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  1. Bertie M. Allen V. Consultor Cel: +507 65699480 US line: +305 8970944 Skype: Bertie.Allen Instagram/Twitter: @bmallen26 Email: Leortison@gmail.com
  2. Jim Seltzer's pets were left homeless after his death, including JJ, a well-behaved neutered male Yellow Lab. Believing we could provide a good home we took him in, but we now realize that we cannot meet his needs properly. Our property is not fenced, so we can't leave him outside unsupervised, and the two daily walks we think he needs exceed our mobility-impaired capacities. He is a delightful creature, well-trained and gentle. Jim Bondoux - 6839-9421 or bondoux@pobox.com
  3. Roy can use A negative or O Negative blood today! His physician has also relaxed the age requirement, to donate if you are over age 65. For other requirements to donate, go to http://www.boquetehealth.org/blood-donor-program.html, or boquete.ning under "community" tab. Please call Charlotte Lintz, blood donor coordinator @ 6590-2000 for further information. Charlotte From almost Paradise 6693-5005
  4. A new, fully licensed Assisted Living / Nursing Home is now open for operation in Alto Boquete. Offering full nursing care services. $1,000.00 per month per resident. Personal care items, medications, and incidentals are the patient's responsibility. Day care and short term stays are offered. Contact Lilli at 6678-1278 or Karina at 6345-1159. Both contacts speak English. To view pictures of the new facility, please visit: http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/6376-announcing-a-new-assisted-living-nursing-home-in-boquete/
  5. Charlotte From almost Paradise 6693-5005
  6. The management of Chiriqui.Life (CL) website is apologizing publicly to Frank Stegmeier regarding our recent announcement of our Chiriqui.Life Stories podcast #12. Frank was the subject of that podcast. We misspelled Frank's last name. Shame on us. Even with all of the triple checking that we do, his last name was incorrectly posted and published. Frank, please forgive us. In the process of correcting this mistake, we had to change all of the website URLs (the hotlinks) that had also been published. Here now is the new, correct hotlink to the Frank Stegmeier podcast: http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/6339-chiriqui-life-stories-12-frank-stegmeier/ Again, in order to listen to this podcast you must be a registered member of CL, and logged on. If you are not a CL member, then please go to our website and click on the "Sign Up" link in the upper right corner of the home page. Marcelyn Jandreau and Bud Huber Owners/Administrators of Chiriqui.Life -- support@chiriqui.life www.chiriqui.life
  7. Are You Interested in a Special Tour of the New Panama Canal and a Shopping Spree at the Duty Free Zone (DFZ) in Colon? The Asociación de Caridad de la Comunidad de Boquete* (ACCB) is scheduling a bus trip to see the new locks at the Panama Canal, and for a shopping spree at the Duty Free Zone (DFZ) at Colon. Not only are purchases at the DFZ duty free (i.e., no customs fees, no taxes), but they are also very low prices for just about anything you can imagine. The Colon DFZ is the largest duty free area in the Western Hemisphere, occupying more than 800 acres and having approximately 2,000 stores. This is a 2-day, 1-night round-trip excursion by chartered bus, departing promptly on Wednesday, July 19th at 7:00AM from Parque Central in Boquete. The bus is modern, well-maintained and well-equipped with two bathrooms, CD sound system, and individual movies, etc. The bus will stop in Santiago on the outbound leg (at Westland Mall in Vista Alegre, near Chorrera on the return leg) for food, drinks, leg stretching, etc. The fee for the round-trip chartered bus (and access to a merchandise van at the DFZ) is $110.00 cash per person, which is discounted for ACCB members to $100.00 cash per person. Meals, tips, lodging, tours, personal purchases, and incidentals are not included in the chartered bus fee. A non-refundable $60.00 per person reservation deposit must be paid by July 7th. The balance in cash is due upon boarding the bus in Boquete. The following estimated costs are with jubilado discounts: (a) admission to the Canal museum is $1.50, (b) Hotel Milan, maximum of two persons per room, is $40.00 with cédula and cash payment. Upon arrival in Panama City, the bus will take the tour group directly to the Panama Canal to view the new Miraflores Canal Observation Overlook and Museum during the late afternoon hours. Upon completion of sightseeing at the new Panama Canal, you will re-board the bus for transfer to Hotel Milan. The hotel has an attached cafeteria/bar. There are several restaurants, shops, and Veneto Casino within walking distance of Hotel Milan. Close by is a station to ride the PC Metro (the new subway). The evening is open for you to explore Panama City, go to a casino, dinner or whatever you want to do. On Thursday morning we will board the same charter bus and depart Hotel Milan at 7:00AM, stopping for breakfast at Nico's Cafe, which is just 30 minutes from the hotel. After breakfast, board the bus for