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Posts posted by Bud

  1. Quote

    Arrest warrant will follow if Martinelli runs

    Posted on June 13, 2016 in Panama

     Post Views: 74

    THE EXTRADITION order and accompanying arrest warrant for former president Ricardo Martinelli can be sent to”any nation on earth”  if he skips out of the United States where he has been for over a year.


    The statement came from Foreign Ministry Directot of  Legal Affairs Farah Urrutia


    “It’s a possibility [that Ricardo Martinelli  will leave the US while we are preparing the order but it can follow him  him wherever he is . That’s not difficult,” she  told TVN News.


    Urrutia confirmed that the extradition request is  in the hands of the Foreign Ministry, after including an arrest warrant.


    Last week, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed the US government that it will be submitting a formal request for extradition and arrest of the ex-president, who is  residing in a beachfront condo in Brickell, Miami, Florida.


    Martinelli is required by the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), that on 21 December last year ordered his arrest, to appear to answer to  the unauthorized interception of communications from the National Security Council during his government (2009-2014).


    On Friday, May 10  during a Copa America football match in Chicago, Martinelli told reporters that he considered his extradition request was “pure bullshit” because in his opinion the cases against him  “are all political , without substance.” He said he was “happy and content” reports  La Prensa.


    Martinelli left Panama on January 28, 2015 and  has since not returned to the country. The prosecutor in the wiretap case is calling for a 21-year jail term. And Martinell faces at least five other cases linking him to corruption and embezzlement.


  2. Quote

    Home » News » Panama » FLU death toll rises to 18: situation “normal”

    FLU death toll rises to 18: situation “normal”

    Posted on June 13, 2016 in Panama

     Post Views: 50

    THE DEATH TOLL  from the influenza outbreak climbed to 18 on Monday June 13, with two deaths recorded in Colon but the number of affected patients is described as “normal.”


    West Panama, , David, Santiago, San Miguelito and Freshwater, are some of the areas where deaths have occurred.


    At a Presidency press conference, Nestor Sosa, director general of the Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies , reported that of the 18 deaths, 15 were from people who had risk factors.


    By the time of the conference  607 patients had been hospitalized with  Severe Acute Respiratory Infection, 220 of whom  have already been discharged. 35% of the cases were related to A H1N1 flu.


    Sosa said that the health authorities have not declared a health epidemic because the number of patients so far  is ‘normal’.


    “The unusual factor is the number of people requiring hospitalization,” Sosa said.


    However the alert continues because of the unusual increase in the number of people affected.


    Since mid-April, 800,000 people have been vaccinated against influenza. It is expected that in the coming days, 1,180,000 vaccines arrive in the country to be applied to the entire population.


    Health authorities reported that so far no recommendations have been  made to suspend the opening ceremony of the third set of locks of the Panama Canal, on  June 26 . However, they requested sick people refrain from attending the event, to prevent further infections. Over 21,000 tickets have been distributed  to the public and special guests including many heads of state, and celebrities.


    Authorities  also ruled out the closure of borders because of the virus


    Meanwhile scores of thousands of students returned to school on Monday, but teachers at one school in Chorrera voted to send the children home.


    Meanwhile Itza Barahona de Mosca, MoH  National Director of Health emphasized that it  “is not charging for injections, nor for the vaccine card.”


  3. Quote

    OPINION: Canal expansion and brain drain

    Posted on June 12, 2016 in Media Watch

    The first mega vessel to test the new locks
    Post Views: 31

    Hoyporhoy, La Prensa, June 12

    ONE OF THE most important civil engineering works in the world will be unveiled in two weeks, which will raise   the isthmus to a higher level in trade and global logistics. 

    It is precisely now that scientists, researchers and Panamanian entrepreneurs should make known to the world their ability and ingenuity.

    However, this possibility is becoming more distant. For example, the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation sees severe cuts to its funds , bringing the total national investment in innovation and development to only 0.2% of the country’s  Gross Domestic Product.. In contrast, Costa Rica invests 0.48% United States 2.79% and Asian Tigers to 3.5% of their national income to create and innovate.

    Undoubtedly, this unfortunate situation will have serious consequences for the sustainable development of our society, without the leakage of the brightest minds in search of better opportunities who decide to migrate to other countries.

    It would be unforgivable to forget that a country that allows the flight of top talent is doomed to underdevelopment.


