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  1. If you haven't yet, be sure to tune in on Friday at 10 am for our ExPat oriented radio show. After our one hour show, stay tuned for Mike Webber's Strange Brew music hour. That gives you 2 reasons to..... You can Listen Up! in many ways.... On your radio at 103.3 FM (Radio Chiriqui) On your TV at CableOnda channel 861 On our computer at http://radio.garden/live/david/radio-chiriqui-103-3 If you miss this show, or want to revisit any of our past shows, go to www.listenupboquete.com and click on the Past Date Shows link at the top of the Home page. Thanks for all your support of Panama Red Rum and our show. AND, next time you're eating on the terrace at Big Daddy's Grill, check out our new display case on the corner of the bar! Thanks Chris...
  2. The owners/administrators of the Chiriqui.Life (CL) website are very pleased to announce the release of another audio podcast in the series that is called "Chiriqui.Life Podcasts". These podcasts are produced by Marcelyn Jandreau and Bud Huber, and basically are conversations with the "movers and shakers" in the Chiriqui highlands area. (Note: "Chiriqui.Life Podcasts" is a different series from the "Chiriqui.Life Stories" audio podcasts that are produced by Michael Schwartz and also published on CL.) The subject of this podcast is the PanaBandas project. PanaBandas is the brainchild of Michael Jason Stone ("Stone"), and is to be an annual, national-level band competition held in the Boquete area. The central idea behind PanaBandas is twofold: (a) to motivate Panama's youth to be involved in music, and thus move away from drugs, gangs, and similar lifestyle options, and (b) to expose Panama's young musical talent to an international audience via a first prize of a recording studio session. This first PanaBandas competition is to be held at the Boquete Fair Grounds on December 15-17, 2017. Podcasts are premium content on CL, which means that you need to be a registered member of CL and logged in. Membership on CL is free, so if you are not already a member, then register and listen to the PanaBandas story as told by Stone and Nan. If you are NOT already a registered member of CL, then first access CL at Chiriqui.Life and click on the "Sign Up" icon at the upper right area. Then wait for your registration to be finalized (you will get an email to that effect). If you already are a registered member of CL, then and only then may you access this podcast at http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/6897-chiriquilife-podcast-13-an-interview-with-the-management-of-the-panabandas-project/ Marcelyn Jandreau and Bud Huber Owners/Administrators of Chiriqui.Life support@chiriqui.life www.chiriqui.life
  3. https://youtu.be/ybLfZQi1lJk
  4. The owners/administrators of the Chiriqui.Life (CL) website are very pleased to announce the release of another audio podcast in the series that is called "Chiriqui.Life Podcasts". However, this podcast is unique. These podcasts are produced by Marcelyn Jandreau and Bud Huber, and basically are conversations with the "movers and shakers" in the Chiriqui highlands area. (Note: "Chiriqui.Life Podcasts" is a different series from the "Chiriqui.Life Stories" audio podcasts that are produced by Michael Schwartz and also published on CL.) The subject of this podcast is Elba Maria De Las Mercedes Landau del Cid, with the short version of her name being Elba Landau. She is known to family and friends simply as Elba, and she is joined in this English language podcast with her long time friend, Maria Boyd, in case of language issues. There is a bit of coincidence in how this podcast got scheduled, and some differences in how it is being published from the typical CL audio podcast. Price Peterson, a very long time resident of this area, was recently the recipient of an award that was presented at the Biblioteca de Boquete. In a conversation with Price shortly after that ceremony, I (Bud) had an interesting dialogue about the comments made by Carlos Enrique Landau; Price's response was that the Landau family is quite large and contributed significantly to Boquete during the early 1900s. Price then suggested that we interview Elba Landau (a cousin of Carlos Enrique Landau) because she is very knowledgeable about the history of Boquete. And so we set out to interview her. Elba lives in Bajo Boquete. Marcelyn and I would check for her presence at her home as we were running errands in town. We finally connected, and she graciously accepted our invitation to participate in