the trip to Colon. Chartered buses are not allowed inside the DFZ, therefore a small merchandise van has been arranged for the tour group while inside the DFZ (cost is included in the tour fee) to drop off smaller purchases and continue shopping. Smaller merchandise will accompany the tour group back to Boquete on the chartered bus; large items (e.g., appliances, televisions, etc.) will require that you arrange for separate transportation to Boquete using commercial freight companies (e.g., Fletes Chevales, etc.). After several hours of shopping in the DFZ, you will then board the chartered bus for the return trip to Boquete. The return trip will include a food and shopping stop at the Westland Mall in Vista Alegre, near Chorrera. Expect to arrive back at Parque Central in Boquete about 9:00PM on Thursday, July 20th. Ask your friends and neighbors to join you on this special 2-day excursion. This chartered bus event is not a fundraiser for ACCB, but rather a not-for-profit community service event. ACCB is distributing this notice to determine how much interest there is in this trip. Minimum tour size is 25 people There is limited space so respond quickly. You will need a copy of your cédula or passport at the time of the deposit. Reservation deposits and final payments are to be in cash only. The DEADLINE for making a reservation is July 7th. Personal identity documentation needed during this trip are your cedula and passport. We understand the DFZ stores accept most major credit cards, and some may accept bank drafts on Panamanian banks. If interested, please email ACCB at accb-dfz@runbox.com indicating your name, email, telephone number, number of people in your party, along with their names (and emails if different). If you have questions please be specific in your email and we will get back to you. ____________________________ *The ACCB is presently completing the filing process for legal status as a Panamanian Association. The goal of ACCB is to provide assistance to first responders and the general community wherever needed.
  8. … until July the 31th ü taxes not included Ana Elena Restrepo | SPA&Wellness Club de Hacienda Los Molinos Tel. (507) 730-8313 / Cel. 6983-8641 www.losmolinoshotel.com CONOCE LO NUEVO DE HACIENDA LOS MOLINOS HOTEL aquí: http://issuu.com/haciendalosmolinoshotel/docs/hlmboutiquehotel.pptx/0
  9. … until July the 31th ü taxes not included Ana Elena Restrepo | SPA&Wellness Club de Hacienda Los Molinos Tel. (507) 730-8313 / Cel. 6983-8641 www.losmolinoshotel.com CONOCE LO NUEVO DE HACIENDA LOS MOLINOS HOTEL aquí: http://issuu.com/haciendalosmolinoshotel/docs/hlmboutiquehotel.pptx/0
  10. Massages by Mimi RELAXING MASSAGE $25.00(50min) (Mon-Wed-Fridays) MASSAGE &REFLEXOLOGY $35.00(55min) 45 MINUTES REFLEXOLOGY $25.00(50min) ONGOING PACKAGES 4 RELAXING MASSAGES $100.00 4 DEEP TISSUE MASSAGES $120.00 (get an 30 minute foot massage) My new location which is bigger and quieter is located at: The Building Next to Danka Pharmacy. Stairs to the left By appointment only Call: Mimi Stewart Web: healwiththemermaid.webs.com 507-6-034-9842
  11. Dear Boquete Neighbors, As we communicated last week, Gabrielle and Patrick Reynolds will be leaving Boquete for an undetermined amount of time. Since both were deeply involved with the play that was about to start rehearsals, we have decided that it unwise to proceed with this production in the near future. Boquete Community Playhouse (BCP) will be presenting another installment of the Boquete Old Timey Radio Hour in the near future, and we will announce the date of this performance shortly. Thank you for your patience and understanding, and be assured we are already planning for our next production!
  12. THE ADOPTION EVENT WILL ALSO INCLUDE A BAKE SALE SO COME ON BY AND GRAB SOME TASTY TREATS! ARF is a small non-profit animal organization dedicated to the rescue, care, foster and adoption of the unwanted and neglected animals in Boquete and the surrounding areas. Please visit our website at http://www.arf-boquete.com/ if you are interested in adopting an animal. You can also help with the financial support of these animals by clicking here http://www.arf-boquete.com/donate.html 100% of our donations go to the animals. Our email address is arf.boquete@gmail.com Please visit and “like” our Facebook page on https://www.facebook.com/ARF-Adopt-Rescue-Foster-Boquete-Panama-260616740779036/ YouTube: Adopt Rescue Foster ARF Boquete Panama Also, please visit our sister site Pets Want Homes if you are interested in adopting an animal on http://www.petswanthomes.com/
  13. Buenos Dias!!! www.keepitsimplepanama.com Keep it simple Panama!!! We provide bilingual solutions to all types of requirements in Chiriquí. From your most basic domestic needs to advice on acquiring such important products as life and health insurance, migratory visa, accounting, etc. For all cases we are here, to be at your right hand and guarantee the expeditious and efficient satisfaction of all your requirements. We are here to help. WHY GO WRONG WHEN YOU CAN GET IT RIGHT! KISP!!! PS -- Keep It Simple Panama will be the speakers at the Tuesday BCP Talks on July 25.