  4. Quote

    13th flu death prompts no kissing alert

    Posted on June 12, 2016 in Panama

    Clinics across the country are open extra hours
    Post Views: 55

    GREETING KISSES and handshakes should be avoided during the current flu  outbreak  say Panama health authorities after the announcement of the 13th death from the A H1N1 virus  on  Sunday, June 12.

    The patient had been  hospitalized for five days in the Hospital Rafael Hernandez in David, Chiriqui. Reinel Camargo, medical director of the hospital said the patient had a compromised disease and came with a “serious respiratory problem.”

    Before the weekend the Ministry of Health (MoH)  had reported 12 deaths and 547 hospitalized for influenza.

    On Sunday the first case of influenza in Bocas del Toro was reported and in common with the rest of the country all government clinics are extending hurs and offering free vaccinations.

    Meanwhile the MoH recommends

    – Avoid unnecessary contact, such as kissing and greeting handshakes.

    – frequent hand washing  with soap and water.

    – Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing (use tissue or your elbow).

    – If respiratory symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, runny nose, fever, difficulty breathing, occur you need to go to the health center or nearest polyclinic.

    – Don’t self-medicate.

    – Avoid places with high concentration of people if you are sick.


  5. Quote

    Heavy police presence at 5-year-old’s funeral

    Posted on June 12, 2016 in Panama

    A young relative says goodbye
    Post Views: 27

    UNDER HEAVY  police security, family, friends and acquaintances attended the funeral  of five year old Maricel Castillo Martinez on Saturday June 11.

    She was the latest victim of  increasing Chiriqui gang warfare.

    Motorized lynxes, (armed motor-cycle cops armed with automatic rifles) police on foot and even covert investigative units, were on hand for the service in the packed Lomas Adventist Church and for the funeral that followed in the Las Lomas cemetery.

    Maricel was killed  inside a car in David, Chiriqui  on Thursday, June 9 when allegedly members of the band Los Carne Frita, tried to kill her father  Javier Martinez Caballero  recently released from prison.

    He was wounded and hospitalized, but his daughter died in a hail of bullets, fired from another vehicle. His wife, who was later visited by President Juan Carlos Varela, was uninjured.

    Chiriqui has been the scene of multiple killings and rising violent  crime rates including home invasions with retirees as victims  during the  last year.

    Varela at a press conference held the day  after the death of the young girl, promised increased police support for the region.


  6. Quote

    5-year-old killed in gang battle crossfire

    Posted on June 10, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 66

    A FIVE-YEAR-OLD  girl died Thursday June 9  after being  shot  in the head when caught in the crossfire between  two vehicles during   what was believed an attempted gangland revenge killing.

    The incident took place in the afternoon in the city of David, in Chiriqui province, near the Balbuena gas-station on the Trans-America highway.

    Also shot and wounded was a relative of the child, who was on board one of the vehicles involved in the exchange of gunfire. He was presumed to be the target and  was identified as Alberto Martinez Austin, who  was transferred to the  Rafael Hernandez Social Security  Hospital in David  where he was hospitalized.

    Police sources said Martinez had just got out of jail, where he had been serving time for racketeering. The gangs which were involved have been identified as The Frog, and Kill The Frog, which operate in the slums of David.

    The girl was taken to a private clinic in the area, where doctors certified her death.

    Police are engaged in a widespread search for the killer. On Friday, June 10,   President Juan Carlos Varela visited the girl’s mother.

    At a press conference in David  he said that, an extra 150 police would be drafted in from Panama to assist the operation.


  7. Quote

    Flu kills 12, hospitalizes 547

    Posted on June 10, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 55

    ANOTHER  62 patients  were  admitted to Panama hospitals and two mor died  in the 24 hours before a Ministry of Health (MoH) press conference on Friday, June 10. Three of the new cases are  in intensive care.

    This brings to  547 the number of people hospitalized: 213 in MoH facilities   314 in the Social Security Fund (CSS), and the rest in private medical centers. Of these, 57 remain in intensive care.

    The death toll also rose to 12 (seven women and five men), said Lourdes Garcia, director of Epidemiology MoH.

    The two new deaths are men, one living in the metropolitan area and one in Panama West, where there was no previous record of deaths. That brings the total of deaths since Monday to 7.

