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Posts posted by Bud

  1. Quote

    News > Latin America

    • Ngabe Bugle people of Panama, fighting the Barro Blanco dam, march alongside Indigenous representatives of other nations.
    • Ngabe Bugle people of Panama, fighting the Barro Blanco dam, march alongside Indigenous representatives of other nations. | Photo: EFE / Archive

      The agreement gives some hope to the 170,000 members of the Ngabe Bugle community who risk losing their land and culture.

      Panama's government agreed to suspend the highly contested Barro Blanco hydroelectric dam Thursday after meeting with Indigenous leaders who have mobilized against the project over concerns that their rights have been violated and their land, culture and livelihoods are threatened.

      As a result, the government will meet representatives of the European banks funding the project on July 6 in a bid to explore various options with Panamean mining company GENISA, in accordance with a previous deal reached with Indigenous authorities signed on August 10, 2015.

      The Ngabe Bugle communities affected by the project have argued that their rights to free, prior and informed consent under International Labor Organization Convention 169 have been violated and that they never gave permission for the dam.

      The government will then meet again with Indigenous authorities to seek a solution to their concerns.

      The banks include Germany's DEG, Deutsche Entwicklungsgesellschaft, which has invested about US$22 million in the project.

      “DEG is a bank whose projects should aim at favoring the development of the countries where they are carried out. But throughout this process, started in 2011, there have been conflicts without effective answers,” Guadalupe Rodriguez from the German nonprofit group Rettet den Regenwald, or Save the Jungle, told Deutsche Welle.

      Nevertheless, she recognized that DEG and Netherlands Development Finance Company, another European funder, finally set up a mechanism meant to receive the complaints of affected communities. However, she argues that they have still failed to appropriately address other matters.

      The Barro Blanco dam was suspended in 2015 in light of Ngabe Bugle protests in anticipation of a full agreement, but the company still moved ahead with work on the project.

      On May 24, the company opened the floodgates on the dam to start filling the reservoir. At the same time, authorities forcibly removed nearly three dozen people and demolished their nearby encampment, according to M-10, a movement representing affected communities.

      However, thanks to the Indigenous mobilization, the dam did not exceed 90 meters above sea level, traditional authorities of Ngabe Bugle community stated.

      According to the Center for International Environmental Law, filling the reservoir will flood nearly 15 acres (6 hectares) of Indigenous lands surrounding the site of the dam on the Tabasara River.

      Government officials claim that the communities were informed of the impending eviction and plan to move forward with testing the reservoirs, Prensa Latina reported. A government spokesperson offered communities an apology for any “confusion” that may have occurred.

      Critics of the dam fear that the project will displace tens of thousands of people, harm the local agricultural sector, and flood Ngabe Bugle land and traditional sacred sites. The Tabasara River is fundamental to the livelihoods of the local Ngabe Bugle people, who rely on it for water, fishing, and agricultural production along its fertile banks.

    Published 0June 2016


  2. One might conclude that politicians are the same around the world! Food for thought.



    Moral sanctions for work shy deputies

    Posted on July 7, 2016 in Off The Cuff, Panama

    Rubén De León
    Post Views: 92

    THE NATIONAL Assembly is aiming to  put moral pressure on its  work shy members to fill the role they were elected to perform and for which they are well paid.

    Assembly President Rubén De León says the Assembly will begin taking measures to ensure members attend committee hearings due to high levels of absenteeism at the last session.

    He said the measures which include posting attendance records on the Assembly’s web site. will be “a kind of moral sanction” and urged his colleagues “to give due discussion to legislative projects.”

    De León said that discussions of several projects had to be delayed during the last session due to rampant absenteeism.

    This happened despite the fact that deputies have alternates who can take their place in hearings when they cannot attend.

