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Keith Woolford

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Posts posted by Keith Woolford

  1. 14 hours ago, Boquete Community Players said:

    HELP !!!

    BCP has a Texas Instruments In Focus projector which we use for most of the Tuesday talks for power point presentations.

    It has recently started shutting down after about 8 minutes of use. It appears that it is overheating because if left to stand for 5 minutes or so it can be restarted for another short time.

    Is there any technical guy or gal out there who would volunteer their time to help trouble shoot this thing.

    We don't even know where to buy a new one (if a new one is needed)

    Seems like Hilary Jenkins is your man for this task.

  2. AS ALCOHOL fueled  highway deaths continue to mount, including the recent death  of a police officer  hit by  a drunken woman driver, National Police (PN) units across the country are stepping up operations to get impaired drivers off the road.

    In the early hours of Sunday March 6, armed with breathalysers  they launched spot checks across the country to tackle the problem, and booked many drivers, including taxis.

    The PN announced via Twitter  that the checks will continue to help reduce carnage on the roads..


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  3. The headline is misleading. The real story is in the byline.

    "Insurers are obliged to cover accidents involving alcohol consumption"

    Currently Insurers can refuse to pay costs of an accident if a driver is impaired.

    Of course, the consequences of this legislation is that Insurers will be paying out a lot more in claims and premiums will rise.

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  4. On 3/4/2016 at 8:13 AM, Brundageba said:

    The quality of  education children are receiving in the USA today is lower than that I received 60+ years ago.

    The underlying problem in many countries, to my mind, is that those with wealth and power do not benefit from a smart, knowledgeable populace.

    The decline of education systems and standards for the masses in North America almost seems to be inversely proportional to the continuing concentration of wealth among fewer and fewer people.

    It's nothing new, aristocrats and demagogues around the globe have been using this modus operandi forever to control others.

  5. This article is in today's LaPrensa. Translation by freetranslation.

    The Ministry of Health (MINSA) inspected recently, 30 private clinics and laboratories in the province of Chiriqui, where a considerable number had irregularities.

    Luis Carlos Bravo, of the Department of Environmental Sanitation of the MINSA, mentioned that were found with staff not ideal, lack of pest control, bad management of hazardous wastes and inadequate facilities, among other aspects.

    Bravo did not specify the amount of clinics where they found these anomalies; limited himself to say that this was in the great "majority" of the clinics.

    The official said that they made a call of attention to the clinics that were visited and which do not comply with health regulations.

    "This is the first stage, the so-called care; if then continue with the irregularities we will proceed with a fine not exceeding the 500 dollars," he added.

    In case you do not have suitable staff, you will then go to the judicial, he said.

    Bravo detailed that inspections will continue in private clinics, laboratories and veterinary; i.e., any establishment that has to have a suitability given by the Technical Council of Health. - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/provincias/Chiriqui-Detectan-irregularidades-clinicas_0_4429057162.html#sthash.zPS11LgD.dpuf

  6. This is an op-ed piece reprinted from LaPrensa yesterday on education in Panama.


    I think many people fail to realize that this is a relatively young country with a relatively young culture when they criticize local folks for not understanding a communication or a task they might consider to be simple.

    Most of us with European or Oriental heritage for example, including many Panamanians, have the benefit of knowledge, customs, and manners which were spawned over many centuries of civilization. However, that just isn't the case with many folks in and around rural areas such as Boquete.

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