a podcast recording session. Among other achievements in her life, she taught piano and that included living for a period of time in the US, and that was when and where she learned the English language, however, she a bit shy about admitting to such bilingual skills. To help Elba feel more comfortable about the language issue, we included one of our neighbors, Maria Boyd, who has known Elba for many years; they consider each other to be good friends. Thus this podcast came to be scheduled. Given the length of the recording session (not planned, but it just happened that way), we have decided to break Elba's podcast into segments based on the time period involved or events discussed. This podcast with Elba and Maria is the first segment. This podcast consists of Elba's recollections about Bocas del Toro and the Boquete areas of more than 110 years ago. Her grandfather arrived in the Bocas del Toro area from Germany in the early 1900s, and then her grandfather and father (aged twelve at the time) moved from the Bocas del Toro area to Boquete in 1915. Elba is a long time resident of Boquete, having been born in the family residence in Jaramillo Arriba. She has never married, but has a large extended family and many friends, has traveled quite a bit, and is passionate about certain issues, especially the environment. Again, note that the content in this podcast consists of Elba's recollections; there may be historical inaccuracies. But regardless, it is still interesting information. Podcasts are premium content on CL, which means that you need to be a registered member of CL and logged in. Membership on CL is free, so if you are not already a member, then register and listen to Elba share her recollections. If you are NOT already a registered member of CL, then first access CL at Chiriqui.Life and click on the "Sign Up" icon at the upper right area. Then wait for your registration to be finalized (you will get an email to that effect). If you already are a registered member of CL, then and only then may you access this podcast at: http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/6885-chiriquilife-podcast-12-an-interview-with-elba-landau-and-her-recollections-of-the-early-history-of-boquete/ Marcelyn Jandreau and Bud Huber Owners/Administrators of Chiriqui.Life -- support@chiriqui.life www.chiriqui.life
  5. Www.HolisticPanama.Com It is a Pleasure to be in Service to the Boquete Community ! Holistic Panama Services Natural Medicine and Holistic Health on a High Level Coming out of Deep Training , Thorough Knowledge , and Functional Principles that Absolutely Work when Applied ... Is your Health Condition still a Mystery to you ? Its not a Mystery Anymore .. The Body Needs Certain Basic Natural Requirements to Function Well , and any Deficiencies in these Necessary Requirements Will Begin Over Time a Disease Process .. At the Same Time There are Many "Interferences" to Healthy Functioning that your Body is Challenged with in this Modern World .. What are your Deficiencies ? ... What Kind of Interferences do You Yourself Have.... ? Do you Want to Find Out ? We do Comprehensive Holistic Health Examinations to Get to the Real 'Root' of your Health & Wellness Issues .. Then We Guide, Direct, and Assist Your Recovery Process ... Health is Real Work and an Amazing Journey.. Make Sure You are Moving with it ! ~ Holistic Panama ~ Holistic Health Evaluations Natural Medicine Homeopathy Vibrational Healing BioResonance Natural Detoxification Programs Vega Testing Ayurveda Education & Training Programs And More ... As Always , We are Really Happy to Provide the Local Community With Holistic & "Solution" Based Medicine that Is Truly Functional and Completely Natural Please Check out our Website and Get in Touch if you have any Further Questions or Just Want to Make Connection ~ Many Blessings In Health & Spirit ~ Www.HolisticPanama.Com 6377 9291 WhatsApp 6377 9291 And you Can Sign Our Email List for Discounted Savings on Sessions ! Much Love Boquete ! ~ See ya Soon ~
