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Keith Woolford

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Posts posted by Keith Woolford

  1. The MOP, or Ministry of Public Works, has removed about 1500 metric tonnes of rubble caused by flooding this week around Potrerillos Arriba, in the area of El Banco de Rovira.


  2. Sixteen Migrant Traffickers Captured in Colombia

    Authorities in Colombia have captured 16 members of a transnational network dedicated to the trafficking of migrants who brought them to Panama.

    The network transported citizens from Cuba, Pakistan and Somalia.

    The detainees belong to a criminal organization that "uses Colombia as one of the transit countries to reach the United States," explained the Colombian military.

    They were captured in various parts of the country, including on the border with Ecuador, a country where many migrants enter South America,

    - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Capturan-Colombia-miembros-trafico-migrantes_21_4475012458.html#sthash.LtxcOqbB.dpuf



  3. Panama America is reporting this morning that the protesters in San Pablo Viejo have been successful and the crematorium will not be built where it was proposed.


    Court notifies MiAmbiente

    The regional director of the Ministry of Environment in Chiriqui, Yilka Aguirre, confirmed that it was notified by the Superior Court of Justice of the admission of amparo guarantees, that orders the suspension of the project.

    "Effectively the Superior Court of Justice notified me about the resolution, which leaves without effect the environmental impact study that leaves without effect the construction and location of the incinerator," said the official.

    Given this step, the Ministry of the environment is outside the item because under guarantees and is only to comply with the provision that provides for the suspension of the work on a temporary basis. The project should look for another place and have a new environmental impact study where intend to build the incinerator of corpses."


    The full article is here



  4. President Varela said last night that Panama cannot be converted into a permanent logistical point for the trafficking of migrants to the U.S..

    He said the nation is currently taking measures to ensure that this movement does not continue.

    Expect continued strict enforcement of immigration laws at all border points.

    Varela en el acto de entrega del orden de proceder para la construcción de nuevo estadio en Los Santos.


  5. Some people just don't appreciate a heads-up when they see one. They should be grateful for the warning.

    'Because there are parking violations all over town' doesn't excuse parking illegally and inconveniencing other citizens.

    There is plenty of parking available along the road to the Feria within a short walk of the Market.

    By the way, does BCP have any parking spaces with a Disabled designation?

  6. The National Secretariat of Energy announced Wednesday that fuel prices will increase Friday from 6 a.m. - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Precios-combustibles-suben-partir-viernes_21_4470512912.html#sthash.supp2eYY.dpuf
    The National Secretariat of Energy announced Wednesday that fuel prices will increase Friday from 6 a.m. - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Precios-combustibles-suben-partir-viernes_21_4470512912.html#sthash.supp2eYY.dpuf
    The National Secretariat of Energy announced Wednesday that fuel prices will increase Friday from 6 a.m. - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Precios-combustibles-suben-partir-viernes_21_4470512912.html#sthash.supp2eYY.dpuf
    The National Secretariat of Energy announced Wednesday that fuel prices will increase Friday from 6 a.m. - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Precios-combustibles-suben-partir-viernes_21_4470512912.html#sthash.supp2eYY.dpuf
    The National Secretariat of Energy announced Wednesday that fuel prices will increase Friday from 6 a.m. - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Precios-combustibles-suben-partir-viernes_21_4470512912.html#sthash.supp2eYY.dpuf
    The National Secretariat of Energy announced Wednesday that fuel prices will increase Friday from 6 a.m. - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Precios-combustibles-suben-partir-viernes_21_4470512912.html#sthash.supp2eYY.dpuf
    The National Secretariat of Energy announced Wednesday that fuel prices will increase Friday from 6 a.m. - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Precios-combustibles-suben-partir-viernes_21_4470512912.html#sthash.supp2eYY.dpuf
    The National Secretariat of Energy announced Wednesday that fuel prices will increase Friday from 6 a.m. - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Precios-combustibles-suben-partir-viernes_21_4470512912.html#sthash.supp2eYY.dpuf
    The National Secretariat of Energy announced Wednesday that fuel prices will increase Friday from 6 a.m. - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Precios-combustibles-suben-partir-viernes_21_4470512912.html#sthash.supp2eYY.dpuf
    The National Secretariat of Energy announced Wednesday that fuel prices will increase Friday from 6 a.m. - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Precios-combustibles-suben-partir-viernes_21_4470512912.html#sthash.supp2eYY.dpuf
    The National Secretariat of Energy announced Wednesday that fuel prices will increase Friday from 6 a.m. - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Precios-combustibles-suben-partir-viernes_21_4470512912.html#sthash.supp2eYY.dpuf
    The National Secretariat of Energy announced Wednesday that fuel prices will increase Friday from 6 a.m. - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Precios-combustibles-suben-partir-viernes_21_4470512912.html#sthash.supp2eYY.dpuf
    The National Secretariat of Energy announced Wednesday that fuel prices will increase Friday from 6 a.m. - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Precios-combustibles-suben-partir-viernes_21_4470512912.html#sthash.supp2eYY.dpuf
    The National Secretariat of Energy announced Wednesday that fuel prices will increase Friday from 6 a.m. - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Precios-combustibles-suben-partir-viernes_21_4470512912.html#sthash.supp2eYY.dpuf
    The National Secretariat of Energy announced Wednesday that fuel prices will increase Friday from 6 a.m. - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Precios-combustibles-suben-partir-viernes_21_4470512912.html#sthash.supp2eYY.dpuf