    Garcia said that 50% are people 60 years or older and all had some risk factor. The other half were between 23 and 82 years and not had these factors.

    The deceased came from Cocle (1), Colon (1), Panama Oeste (1), metropolitan region (5) and San Miguelito (4).

    Itza Barahona de Mosca, Director General of Health, said that the country is facing an “unusual” situation in the behavior of Influenza, an acute viral inflammatory infectious disease that can be caused by influenza virus A, B or C. However, he stressed that due to the rainy season circulate other respiratory viruses are circulating.

    Signs and symptoms of influenza include fever, headache, muscle aches, cough and runny. The duration is between three and seven days.

    She  called on the population to remain calm and to take into account the preventive measures that have been spreading.

    Vaccines are available for free at all Social Security and MoH health facilities. Private clinics charge from $130-$50

    She said  that no wanted to deny the vaccine to anyone, however, the priority is to the  vulnerable (under five years, over 60, pregnant  people those  with chronic diseases and health workers.

    The conference also reiterated that classes will resume on Monday  June13 next, after the  school break, despite the influenza  health alert.

    The Ministry of Education has informed  parents that they will be called immediately if students in the classroom have symptoms, to take their child or children home.


  8. Quote

    10 dead, 310 hospitalized in flu outbreak

    Posted on June 9, 2016 in Panama

    The Ebola referral center re-opened as beds become short
    Post Views: 68

    Health clinics are working extra hours to provide free flu vaccinations

    AT LAST COUNT  over 310 people  have been hospitalized with influenza in the last 24 hours and five   more have died from A(H1N1), bringing the number of deaths to  10  says a Ministry of Health (MoH) report.

    The pressure on available bed has forced the Ministry to utilize a facility built for cases of Ebola in the December 24 Township

    One of the deaths caused by A (H1N1) is a one year old child from, Nata, Cocle.

    The Cocle  regional MoH director, Ana Maria Martin, said that the girl arrived at the Regional Hospital Rafael Estevez in Aguadulce  and was later moved to Panama City, but died on the way.

    The other death from the disease is a 78 year-old male.

    Health Minister, Francisco Javier Terrientes, confirmed that throughout the country there are 310 people hospitalized because of influenza.

    Of that total, 176 are in MoH facilities and 134 in the Social Security Fund (CSS).

    A total of 35 people are in intensive care (21 in the MoH and 14 in CSS).

    Terrientes said that despite the increase in cases, the Ministry still cannot say that it is facing an epidemic.

    He said  that the Cabinet approved a health alert became  official for the whole country.

    The decree authorizes  the MoH to seek the support of all government agencies in promotion and disease prevention and exempted from some requirements to make purchases required to address the health situation.

    Minister said the World Health Organization will deliver 500,000 doses of influenza vaccine, but local purchases  have been made in the private sector.

    Terrientes said that although thy don’t want to deny the  vaccine to  anyone, they  are giving priority to children under 5 years of age, those over 60 years of age, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases and health workers.

    Following the epidemiological alert for cases caused by the virus A (H1N1), health authorities took the decision to reactivate the Referral Center for Infectious Diseases, located on the fourth floor of the hospital Irma de Lourdes Tzanetatos, in  December 24, east of the capital city.

    The Referral Center for Infectious Diseases was created at a cost of $1.2 million dollars during  the ebola global emergency to handle potential  cases of ebola.


  9. With the exception of the original post that started this topic, everything else is unsettling at best.

    Re Judy's incident, color me naïve or ignorant (perhaps both), but what good would a passport be for a robber? Is there an aftermarket for passports?

    I am especially saddened at the loss of a child. Any killing is bad, but an innocent child?!

    More naïveté on my part: Are gangs that much of an issue in Panama? In Chiriqui? In Boquete? It would appear so from this topic: 170 police raiding 20 sites for gangs, guns, and more? All in the David area. And 250 gang members arrested so far this year. Where have I been? Obviously not reading the news.

  10. Quote

    Line up for flu shots as 197 hospitalized

    Posted on June 6, 2016 in Panama

     Post Views: 50

    THE NUMBER  of people hospitalized with the AH1N1  flu virus  jumped to 197   on  Monday. June 6 said Panama’s Ministry of Health (MoH).