  6. Tomorrow on display at BCP Farmer's Market is a "GIANT FOUR LEAF CLOVER." At three inches in circumferrance, preserved in glass, Master Herbalist Frank Gruber discovered it in the mountains of Boquete. He is now farming them. Its green in the shade but turns to a "Radiant Golden Color" when exposed to the rays of the sun. See it on Frank´s stand where he is selling his Jungle Oil and Wrinkle Cream. This first preserved GIANT 4 LEAF CLOVER is not on sale but you can get on time on the Christmas Gift order buying list... 50 dollars each. iDEAL FOR COLLECTORS. Makes for a unique Christmas Gift or Souvenir from PANAMA WITH LOVE! Observe with the magnifying glass the CROSS where the 4 Leafs meet. Only God knows why he placed it in the center of the 4 leaf clover. Why the belief that they bring luck has persisted for thousands of years remains a mystery. Its like Aloe Vera. If it did not work over the centuries people would stop using it. I recognize there is something better than the lucky 4 leaf clover. "Earn God's Blessing!" Still its beautiful. Come see it! "HASTA MAÑANA, " Frank
  7. Elected to two year terms on the BCP board were: Phil Bennett, President Penny Barrett, Vice President Dottie Davis, Member at Large
  8. DON'T MISS IT Directed by Sheila Strunck and Starring Your Friends and Neighbors
  9. Any experience level for this workshop. Note the time change, this starts at noon so you will have enough time to finish. Space is limited material provided. All participants will be painting the same subject. Lynn will guide you step by step. Boquete Artworks Follow us on our web site BoqueteArtworks.com to catch the latest news from us!
  10. Healthcare costs significantly less in Panama (Boquete definitely included) and Panama than in the US. Why? This article explains how much lower the prices are, and explains why they’re so much lower: http://www.newsmax.com/t/finance/article/804561/465 Chuck Bolotin Vice President, Business Development The Site That Potential Expats Trust BestPlacesInTheWorldToRetire.com Chuck.Bolotin@BestPlacesInTheWorldToRetire.com Cell: U.S. (520) 940-0481 Skype: Chuck.Bolotin Download the free eBook: Panama- 62 Things You Need to Know. Download the free research studies: Expats: Expectations & Reality, Is It Cheaper to Live Abroad? and Expat Report: How is Healthcare Abroad? Visit us on Facebook, Youtube, and Pinterest To see articles written by our about us in NextAvenue, TheStreet, Yahoo, MarketWatch, Forbes, Newsmax, MSN, LifePart2, Sixty&Me, Daily Finance, etc., visit press.
  11. Please come for Wine and Appetizers TOMORROW, Sunday Aug 13 from 12-4:30 at Morton’s Bakehouse, Plaza San Francisco, Alto Boquete. Meet Bernie and Maria Allen, new proprietors of the Bakehouse. Enjoy Expo and Final Sale of Barbara Rabkin’s Art - all at 40% off! Prices from $10 and up. www.mortonsbakehouse.com facebook Barbara Rabkin Design
  12. 10:30 in the BCP Theater Tuesday, August 15 -- Benefits the V.A. Doesn’t Tell Vets About. Shameful as it is, the V.A. does not tell veterans, or the widows of veterans, about benefits which are much needed, especially as we age! The V.A. website even misleads you about whether you can qualify! J.R. gave a wonderful talk in early June for those with service-connected disabilities. Betsy Barbeau will now provide all veterans and widows of veterans who served during any recognized war with information about a V.A. benefit that is awarded for ailments, infirmities, and/or disabilities that are or are not service-connected! If you are 65 or older, you could qualify. If you are under 65 and on Social Security Disability, you could qualify. For widows there is no age restriction. Come hear about what they are not telling you! Tuesday, August 22 – Open Forum and Newcomers Meeting. Come with your questions, complaints and discussion topics. This is an open meeting where you can discuss anything you want or ask any questions you want. We will have a few “old timers” on stage who can give you some advice about navigating all topics/problems about living in Panama. The panel includes Jere McCormick (newcomers socials), Bonnie Williams (U.S. warden for Boquete, and Penny Barrett (the Newslady). Want to know how to navigate a governmental bureaucracy maze or where to buy a certain item? Want to know how other folks overcame problems in getting their residency visa? This is the place to find the answers and suggestions. You’re still a newcomer until you’ve lived her 5 years or more. Tuesday, August 29 – Hospice presents “Being Prepared”. What do you want people to do with your stuff? Does anyone know how to reach your family back home? How would a friend or family access money to pay for you to be admitted to an emergency room, pay for an ambulance ride or worse yet, pay the morgue? Come to the Being Prepared presentation and start thinking about what you need to get your plans in order. It really does make life easier to have a plan. Tuesday, September 5 – Magda Crespo, local insurance expert will talk to us be about how to use our medical plans in Panama, and the differences of how