    Only two deputies had perfect records in the last session, independent Deputy Ana Matilde Gómez and PP Deputy Juan Carlos Arango


  3. Quote

    Mizrachi asylum plea rejected

    Posted on July 7, 2016 in Panama

    Mizrachi flaunts his "release" on Twitter
    Post Views: 108

    PANAMA PLAYBOY, fugitive suspected embezzler, and Ricardo Martinelli relative,  Mayer Mizrachi, who has been thumbing his nose at  Panamanian authorities from what he thought was a Colombian safe haven, may be running out of bolt holes.

    The Colombian government has rejected his application for political asylum made after his bizarre exit from prison which led to charges against the prison’s Director. He avoided immigration officers waiting to put him on a plane to Panama where he faces trial, and headed with a lawyer to a Bogota hotel, meanwhile flashing pictures of himself on Twitter.

    After that incident He was given five days to seek asylum. With its rejection   the relative  of former Panama  president Ricardo Martinelli  has been given another five days grace to appeal ,  but cannot leave  Bogota according to Panama Foreign Ministry sources.
    Mizrachi had requested asylum using the mantra of his relative, Martinelli: “political persecution in his  country” where he is accused of embezzlement..
    The former  high roller was released from  La Picota prison,on June 22 where had been held since December 2015 following his arrest  at Cartegena airport  after disembarking from a plane arriving from Fort Lauderdale.
    He was released after a controversial Panama court decision, lifting the red alert and was to have been handed over to Migration Colombia for expulsion. Instead he drove off with a lawyer leaving immigration officers behind. The court decision canceling the red alert said he posed no flight risk.

    This scenario led authorities to suspend on June 30,  the prison system’s deputy Director of Safety, Fabio Becerra, who was also serving as acting Director of La Picota prison.

    Another twist to the cat and mouse story came on Wednesday. July 7 when Mizrachi’s lawyer suggested he might head for Jamaica where he has citizenship.

    Mizrachi’s father Aaron, brother in law of Martinelli, has also skipped Panama. He left the country in August last year after publication of stories linking him to offshore companies used to funnel money for spying equipment purchased from Israel. He fled on Martinelli’s private jet.


  4. Quote

    Martinelli Lawyers try to block extradition

    Posted on July 7, 2016 in Panama

    Rogelio Cruz and Sidney Sitton
    Post Views: 141

    THE EXPECTED moves by the lawyers of ex-president Ricardo Martinelli to attempt to block his extradition to face criminal charges,  came on Thursday July 7 citing unconstitutionality

    “Consequently, we ask that this warning of unconstitutionality be referred, without further ado, within two days, the plenary of the Supreme Court, for the purposes of the provisions of article 2557 of the Judicial Code, in view of that it is feasible because the legal standard warned as unconstitutional has not been the subject of a ruling by the Plenum of the Supreme Court in that regard, “Rogelio Cruz asked.

    The defense claims that the former President and current deputy of the Central American Parliament (PARLACEN) has not been convicted or charged with any crime.

    On May 27 last, Judge Jerome Mejia in his functions as judge of guarantees presented to the Foreign Ministry a request to extradite and arrest Martinelli, who left the country on January 28, 2015 and is located in Miami, United States.

    Martinelli is accused of the unauthorized interception of communications, through the National Security Council during his tenure (2009-2014).

    The defense claims that the extradition request is null, since his client has not been charged, which is a violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure and the American Convention on Human Rights.

    However, on   October9 the prosecutor Judge Harry Diaz filed an indictment in pointing to Martinelli for the alleged commission of crimes of inviolability of secrecy and privacy, and embezzlement.


  5. Quote

    Waked family loses another jewel

    Posted on July 6, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 133

    ANOTHER JEWEL  has been removed from the fading crown of the Waked family  business conglomerate in Panama.

    The Superintendency of Securities (SMV) has ordered the reorganization of Balboa Securities Corp., the subsidiary of Balboa Bank & Trust, an entity that is going through a similar process, reorts La Prensa.

    The action was taken by acting Superintendent Loraine Chavarría de Sinclair, who appointed Ariel San Martín Méndez to reorganize the securities firm.

