Jim Bondoux Posted March 27, 2020 Posted March 27, 2020 Just to get some context for the statistics, I looked up Panama on the World Health Organization website. The most recent year available at WHO is 2015 (MINSA probably has more recent), but this is what they have for that year: Total deaths, all causes, in Panama in 2015: 18,182 Deaths in Panama from Influenza, Pneumonia and Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease in 2015: 1,053 Quote
Moderators Moderator_02 Posted April 9, 2020 Moderators Posted April 9, 2020 Moderator comment: The following news article is about influenza vaccinations arriving in Panama. That this article is being published now suggests a big "push" by Minsa for everyone to get their flu vaccinations so as to circumvent yet another widespread health challenge at the same time as the Covid-19 pandemic. Quote Panamá recibe 1 millón 442 mil 920 vacunas contra la influenza Panamá recibe 1 millón 442 mil 920 vacunas contra la influenza. @MINSAPma Catherine Perea • 9 Abr 2020 - 03:57 PM Este 9 de abril de 2020 llegó a Panamá 1 millón 442 mil 920 dosis de vacunas contra la influenza, por un monto de B/.8 millones, anunció el Ministerio de Salud (Minsa). La distribución de las vacunas a diferentes regiones de salud iniciará el próximo 13 de abril, mientras que el 15 y 16 de abril se despachará en hospitales públicos y privados. Será aplicada priorizando a funcionarios de salud, niños menores de 5 años, adultos mayores de 60 años, mujeres embarazadas, pacientes con enfermedades crónicas y a la población de áreas indígenas. Debido a la cuarentena absoluta por la pandemia del nuevo coronavirus en el país, la aplicación de la vacuna se realizará de acuerdo al último número de la cédula los días lunes, miércoles y viernes a mujeres y los martes y jueves a hombres. Rosario Turner, ministra de Salud, aclaró que estas vacunas son para manejo de influenza y no de coronavirus. “Puede haber personas que tengan los dos virus, esa es una circunstancia que ocasionalmente se presenta, pero no plantear equivocadamente, lo que se estpa buscando es reducir que otro virus se sume a la situación que se pueda dar en el país”, sostuvo Turner. Adelantó que el próximo 19 de abril llegará otra cantidad de vacunas. Moderator comment: Below is an unedited automated translation of the above news article. Quote Panama receives 1,442,920 influenza vaccines <<6eb160df-ea87-4450-ad17-695b424eabe4_16-9-aspect-ratio_default_0.jpg>> Panama receives 1,442,920 influenza vaccines. @MINSAPma Catherine Perea • Apr 9, 2020 - 03:57 PM This April 9, 2020, 1,442,920 doses of influenza vaccines arrived in Panama, for an amount of B / .8 million, announced the Ministry of Health (Minsa). The distribution of vaccines to different health regions will begin on April 13, while on April 15 and 16 it will be delivered in public and private hospitals. It will be applied prioritizing health officials, children under 5, adults over 60, pregnant women, patients with chronic diseases and the population of indigenous areas. Due to the absolute quarantine due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus in the country, the application of the vaccine will be carried out according to the last number of the ID card on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for women and on Tuesdays and Thursdays for men. Rosario Turner, Minister of Health, clarified that these vaccines are for the management of influenza and not coronavirus. "There may be people who have the two viruses, that is a circumstance that occasionally arises, but not raise it wrongly, what is being sought is to reduce that another virus adds to the situation that may occur in the country," said Turner . He announced that next April 19 another number of vaccines will arrive. https://www.telemetro.com/nacionales/2020/04/09/panama-recibe-1-millon-442/2761073.html Quote
Moderators Moderator_02 Posted April 17, 2020 Moderators Posted April 17, 2020 Quote COVID-19 death toll at 103 as flu shots begin Posted 15/04/2020 The Panama death toll from COVID-19 climbed to 103 on Wednesday, April 15 and 177 new cases brought the cumulative total since the first case was registered to 3,751 Meanwhile, with the rainy season at hand, The Minister of Health, Rosario Turner, announced that appointments for influenza vaccines will be scheduled starting next week through the 800-6467 hotline, , according to age. https://www.newsroompanama.com/health/covid-19-death-toll-at-103-as-flu-shots-begin-1 Quote
