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Everything posted by Brundageba

  1. Once you get a "feel" for town you can get a bus pass and try the subway. It's a few blocks walk from those hotels. It's real close ( within view ) of the fancy Church del Carmen. Get on the subway and BAM you are at AlbrookMall. You have to try that. Get the pass at the bus station. There are booths there. that sell these cards for the subway/buses.
  2. This is about cars...the best cars .....and purchase of same. I recommend Keith and Cowboy......
  3. Hotel Milan...take a cab to the office ....or we really like Hotel Parador...it has a pool on the roof and a view of the night lights from the roof you don't get at the Milan. They are a block away from each other in Cangrejo. Parador is cheaper....and more basic ( ole Panama basic) and gives you a free breakfast. Milan is the hotel many of us in Boquete frequent. Across the street from the Parador is Martin Fierrro where you can get the most fantastic fillet Mignon with a salad bar. We prefer to stay at the Parador...buy our booze across the street at the mini and enjoy the lights come on at night on the roof there. We NEVER miss the steak across the street. Cangrejo district is a close cab drive for you.......
  4. ahhh...be kind to Lynnie, she has the local interest at heart. I agree...with you on Keith. He provides a service niche that is lacking here. He knows his cars...as does Cowboy. A local used car in a local used car lot may well be a car you will regret buying.
  5. ...well loosely speaking if you have a demo derby 4X4 and a sharp machete . Add to that..... guts. We tried and quit.
  6. Ambreen seems to have taken a loooong lunch break as of late
  7. Need a band aide during the day?...go to one. Otherwise services in the public hospitals big or small are very limited for emergencies. They can treat common stuff like a cold. They can diagnose a fracture but can't set it...that kind of thing. Cheap however. Cost me $1.00 for an xray of my knee and doctor to look at it to tell me he couldn't aspirate the blood out of it. That was beyond his level of expertise.
  8. eh...watch the entire site will disappear when who ever bought it realizes there's nothing in it for him/her.........
  9. Now THAT"s marketing! Maybe when they get the proposed "boots on the ground" moderator (as was announced today) the ad management will make some sense. B4B is one of the more important charities in this town. Now IF they were smart, they would offer an apology to Planet Telecom and as well donate a large ad space to the B4B cause. That would be nice.
  10. After I wrote that I re-thought it. Answer Bud: nothing. It's an important link for newcomers was my thought. I took the link and made a shortcut on my computer..and anybody could do that....plus like you say, it's always here for reference on CL. So disregard my suggestion. Thanks for getting back. What an excellent job you are doing here Bud !!!
  11. What puzzles me is why the new owner of the site who outsourced his monitoring service for Ning to Ambreen and Z Datamatics didn't see early how his investment was being dismantled and do something about it. It makes no sense to me.
  12. Encouraging to say the least. Criminals of the highest caliber here fly under the radar here IF they have enough money.
  13. In the time it took to place FOUR posts on Ning, Planet Telecom's Response to NING advertising Renewal was gone.....vanished. Try figure how non-Boquete conspiracy theory essays that have not one iota to do with life here in Boquete can last 4 pages...and with the urging of the ole guard to moderate that diatribe over there. Ambreen seemed to enjoy being asleep at the wheel with such posted content and replies. Well I guess she is guarding the nest now. Al's was zapped in a millisecond. Chica's insertion of a letter promoting Ning's advertising written by Ambreen Ghazi contains mis-information to prospective advertisers I'd say. Advertisers will leave as quickly as we all did, watch. Thy will follow Alain's Planet Telecom out.
  14. Thanks Judy ! Bud might want to make sure that link there stays where people can find it.....
  15. Dead remote ????....when it fails life ends as we know it, or at least my husband's anyway ( laughing). We were in David doin stuff and it was an easy in and out. And,out with the dead clicker in with the new, and life is now good..for Bill anyway.
  16. These words needed to be said by local clients who advertised over there on Ning. Recent acquisition of the Boquete Ning was apparently a "for profit" endeavor. Seeking new advertisers was it's apparent aim. So why the guillotine to those who contributed since the Ning onset now almost 8 years ago? It beats me (and most of us who departed either by the guillotine or by choice). When each of us left,so did 8 years of valuable asset to this Boquete Ning site...our contributions. Years of our lives here by trials and errors and the fruit of that left the Boquete.Ning building. All the beautiful photos of the area collected by some of the best photographers in town ...gone to leave crude jokes and insulting remarks with a few scattered Boquete shots recently taken. What is now left on the forum are the new names, and a skeleton crew of oldies still hangin in order to blow a tad of oxygen onto a glimer of an ember left over there. Valuable content has been converted to drivel that is just the stuff we are no longer interested in hearing: conspiracy theory and politics. (I speak for those of us living here now close to a decade ) On behalf of all of us here on the CL site I say Thank You. Thank you Bud for all your work to keep Boquete dialogue alive and healthy.
  17. Cable Onda is now on the same road you take to Hospital Chiriqui . It's down a few blocks from the PanAm Highway in a building on the right that previously had the business Astrovision. C.O. has it's sign on that building so it's easy to see and find as well. We went there today for a new clicker.
  18. We were in there this morning. The entire bottom floor is under construction still but you can go in and take their elevator upstairs where they have all their bathroom gear : showers, tubs, sauna etc, faucets, sinks for bath and kitchen. As well they have a wall of high end door handles and locks. One entire room of various floor tile. A section for tiling equipment is set up as well. That place will be HUGE when done. Go check it out
  19. The baby Fer de Lance offer the nastiest bite...be careful. Small doesn't necessarily mean "not bad".
  20. I just ran into this article myself Bonnie. When we had those discussions awhile back on the other forum I blew off the possibility of these men actually enticing young families to settle here. Now i see more and more young families here...like a lot. I never thought in my wildest dreams folks would actually fall for the line of these men.... I guess I may have been wrong.
  21. Moth balls.... Now that we have a dog (something new for us) that loves lizard hunting around bushes in the yard I keep mothballs fresh in the beds and on the canyon. Last week she lept into the air nearly vertical and what was there was a King snake with a young Fer de Lance in it's mouth. That was a bed I missed with the moth balls. I worry abut the dog...and fear one day she will get bit. We try to keep an eye on her and now she has gone from being an outside dog to an inside dog.
  22. I don't think that was a "hit" on Canadians as much as posts there are not much related to anything Boquete or Panama in general that are of any use. Lots of new names I see over there, political discussions that are more conspiracy paranoia essays too painful to get through reading with quips that last for pages. Dumb banter seems the preferred fodder. Less and less traffic in comments from folks that have lived here for any length of time. Once and awhile a community announcement appears from one of them. It won't last long at that rate. Lee's dream died.
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