    He is also handling the reorganization of Balboa Bank & Trust. During the intervention period, the institution was under the control of Rosaura González.

    In a final report, González recommended the reorganization of Balboa Securities Corp. He  estimated the process would take six months.

    Both the bank and securities firm were taken over by regulators in early May when they were placed on a sanctions list by the U.S. government. That action was taken due to their relationship with the Waked family, who are accused of laundering money for drug traffickers.

    The action prevents any entity with ties to the United States from engaging in transactions with the bank or securities firm.

    Nidal Waked is the treasurer of Balboa Bank & Trust, whom the U.S. government identified as one of the ringleaders of the money laundering scheme.

    Waked is being held in Bogota, Colombia, waiting to be extradited to the United States to face criminal charges and a prosecutor who is calling for a 50-year jail  term.


  6. Quote

    Attorney General asks Interpol to speed up 34 red alerts

    Posted on July 6, 2016 in Latin America, Panama

    Post Views: 76

    PANAMA’S ATTORNEY General took the opportunity at  the twenty-third Regional Conference of the Americas of Interpol to ask the delegates to fast track 34 red alerts for Panamanians on the run.

    The list includes high rolling businessmen, and government insiders wanted for corruption and  linked to  the previous  administration.

    An alert has also been issued for Martinelli himself and his former private  “Chichi” de Obarrio.


  7. Quote

    Judge releases 25 narco-trafficker suspects

    Posted on July 6, 2016 in Panama

    Narco suspects walked free from this court
    Post Views: 95

     A BOONDOGGLE in Panama’s justice system has put 25 people allegedly linked to a network of drug traffickers back on the streets.

    A decision of the  Fourth Criminal Court, which was not duly notified to the First Drug Prosecutor’s Office, allowed the release of the 25 who had been under investigation.

    The Fourth Criminal Court quashed the trial of the suspected members of a drug trafficking network which had its headquarters in Bethania, in the capital

    In a ruling dated June 28, 2016, the judge in charge, Yoideth Chirú, declared the nullity of the entire record advanced by the First Drug Prosecutor , investigating the group  including  Panamanians, Honduranss and Mexicans, who allegedly used Panama as a storage center for drugs which was then sent to North America (United States and Mexico).

    In his decision, the Judge Chirú found that the prosecution committed a procedural mistake when requesting authorization from the Criminal Chamber of the Court for wiretapping.

    According to the judge, the prosecution asked the Criminal Chamber for  certification for performing the wiretapping, but did not   meet the requirements of a duly reasoned decision, and that the  certification was not accompanied by the original copies of the resolutions authorizing the wiretapping.

    In a report  detailing irregularities in the ruling the Prosecution says that the judge ignored the process that is given to requests for wiretapping in drug cases.

    The prosecution said  that at 4:05 pm on July 1, 2016 the judge sent the order of notification of the judgment, but had ordered the  release of the 25 defendants including  several not formally arrested and others who were outside the country pending extradition.

    The investigation in the  case began on March 4, 2015, after the Sensitive Investigations Unit of the Directorate of Judicial Investigation (DIJ) received


  8. Quote

    Judges react to president’s call

    Posted on July 6, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 93

    THE MESSAGE sent to the Supreme Court and officials of the judiciary by President Juan Carlos Varela  in his state of the nation  address last week has been received with “responsibility and concern.”

    Varela made the statement At the opening ceremony of the 23rd Interpol Regional Conference of the Americas on Wednesday, July 6.

    Varela said that the Supreme Court judges had met to discuss his concerns and that measures will be taken.

    Varela’s concerns  were voiced  after questions were raised about a decision made by the seventh circuit criminal court to release Dangelo Dayan Ramirez Ramea, who had been accused of money laundering.

    This followed a recent decision by the fourth criminal court to release 25 people being investigated on suspicion of having links to drug traffickers.