Moderators Moderator_02 Posted April 17, 2020 Moderators Posted April 17, 2020 Quote Vacunación masiva en tiempos de aislamiento Miguel Mayo Di Bello 17 abr 2020 - 12:00 AM Ha llegado, como todos los años, la temporada de vacunación contra el virus de la influenza. En Panamá se aplica una vacuna que disminuye la posibilidad de desarrollar la enfermedad contra cuatro serotipos del virus (la más completa que existe). Esta vacuna induce la producción de anticuerpos dos semanas después de su aplicación, por lo que se empieza a colocar 2 meses antes que empiece la época de la gripe estacional. La influenza es una enfermedad respiratoria, de origen viral, potencialmente grave e incluso letal, que en nuestro país produce alrededor de 100 mil casos por año, aunque ha disminuido en forma importante en los últimos años, precisamente por la masificación de la vacunación. De ahí la importancia de esta estrategia. La medida preventiva más importante y más equitativa es la vacunación. Desde el 2016, en Panamá se ha logrado hacer vacunación masiva contra la influenza, que ha repercutido en disminución de casos y muertes por esta enfermedad. Este año la situación se complica porque no se puede permitir aglomeración de personas, lo que dificulta la vacunación masiva. Estoy seguro que eso no será obstáculo para que nuestro excelente personal de enfermería y técnicos de enfermería lleven a cabo su labor de manera extraordinaria. Lo prioritario sería vacunar primero a la población en riesgo que son: personal de salud, los niños entre 6 meses a 5 años de edad, embarazadas, personas con enfermedades crónicas y adultos mayores de 60 años. Quizá, si la recomendación lo aprueba, vacunar a los hospitalizados. Para los que tienen enfermedades crónicas, sugiero usar la base de datos del Censo de Salud Preventiva realizado a partir del 2016 y que ofrece los datos de vivienda de gran parte de la población mayor de 40 años que padece enfermedades crónicas (diabéticos, hipertensos y obesos). En estos casos, la vacunación podría ser a domicilio. Para el resto, una opción sería utilizar las aulas escolares (mientras estén cerradas) y que se haga el llamado por cédula, sugiriendo el padrón electoral y por días de salida (según el último número de la cédula), como lo ha establecido el Gobierno Nacional. Estas personas, el día que le corresponda, podrían llevar a sus hijos menores de 5 años. Por supuesto, se debe mantener la vacunación en los centros de salud y policlínicas. La estrategia que se utilice es muy importante para evitar tener un número superior a lo esperado de influenza, porque podría poner en riesgo el sistema de salud. A la vez, tratar de aplicarla a la mayor cantidad de personas de riesgo posible, sin aglomerar a la gente. La cooperación y entendimiento de la población (permitir vacunar primero a los grupos de alto riesgo) será fundamental en el éxito de la jornada, para el beneficio de todos los habitantes. Ayudemos todos al Minsa y a la CSS a lograr el objetivo. El autor es gastroenterólogo Moderator comment: Below is an unedited automated translation of the above news article. Quote Mass vaccination in times of isolation Miguel Mayo Di Bello Apr 17, 2020 - 12:00 AM The vaccination season against the influenza virus has arrived, as every year. In Panama a vaccine is applied that reduces the possibility of developing the disease against four virus serotypes (the most complete that exists). This vaccine induces the production of antibodies two weeks after its application, so it begins to be placed 2 months before the seasonal flu season begins. Influenza is a respiratory disease, of viral origin, potentially serious and even lethal, which in our country produces around 100 thousand cases per year, although it has decreased significantly in recent years, precisely due to the mass vaccination. Hence the importance of this strategy. The most important and most equitable preventive measure is vaccination. Since 2016, mass vaccination against influenza has been carried out in Panama, which has resulted in a decrease in cases and deaths from this disease. This year the situation is complicated because people cannot be crowded, which makes mass vaccination difficult. I am sure that will not be an obstacle for our excellent nursing staff and nursing technicians to carry out their work in an extraordinary way. The priority would be to first vaccinate the population at risk, which are: health personnel, children between 6 months and 5 years of age, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases and adults over 60 years of age. Perhaps, if the recommendation approves, vaccinate the hospitalized. For those who have chronic diseases, I suggest using the Preventive Health Census database carried out as of 2016 and which offers housing data for a large part of the population over 40 who suffers from chronic diseases (diabetics, hypertensive and obese people). ). In these cases, vaccination could be at home. For the rest, an option would be to use the school classrooms (as long as they are closed) and that the call be made by ID, suggesting the electoral roll and by days of departure (according to the last number of the ID), as the Government has established. National. These