  14. Thirty-seven Panamanian and expat recipes are featured in both Spanish and English and bound in a convenient design that lays flat for easy reading. The cost is $10 each and all proceeds will benefit Buenos Vecinos de Boquete and Fundacion Pro-Integration. The cookbooks are available at Tuesday Market. They can be purchased at the Fabric as Art table or at the Fundacion Por-Integracion table.
  15. JUNE 27th at the BCP MARKET - ONE DAY SALE OF HEALING AND WELLNESS PRODUCTS FROM FINCA FELIZ - EVERYTHING BELOW IS $15 Ashwagandha Tincture - Used in India’s Ayurvedic Medicine for 2500 years, this herb has been used as an anti-inflammatory, relieves stress and fatigue (making it a rejuvenating tonic), and helps with memory loss and related diseases. Western herbalists refer to Ashwaganda as “Indian ginseng”, because it is a powerful adaptogen. New studies show telomere repair for anti-aging and re-growth of hair. Boquete’s “feel good” tonic is organically grown at Finca Feliz. Tumeric/Cucumin Tincture – A powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant supporting the brain (Alzheimer’s), heart (cholesterol), emotions (depression), and protects against and fights cancer. Turkey Tail - Chaga Mushroom Combo Tincture - Used in Traditional Chinese medicine for 2500 years, these two mushrooms provide a powerful combination to stimulate the immune system and Chaga contains the highest amount of antioxidants of any natural product grown on this planet. Moringa Oleifera Tincture - Proclaimed as one of the 8 "super foods" available from a natural source, full of vitamins and minerals, it is grown and consumed around the world to alleviate malnutrition and hunger. All our Moringa is grown organically at Finca Feliz. Reishi Mushroom Tincture - Reishi is an important adaptogenic herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine helping the body maintain balance, treating fatigue, asthma, liver ailments and promotes longevity. Reishi has anti-viral and bacterial properties, and has a beneficial effect when treating cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes. It balances the immune system whether it’s over or under active, as well as blood pressure, cholesterol and energy. NANO Colloidal/Ionic Silver - A powerful natural antibiotic that is an anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial remedy. Used for wounds and infections, it is the only Silver that can be successfully used internally as it survives the passage through the digestive system to attack any "invasion" in the body. ALSO AVAILABLE, LIVE BERRY PLANTS: BLACKBERRY $3 RASPBERRY $4 STRAWBERRY $2 THE MORE YOU BUY THE CHEAPER THEY ARE PRE-ORDER FOR TUESDAY DELIVERY Lynne Van der Kar Lvanderkar@gmail.com 507 6493 6947
  16. The owners/administrators of the Chiriqui.Life (CL) website are very pleased to announce the release of its twelfth podcast in the series that is called "Chiriqui Life Stories". These podcasts are produced by Michael Schwartz. Quoting from the description of the Chiriqui Life Stories category: This podcast features Frank Stegemeier. Frank, who is the owner of the resort El Rio Encantado, which is located in the Caldera area of Chiriqui Province. Frank has had a very colorful and varied life, including being a worker on the production line at Boeing Aircraft in the Pacific Northwest, a police officer, art dealer, ancient antique businessman, environmentalist and conservationist, etc. His passion is pre-Colombian artifacts. Podcasts are premium content on CL, which means that you need to be a registered member of CL and logged in. Membership on CL is free, so if you are not already a member, then register and listen to Bill tell his story. If you are NOT already a registered member of CL, then first access CL at Chiriqui.Life and click on the "Sign Up" icon at the upper right area. Then wait for your registration to be finalized (you will get an email to that effect). If you already are a registered member of CL, then and only then may you access this podcast at: http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/6339-chiriqui-life-stories-frank-stegemeier/ If you would like to tell your story or recommend someone for an interview with the podcast producer, please send an email to Mike Schwartz at mikeseeemail@gmail.com. Marcelyn Jandreau and Bud Huber Owners/Administrators of Chiriqui.Life support@chiriqui.life www.chiriqui.life
  17. In my role as a U.S. warden, I am regularly asked about when the Embassy will return to our area so that someone can renew his or her passport. The following information has been published before, but I'm relating it again. There is no need to go the the Embassy in Panama City or to a local visit by Embassy personnel to renew one's U.S. passport. This can be accomplished by secure DHL courier. It takes two weeks, sometimes less. The DHL outlet in Boquete is Mailboxes, Etc. They also take passport photo. Just bring your passport and a certified check (cheque certificado) for $110 made out to U.S. Embassy Panama, and the staff at Mailboxes will walk you through the rest. Complete, official instructions can be found on the U.S. Embassy Panama at this address: Renewal – adults by mail | U.S. Embassy in Panama Renewal – adults by mail | U.S. Embassy in Panama You may renew your passport by mail or walk in if you meet all of the following requirements: Your most recent U... Bonnie Williams
  18. Thank you!! Donations are coming in! Let's make this the best Venta de Patio in FPI history. Donations can be dropped off at the Tuesday Morning Market. Look for the FPI BOOK TABLE! Drop off at the FPI building in Alto Boquete or contact Judy at judy.hart25@gmail.com or Mike at mikeahart47@gmail.com for pickups. Pick-up needed? judy.hart25@gmail.com or mikeahart47@gmail.com
  19. Bethel Christian Church Welcomes you. Nondenominational. Sunday Service: 10:30 am. (casual dress) The message is in both English and Spanish. Directions: Bethel is located on Volcancito road about two miles north of the main highway. It is not quite to La Estancia, the driveway has a sign on the left side of the road. Hope to see you there!