    Varela, in his report to the nation, asked judges “not to tarnish the image of the system of judicial administration by releasing dangerous criminals who threaten the country’s image and even threaten our own lives.”

    He said that if the country’s judicial system does not cooperate with the police and prosecutors in fighting against crime then “things don’t work well.”

    He reiterated that the Constitution calls for the coordination of the three organs of the state.


  9. Quote

    Corruption prosecutor calls in comptroller auditors in $6.5 million scam

    Posted on July 6, 2016 in Panama

    Edwin Cardenas
    Post Views: 73

    TWO AUDITORS from the Office of Panama’s Comptroller General  were interviewed  by the fourth anti-corruption prosecutor on Wednesday July 6 as part of the investigation into the alleged mismanagement of the Food Solidarity Program of the Institute of Agricultural Marketing (IMA) from July 2014 to April 2015.

    A third auditor is scheduled to meet with prosecutors Thursday in the first alleged corruption scandal within  the current government.,

    A part of the case, former Institute Finance Director Matias Carrillo has been barred from leaving the country.

    Other people linked to the case are former Institute Logistics Director Angel Avila, former Ministry of Agricultural Development Accounting Director Migdalia Gomez and business owner Jacinto Quintero.

    An audit by the Office of the Comptroller identified a possible injury to the state of $6.5 million due to the alleged irregularities during the administration of former Institute Director Edwin Cardenas, who is also charged in the case.


  10. 9 minutes ago, Erin Ross said:

    Are you sure they were not grinning because you "bared it"?

    Sorry, could not resist. Love ya!

    Caught me, Erin. I was typing on my Apple device, and it tries to be smart. I did not catch the spelling change.

    I will just leave it as is. Adds a bit of levity to my day.

    Thanks for calling me on this.

    P.S., NO!!! I did not bare anything. Had I done that, they would have been giggling or snickering, not laughing.

  11. While running errands today in Bajo Boquete, I stopped by one of the construction areas where the underground water and sewer pipes are to be installed. It is my understanding in talking with friends that the trenches will be about 2 meters deep, with the sewer pipe being the lower of the two systems, and then one meter higher up from the sewer pipe will be the potable water pipe. Here is the picture I took at the corner where the two sastrerias (tailor shops) are located, just south of the main church.

    Trench photo.JPGWe all will benefit when this work is completed, but in the meantime, grin and bare it would probably be a good motto.

    I was glad to see the warning tape around the work area. Serious damage could result if someone were to fall into that ~7 foot deep trench.

    BTW, the workers got a big kick out of watching some gringo taking their picture. Glad I made their day. :)



    H1N1 flu deaths reach 42

    Posted on July 5, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 59

    THE H1N1 INFLUENZA virus has claimed 42 lives across the age spectrum as three more patient died over the weekend.

    Two of the news deaths were reported in Arraijan, while the other was of an infant in the Comarca Ngäbe Buglé. The child died at the José Domingo De Obaldía Hospital in Chiriquí.

    Health official Néstor Sosa said that a total of 2,187 people have had to be hospitalized due to respiratory infections caused by the influenza epidemic.

    Of these, 366 remain in hospital.

    Monday, the government received another shipment of 200,000

    vaccines. The  Ministry of Health  reports that 1,647,597  vaccinations have been administered.


  13. Quote

    Food price controls extended

    Posted on July 5, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 109

    THE GOVERNMENT’S  faltering price control plan has been extended for  another six months. The current controls were put in place on January 5 and extended by Executive Decree on July 5.

    The original initiative was created by Executive Decree No. in July 2014 and originally was only valid for six months. The price of the basic food basket has continued to rise in recent months.

    The order establishes a maximum selling price for 22 products.

    In the list of regulated products are babilla, steak on the  bone, ground beef, hock, chest rib, whole Panama chicken, regular pork chops,, rice, and yellow onions domestic and imported and yams

    Also listed are  potatoes , national tomatoes, cassava, medium eggs (dozen and individual), milk powder, lentils, macaroni, white bread (beans, yellow American processed cheese, processing , tuna and sausages containing beef.