people, on the corresponding day, could bring their children under 5 years old. Of course, vaccination should be maintained in health centers and polyclinics. The strategy used is very important to avoid having a higher than expected number of influenza, because it could put the health system at risk. At the same time, try to apply it to as many people at risk as possible, without crowding people. The cooperation and understanding of the population (allowing high-risk groups to be vaccinated first) will be essential in the success of the day, for the benefit of all the inhabitants. Let's all help Minsa and CSS to achieve the goal. The author is a gastroenterologist https://www.prensa.com/impresa/opinion/vacunacion-masiva-en-tiempos-de-aislamiento/ Quote
Penny Posted April 30, 2020 Posted April 30, 2020 (edited) So, I announced to my friends last week that I was planning on getting a flu shot on Monday during my two hour old-folks window. Wow, I'm astounded by how many of the seemingly rational people I hang out with don't believe in the shot and (even worse) believe it is a Bill Gates plot to kill off half of the world's population. Amazing !!!! Okay, for those who are still in your right minds, here's how to do it. I arrived at the Social Security Clinic across from the Bomberos about 10:45. There is a desk set up outside and to the right of the front door. I was the only one there at the time for the shot. The technician checks your cedula and updates your yellow card (if you have one). He asks you how old you are and what neighborhood you live in. Then we waited for the nurse who finally came at 11. The technician had told me I could also get a pneumonia shot but the nurse told me that the pneumonia vaccine wouldn't be available until May. The shot was given quickly and painlessly and I was on my way. It was free. There was only one other person waiting behind me. Edited April 30, 2020 by Penny 1 Quote
Brundageba Posted May 1, 2020 Posted May 1, 2020 (edited) QUESTION: Can ladies ( that are older than time) get a flu shot in town at the Bomberos today at 11? Edited May 1, 2020 by Brundageba Quote
Moderators Moderator_02 Posted May 1, 2020 Moderators Posted May 1, 2020 It is our understanding -- YES. Quote
Brundageba Posted May 1, 2020 Posted May 1, 2020 THANKS.........I will fer SURE be there. Alison, the anal retentive nurse Quote
Moderators Moderator_02 Posted May 1, 2020 Moderators Posted May 1, 2020 As a reminder, the flu shots are given at the clinic across the street from Bomberos, NOT at the Bomberos. Also, be sure to bring your yellow international immunization card, if you have one. We also understand that you must show your cedula. No idea what happens if someone goes for a flu shot with a jubilado carnet (with or without their passport). Quote
Marcelyn Posted May 1, 2020 Posted May 1, 2020 Alison.....Today (May 1st) is a holiday. All government offices are closed, so clinic may or may not be open for flu shot. Quote
Moderators Moderator_02 Posted May 10, 2020 Moderators Posted May 10, 2020 Moderator comment: For specific details about getting a flu vaccination at the clinic in Boquete, please read Marcelyn's blog posting: Click Here. Quote Over 535,000 flu vaccinations in 18 days -call now Posted 09/05/2020 Over half a million influenza vaccines have been applied in Panama in 18 days said The Ministry of Health (Minsa) on Saturday, May 9. The doses applied since the vaccination process began on April 15. totaled 535,324 It is highlighted that the statistics for 2020 reflect a drop in vaccines given to children under five years of age and pregnant women. The Ministry reminded that the current vaccination is different from that of the previous year, due to the sanitary instructions that must be put into practice due to the coronavirus pandemic. Efforts are being made to vaccinate children under five, pregnant women and older adults with or without chronic diseases as a priority. From May 11 to 15, the Expanded Program on Immunization (PAI) of the Minsa will continue using the appointment line 800-6467 https://www.newsroompanama.com/health/over-535000-flu-vaccinations-in-18-days-call-now Quote
Linda Posted May 20, 2020 Posted May 20, 2020 Special announcement from @minsapma in Chiriquí. Dear Citizenship we want to invite you to take advantage of this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday so you can get the dose of the influenza vaccine, as it will be the last days, they will be available in the fast car of Vaccination in Plaza Terronal. We reiterate until next Friday we will be providing this ease and later we will release how vaccination will be announced. We have successfully applied about 5 thousand vaccines at this point. We appreciate your attention. Nursing Department / Ministry of Health Chiriquí 1 Quote
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