insurance is handled in Panama. She will speak on deductibles, co- payments and so on. And she will address the fact that our doctors do give us the "gringo price" and how to avoid it. FREE ADMISSION Tuesday, September 12 – Dr. Maria Ruiz will speak on the history of coffee in Boquete in general and the history of the Ruiz family in particular. Cafe Ruiz is one of the largest producers of coffee in Panama. Maria will explain how coffee production started in Boquete, what's the picture for coffee right now and what she projects for the future. Dr. Maria Ruiz has more than 30 years of experience working in the Panamanian coffee industry, including growing, green processing, roasting, tasting, and product development. She has participated in many activities at a national level as a representative of the private sector. She has also represented Panama in international forums such as the Specialty Coffee Association of America, Specialty Coffee Association of Japan, and the Specialty Coffee Association of Europe. Currently she is the CEO of special projects with Casa Ruiz, S.A., in Boquete, Panama. Tuesday, Sept 19 – Oct 3 – Vacation for Tuesday Talks Tuesday, October 10 – Dr. Jennifer Daniels will speak on home remedies that work and potions you can mix at home to maintain your independence and why you should want to. Dr Daniels is a long-time resident of Panama and was trained in the US as a Board Certified Family Medicine Physician. During her 10 years of medical practice she quickly realized people would be better off staying home than submitting to medical intervention. Dr Daniels then applied herself to developing home remedies that are safer and more effective than the drugs she had been trained to recommend in medical school. Dr Daniels will share many of these healing potions during this presentation. Tuesday, October 17 – William Oates is a Boquete resident and an amateur sommelier (“a trained and knowledgeable wine enthusiast and connoisseur”). As a retired physician he is interested in the healthful benefits of moderate wine consumption. He will talk to us about what wines are available in Panama at a good value. The presentation may include a blind taste test by audience members. Tuesday, October 24 Tuesday, December 5 – Boquete Medical Associates Tuesday, November 14 – John Wolff, organizer, promoter, and all around jefe of the Boquete Jazz and Blues Festival.and other team members will make a presentation of the 2018 lineup and new venue. They will present the festival schedule and answer questions about the 2018 festival and the future of the Boquete Jazz Festival. To suggest a speaker or topic for these meetings please email BCP Tuesday Meeting To become a vendor at the Tuesday market, Facility Manger
  13. Whether you’re a backyard gardener, or have a large (or small) finca producing food, fruit, flowers or coffee, you’ll love these products. They are certified “Organic” after extensive testing and approval by the government of Panama and we are the exclusive importers. The SoilTap Products are a complete system of 4 products accomplishing over eight functions ranging from root strength and expansion, pest control, enhanced flowering, with increased yields and larger sizes of whatever you grow. One of my avocado trees is producing avocados 1 ½ to 2/lbs. And yes they’re yummy. SoilTap – Feeds the soil and dramatically increases nutrient uptake, increases overall production and growth rate, gives a boost to seeds and new starts, and suppresses pathogens in the soil. RootTap – Stimulates early root production, increases root mass and nutrient uptake, eliminates transplant shock, and protects against fungus and mold. ImmuneTap – Induces systemic resistance to many pests and pathogens. It reduces insects, presence of pathogenic bacterium and fungi increasing overall plant health and yield. The plants strong immune system doesn’t attract bugs and insects. (Critters like to attack a weak or sick plant.) FlowerTap – Induces flowers increasing fruit set. Suppresses fungus and increases sugar production for better quality and quantity of fruits and flowers on “flowering plants”. I have used these products at Finca Feliz for almost 2 years and the results have been amazing. When I started using it I had kale, broccoli, and cabbage (in the greenhouse) all with leaves that looked like lace. No matter what we did (keeping it organic), nothing worked. After 2 months of using the SoilTap products, the same plants were growing beautiful leaves untouched by the worm that was eating it. From that moment