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Traffic Accidents, and Death Toll [Ongoing]

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1 minute ago, Keith Woolford said:

This is the accident by Las Trancas which a member to referred in another thread.



I was coming home from the Frontera about 5 PM yesterday and saw this accident. Neither the police or the ambulance had yet arrived but there were about a half dozen by-standers.

It didn't look to me like anyone could survive the upside down SUV.

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Whenever we drive anytime on the Boquete Highway going either North or South we are always passed by at least 2 or 3 cars going by us at a horrific high speed. It's no wonder there are accidents virtually every few days. I don't understand why there is not more strict enforcement of the speed laws.

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38 minutes ago, TwoSailors said:

I don't understand why there is not more strict enforcement of the speed laws.

It appears that the Big Hammer approach is the only thing that is going to work, I know it did it in Canada.

The ATTT have been conducting education and media campaigns relentlessly of late, but obviously to little effect.

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15 injured in latest bus crash


THE LATEST  in an ongoing series of bus crashes causing multiple injuries involved two buses, on Saturday, October 28.

Fifteen passengers were hurt, one seriously, when a mini pirate bus collided with a larger panel bus in Penonomé, which has a grim record of traffic deaths and injuries this year.

The collision took place y at 4:45 p.m. in Chigoré, near the Nacional Cervecería company. The vehicles involved were a minibus on the Churuquita Grande route and a commercial panel heading for Pajonal with two passengers.

The injured were treated by personnel of the fire department of Penonomé and the National Police before being transferred to the Aquilino Tejeira hospital.



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Holiday weekend road deaths halved

Gardening death scene

THE NATIONAL holiday weekend highway death toll by early afternoon on Monday, November 6 stood at four, half that recorded for the same weekend last year, but the total fatalities for the year reached 345, on track to match last year’s carnage.

Among the fatal victims were  Mrs Judith Mendoza, 54 years old, who was hit by a vehicle in front of her residence while watering her garden, and a man waiting to be picked up by his wife who died when she lost control as she pulled into the kerbside.



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Panama traffic death toll reaches 355


THE DEATH of  28-year-old Gobel Mosquera,   after being struck by a pickup truck on Friday, November 10  brought highway fatalities in Panama this year to 355 in 314 days according to the National Traffic Operations Office (DNOT).

The accident happened in front of Centennial Plaza at 3.30 p.m. Mosquera was treated by paramedics and transferred to  Santo Tomás Hospital, where he died a few minutes after arrival.

Earlier in the week, another accident led to the death of an unborn baby. Joselyn Franco, 20, who was pregnant was traveling in a sedan when it was struck by  a pickup on Avenida La Amistad, in Panama City

She was transferred urgently to the Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid Hospital Complex, where an emergency caesarean section was performed. The baby died in intensive care.

The sedan driver was hospitalized with serious injuries, the pickup driver had minor bruises.

Another accident victim is in critical condition in Santo Tomás after being hit by a car while trying to cross Avenida de los Mártires near a pedestrian walkover at 1. a.m.  on Friday.



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Three  dead in Panama holiday exodus


THREE PEOPLE died and there were 161 traffic accidents as 22,674 vehicles headed out from Panama City to the interior of the country between November 9 and 10, according to a report from the Joint Task Force.

The accidents included collisions, rollovers and crashes with fixed objects, like trees.

The exodus was to celebrate  “the first cry” that led to the separation from Spain. It is celebrated across the country with parades, celebrations and family get-togethers.



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18 medical staff injured in bus crash

Post Views: 296
EIGHTEEN Ministry of Health personnel including doctors, dentists nurses and technicians were hospitalized on Monday, November 13 when the bus carrying them overturned. on a dangerous turn, in Cocle.

Two women among the injured were reported in critical condition.

The bus was carrying  24  staff from the Ministry of Health in Colón, who were traveling on a medical tour to Donoso.

The critically injured women were first taken to the  Aquilino Tejeira Hospital in Penonomé. One was transferred to the Social Security Fund (CSS) Hospital in Panama City and the other to the Regional Hospital Rafael Estevéz de Aguadulce.

The accident occurred around 3:00  p.m.  when the bus hit a retaining wall on a curve, near a bridge in  Cascajal, in the  La Pintada district, the scene of numerous accidents. The bus was heading towards a mountainous area in Donoso.