  14. Quote

    Police raid Super 99 HQ

    Posted on July 5, 2016 in Panama

    Police on guard at Martinelli offices .
    Post Views: 442

    POLICE  swooped on the officesof  Importadora Ricamar, the hub of the 99  retail empire of the family of former Panama President Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014), on Tuesday July 5.

    Anti-corruption   Prosecutor Abel Zamorano ordered the inspection of the offices as part of the research into the Cobranzas del Istmo case.

    Police officers stood on guard outside the offices, located in Monte Oscuro. The firm is the parent company of the Super 99 supermarket chain.


    Marta Martinelli

    The inspection was confirmed by former First Lady Marta Martinelli, who was parachuted in by her husband as a vice presidential candidate  in 2014.

    “If they are conducting an inspection, why are they preventing employees from entering the building? It’s as if they are looking for a drug trafficker,” she said.

    In a statement issued through the Twitter account @ super99_panama, the company urged the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agricultures “and other business and trade organizations to speak out about the respect of the exercise of free enterprise.”

    Sidney Sitton, a Martinelli lawyer  said on his arrival in Monte Oscuro that Cobranzas accounts in Multibank Isthmus fed “many of the politicians who are in power today.”

    In May 2015, prosecutors filed charges against Cobranzas del Istmo officials for irregularities related to a contract it received from the state to collect delinquent taxes.

    Martinelli is linked to the case because the majority shareholder of Cobranzas del Istmo, Cristóbal Salerno, said he delivered bags of cash to the Ricamar offices in exchange for the contract.

    The case against Martinelli was admitted by the plenum of the Supreme Court in September 2015. In February, the court rejected a petition by defense lawyers to dismiss the charges.

    A Red Interpol Alert  has been issued for the arrest of the ex-president to face trial over the wiretapping  of political opponents, journalists, judges and  businessmen. He is also facing numerous other investigations.


  15. Methinks this electronic filing mandate applies only to businesses who are required to pay their ITBMS taxes on a periodic basis.

    If someone is more knowledgeable and willing to share what this is really about, I am sure all CL members would appreciate it.

    P.S., the news article was very poorly formatted on the source website. I took the liberty of cleaning up many formatting problems, but the basic content was not changed, only formatting was cleaned up.


    Panama: Electronic Invoicing Comes Into Effect

    Starting July 25 all tax returns must be made through the new digital system, e-Tax 2.0.

    Friday, July 1, 2016

    Starting July 25 all tax returns must be made through the new digital system, e-Tax 2.0.

    The resolution published in the official newspaper La Gaceta states that "... all taxpayers and users of the computer system e-Tax Tax 2.0 are given notice, that the only way to submit declarations is through the internet."

    The resolution published in the official newspaper La Gaceta states that "... all taxpayers and users of the computer system e-Tax Tax 2.0 are given notice, that the only way to submit declarations is through the internet."
    The resolution adds that   "...Submission of declarations of income, will still be governed by Resolution No. 201-60 of January 4, 2012 and Resolution No. 201031 of January 2, 2013. "

    See resolution (in Spanish).


  16. Quote

    Interpol conference set for Panama

    Posted on July 3, 2016 in Off The Cuff, Panama

    Post Views: 142

    PANAMA WILL HOST  Interpol heads of 46 countries at  the XXIII Interpol Regional Conference of the Americas, July 6-8  to review progress in combating organized crime, cybercrime and terrorism.

    “Everything is ready for the Regional Interpol meeting the National Police said Sunday July 3 on its Twitter account.

    The meeting was convened on June 9 from the headquarters of Interpol in Lyon, France. It  should have been held in 2015 in this city, according to the results of the XXII conference held in 2013 in Curacao and attended by the then head of the National Police of Panama, Julio Molto, and Panamanian Security Minister Jose Raul Mulino, now under investigation for alleged corruption.