  20. A friendly, docile Male, neutered cat, 3 1/2 years old, de-clawed is for adoption. Contact Sara Hudson @ stevesarahudson@gmail.com.
  21. 10:30 in the BCP Theater Tuesday, June 27 – Local attorney Martín Santamaria Castillo and staff (Licda. Evelyn De Leon, and licdo. Roderik Telman) will talk to us about immigration. The talk will include the various options for expats to obtain residency in Panama and the penalties for not doing so. There are several new developments in this area and the foreign community needs to understand what they are. The audience may also ask questions about other areas of the law. Tuesday, July 4 – Tom McCormack will tell us all about Panamanian legends, wives tales, myths, and superstitions. This is a very entertaining talk and will teach us all something about this place we call home. Tuesday, July 11 – Our local mad scientist, Mike Petersen presents “THE WONDERFUL, WILD, WACKY, WEIRD WORLD OF QUANTUM THEORY”. Richard Feynman, one of the world's emminent particle physicists, once said that if someone says they understand quantum theory, then they don't understand quantum theory. Well, Mike respectfully disagrees. If you've ever wondered what all the hoopla was about (the double slit experiment, Schroedinger's Cat, quantum entanglement, etc.), then this talk is for you. Mike will explain how the whole thing works, and do so without math. You'll leave this talk more informed about the strange realm of the quantums. Like science? This one's for you. Tuesday, July 18 -- DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS is a common and serious human malady: what it is, what causes it, and it's medication and cognitive therapy treatment from the perspective of a (retired) psychiatrist. Dr. Dean Hoover, a Boquete resident, received his Medical Doctor degree from the University of Miami and then served as a USN Medical Officer for eight years including three years of Psychiatric Residency training. In 1983, he left the Navy and engaged in the practice private of Psychiatry in Annapolis, MD, until retiring in 2012. He and his wife have lived in the Boquete area for over four years. Tuesday, July 25 – Irma Castillo Smith from Keep It Simple Panama (medical advocacy and assistance) will talk about the things you need to know when faced with emergency or elective hospitalization in David. Irma’s service provides bilingual solutions to all types of requirements in Chiriqui. Fom the most basic domestic needs to advice on acquiring important products such as life and health insurance, migratory visas, accounting. Ect. www.keepitsimplepanama.com Aseguradora La Floresta (new insurance company in town) will introduce us to their products including those products for folks over 64. www.seguroslafloresta.com/ Tuesday, August 1 – ARF and other charities Tuesday, August 8 – Chef Juan Linares speaks on Market Cooking in Chiriqui. Learn to use local produce. What to do with plantains, chayotes, papayas, etc.? What are the beef cuts in Panama and how to cook them? Eat fresher, better, and cheaper. There will be tastings. Tuesday, August 15 -- Benefits the V.A. Doesn’t Tell Vets About. Shameful as it is, the V.A. does not tell veterans, or the widows of veterans, about benefits which are much needed, especially as we age! The V.A. website even misleads you about whether you can qualify! J.R. gave a wonderful talk in early June for those with service-connected disabilities. Betsy Barbeau will now provide all veterans and widows of veterans who served during any recognized war with information about a V.A. benefit that is awarded for ailments, infirmities, and/or disabilities that are or are not service-connected! If you are 65 or older, you could qualify. If you are under 65 and on Social Security Disability, you could qualify. For widows there is no age restriction. Come hear about what they are not telling you! Tuesday, August 22 Tuesday, August 29 – Hospice presents “Being Prepared”. Tuesday, September 5 – Magda Crespo, local insurance expert will talk to us be about how to use our medical plans in Panama, and the differences of how insurance is handled in Panama. She will speak on deductibles, co- payments and so on. And she will address the fact that our doctors do give us the "gringo price" and how to avoid it. To suggest a speaker or topic for these meetings please email BCP Tuesday Meeting To become a vendor at the Tuesday market, Facility Manger
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