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Everything posted by Franagain

  1. One of the documents that sparked attention to the quality of water is this one, showing several months' test results of street (unfiltered) water in Oriana (Alto Boquete). The street water here is not potable, not safe to drink. I live in Oriana and had my water tested back in March also. As a result of the tests, I had a UV system installed by Grupo Agua here. My household water is now clean and safe to drink. I wanted my entire house on the system, instead of just ''drinking'' water, because of the possibility of contaminates in the water I use to brush my teeth, to shower, and as residue on clothes, bedding and kitchen ware. I am very happy with my system, which cost about $800. I've not been able to determine the SOURCE of Oriana's water. There is a large raised tank that may or may not be cleaned regularly. Where the water comes from that fills that tank is unknown.
  2. Both avatars are online clip art with a little modifying on my part. I can't take credit for either.
  3. I did create a new Gallery and uploaded a photo to it. Thank you for the instructions! I assume that anyone can upload to my or any other Gallery. It would seem to me to be logical if, as the creator of a Gallery, I would be the one to determine whether or not others could upload to it. I don't think I saw that option.
  4. OK, so we have a maximum of 5 ''likes'' per day. So, if I want to ''like'' a 6th one, should I ''unlike'' one of the previously ''liked'' ones to free up another ''like''?
  5. JLM (Ning owners) seems to have very little internet experience or they would know that it is rude to post in BOLD ALL CAPS (as in their current intro). I don't think anyone communicating on behalf of JLM passed high school English/grammar/spelling, (see Dottie's notes re ''due?'', ''every day'', and ''today''), and logic doesn't seem to be a strong point since they keep insisting that they will be making the ''majority'' of their readers happy but don't want anyone to comment - good or bad - on the site... so I guess they will be creating their own ''majority'' by eliminating the ''minority''. I don't have the impression that the writer has English as a second language. I think the writer is ignorant and/or lazy, as well as arrogant and condescending. I do enjoy it when they quote Lee's rule .... ''If you don't know how Boquete.Ning is managed, please close your account and move on. Your right to free speech is not part of the deal here.'' I wrote that rule and all the others that they attribute to Lee. Boquete Ning continues to use my copyrighted member avatar image for those members who haven't uploaded their own. I've asked them to discontinue using it. But they might not be able to figure out how for a while, until they get to the chapter on images in ''Coding for Dummies.''
  6. How does one create a gallery? I can only see the option to add images to the MEMBER GALLERY.
  7. Results of water tests of unfiltered water in Alto Boquete for the last few months. I had a UV filtering system installed in March and my water is clean now. Instead of filtering drinking water only, I am glad to have all of my household water on the filter. Restaurants in Boquete are not required to provide proof that the water they serve is potable.
  8. I, for one, am not in the least bit interested in anything about Boquete.Ning. That was then. This is not then.
  9. Franagain

    Elephant Forecast

    Thousands of elephants continue to be slaughtered every year (one every 15 minutes, on average). All to provide ivory trinkets and doodads for the markets in China AND the USA (the two largest markets). Please help by learning about these amazing beings -- their elaborate communication, their respect for each other, their capacity for love and loyalty, and their place on our planet. Please do not EVER, EVER participate in the death of an elephant by buying ivory or by patronizing any entity which participates in ivory commerce.
  10. Could you please explain why the membership list is not available to all members? To me, it seems an unnecessary secret.
  11. Just curios.... what is the purpose of limited ''likes'' ...?
  12. until
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