    “This year’s edition will focus on the most pressing issues related to transnational crime which the region faces today,” says Interpol.

    Among these  are: “organized crime, including trafficking in drugs and people, terrorism, cybercrime and strengthening partnerships between INTERPOL and enforcement of the Americas”

    The continental meeting was preceded by,   the Interpol Technical Investigative Subcommittees against gangs, robberies and car thefts of the Regional Office for Central America. It was held in Panama on May 26-27

    At the meeting more than 30 heads and directors of Police of Central assessed as satisfactory the results of these operations at the regional level, such as the dismantling of 16 gangs involved in car theft, the arrest of more than a thousand people prosecuted for racketeering, theft and auto theft and recovery of 164 cars

    Panama has been calling on the services of Interpol with red alerts for numerous former high rollers, including ex president  Ricardo Martinelli and his former private secretary  Adolfo De Obarrio and recently  Mayer  Mizrachi was picked up and jailed in Colombia.  He left jail and disappeared before immigration police could deport him, and Colombian authorities have fired and charged the man who let him  free. Interpol may be kept very busy in future as over a dozen top level Martinelli  government figures and their business friends  have fled the country.


  17. Quote

    Waked loses Soho Mall

    Posted on July 3, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 264

    HOURS AFTER  tenants of Soho Mall were  given a temporary license to continue operating for six  months Abdul Waked  put pen to paper signing his  flagship jewel  into  a  trust with the management assigned to creditor banks and avoiding possible seizure.

    Negotiations  ended at 11.30 pm on  Friday, July 1. The entity, which owes about $174 million, is now committed to the creation of a trust an  alternative proposed by a Panama ministerial commission to the United States Department of the Treasury.

    On May 5, The Treasury, through its Office of Control of Foreign Assets to Abdul Waked, Soho Mall and 67 other companies in the Clinton list of companies with  activities linked to money laundering and drug trafficking.

    OFAC prohibits US citizens and companies having  any relationship with companies on the Clinton List.

    The  situation put  strong pressure on  Soho Mall, which has suppliers, stores and brands of American origin or with a strong trade links in that country. Given this scenario, and anticipating a deterioration of assets, creditor banks, with the mediation of the government formed a committee to find ways to restore viability to  Soho Mall and avoid possible seizures or bankruptcy proceedings.

    The solution was the creation of a trust and the future shape of a governing body that will manage the shopping complex.

    Untying Waked from Soho Mall allows the future sale of the shopping center, located in the banking area of the capital is given.

    OFAC now should receive the translation of all negotiated documents to validate the effective ousting of  Waked and that a future sale does not benefit the merchant.

    These are prerequisites so  Soho Mall could eventually leave the Clinton List and perform commercial and financial transactions with citizens and businesses without restriction.


  18. Marcelyn and I recently were in PC. We made a point of contacting one of CL's members, Roger B, who consistently posts very high quality content here on CL. Roger graciously accepted our invitation to get together for dinner and adjusted his business schedule and travels to accommodate our request.

    It was a really enjoyable gathering for us. We had dinner at the Machu Picchu in PC (related to the Machu Picchu here in Boquete), and enjoyed a two hour dinner and wonderful conversation. Roger had a business associate with him, Dennis. Dennis was also an active participant in our conversation.

    Here is a picture of Roger, Marcelyn and me that was taken as we were ending the evening event. From left to right: Marcelyn, Roger, and Bud. (The picture that included Dennis was too blurry to post.)

    Roger B dinner photo 20160628.jpg

    We hope to be able to host Roger and Dennis at a restaurant here in Boquete should they ever visit our area.


    • Upvote 2
  19. It hasn't been that many years since jubilados could get a cedula. I think it was early in the Martinelli administration that the change was made. I am glad that it happened, however, even though it cost a chunk of change.

    Prior to getting my cedula, I, too, used my pensionado card as ID because I did not want to carry my passport. Infrequently I found the pensionado card rejected, and upon inquiring I discovered that the person had no idea what a pensionado card was. All they knew was cedulas and passports. Just a thought here.

