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Everything posted by Franagain

  1. Geovana Caballero is known to many of us as the manager of the Cable & Wireless office, where she is no longer. Geovana saved many a day for many of us and is sorely missed at the Cable & Wireless office. Geovana is Panamanian and speaks fluent English. Those of us who call her our friend and who knew her at the C&W office know that she is helpful, kind, thoroughly honest, patient, and has an amazing amount of knowledge about how things work in Boquete.... including but not limited to mobile phones. If you or a friend need some assistance, please consider consulting with Geovana. She has a website at www.askgeovana.weebly.com
  2. ''I'm glad to hear that some jubilados will avoid Retrogusto because of their policy. It's getting harder to find an unoccupied table there.'' It is an unfortunate reality that unethical business owners do and will continue to have customers. Unethical business owners, in my opinion, include those who use child labor in foreign countries to manufacture products, those who torture animals by testing their products on them, and those who move to a new country and thumb their nose at the laws of that country. Organizations who consider ''net profit'' the only criteria by which to measure success will do just fine without the likes of me, but the ''likes of me'' numbers are increasing.
  3. I won't eat there again, not only because they refuse to honor the pensionado discount but ALSO because of the difficult situation they put their staff in by requiring them to explain to a customer just why the owner refuses to abide by the law. Tacky and very inconsiderate. The owner himself should be the only person to try and defend their ''policy''. There are many other very good restaurants here now, and they ALL have found a way to follow the law.
  4. I saw the original play at Fundadores. It is wonderful. Regardless of who is in it, who produces it or who directs it, it won't be as good as the first production. It is a stupid shame that someone has the ultimate power to deny the rest of us the pleasure of seeing it and deciding for ourselves (we are adults..?) if we are offended. I for one greatly resent someone (ANYONE) making that decision for me.
  5. We are so lucky in Boquete to enjoy the benefits of the vision and generosity of one family, Price and Susan Peterson. Our Library would not exist but for them, and all the amazing and beautiful events that happen there would not be ours. The current art show is just one of those events. I attended the Show Opening the other evening. The art exhibited in the large top floor room is impressive, both in variety and quality. It is easy to forget that a community as small as ours rarely has facilities to present art, and also rarely has a Library administration so dedicated to bringing culture for the entire community to enjoy and learn from. Thank you to the Petersons for making this a reality. Thank you to the Library administration and staff for the vision, energy and imagination required to provide all you do for Boquete. Biblioteca de Boquete Biblioteca de Boquete, Panama. Boquete Library, Panama. biblioboquete.com
  6. I doubt that most hardcore Republicans could stand even the IDEA of moving to a ''communist'' country. I would expect some new Panama residents, however.
  7. Thank you for a documentary of one of Panama's ''pastimes''. Who knew? The diversity of the audience is very interesting.
  8. Thank you so much, Betty. Your information is valuable to many!
  9. Ah, I think I know who you're referring to. I will speak to her about the process and requirements. Thank you, Bonnie.
  10. Some months ago I heard a rumor that a cremation facility was going to open in David. Does anyone know anything about it? If there is no facility in David, does someone have experience in making arrangements for the one (or more) in Panama City?
  11. Retrogusto, in spite of the law, refuses to honor the jubilado discount.
  12. AMIGOS DE ANIMALES: For those who cannot attend your Annual Meeting, please confirm that you will post your year-end financial reports on your website.
  13. I stopped reading anything Bob G posts, and it wasn't because of the BOLD RED Ariel font. I suspect several others have done the same.
  14. From AaC's website: ''We will communicate pertinent information to the Boquete community. Please be aware that we sometimes choose to not publish every detail about every crime, especially when an investigation is in progress. However, we will make public any information when we believe it is necessary for the community to be informed and be aware of a dangerous or threatening situation.'' Apparently, since AaC's idea of ''pertinent'' does not include informing us of violent home invasions I'd be interested in what does qualify as ''pertinent.'' "....when we believe....'' seems to mean that the information the community needs and/or wants does not carry any influence. Every public ''posting'' from AaC in the last several months has amounted to 1. Bashing of RodnyDirect and/or its administration, 2. Requests for money, 3. Insults to our intelligence regarding information AaC does not believe we are entitled to or can handle, or that they are obligated to provide. I'd like to see AaC behave professionally, responsibly, with respect for the people of Boquete, and actually PROVIDE (timely) information about dangerous or threatening situations. However, with it's history and current administration, I don't see that happening. I foresee a future of continued grade-school level whining about RodnyDirect, a continuation of no-replies to inquiries and requests, no information about criminal activity or danger, and no effort to earn the respect of the community.
  15. I ate there one time. Ordered tacos. I don't know what I got, but they weren't like any Mexican food I've ever had. Or liked. Or wanted to eat again. I would LOVE me some authentic Tex Mex (or Santa Fe, NM) food.
  16. A list of most of the phone numbers for Boquete's restaurants is available for viewing and/or downloading HERE The www.boquete.business site has been created by an associate who prefers to be anonymous at this time.
  17. Judy, I know you don't ''do'' Facebook, but there is a whole world of relevant information about life in Boquete, from crimes and vehicle accident reporting, to the frequent notices sent out by our Mayor, the National Police and various media in Panama. I am the Admin for the Facebook page ''Boquete News'' which is FULL of information of Boquete News. I hope people who don't ''do'' Facebook will reconsider and check it out. https://www.facebook.com/groups/News.Boquete/ And ''Boquete News'' is not the only source of relevant information about Boquete.
  18. Hi Bud & Marcelyn, I assume you look at the IP addresses of people applying for new membership in CL. There are several IP addresses in Western Africa (Namibia, Angola, Chad and, of course, Nigeria, as well as others) which should automatically be denied membership. I used to have a list of those IP addresses (used to screen applicants to another site), but no longer. IMO, there is no reason to give anyone from those locations the ''benefit of the doubt.''
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