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Dog Camp Needs Your Help!

DogCamp Boquete


*Dog Camp* is a place of rescue and rehabilitation of dogs here in Boquete, to later give them up for adoption and make their future families happy.
At this time due to the complaint of a neighbor who does not want the dogs to be there near him, DOG CAMP needs to find good homes for the rescued dogs.
Please share the following pictures of the puppies to help find them a temporary or permanent home.
**Any interested on helping, please contact Javier or Magaly at 65638686 / 69659423*
Thank you!!!!





cachorros Hanna.jpg














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At this time due to the complaint of a neighbor who does not want the dogs to be there near him, DOG CAMP needs to find good homes for the rescued dogs.

Something strikes me super strange here. Does a neighbor get to decide whether I have a dog or dogs, or not? What is the real story? Is this legal in Panama?

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This is "hear say," so take it what it's worth.

Apparently the complaining neighbor was the property manager where Javier and Magaly live. They always paid the rent and have receipts. But the owner came to them and said they needed to pay the back rent. The "property manager" had allegedly pocketed the rent money himself. Now that the story has come out, the neighbor is vindictive: burns tires at night, throws rocks onto their roof, etc.

Question: why hasn't the property owner filed charges of theft against the "property manager?"

Question: why does ONE neighbor (who is allegedly a thief) be allowed successfully to file a complaint (to evict Javier and Magaly) when none of the other neighbors has a complaint about the dogs?

Question: Why haven't Javier and Magaly filed charges of theft against the alleged property manager?


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If true, then this is a really sad situation. Javier and Magaly do so much for our community. And our dog was a rescue situation about two years ago by Javier and Magaly.

What happens now for the rescue services that they perform? Where will Javier and Magaly go? Hopefully all of the dogs will find new permanent homes soon.

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Oh my gosh! This sounds so unfair toward the Dog Camp who have done so much to help animals in this community. I believe all animal lovers should help Magaly and Javier. Do they have a Pay Pal account to accept donations to pay attorney fees? Anyone know?

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This Dog Camp situation sounds like a cummunity program to stop crime and unjust treatment in our neighborhood. What say you?

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37 minutes ago, BlueBird said:

Oh my gosh! This sounds so unfair toward the Dog Camp who have done so much to help animals in this community. I believe all animal lovers should help Magaly and Javier. Do they have a Pay Pal account to accept donations to pay attorney fees? Anyone know?

Yes, I donated yesterday via Paypal. I believe you can find it by typing DogCamp Boquete into the Paypal website. (They provided a link in another plea for help yesterday, but I can't remember where.) Or you can call or email them for Paypal instructions.

I believe they are trying to find a new location rather than take on a prolonged battle with neighbors and/or landlord at their current site.

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A sad situation for the dogs.   I can't help but wonder why a business like that  (even if it is non-profit)  would be in a rental property.   Even with the best of landlords and the best of neighbors, 20+ dogs in a rental property is bound to cause issues.   A rental is never permanent and subject to sudden change.   It is just a matter of time.

Hopefully all of the dogs can find better living situations.   I would hope they do not repeat the mistake of getting into a rental situation with such a large number of animals again.

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4 hours ago, Dottie Atwater said:

This is "hear say," so take it what it's worth.

Apparently the complaining neighbor was the property manager where Javier and Magaly live. They always paid the rent and have receipts. But the owner came to them and said they needed to pay the back rent. The "property manager" had allegedly pocketed the rent money himself. Now that the story has come out, the neighbor is vindictive: burns tires at night, throws rocks onto their roof, etc.

Question: why hasn't the property owner filed charges of theft against the "property manager?"

Question: why does ONE neighbor (who is allegedly a thief) be allowed successfully to file a complaint (to evict Javier and Magaly) when none of the other neighbors has a complaint about the dogs?

Question: Why haven't Javier and Magaly filed charges of theft against the alleged property manager?


Agree! There is more going on here then we know. Very sad for the dogs.

It would be nice if there could actually be a public supported rescue and adoption center that is nonprofit on property legally owned by the organization. Maybe someone can donate some land and others donate construction resources?

That would be a very worthwhile goal.

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Hi, we are looking for a new place, because the neighboor who lives at our left is complaining now, after 2 and a half that we are here. He was caught stealing the money from the rent that we paid every month. He didnt paid complete or simply didnt pay to the owner. In the past an expat was living here and this guy, the neighboor, made the owner believe that the expat was still living here. The neighboor offered his help in translations to the owner, this is how he started to "help" the owner for charging the rent to the expat. When we found the place, the neighboor said he was the manager of the land and we trust him because he was know by one of our friend, then we sign a contract but now we know that he never showed it to the owner. One day the owner appear here saying why are you not paying the rent, but we show to him all the receipts and the contract, this is how the owner and us knew about the stealing. This guy never let the owner know about the New contract and also the owner was thinking that the old contract was finished, so he came to check gis property and that we me him. Because we discover that the neighboor was stealing the money, he took revenge complaining with Minsa, this institute said that everything is ok, but they can do nothing if just one neighboor is complaining. So they said we need to reduce the number of dogs asap or they can close the place.

Now we are thinking that everything is for a reason so we are taking this as a posibility to be Big and better. It means we have a new challenge, find a better place for the dogs in Boquete, and start a new project with the experiencie you know we have.

If two persons could create a shelter from nothing and help the animals from the community ,  we think a  community can join forces to help us to build a better project. Please let us know how if you know some locations... Thanks! 6563 8686 (Magaly) 6965 9423 (Javier).

If you want to now the. A. E of the neighbor, send to us a PM, thanks

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For those who wish to donate to DogCamp, please scroll to the top of this thread (which is in their blog here on CL). There you will see in the upper right a hotlink to their GoFundMe account.


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