). But then the CNN headline was confusing because it was worded: Expanded Panama Canal reopens. (Emphasis here is mine.) Huh? I didn't know the Panama Canal had to be closed for the expansion.

    Even some of the more regionally focused news sources such as USA Today (click here) and NPR (click here) covered the story. That was a pleasant surprise.

    The BBC article (click here) ended its coverage with reference to future competition from the Chinese-funded canal in Nicaragua. Wonder what they know? (See posts here on CL re the Nicaraguan canal suggesting otherwise at http://www.chiriqui.life/blogs/entry/82-nicaragua-canal-delay/ and http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/1639-cold-water-on-nicaragua-canal/#comment-5189.)

    Congratulations to Panama!

  21. I recall more than a decade ago while getting my residency that my attorney told me that if a foreigner is involved in a legal process that could result in fines, jail time, seizure of property, etc., (like in a criminal or civil case) that the law says if the accused does not have competency in the Spanish language that the government is obligated to provide translation services at the government's expense.

    Does anyone here have knowledge about this aspect of Panamanian law?

  22. Quote

    Mizrachi Colombia expulsion order stands

    Posted on June 25, 2016 in Panama

    Mizrachi wanted for embezzlement
    Post Views: 83

    WHILE  LAWYERS for  a Panamanian absconder claim he has sought political asylum in Colombia the country’s  Foreign Ministry warn that an expulsion order  against Mizrachi Matalon continues.

    The Colombian Foreign Ministry said that on June 21,  when Panama announced its decision to withdraw the extradition of Mizrachi after the decision of the Second Court quashed an arrest  order  Immigration Colombia had already issued an  expulsion order that  includes  a prohibition from entering  the South American country for a period of 10 years.

    Mizrachi left the jail in which he had been held since December in  a car with his lawyers while officials were waiting nearby to deport him.

    The statement said that his  legal obligation to leave, as established by the rules of that country was breached.

    Mizrachi is scheduled to appear in court in a Panama court  in  August along with several others, accused of embezzlement  from the state,


  23. Quote

    Unlimited time to continue Martinelli family laundering probe

    Posted on June 25, 2016 in Panama

    Martinelli and sons probed in family laundering business
    Post Views: 79

    THE SUPREME COURT has granted an open extension, without limitation to Panama’s  Seventh Anticorruption Prosecutor  to continue an investigation for money laundering related to the construction of two hydroelectric linked to former President Ricardo Martinelli and his two  sons.

    The Public Ministry opened the criminal dossier in September 2015 due to the movement of money related to the construction of San Bartolo and Las Cruces the  hydroelectric projects , developed in the province of Veraguas.

    The money used for hydroelectric projects came from a state contractor -Cobranzas del Istmo, S.A.- and capitalized to a consortium of electricity generation, which had as shareholders the former president Ricardo Martinelli and his sons Luis Enrique and Ricardo Alberto Martinelli Linares listed as owners

    They  received a check for $900,000 from  Langton International Holding Limited, linked to the owner of Cobranzas del Istmo, Christopher Salerno, who is under house arrest related to the contract obtained for managing the collection of delinquent taxes   for the state in the last government.

    Isthmus Power Corporation Ltd., whose manager is Alejandro Adames Garuz received another $200,000 from Salerno’s company and $200.000 from  Gabriel Gaby Btesh,  a member of Martinelli’s inner circle. The power company also obtained funds from an $80 million “syndicated loan” for projects, from four local banks.

    Garuz is the son of Alejandro Garuz, currently in preventive detention related to wiretapping of Martinelli’s political opponents, journalists, businessmen and judges. He is also facing charges connected to the purchase of helicopters from Selex, a subsidiary of the Italian conglomerate Finnmeccanica.

    The prosecution submitted a copy of the file to the Supreme Court at the end of December 2015 to open a process to consider the case of the ex  president Martinelli.

    Martinelli, who has numerous outstanding criminal cases against him is in Miami, and describes the charges as political persecution.

    His sons fled the country when the prosecutor opened the file, and Btesh has disappeared from Panama.


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