    The patients are in Ministry of Health, Social Security and private hospitals said Health Minister Francisco Javier


    Government health clinics have extended operating hours to provide free vaccinations to those most at risk, young children, those over 60 and people with chronic health conditions. Terrientes said that one million doses were distributed throughout the country.


    Long line ups have were recorded at Health  Centers throughout the day.


    Another 500,000 vaccines should arrive in the next two weeks when vaccinations will become more widely available.


    Health authorities have called on the population to help  contain the spread  of ithe virus , such as washing hands, covering the mouth when sneezing or coughing, seeking  medical attention if there are signs of a  cold and trouble with  breathing,  and staying  away from crowds.


  11. Quote

    117 hospitalized in flu epedemic, 5 deaths

    Posted on June 5, 2016 in Panama

    A 63-years old woman was the latest victim of the flu epidemic at this hospital
     Post Views: 34

    THE MNISTRY of HEALTH (MoH) has invested $3.5 million in  vaccines for the most vulnerable  as the  A H1N1 flu epidemic continues to spread.


    By Saturday, June 4, the   death toll had climbed to five and 117 people were hospitalized, 22 of them in intensive care.


    Those  most at risk  are  children under 5, People older than 60  or those who have a chronic disease that can worsen the flu.


    These people can you go to a health center for free MoH vaccine.


    Health Minister Francisco Javier Terrientes reports the acquisition of half a million additional flu shots is  pending with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO to  be distributed throughout the country. The new batch of vaccines will be in the country next week.


    2,552 boxes of Tamiflu, antiviral treatment against influenza A H1N1, were distributed in different units of the Social Security Fund (CSS) as a contingency measure to deal with the virus.


    Meanwhile, some hospitals have restricted visiting hours. The National Cancer Institute, has suspended visits before noon and restricted evening hours from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. with only one person per patient.


    The Nicolas Solano hospital in Panama West has restricted, visits to the emergency room and visits to hospitalized patients are limited to 30 minutes.


    Health authorities have called on the population to follow habits to containt of infection, such as washing hands, covering the mouth when sneezing or coughing, seeking   medical attention whwn afflicted with a cold and with trouble breathing, and to stay away from the crowds and go to hospitals if you are sick.


  12. I have taken care of this task myself for many years. Only fill out one form (using all the numbers from the prior year's form), spend a few minutes in line at the bank, and it is done. Best news is no agent fee involved.

    Was not aware the Tasa Unica could be paid at Caja Ahorros. Will keep that in mind in case the lines at BN in Boquete are too long.

  13. Quote

    Department store survives laundering crisis

    Posted on June 4, 2016 in Panama, Panama

    Post Views: 98

    THE JOBS of over 1,000 employees of the 139 year-old Panama department store Felix B. Maduro, have been saved after Waked family  shareholders, accepted the terms and conditions offered in a deal between  the Government   and the US  Treasury Department to  ensure the continuity of the company.

    Following the agreement reached Friday, June 3,  President Juan Carlos Varela  said that the commission to facilitate discussions between the shareholders of Felix B. Maduro and US Treasury Department have managed to make possible the continuity of  operations of the department store and the protection of more than 1,000 jobs. “our goal from day one.”

    The US Bureau of Foreign Assets (OFAC) , had imposed a series of measures to facilitate the termination of the business relationship of Abdul Waked and Wisa Group with Felix B. Maduro, Importadora Maduro Maduro and International (Felix Maduro Group).

    The solution involves the creation of a trust and the transfer to the trust  the properties of the Felix Maduro Group of companies


    OFAC also extended on Friday  an operating license to the newspapers El Siglo and La Estrella de Panama until 6 January 2017.

    The license was due to expire July 6.

    (OFAC, had  identified  Abdul and Nidal Waked as the ringleaders of The Waked Money Laundering Organization, on suspicion of money laundering and drug trafficking.

    On Friday the US ambassador in Panama, John Feeley, reported that Mawa Enterprises Corp., a company with operations in the Colon Free Zone, had been  removed  from the Clinton List Mawa Enterprises Corp. and 67 other companies, as well as seven Waked were included on the list.

    Feeley said: “They have totally and legally separated links they had with the  Waked, family, therefore, US officials acknowledge that they have no problem in having access to financial banking system of the United States,”.


  14. Quote

    Move to protect Panama financial system

    Posted on June 4, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 69

    WHILE THE TREASURER of Balboa Securities sits behind bars in Colombia awaiting extradition to the United States Panama’s  Superintendency of Securities has extended its intervention for an additional 30 days to protect the country’s financial system.

