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Everything posted by JohnF13

  1. Yes, one has to wonder about the new Kenny Seracin stadium vs. the poor condition of the schools in the area. Education es primero? Not from what I am seeing in the Potrerillos area
  2. I have to admit surprise at the number of people leaving. We have only been here 4 years but can't see us moving any time soon (except maybe to a different exotic location!). There must be "something" that causes people to come here then quickly become disenchanted, are there really a large number of people who buy the "it's a paradise here" or "God/my pastor told me to do it?" I know I read IL before coming here but I also did independent research. I wonder if some people are just lazy and accept the IL slant? Whatever it is, it is a tragedy for those that have to leave at a substantial monetary loss. I honestly believe that it is the "1 per centers" that wil thrive here, except in this case I mean those that not only have a well-developed sense of adventure but are also practical self starters. Back-to-the-landers would have been the 60's definition I suppose. Most of you try to emphasize the " come and try it" aproach, but it doesn't seem to get through to a fair percentage of folks. While being a big believer in personal responsability, I think the problems of the quick turn around people needs to be addressed somehow. I just don't know how.
  3. You can get good pre-programmed ones on fleabay for around $160. When they arrive they are plug n play.
  4. So now the elephant in the room. $80/yr for RD, $150 for AAC coverage plus donations. Seeing as I cant fly Emirates, I guess the first one is a better choice.
  5. Dan, what do you know about linux ubuntu? Got a laptop here running it but I dont know how to get it working the way I need to. Send me a pm at johnferguson1301 (at) gmail dot com.
  6. Just love the way some people talk. Sometimes, you get what you pay for....As for suggestions as to what other people should do with their money, well, that's just socialism at it's worst. Got an idea? Fine, put up YOUR money and try it.
  7. Being a member of AAC and a yearly donor, I have to wonder why I didn't get this notice. Nothing has changed in my contact info, so it can't be that.....
  8. Funny that some folks (until about midnight on November 8th) were all for elections and the people's right to choose....Oh, wait, that only counts if MY guy/gal wins. Suck it up folks, you have a new President elect.
  9. Dennis, Opposite Alto Dorado Plaza. Low white building with GAGO in big red letters on the front. Lots of olives and great cheeses.
  10. With all the other options available now, I don't understand the netflix business model of limiting service.
  11. With Brexit, I doubt very much if the UK will hold the EU presidency in 2017.
  12. There is a little woodworking shop on Via Boquete just North of Chiriqui storage on the other side of the road. He made all the sliding doirs for our house. I'll get you more info if you need it, just have to dig through the ol' memory banks.
  13. Thanks K and B. Would have to be a house call because of the size, but on the good side my near neighbour needs his looking at too.
  14. Anyone have a lead on who can clean, adjust and oil a grandfather clock?
  15. I expect it is the same here as in North America. Antime the President is on the move every conceivable scenario is planned for, especially when in the hinterlands. The ambulance is likely stocked with any manner of things that might be needed as a result of an accident or some sort of protest. It is way more than we could expect....
  16. Momma has a new car so this one has to go. 2009 Nissan X Trail, 143xxx kms, excellent condition, needs nothing. Gas engine, auto, electric 4x4 switcher. Plates good till August 2017. Comfortable medium sized vehicle. $7500 for quick sale, can be seen at Chiriqui storage. Registered in Dolega, so easy ownership change. Johnferguson1301@gmail.com. 6579-3388
  17. I have an AWD Nissan X Trail for sale. 2009' 140xxx kms, great condition. Gas, oil changes every 5k. Good, clean honest car that is common around here. $9200. Give me a call 6579-3388 or email johnferguson 1301 @ gmail dot com.. (Take out spaces)
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