    Re Penny's comments, I am also hearing that the government is moving in that direction, specifically no more border hopping, and cedulas replacing pensionado cards. On the border hopping, I am hearing that the absence from the country must be 90 days and possibly as much as six months in a country other than a neighboring country (meaning not in Costa Rica and not in Colombia). Time will tell.

    My major concern about cedulas replacing pensionado cards is the cost of that transition. It is not cheap. We know many jubilados here in Boquete who live on SS benefits only, which makes disposable income very limited. Maybe there could be a streamlined process for this kind of documentation transition for those who legitimately live here and who do not have any discretionary funds available.

  20. We went to La Villa for our first Sunday afternoon visit in a long time. Glad we did. Edgar Vargas was playing guitar, we had some good drinks and munchies, and a real added plus was that we saw several friends whom we haven't seen in quite a while. Got to catch up on recent events in our friends lives, etc. It was a really laid back atmosphere there in the Hex Room that we completely enjoyed.

    Elizabeth is doing a great job bringing everything together -- food, drink, entertainment, ambiance, etc. -- for guests to enjoy themselves.

    Attaching one picture of Edgar, who was playing solo at the event today.

    Edgar Vargar at La Villa.JPG

  21. A friend of long time, knowing that I spend a lot of my time on Internet related stuff, decided to demonstrate to me that he too is savvy about this thing called the Internet. He claims to have done a lot of serious research and documented how the Internet came to be, and further how various pieces of it got their names. One has to admit that this is certainly interesting reading.

    P.S., my friend is British, and thus the spelling of a few words are different from American English.

    Enjoy. xDxD



    How the Internet started

    In ancient Israel, it came to pass that a trader by the name of Abraham Com did take unto himself a young wife by the name of Dot. And Dot Com was a comely woman, broad of shoulder and long of leg. Indeed, she was often called Amazon Dot Com.

    And she said unto Abraham, her husband, "Why dost thou travel so far from town to town with thy goods when thou canst trade without ever leaving thy tent?"

    And Abraham did look at her as though she were several saddle bags short of a camel load, but simply said, "How, dear?"

    And Dot replied, "I will place drums in all the towns and drums in between to send messages saying what you have for sale, and they will reply telling you who hath the best price. And the sale can be made on the drums and delivery made by Uriah's Pony Stable (UPS)."

    Abraham thought long and decided he would let Dot have her way with the drums. And the drums rang out and were an immediate success. Abraham sold all the goods he had at the top price, without ever having to move from his tent.

    To prevent neighbouring countries from overhearing what the drums were saying, Dot devised a system that only she and the drummers knew. It was known as Must Send Drum Over Sound (MSDOS), and she also developed a language to transmit ideas and pictures - Hebrew To The People (HTTP).

    And the young men did take to Dot Com's trading as doth the greedy horsefly take to camel dung. They were called Nomadic Ecclesiastical Rich Dominican Sybarites, or NERDS.

    And lo, the land was so feverish with joy at the new riches and the deafening sound of drums that no one noticed that the real riches were going to that enterprising drum dealer, Brother William of Gates, who bought off every drum maker in the land. And indeed did insist on drums to be made that would work only with Brother Gates' drumheads and drumsticks.

    And Dot did say, "Oh, Abraham, what we have started is being taken over by others."

    And Abraham looked out over the Bay of Ezekiel, or eBay as it came to be known. He said, 'We need a name that reflects what we are."

    And Dot replied, "Young Ambitious Hebrew Owner Operators." "YAHOO," said Abraham. And because it was Dot's idea, they named it YAHOO Dot Com.

    Abraham's cousin, Joshua, being the young Gregarious Energetic Educated Kid (GEEK) that he was, soon started using Dot's drums to locate things around the countryside. It soon became known as God's Own Official Guide to Locating Everything (GOOGLE).

    That is how it all began.


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