    The move will give intervenor Rosaura González Marcos until July 4 to continue the assessment of the firm.

    The intervention was ordered May 5, the same day the US Treasury Department announced the inclusion of the securities firm on the Clinton lLst for activities related to money laundering and drug trafficking. The decision was part of the investigation into the Waked Money Laundering Organization.


    The treasurer of the firm,  Nidal Waked, was identified by the Department of the Treasury as one of the ringleaders the money laundering operation, along with his uncle Abdul Waked.

    If convicted, Nidal Waked, 44,  could be facing  a lengthy  prison term. A Florida prosecutor is calling for a  50 years sentence.

    The extension was granted at the request of González Marcos, who said it was needed “to protect the stability of the market and the financial system itself.”


  15. Quote

    Cabinet defines Waked strategy

    Posted on June 4, 2016 in Panama

    President Varela meets with Waked commission
    Post Views: 44

    THE FUNCTIONS of Panama’s  ministerial commission formed nearly a month ago to address the actions taken by the U.S. government against the Waked Group, were defined by at a special meeting of  the Cabinet Council on Friday, June 3.

    The meeting came shortly after the news of a successful agreement with the US Treasury Department, the first of its kind ever negotiated, that will  enable the Felix B. Maduro department stores to keep operating and save the jobs of over 1,000 employees.

    Meanwhile an announcement was issued about a-ix months extension of the license of La Estrella De Panama and El Siglo newspapers while negotiations are underway for the possible acquisition of the papers by a non-US company.

    One company that has severed all links with the Waked Group has been removed from the Clinton List and the  commission may be able to negotiate more

    The U.S. government placed 68 companies linked to the Waked Family conglomerate on the Clinton list for activities related to money laundering and drug trafficking and the action has led to the government take-over  of the Riviera chain in Colombia.

    Members of the commission are Economy and Finance Minister Dulcidio De La Guardia, Luis Ernesto Carles and Augusto Arosemena. The three must analyze the cases and submit periodic reports to President Juan Carlos Varela on possible actions to take to deal with the impact of the actions on the economic system.

    “For these purposes, the ministerial committee may fix consultations with economic agents and professional associations, as well as conducting the necessary studies, according to the public procurement regulations in force, in order to make the best decisions,” said a statement from the Secretariat of State Communication.

    De La Guardia, as chairman of the committee, was authorized to sign agreements with US authorities with the approval of the other members of the commission.


  16. Disclaimer: I am NOT a lawyer and am not giving legal advice here.

    It is my understanding and experience that anyone is free to petition the government.

    The sensitivity comes when the public action (such as posting political signs in one's yard, etc.) is political in nature, in which one is attempting to influence elections or governmental processes (as opposed to actions) within Panama. We have lots of experience with locals and expats signing petitions about some of our hobby activities. There are literally hundreds of expats who have signed various petitions without difficulty.

  17. Quote

    US Ambassador holds out hope for Felix Maduro

    Posted on June 3, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 45

    ONCE THE CHAINS linking Panama’s 139 years old Felix B Maduro department store  to Abdul Waked are broken, it may be able  leave the Clinton List of activities linked to money laundering and drug trafficking.

    That’s the hope of John Feeley US ambassador to  Panama,expressed  Friday, June 3 in an interview with radio station La Exitosa.

    “There is a transparent process that those involved in the list may take action to rectify the situation,” On Wednesday, the United States Department of the Treasury, through its Bureau of Foreign Assets (OFAC), endorsed a series of actions that will allow Felix B. Maduro to “break the ownership and control links” with Waked said Feeley

    “It’s the first time in the history of the OFAC we have established and accepted a Trust to make the transfer,” said the ambassador.

    “As the minister [Dulcidio De La Guardia] aid, the decision is in the hands of Mr. Abdul Waked. I wish him to take actions so  their employees or former employees can  continue working in the  future with dignity in Panama,” he said.

    He was also satisfied because Mawa Enterprises Corp., a company with operations in the Colon Free Zone (CFZ), was withdrawn from the Clinton List on Friay , “because they have removed the links they had with the group Waked and th  , United States acknowledges that they have no problem to access the US financial banking system. ”

    Feeley also lamented the “uncertainty” that  Waked workers are currently enduring.