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Two weekend road deaths push total to  357

Post Views: 239
A SPEEDING motorcyclist who had received a speeding ticket five hours earlier was killed at 8.30 p.m, on Thursday, November 9 while reportedly racing a sedan on the road that leads from Puerto Armuelles to Palmar, in the district of Barú, Chiriqui.

Xavier Elías Soto Pimentel, 20, died after being flung 75 meters from the crash site in front of the Puerto Armuelles Institute College (IPA).  Earlier he had been ticketed for speeding at 124 kilometers an hour.

Another speed-related death was registered in the district of Natá, Coclé on Sunday, November 12.

when, the driver lost control of a car close to the River Chico, spun off the road and was demolished when it hit a tree. One of the occupants aged 25  was killed and the other, aged 24. badly injured. The names of the victims have not been released by investigators.

The latest deaths bring the national total this year to  357.



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Yesterday was a rare drive for me from Panama City and it seems that drivers haven't changed their habits much, especially at this end of the country in wet weather.

I passed this massive rollover near Horconcitos right after it happened (no one else there besides the driver and helper)


and this one near San Lorenzo, (with a woman trapped inside) must have happened just after I went by.



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Marcelyn and I spent most of Tuesday, November 21st in David on business. We were not a witness to an accident, as it apparently occurred immediately prior to our arrival at the scene. It did not appear that anyone was injured, but speed sure seems to have been a factor to get that much weight over a curb and into the ditch. Shortly afterwards, a team of about six police arrived to cordon off the area so that a tow truck could begin extracting the two vehicles. This accident occurred about noon, at the intersection on the Pan American Hwy where there is an overpass to the Colegio San Agustin, and the Parroquia Del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus Church is located (a bit south of the curve where McDonalds is located).

In this first picture you can see the second vehicle behind the foreground vehicle. That is the Pan American Hwy on the left, and it is the lane that should be going northeast but you see no cars moving because it was blocked; it was really congested for about an hour. The background vehicle did an approximate 180 degree rotation from the impact.



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Today Bill had to go to the gas station to get weed eater gas for the garden guy.  Just south of the Plaza San Fransisco there was a 18 wheel hauler cab in a yard against a tree with a bloody driver scratching his head standing there.  it just happened.   He was apparently coming from Boquete .  Ended up on the east side of the road.  (So he had apparently crossed the middle of the road.)  Might have clipped the edge of the divider and lost control. 

Boy now you have to keep your eyes peeled not only on your side of the road but as well for trucks aimed at you from the other side !

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The blue tractor (without trailer) passed a friend of mine who was coming south from Plaza San Francisco at a speed that he says was massively exceeding the limit. He estimates the truck was traveling at least 140 kph or about 90 mph when it flew by him.

When a red bus just in front of him in the right hand lane started to move over to the left lane, the tractor slammed on the binders and lost control.  It crossed the median and the two northbound lanes before ripping through someone's garden. It's a good thing the tree stopped him before he drove through a house.

This all took place near the pedestrian overpass just north of Ivan's. The truck is still buried where it crashed, and there's rubber all over the southbound pavement.

I imagine it hasn't been impounded as of yet because they need a big boy tow truck.


Edited by Keith Woolford
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On Monday while driving the speed limit on the Boquete Highway going to David vehicles passed me at a very high speed. I was driving at the speed limit give or take 5 mph.

So I started to count them. By the time I got to David well over 20 vehicles passed me at a very excessive speed! But let's crack down on vehicle paperwork. I understand there is money to be made there but really, where on Earth is their priorities?


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1 hour ago, Keith Woolford said:

The blue tractor (without trailer) passed a friend of mine who was coming south from Plaza San Francisco at a speed that he says was massively exceeding the limit. He estimates the truck was traveling at least 140 kph or about 90 mph when it flew by him.

When a red bus just in front of him in the right hand lane started to move over to the left lane, the tractor slammed on the binders and lost control.  It crossed the median and the two northbound lanes before ripping through someone's garden. It's a good thing the tree stopped him before he drove through a house.

This all took place near the pedestrian overpass just north of Ivan's. The truck is still buried where it crashed, and there's rubber all over the southbound pavement.

I imagine it hasn't been impounded as of yet because they need a big boy tow truck.


I HOPE the police toss his butt in jail for that one.

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