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Keith Woolford

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Everything posted by Keith Woolford

  1. It appears that time's just about up for Nicolas Maduro as President of Venezuela. The President of the National Assembly, Juan Guaido, has declared himself constitutionally justified in claiming the top job and is being recognized by many other countries including Panama, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, France, Guatemala, Honduras, Paraguay, Peru, and the U.S. Hopefully this will be a bloodless change in governance which will increase stability and reduce the flow of economic refugees in the region.
  2. Other than the review of the woman’s bake shop, this is the first post in a while about something or someone Panamanian that isn’t negative or critical.
  3. Anyone requiring a beneficiary for their Bank account is welcome to contact me via CL message.
  4. Seems to me the charges are about sending a message to others. I would bet they will be held for a few months of “investigative” time, and if found guilty at trial, or enter guilty pleas, they will be sentenced lightly. Many verdicts allow the guilty party to substitute cash for time.
  5. I believe I read somewhere at the time that the pups were valued at $1,500 each and the balance was for training. This was a public tender awarded to a firm called Dog School K9 Security . Personally, I don't understand the criticism of the expenditure. If this K9 team saves one life, and there's no doubt it eventually will, the investment will be immediately recouped, unless of course, you put the value of a human life at less than $17,900. https://impresa.prensa.com/panorama/Compran-entrenan-cachorros-JMJ_0_5161733865.html
  6. As was evidenced when the young Dutch women were missing, there is a real requirement here by SINAPROC for Search and Rescue animals. The Malinois pups in question were $1,500 each and the cost includes thousands of hours of training. Looks like they tagged it onto this budget.
  7. Today's 3+ hour power outage was nation wide and put a damper on events and businesses which require electricity everywhere, including the Feria in Boquete. Service is being restored gradually. The President explained that it was not due to the JMJ but he was in the dark about the exact cause of the crash. Despite spending $30+ million on a newly inaugurated backup system at Tocumen Airport, it took 20 minutes to kick in.
  8. My kind of healthy. Lettuce on the salami, ham, bacon, and provolone sandwich that I'll be seeking. Maybe with fries. 😊
  9. Just returned from a few days in the City where preparations are really ramping up for this youth festival and young pilgrims are arriving daily in droves. Tourism is really getting a boost in that other people from neighbouring countries are coming in on special Papal tours and filling hotels. The whole thing seems to be quite well organized. I even received a JMJ memorial $1 coin yesterday.
  10. What ever happened to the Panama Expats forum? I tried to load it from a Bookmark but received a ‘Page Not Found’ message.
  11. My comments were directed at improving your experience.
  12. As an aside, when websites are slow to load, I sometimes toggle ‘Reader View’ on the browser so that it only displays text.
  13. After Bonnie’s post I pushed the ‘Contact Us’ button and sent the link to this topic. I received a similar response from Rod, almost immediately, and he does feel that their problem is close to being resolved. It’s apparently an issue with .ning.com.
  14. Posting here about problems with another website is probably not going to improve it’s performance. A note to the owners might be more effective.
  15. A Vimeo Staff Pick, well worth another look
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