    “There are  always employees who pay the piper of heads. I cannot tell you how many times I have spoken with President [Juan Carlos Varela], with ministers who are on the committee, to try to find the formula to protect most of theworkers. I’m not going to cover the sun with my finger and say it will be possible to preserve all jobs, “he said.

    Feeley  stressed that the actions undertaken by OFAC are not the product of a “whim”.

    “We do not take these actions because we are imperialist gringos with fangs in a distant country. We take those actions simply to protect our families in the United States, who do not want their banking system exposed to money from drug money laundering”.


  18. Quote

    Fourth Flu virus death, 35 hospitalized

    Posted on June 3, 2016 in Alerts, Panama

    Post Views: 47

    A ‘SITUATION ROOM’  has been set up at the  Social Security Fund (CSS facility in Clayton, following another two deaths from  influenza A (H1N1), bringing the total so far to four ,with 35 people hospitalized.

    The Ministry of Health (MoH) epidemiology department disclosed the deaths of a woman of 59 years and a man 36, in the intensive care unit of the Arnulfo Arias Madrid Hospital Complex Dr. Rudick Kant, head of Epidemiology, said that the male patient lived in José Domingo Espinar, while the woman  living in Juan Diaz, had other hematologic complications.

    Health clinics are extending hours to provide vaccinations.

    Signs and symptoms caused by influenza include fever, cough, sore throat and runny nose. In children  it can cause otitis media, nausea and vomiting. The duration is approximately 3 to 7 days.

    Complications from influenza virus most common are: pneumonia, bronchopneumonia or bronchiolitis, sinusitis, otitis media.


  19. Quote

    Electronic Invoicing in Panama

    A contract has been awarded for the design and implementation of an electronic billing system that automates the process of reporting taxes and tax collection.

    Thursday, June 2, 2016

    Through a direct recruitment process the Directorate General of Revenue (DGI by its initials in Spanish) has selected Centro Interamericano de Administraciones Tributarias (CIAT) to design and implement an electronic billing system for the country.

    Prensa.com reports that "...The contract, published in PanamáCompra, is valued at 2.2 million dollars and seeks to "strengthen controls and fiscal intelligence aimed at reducing levels of non-compliance, tax evasion and fraud," according to a document signed by Publio Cortés, Director General of Revenue. "

    Regarding the future of fiscal printers implemented during the Martinelli administration, Cortes told Prensa.com that "... 'In other countries where the experiences of implementing electronic invoicing have been successful, fiscal equipment coexists with electronic invoicing, especially in those segments where controls on billing are more efficient through use of this equipment, such as sales to end consumers. Other countries have implemented a process of progressive replacement of equipment with electronic tax invoices. In the case of Panama, this decision must be evaluated in due course in order to determine what would be best according to the characteristics of the Panamanian market. ' "

    Source: Prensa.com


  20. Quote

    Felix B. Maduro Companies Can Be Sold

    In order help keep the chain stores operating, the Office of Foreign Assets Control has authorized the breakdown of links to the ownership and control of Wisa Group.

    Thursday, June 2, 2016

    The aim of these measures is to "protect the workforce", at Felix B. Maduro, Importadora Maduro, S.A. and Maduro International, S.A. Grupo Wisa, which can now start a process to disassociate themselves from Wisa, Abdul Waked and Mohamed Abdo Wake

    A statement from the OFAC says: "Based on consultations with and the actions taken by the government of Panama, the OFAC understands that the government of Panama is working on breaking the bonds of ownership and control that the SDNT has with the Felix Maduro Group in an effort to protect the financial systems of Panama and the United States from abuse. We support these efforts to deny resources to SDNT and protect the international financial system. "

    The OFAC understands that non-US persons, including Panamanians and other institutions in the region, may have to engage in transactions necessary to facilitate the removal of the ownership and control of the SDNT from the aforementioned entities. :

    • Felix B. Maduro S.A., Panama; RUC # 811226-1-498041 (Panama); alt. RUC # 78-273-13798 (Panama) [SDNTK]
    • Importadora Maduro, S.A., Panama; RUC # 558-472-101708 (Panama) [SDNTK]
    • International Maduro, S.A., Panama; RUC # 5651-184-69069 (Panama) [SDNTK]

    Read full release.


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