on I’ve never been disappointed and in Panama where most everything is a challenge to grow organically, SoilTap has made my life and my farm very happy. Finca Feliz is proud and honored to be able to offer it to you for a more successful experience in gardening. Getting started is easy. I have “kits” available with 4-one ounce plastic bottles of each “Tap” (with measured droppers) so you can try it out. Since all you need is a few drops in large amounts of water, it goes a long way and if you want more, I have 2/oz. refills. Included also with the “kits” are complete instructions and information (including scientific) for use. The large “finca size” of 16/oz. is also available. All this is ready for you at the BCP Tuesday Market in the Hex room KITS $29 For information and copies of “kit” inserts, email Lvanderkar@gmail.com and they will come in a Word doc. SUCCESSFUL ORGANIC GARDENING IS FINALLY HERE.
  14. If you would like to receive detailed information about each week's movie, please reply to this e-mail, and we will add you to our Boquete Film Club email list. August Schedule: Monday, August 14, 1PM - Under the Tuscan Sun (USA / Italy - 2003) Monday, August 21 - Garden of the Finzi-Continis (Italy - 1970) Friday August 25 (SyFi Friday Science Fiction Series) - Blade Runner (USA - 1982) Monday, August 28 - lxcanul (Guatamala - 2016) The Fènix Cafe is closed on Sundays. Our weekly matinee screenings start at 1:00 PM on Monday afternoons. Although there is no admission charge, we ask for donations to pay for the audio and video system, and to help support the venue. The Fènix Cafe is a restaurant. Popcorn, sandwiches, salads and other food, coffee and espresso drinks, as well as other non-alcoholic beverages are available. Plus, you can enjoy a beer, glass of wine or a mixed drink while you watch the film. (So please, don't bring your own food and drinks - our venue is a restaurant.) ---------- The Boquete Film Club is an informal organization that presents movie screenings at the Fènix Cafe every Monday at 1pm, plus a science fiction film at 5pm on the last Friday of each month. Boquete resident David van Harn is the curator, and the films are typically from all around the globe - the type of movies that you would typically see at "art house" theaters. The acoustics of the Hex Room are not the best, but we are working to slowly improve that situation. English subtitles will be featured as part of our films when available, and they help those who have hearing issues.
  15. Three beautiful cats and one dog looking for their forever home NANDA, NATHAN AND NICKY These three beautiful siblings are about 9 months old. They were feral when they were rescued from a lady who had too many cats and no money. Now, they have been socialized enough to be petted, although they still are not so sure whether they like humans or not. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Nanda and Nathan would do great as outdoor cats on a finca or large property in a safe area (not close to busy roads etc.) after an inital two-week indoor period to get used to their new environment. It would be great if Nanda and Nathan would be adopted together. Nicky is by far the most social one and the only one who would be happy as an indoor cat permanently. All three cats are loving towards each other, and playful, and are in good health. They have been sterilized and dewormed. BONNIE When we came to pick up Bonnie one day before the Animales clinic in April, to be spayed, it turned out that she had 5 newborn puppies. We took all of them home. As usual, all her puppies have been adopted quickly, but mama Bonnie is still looking for her forever home. Bonnie is a medium size shepherd-mix, she is smart, has a sweet character and likes other dogs and puppies. She is very alert and will be a good watchdog. She has been spayed, dewormed and vaccinated. If you would like to meet any of these sweet pets, or consider giving one of them a permanent home, or if you have any questions, please contact us. A trial period before making your decision is always possible. Our contact information is: Phone 6630-4383 (incl. Whatsapp) E-mail info@lacasadelosanimales.org
  16. The American Citizen Services (ACS) unit will be closed to the public for most regular services from August 14-18. However, a limited number of appointment slots for passport and CRBA applications will be available on August 14 and 15. Other than those limited appointment slots, ACS will only process emergency passports and provide emergency services from August 14-18.