    The price of 91 and 95 octane gasoline is going up at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow by close to 2 cents per litre or 12 cents a U.S. gallon

    The price of diesel fuel will rise about 9 cents per U.S. gallon.

    The National Secretariat of Energy announced Wednesday that fuel prices will increase Friday from 6 a.m.

    95 octane gasoline will cost 71.6 cents per liter, or $2.71 a gallon, an increase per gallon of 12 cents.

    Whereas 91-octane gasoline will cost 68.2 cents per liter, or $2.58 a gallon, which is also an increase of 12 cents.

    Meanwhile, diesel will cost 53.4 cents a liter, or $2.02 per gallon. That is an increase of nine cents per gallon.

    The causes of this increase is due to an increase in the price of raw materials in the last three weeks.

    - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Precios-combustibles-suben-partir-viernes_21_4470512912.html#sthash.supp2eYY.dpuf


    The National Secretariat of Energy announced Wednesday that fuel prices will increase Friday from 6 a.m.

    95 octane gasoline will cost 71.6 cents per liter, or $2.71 a gallon, an increase per gallon of 12 cents.

    Whereas 91-octane gasoline will cost 68.2 cents per liter, or $2.58 a gallon, which is also an increase of 12 cents.

    Meanwhile, diesel will cost 53.4 cents a liter, or $2.02 per gallon. That is an increase of nine cents per gallon.

    The causes of this increase is due to an increase in the price of raw materials in the last three weeks.

    - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Precios-combustibles-suben-partir-viernes_21_4470512912.html#sthash.supp2eYY.dpuf

    The National Secretariat of Energy announced Wednesday that fuel prices will increase Friday from 6 a.m.

    95 octane gasoline will cost 71.6 cents per liter, or $2.71 a gallon, an increase per gallon of 12 cents.

    Whereas 91-octane gasoline will cost 68.2 cents per liter, or $2.58 a gallon, which is also an increase of 12 cents.

    Meanwhile, diesel will cost 53.4 cents a liter, or $2.02 per gallon. That is an increase of nine cents per gallon.

    The causes of this increase is due to an increase in the price of raw materials in the last three weeks.

    - See more at: http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Precios-combustibles-suben-partir-viernes_21_4470512912.html#sthash.supp2eYY.dpu
  7. 7 hours ago, Bonnie said:

    I received the following email from today from friends:

    "We went to Immigration this afternoon and asked about the three day rule. Yes, people need to stay out for three days to renew their visa. They can leave on Monday, stay out Tuesday and return on Wednesday."

    Correct, and a person can accomplish that in less than 48 hours with 2 overnights. 

    Probably a good idea to make reservations for accommodations in advance.

  8. The concept of a deduction from taxes at some point in the future doesn't help someone who needs cash in their register to pay expenses today.

    Again, this shows a lack of sophistication and management planning on the part of a business operator.

    Typical is this statement about "figuring things out as we go".

    "We honor the jubilado discount when it applies and are still figuring things out as we go, we are certain all of you understand that it takes time to fully get the scope of things in a new country with its unique laws and rules, sometimes information is not clear, answers are nowhere to be found and ambiguity is present in many processes.

  9. This is a link to the Operating Manual for Ley 6 of 1987 which establishes Jubilado discounts in Panama. Includes definitions and explanations, although in Spanish.

    Regarding restaurant 'specials', it does state in Article 5 that if there is a meal being offered at a promotional price, the consumer has the option of choosing the promotion or a regular menu item with discount.


  10. Operating a good restaurant requires significantly more than the ability to cook and a good location to do it in.

    A good restaurateur also needs to be able handle customer service, purchasing, cash flow, stock control, employees and their benefits, perhaps entertainment, and of course, marketing and publicity.

    That's a lot of hats and forgetting to wear any one of them for long can result in a rapid demise of the establishment.

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