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Keith Woolford

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Everything posted by Keith Woolford

  1. until

    The President, the Minister of Tourism, the Controller General and other members of the government were on hand for the Fair opening last night.
  2. If my memory is correct, the same thing happened in David. Public opinion forced a halt to that city's parking meter initiative, too. A private enterprise invested a bundle and got shafted.
  3. I'm not as likely to assign the color of the roadway markings to the stupidity of Panamanians. "The last article of the site shows you the difference of colors on the roads, since in the vast majority white and yellow are used to identify limits or orders. The yellow lines are in the center of the road, and by the regular ones it shows us an order so that we can drive efficiently and avoid accidents at any cost. Pay attention to the yellow color The yellow color, especially on rural roads and highways, plays a fundamental role for all drivers and their safety on the roads. There are different yellow lines that can mean our passport to better driving or death itself. Knowing what they mean is an excellent opportunity to be a better person. Only yellow line: This, in addition to being a division between the lanes, means that we must not exceed any car that is in front. We will find it before a dangerous crossing, a curve or some risk zone, like the school one. Double yellow line: It has almost the same meaning as the previous one, only in this one you have to be a little more careful. Usually, if you see the double yellow line, it means that none of the 2 senses can overtake a car. Simple cut line: When you see a yellow line segmented into rectangles means that, with due care, we can pass the vehicle in front of us. Double line cut: Similar to what happens with the double yellow line, when we see 2 segmented lines it means that both senses can pass. Combined line: If you see a straight line on one side, and a segmented line on the other, it means that on one side it is totally forbidden to overtake, but on the other side we can perform this maneuver." TRANSLATED FROM http://www.conduccioneficiente.tv/que-significan-las-lineas-amarillas-en-la-carretera/
  4. The dogs are out of sight, in the baggage room behind the carousel.
  5. A dog may have run the bags and identified yours as having food ?
  6. The driver of this former pickup trick blew way over on the SecoMeter after he dumped it down the ravine near the Tourist Centre and landed by the river road this afternoon. Looks like a cooler there near the wreckage. Four people injured. ..one of those moments
  7. Velkys at Mail Boxes Etc. posted that they will be closed on Wednesday the 9th, and I have personally not seen any notice that says differently. It's a solemn day so turning it into a holiday weekend might not be appropriate.
  8. Homicide rates per 100,000 inhabitants are down to 7.5 cases. https://impresa.prensa.com/panorama/Tasa-homicidios-punto-ultimos-anos_0_5176732348.html This graph shows that there has been a steady decline in that statistic since 2009 which theoretically says Panama continues to become safer, particularly in comparison with our neighbours in Central America. * Have to wonder about the accuracy of the reporting by Nicaragua.
  9. Unless the Treasurer’s clerks have taken up plumbing, a complaint will likely fall on deaf ears. They're just collecting money. The Mayor’s office and Water department are around the corner right across the street from Romero. By the way the water has to flow uphill to our home from the area of that leak so our pressure is negligible.
  10. The Alcaldia has announced that the Treasurer's office will be open today, January 5th, from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for the convenience of those who wan to pay their Water and Garbage Collection fees for 2018 before January 15th and receive a discount.
  11. The Circuito del Café is a tourism initiative launched in December involving 18 fincas in the Districts of Boquete, Tierras Altas, and Renacemiento.
  12. until

    The floral displays at the Fairgrounds appear to be ready for next week's opening.
  13. Amazingly enough, statistics show that there was an 18% reduction in the number of traffic deaths in 2018 from the previous year and at 346, the lowest in over 20 years.
  14. 2010 Toyota RAV4 Automatic 4WD well maintained asking $10,500 keithwoolford@gmail.com
  15. Why Panama is the Place to Go in 2019 https://www.vogue.com/article/why-panama-is-the-place-to-go-in-2019
  16. The concept of a dry canal, 215 kilometers in length, running through the isthmus of Tehuantepec in southern Mexico, is on the books again, according to this article in LaPrensa. https://impresa.prensa.com/economia/Mexico-impulsa-canal-seco_0_5203729607.html
  17. New Year 'celebrations' on the highway have already started and normally carry on into tomorrow. This around 5:30 p.m. near Dolega. 5:45 p.m. in David
  18. We went to APizza last Thursday, an off night. Arrived about 6:00 p.m. and by the time we left at 7:15 the place was full and there was a lineup out the door. The Butcher's Chophouse and Retrogusto were both slammed by the that time as well. David Caré is obviously doing something right.
  19. Best doggy snacks ever - dehydrated chicken breast chips @ Mike's Global Grill, thanks Michael
  20. until

    Just 2 weeks until the opening of Boquete's Flower and Coffee Fair.
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