  17. Save the date!! This Saturday August 12th starts at 10 am not before. 4 Family Garage Sale (No early birds in this house). Electronics, Toshiba VHS DVD player, dishes, crystal glassware, complete set of china jewelry, clothes, books, Christmas decorations, wetsuits, vacuum cleaner, tile polishing machine, lots of antique and modern jewelry, jewelry making kit, art and picture frames, Games, books, bar stools, fiberglass ladders and wheelbarrow, and who knows what else we will dig up? Great prices Going toward David from Boquete turn left at Plaza San Francisco go through a small intersection then ours is the first house on the right with the black gate and wooden people gate with a blue frame. Reminder no early birds.
  18. if you are interested in fresh, raw, coconut water, coconut cream, or coconut oil, please contact me off forum. lapalmarosa@gmail.com Jane Moodie "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." --Albert Einstein "Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need but not every man's greed." --Mahatma Gandhi "Life on Earth lacks only one element of Heaven: That we treat each other as though we were there." --Jane I'M ALREADY AGAINST THE NEXT WAR!
  19. The owners/administrators of the Chiriqui.Life (CL) website are very pleased to announce the release of another audio podcast in the series that is called "Chiriqui.Life Podcasts". These podcasts are produced by Marcelyn Jandreau and Bud Huber, and basically are conversations with the "movers and shakers" in the Chiriqui highlands area. (Note: "Chiriqui.Life Podcasts" is a different series from the "Chiriqui.Life Stories" audio podcasts that are produced by Michael Schwartz and also published on CL.) This audio podcast features Kris Berg of Howling Success K9 Services. This is another in a series of audio podcasts by Chiriqui.Life. The subject of this podcast is Kris Berg of Howling Success K9 Services. This is another in a series of audio podcasts by Chiriqui.Life. The subject of this podcast is Kris Berg of Howling Success K9 Services. Kris is a native Californian who quickly sensed that her life's passion is in the care of animals, especially dogs; she prefers to use the term canines rather than dogs. She moved several times to various states in her earlier professional life, but each new venture was related to animal care, the prevention of animal cruelty, and education. Approximately ten years ago Kris talked with her sister and brother-in-law, who were living in the Bocas del Toro area. After doing some research, she decided to pack up her car with her three dogs and her most needed worldly possessions, and with the assistance of a nephew, the two of them drove to Bocas del Toro. Kris became a full time resident of Panama at that point, sight previously unseen. That 12 day odyssey is something that she quickly confesses is not something she would repeat. Kris relocated to the Potrerillos area about six years ago, and established her new homestead, stating that this is her last move. She raises dogs, especially Doberman that have been imported from Argentina and Europe, and shows dogs in various domestic and international competitions. Kris has a special interest in how dogs can help with children and the handicapped, and talks about the wonderful support for malnourished children at Nutre Hogar in David. Podcasts are premium content on CL, which means that you need to be a registered member of CL and logged in. Membership on CL is free, so if you are not already a member, then register and listen to Kris tell her story. If you are NOT already a registered member of CL, then first access CL at Chiriqui.Life and click on the "Sign Up" icon at the upper right area. Then wait for your registration to be finalized (you will get an email to that effect). If you already are a registered member of CL, then and only then may you access this podcast at: http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/6845-chiriquilife-podcast-11-an-interview-with-kris-berg-of-howling-success-k9-services/ Marcelyn Jandreau and Bud Huber Owners/Administrators of Chiriqui.Life support@chiriqui.life www.chiriqui.life
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